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Zurich Herald, 1929-05-30, Page 5
ixt'ut73'y, May, 3044, 1929 NIEs5 SDs DupLE.Y.: . '',114/41UISTER, SOLYOITOR„. NOT 1Ai Y PUBLIC, EIV. ' 'I''I[C:G-EIttmaitem street,. J'Nmat o t t0 lSg1auaxr;, OOOEBYC')11E, Ontario Special attention to Co creel en Court Work. na titres may be consulted a ° t erich by Phone, and Pbtsr r r charges resed. I1 d; :yM,,m.-NY.m,Y.a... .,W Wi ...: 'eO'Y.tvdmbR'JM1'•.•..uM.au: Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON lAt DEITZ BLOOD-ZURIOfI 'Every Thursday, Friday,Saturday At HAP•TLEIB'S BIJOU, DASH' OOD every Monday, Tuesday We uesday Pum -rays Wens, For Sale, Loot, Found, No tito, Etc* Ads Ci4 'I1DS COL'UMZI MEETING OF 'HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of t I the County' of Huron will meet in the oCouncil Chamber, Goderieh, at 2 o'- clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, 1 the 4th dais of June, 1929. All ac- counts, against the County must be in the .hand's of the Clerk not later than Vfanday preceding the meeting of Co- unciL - , Goderich, Nay 20th, 1929. GOI3L W. HOLMYIAN, County Clerk. and A-U-+�-' '••I -O -N- :-E-R OSCAR KLOPP tired -Gate Carey M. Jom,a Nat- al 'School of Auationeering. Try me for Registered Live Stock, tall Breads), Terms Ira keeping with prevailing prices, Choke ;Perms for pale. Will well 'anything Amy -where. "riYlaone 18-93 or write. Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer OR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - And any auction Sale, regardless nts to ]size or artiele to sell. 1 oolitit your brr;siaaess, and if not aaitisfied will .make no elaargee for 'vices. Arthur Weber - Dashwood. Thome 13-57 Goodyear Fires, Tubes New Mobiloil U1S.J Batteries w S. WEIN, - Prop 0i1/ri1114141i0liiw•111111./0/00lrr urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING 1T2RAT WE HAVE PURCHASED 1rF'ROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT ills DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB WASHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. II. Yunghlui & Son 1•aw00•••••••a•oaeo0•as400r0s Announcement SPRING PRICES NOW 1N EFFECT FOR &ranton Coal Coke Alberta Coal and. Soft Coal SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 5n Cts. Per Ton will be allowed for cash. Order Early as prices will advance en June 15111. Case St Son Phone .3S• IIEt' SALL VE POU LT RY WANTED Arakaa tee (UT till Iseelec t;p.m. Alkriket feed Fowl Same morning, W11e03, brought to. 'Highes.slur eeS :4sM i Oli' • Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien *ono Oltr.t0,4. -FISH!' FISH! •1 will be in Zurich with fresh lake fish every Tuesday and Friday.rnorn- in at 7.30 a.m. OSCAR KLOPP. NOTICE All parties who have in their poss- ession or know of the Whereabouts of any road machinery, such as side scrapers, slip scrapers, drags, etc., which are owned by the Township of Hay, should notify the Road Super- intendent, Wm. J. Jarratt, Hillsgreen at once by letter or phone, as it is necessary to make an inventory of all machinery on hand. A. P. HESS, Township Clerk, Hay. FOR SALE A good used washing machine and wringer, apply to L. A. Prang. 1'r OOI10E Notice is hereby given that in future I will not be responsible for any debts contracted, by my daughter Mary Kochems. Frank Kocherm. .Dated _May 14th, 1929. FOR. SALE 2 Tamworth Brood Sows, one with litter of 8 at foot 2 weeks old. Apply to John A. Manson, Stanley, 21/2 miles north of Zurich. DOMESTIC WANTED Good, Reliable Girl to help around the house. Duties not heavy, liberal wages. Inquire at The News -Record Clinton, Ont. 43-4 NOTICE TRUCKING. OF ALL KINDS .DONE AT MODERATE PRICES Apply for Harold Connell, Varna, P.O. Phone 12--96, Hensall EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Combe Anconas. Good laying strain, and from choice stock. Price per dozen 35c. Hy. Eickineier, Zurich tf37 WANTED We are in the market for ra limited amount of good potatoes, act quick. L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 4 Y/e c. per pound. Feed a handful a day, Keep the Vet, away. Fred. C. Kailbflcisch, Zurich. 1113 ABY CHICKS • Hatched in the Huron Mammoth, the cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going. Cleans the air from the hatching ,,.trays before it mixes 'with tio,c9 .tai9mea; by patent process. Barred Rocks and 'quite Leghorns Order early. No deposit required. Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatch- ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five hundred eggs. ?hone 97r4, Hen sail. it, -E. McKinley. tf-32 The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada Imo moms '•- ' t katI%1TO E. E. Wuerth-Agent Ir1JRICII Phone ti -81 .01NtaraUtegi genii .saamatletat In.aurasrct. Indent t3.0 L Cl% Cat ad4, 1/41lCH HERALD e The June :meeting of the Wome'ps •Tnatrtute wt11 be beJd on June 11th, Barrister D, E. Holmes of Goderich attended the Tenth Division Court at Zurich last week, Mr. Thomas Johnson has made substantial improyenaents by re -build- ing the porches on his house. • Mrs..E. Rennie 'and daughter of Hensall was a Sunday visitor at the hoine of Sirs. Leah Bennie. Mrs. J. E. Warsell 'and sons, of Cabri, Sask., visited at the home •of her. sister, Mrs. G. Koehler. • Mr. and Mrs. Ev. Haist motored to Detroit the past week, to visit a bro- ther of Mr. Heist's who is i11. Mr. Alex. ,Mousseau is greatly bn- proving the appearance of his dwell- ing by the addition of a new verandah Judge Lewis of Goderich • presided at the Tenth Division Court, Zurich, on Tuesday last. A number of inter-. esting cases were delt with.. • Mr. A. G. Edighoffer is greatly im- proving hi.; boniness block, known as the Commercial motel, by siding it with asphalt shingles. Mr. C. Fritz has moved the but ing he purchased from Mr. A. Edighoffer to the rear of his s1r store, where he will use it for stora The nice warm. weather carne rath- er suddenly the beginning of the .we- ek, and things are growing fine. On Tuesday the mercury registered 85 in the shade, and was just a bit warm for the inanth of May. Perch fishing has become quite a lively sport, on Monday a number of our nimrody journeyed to Grand Bend, and in a few hours captured over 120 of these little game fish. r499 Jnr FARM FOR SALE •+ * ••••••••••••••••••40.••••••••••4••••••••••••••••••400 ii••••••• 11INR/►, ••••4►.•n►••• •••••�A •••••••• ••••••••• • A cine 100 -acre farm in Ciay Township, nship, has been placed in my hands s for sale. The feria is only a few miles from Zurich, has good 1?;; 'story cement house, large bank barn and other outbuildings in good re. pair. About 4 acres bush and 2 ae• res orchard. Well fenced and 'ttra %rred, and ho never failing Supply O. spring' water. This •i:; t Very able farm and is in a high state of cultivation. Good reasons for „tlhn Apply to A. • 13'...iiess, Zurich, for par- ticitlars. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Chur "A Changeless Christ for a cI)an ing World." 10. a. in: .German Service. 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. IFriday, 8h; Luther League, Up 1 Saturday -Choir Practice. Id- Everybody Welcome to all Services. O. E. Tuei-khoi;n, Pastor. oe agel,------__: - - Farm m n i • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS AND • • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE• • MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILU a GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST, CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; • PIPING AND FITTING !s DE AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. : LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL, • We have the Agency for this District. '•' •• GARAGE SUPPLIES ell:°� WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGEI ,_ (: CAN SUPPLY YOU SUPPLIES, AND ,•j, �.. arWITH ALMOST ANY KIND O AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAM : DO EXPERT BATTERY -'S WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. 4 BUILDING BATTERIES 0 YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED fires, Tubes, Cass Oils and '6reuses' 9 o - P rf rr . while we learn that at Goderich corn linea catches of herring have 'bee made with the line and hook. A goodly representation of th Zurich Branch of the Women's Inst itute motored to Crediton on Tues day afternoon, to attend the Sou Huron District annual convention. Mr, and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and tw sons of St. Joseph, attended the ordination services of the R. C church at London, when Mr. John Maloney, a former resident of the Blue "Water Highway, Mr. Oscar- Rtopp wishes to Inform the public that he will be in Zuriel with frc l fi h of all kinds every TtiescIay and Friday morning, and solicits your patronage. All phone calls will be gladly attended to. '.lhe Zurich Juodee Band took part in the big Firemen's Celebration, at Henna]] on Friday the 24th. This was a very : ucce sfuI event, and a