HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-30, Page 4.M1134,444np'j!. j` ,++414+'q'+,j +.j!++41+4++ "pr`y°+ ++* "k'++ti !j'++i'i"l.'t'++44+ q Business! TO SHOW .. YOU . THAT WE MEAN WHAT. WE SAY,WE ARE ',4 y SE L LING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, „'ii, . WALL PAPER, ETC., AT COST PRICES AND SOME LESS. 4, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO LAY IN A SUPPLY WHILE OUR 4°STOCK IS STILL WELL ASSQRLED, 4. DO '' NOT 'MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, BELOW.AIZE ONLY A FEW OF OUR PRICES, S, 4 Window Shades, Each 25e 1. Mens Sox, a pr; .. , . 4 20c :+ Only a few more Dinner Setts, Reg.$28.50 at .... , .... $22.50 Bowls, Plates, Fruit Dishes, Pie Plates and All Fancy China at cost. ,I. Maitland Creamery Butter 40c lb. Try a ib. and you will never be - without it. Punts, Reg. :::C.-, SALE PUCE Yd. + Fugi Silks, SALE E Yard ...,50c 4. . PRICE All Silks and Summer Dress 'Goods at Cost Prices. Comae early and • get First Choice. 4. Venus Silk Hose, Reg. 51.75 Pr. on Sale at 150c '. Silk Underwear: Vests. Sale Price Gingharns, SG -in. wide, Reg.30c, Yd. Sale Price, yd. 19c ,i, ALL CURTAIN MATERIALS' AT COST PRICES + 6ec Bloomers, Sale Price lar. 85c � MEN'S SHIRTS AT COST. PRICES .l. Flannelette, light and Dark Shades, per yard 15c t g. Best Quality Smocks and Overalls, Sale Price, each $2.00 + 1 Gallon Crocks, Reg. 30c, Sale Price each 22e f 22 -in. all Linen Towelling with, Red, Pink, Yellow, and 4. ,4r Slue Bo dens, Reg. 35e Yard, .Sale Price 25c ,p. FLOViTER POTS WITH SAUCER AT COST PRICES + ALL WALL PAPER AT COST F RICES, Linoleum, 4 Yards wide, Sale Price yard $3.35 ,x, A. Get Our p: -ices on L r. ,leum Rugs, we 'a -ill save you money 4. 4. Mengel Seed, lb. 45c Turnip Seed, lb, 50c Garden seeds, 10 pkg. for 25c Grc cn Tea, lb 50c :. Mixed Tea, 11,e. Elac'K Tea, lb. 55c Lux, $ pgs. for 20c Rinso large Packgs 3 for 25c + Corn, Peas, and Tomatoes , 2 Tins for 25c �i _� T. 1,. W rr. Phone 4. 140 +€. h GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE 1dlc +++++fi+or+. ++++ •.n.,3..;^ .: 01-4.4.++++++++++4-4.+++++++++++ Spring Seeds NOW IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR TO THINK OF YOUR SEEDS FOR SPRING SOWING AND PLANTING. WE HAVE A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL THE LEADING GRASS SEEDS ON HAND, AND CAN ASSURE YOU GOOD QUALITY. QUANTITY OF GOOD SEED BARLEY NOW ON HAND, ALSO CHOICE SEED PEAS Choice Seed Beans on hand YOUR 1929 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN- DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. ACT NOW? L. Schilbe & San a 1 a 1 6n i 1 i i a ; r+�w�seeteemss►atos,l aisarasea iiaaaeosaaa ,0000 aawa�aawea rs gaterite of Hyde Park, /attended. tlto funeri i of the late Eule,lie Carnie, Miss A.lberta Finlay, who spent the last two weeks with friends in Hen-' sail, spent the week -end under the parental roof. Mr.: and Mrs. John Brenneman and family: accompanied by Mrs Smith and son of Detroit, spent the week -end with friends in this vicinity Quite a number from • this vicinity attended the celebration, in Hensall on May 24th, 112r, M. McDougall spent a few days at his home in the village. Mrs. Pearl Schmidt and family of London; accoinpanied by Mrs, Nich- olson, called on friends in the village on rSundaY, Don't forget the Grand Entertain ment held in the Flake church on Fri day evening, May 31st, commencing at 8.00 o'clock., a play entitled "The Path Across The Hill" will be given by the Young People of I-iolmsville United Church. Everybody welcome. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rathwell, who have been over in the States for several months, have returned to St- anley and are spending a while With friends here before going West for the benefit of Mr. Rathwell's health. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Win. Carnie in the loss of their only daughter, Eulole, who pas - DASHWOOD empire Day was observed in our school on Thursday of last week, ''when a special patriotic program was wren. 112r H. Dark of Windsor called 011 .a'!s. and Mrs. C. Steinhagen last we - .Mrs. Consitt and Mrs. Kyle of Hen- :sall visited with Miss Lavada Hart- 1eib last Wednesday ;Miss Theda Hayter of Windsor, sp- •ent the week -end with her parents, and Mrs. Robt. Hayter. Mars: Lempke and son of Brown Dity, Mich., are visiting relatives in alias vicinity. 1VIr, and Mrs. F. Sharpe of Shipka, .:spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Tay- lor. .1VIrs. Peachey of Detroit, spent the —week -end with :Mr. and Mrs. A. Birk. Mrs. P. Mcisaac and Mr. and Mrs. 5Wm. Hartman motored to Detroit and %Tient the week -end. 'We regret to report that Mr. Lorne Aim= is confined to his room and 'snider the doctor's care.' Rev. Gale of Bayfield and Rev. W. ". Richardson and family of Water ;Alice, visited the tatter's cousin, Mr. J. D. Reid last week. Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. Smith and •hree 'daughters of London and Mr: ,and Mrs. Wm. Hey of Zurich, visited "twith Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada ^on Sunday. Mt% and Mrs. R. G, Reid of Varna ;rind Mr, N. W. Ti'ewartha of Clinton, ,+irallerl on Mr, J. C. Reid last week. Mr. Jonas Hartleib has disposed of flkir, property in Exeter, to Mr. F. J. 747fri c'kwire. Miss Mary Burk who spent several melts with Mr. end Mrs, Chas Guen- er, returned to herhome in Wood - tock on Monday. Silas 'Cunningham of Kitchener sp- Alt the week -end with her sistcr,,Mi' sry ut. loi.'eir2. tilr. .Milton Sauer who is attezrdint High school in Stratford, spent the week -end with his parents. HILLSGREEN Young People's Anniversary. The `Young People's Anniversary of the Hillsgreen United Church will be held on Sunday evening, June 23, at 7.30 p.m. • The Rev. W. P. Lane of •Seaforth will conduct the service. Quite a number from this vicinity spent the 24th in Hensall at the Fire- men's celebration. Mrs. K. Cochrane and daughters, Misses Annie and Agnes, of Clinton, are spending a few days with friends Miss Mary Hagen of London, is sp- ending a few days with her mother, Mrs. A. Hagen. Miss Jessie Johnston of Clifford, spent the week -end with friends. Mrs. F. Humphrey and daughter Jean and Miss Margaret Srnith of London called on friends in this vic- inity on Friday. Mrs. Robt.Hopkins who has been spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane; re turned to her home in Chicago. Miss Eileen Turner and girl friend of London, spent the, week -end at the Home of 1VIr and Mrs. W. Turner Mrs, L. Troyer is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hyde of. near Hensall. BLAKE Much sympathy is extended to Mt. and Mrs. Wnz. Carnie in the death of their daughter, Eulalie, which sad ev ent occured on Fficlay. The funere was held on Sunday and was'largels attended. Mr. Harold Johnston of Godericb spent the week -end under the parent ai, roof. Mr. and Mrs. John Dick of Orillh accompanied by Mrs. Sam Tait o Toronto, .and Mrs. Dick, of Ilein:;a1' spent Monday at the 1, >:oe o ''a: and Mrs. R. N. Douglas. il'xr. and Ii . y'. z. ..v.,,;;I:a, .tn. V.irs+ J, Douglas and daughter, Mai .ZUIUCH' HERALD sed away on Friday zrierhing,. -Fay 24th at the age of '11. years, She was e bright little girl and wilt be very much missed by her parents and two brothers. The ,funeral 'was held on .Sunday to Hayfield ten every Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wright and family of I(eiznelwoth, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wright's, mother, Mrs. Geo. Howson. Rev. W. Penrose • and Mr. Geo. Coleman go to London this week to attend the Annual Conference there. Mr. Newell Geiger of Zurich will take Mr. Penrose's work next Sunday t' Goshen, Blake and Varna. HENSALL. Mr. and Mrs. S. Merner, and Mr.I and Mrs. G. Frock are being visited by relatives from Texas. Win. Hildebrandt, one of the early residents of the village has sold his dwelling on South Richmond to Geo. R. Hess, jeweller. John E. McDonald left here to sp- end a time in Exeter. Percy Gram of Lansing, Mich., ac- companied by his wife, spent 'a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Gram. Mark Drysdale as making fureher improvements on his dwelling by the erection of front and rear verandah. Quite a number of the members of Hensall LO.O,F lodge, motored to Brucefield on Sunday last to unite r, Xf ay, SOth,. 