good day's sport is being reported. Mr. A. P. Hess, Secy. of the Zur- ich Police Trustee Board, has receiv- ed the good news from the Miro El- ectris Commission at Toronto, that considering the cost of hydro power to the Zurich system, they are mak- ing Evangelical Church Notes'C ZITRICH - ON. Thought Glows to i'darm)the Heart It is better for christians to pet their blue into their blood railerthan into the glasses Ora which thr,y look. It is impossible to make religion millionaires out of men who are un - d willing la to get out of the 2 for 5 cns. Some nominal christians are very careful so a:: to serve the Lord in. _ such a way that it won't offend the devil. th An optimist is a bold headed man who buys a bottle of hair restorer o from a bald headed barber and asks him to wrap up a comb and brush with it. ' It does, not pay to worry, and yet many of us are about on the home stretch before we practice keeping one jump ahead of worry. Crowd I worry out,of your life and fill I. y place full of faith and hope and >, p, Livewire christians talk up thi•:r Christ, their church, their S. School. They talk up everything that is noble true and good. Wooden christians--.•Well they just stand and stare and critize. Are you a successful advertisement and recru- iting agency for Christ's' -Kingdom God is banking on you. Don't dissa- pount him. And listen! Yours will be the greater dis sapointment. a reduction from. 65.00 perlr.p,, to $6'.00 per' h;p. per year. ROAD MAPS -The Ontario motor League 1929 Road Map can be pur- chased from A. T. Hess, Zurich. Price is 50 cents. Besides the latest map of the good road system of Ont- ario and parts of Michigan and New York States, information is given on mileage between principal cities, best routes, customs regulations, genie and fisheries regulations, etc, Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Friday 7.30 pan. -Senior League Friday 8.30 p.m. -Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. Subject -Living Water from Hid- . den Springs. 11 n.rn.-Bible School, J. E. Gascho, Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subject -Ruin and Redemption. Rev. W. Y, Dreier, Pastor e- L/ ROMA &ASTER7h *THE GREATEST TIRE 'THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN'r Not one Royal Masser in a thousand will ever Puncture, Not one in five thousand !PSI, 4'.ioto's»it Nixed trno years of service. zt : ••I The Royal Master was built without regard for cost. It is the finest tire that can be built. Its massive tread is double thick, cured by a new slow process. Its carcass is radg with extra plies of web fabric. Side-walls are guarded against scuffing, The Royal Master is made oversize. Or rather, the right size for real dre economy. yon watit tires that will last as long as you keep your car, then buy Royal Masters. On sale at every MINI*W trI ..... .........+r,,,,...,..,:,,,. 11 ottssea 1 s • < ▪ rang - Zurich ° 4.4-14 9.4.6*)d+494>O. f.siAw1?.046 ¢) .Atte 000000004400,1 e, ebroo4©.4404 ++44+1.1.+++++++++,1,44÷ +4.•�..}�•r••.w ry, The Winter t ., ,,.. IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS °� + OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR � �F . .1. FRENCH DOORS + 4. �' u- LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSE S ALL SIZES AND 4. 4. ▪ KIND BUILT UP AT THE HE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY ; A.I LEIS I PHONE 6� ,.aN `� ca Z V R J C a<'I.3.+++.4•744.4.•F•F•I.3••!hl•++++4idi4i ; 4.4 4,44, F3»E'E''A+3•+ .44.44r'I"p,1 IAnnouneeinent., fb 0 s w. • We have opened up a Garage i• IN THE STAND FORMERLY OCCUPIED ' BY Mr. LENNIS , j 2 O'BREIN AND FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COMMERCIAL 41 • • HOTEL BARNS0 • • AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT MECNANICAL i :1 ..SERVICE ON REPAIR WORK; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS.... ii g WE SOLICIT THE PUBLIC'S PATRONAGE w Wi-UTE STAR AND STAIiOLINE GASOLINE. • m • • 0 • Oils Greases Tires• N ID FAIRBATEN & IIUDSON I0 a 0 ZURICH 0 Phone 149 • is .. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE . ea ••• S0^0011110600601.0040®601114ra641r0,600600696600640900eete e•ea ,R • OiWillesiViiMMAIA&VW6WAW/WWWWWAMMAiliN 1 Zurich Drug Store Stationery We keep writing tablets of al sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations spcw School Supplies of all kinds Diamond Dyes and Putnam's ic KODAKS AND HUMSwig -10 .1111 Dir. A L MacKinrion, Zurioh imititimmettemmm molt* Fadeless Dyes