1920• with the IreOber., • of Bru held. Watt in thein annual .divine • service. " At• the cls of the- service theybre ern marched back to their lodge ;room where Interesting: addresses were giv- en d:ix by' local and visiting bz�,ti'ez The petition. at Middle & Son's rri'- flee, asking the Dominion Governm- ent for an increase in the duty en: beans, is being signed' by meat def'th farmers in this district. The petition is being sent to Ottawa for consider- ation. Tarr Xrnestrat4' lei d, at Gederielx thy. Least week. In qme case (a second off once) Eve of 5O and costs was irn. ,porsol, •=4 In the other the offender gent ,a!1 for ten days in default and . $10 d of'" payment ro� the rine of � , x osts, Another offender took a tern at= says !n jail for driving a motor oar While intoxicated. The dearth, took place in Exeter on'. May ''lath, of Mrs. Wm. Collingwoodf , who passed away at theageoif7lyears and Zinnias, The deceased had be-. en ,ailing for the past threenonths. COUNTY NEWS Thr 'maiden name' was Elizabeth Grace Welsh. She has been a resi The contractors for paving the dent of Ike community practically all her life !having been born . in the Townsiup of Stephen. The Western Canada Flour Milli Co., at Goderich, has awarded the +contract for ;the re -building of the power house :and the installation, of a newpower ,plant at its local plant to. E. Leonard .a Sons, of London. Work will he commenced at once and when completed the Western Canada Flout Mills will have an up-to-date power - plant and equipment. .London Road from Clinton to K:ipptxn have started their work, and. have a big force of men employed. J. W. Skinner, is leaving Ereter, having purchased a grocery store at Thorndale. Ile was formerly in bus- iness in Hensall and Winchelsea and has spent the winter in Exeter. Coininehicing on May 30th the mer- chants of Varna will observe the half holiday every Thursday afternoon,: Mn and Mrs. Chas. Rathwell for- merly of the Goshen Line, Stanley, returned to their home on. Monday last having spent the winter %re Paha NOTICE Beach, Florida. They went by motoa`- NOTICE is hereby given tziat in and state they had a. pleasant trip. i future I will not be responsible for - They are staying, in Varna at present any debts 'contracted •by my son at the home of their' uncle,. J. W.' Edward 'Thiel.. Reid. William Thiel, Two cases of intoxication were be Zurich. Ont. If ti 5r THE FOR]J . CAR FUEL. SYSTEM A—Filler Cap. B—Filter spout screen Stem gas and prevents splashing through. filler opening,. C --Gas guage.. D --Fuel line main shut orf` valve. E Gas filter. F --Carburetor Connection. Si$ �-Sa an ependable HE Ford car fuel system is simple because it is direct. Gravity flow does away with forced feed. A short feed line with a mini. mum of elbows and connections is easy to service and eliminates approximately 100 part: required by the vacuum tank or fuel :1p system. The nine gallon tank is so placed that it is well protected from frontor rear end collision. Any overflow runs off on the ground with no serious results, since the only point of possible spark contact is the rear end of the exhaust. Three screens instead of one, as in most fuel systems, prevent foreign matter reaching the tank. A solid steel dash sep- arates the Ford gas tank from the engine. The gas guage on the dash of the Ford car is controlled. by a simple float as shown in diagram, being more direct, simple and accurate than any other type. Another point of driving convenience made possible by the gravity flow system is the ease with. which the tack may be filled, while the driver supervises the operation without moving from behind the wheel. Drive .it ',Yourself— there is no , d itter'Test Ford Car Feature,. Choice of saYotera 55 to 85 mils au Thour 40 -fosse power net iao MR brawn. dtctx Fully enclosed siz-le 0e suites Ueudai le hydraulic 11iee% absorbers to to 50 watts 515r tram of gasotame Shatterproof' alas& ass"ndshieli2 'Preft proof i3 atio.%,Zockc Reliability acti bac ver peep Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford dealer.' Icensaroaapt Sandy EtIioq h ne 4 Exete meliaritimmumanersmomnonactlimmmaiscraihn • •r' tu' in '4, 1