HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-30, Page 3k your daughter enjoying life? TT is just in her teteen ii age" that a girl should be getting the most fun out off life I—Yet so often it happens that girls of si:r--teen - to - twenty have outgrown their strength —are quickly tired, pale, [nervous, generally run- down and unhappy 1 These are sure signs of anaemia, a condition that results from thin, worn-out, under -nourished blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have corrected this in thousands of girls. Here is the actual experience of Mrs. .Ben Nicholas of Brieau, Ont. "My daughter was in a run-down state. She was easily tired and did not wish to associate with others. As this was unnatural, I began giving her. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and they soon made a strong healthy girl of her. Now she is as happy a girl as one would wish to gee." Start your daughter on this proven treatment now by buying Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at your druggist's or any dealer in medicine or by mail, 50 cents, postpaid, from The Dr. Williams !Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. s- s s PINK PS "A HOUSEHOLD NAME IN 34 COUNTRIES" The soul is dyed the color of its leisure thoughts.—Dean Inge. SAW It lc with a g NDS SAW Sinus sharp longer Cuts easier. Sawsfaster SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO.1.TD. MONTREAL. VANCOUVCci. ST. JOHN. N.B.. TORONTO D The Mower thi Guaranteed 4 Themateri21sfromwhith Smarr blowers mantle g'thewaytheyaremade guarantee durable and satisfactory service. Thelteeii st cutler.your enemy can buy. Adder • aSmart Mower hyaline. • JA 0E6 SMART PLANT. .tiROCKVIt1.E ONT. Owl,Laffs WHAT THIS COUNTRY NEERs 1\1'ore el iclten, houtros and :ewer road houses, •--More cool heads wed warm hearts. ----More babiescurl rawer, poodles. eoLess .lawmakers, less law breakers —Fewer people elmo want their coun- try to do sonsethiag for them. There is one verse in the Bible the school boy knows to be true. ";Much. study Is a ,weariness to the flesh." FIRS.` WHEN READY. Chief Petty Officer; "This enemy aro as thick as peas. °What shall we do?" Officer of the Deck: "Snell .them, you idiot; shell them!" Of course It is agreed•that only a few more years and airplanes for everybody will be as common as motor cars are now, and we often wonder if there will be as much un- certainty about the ownership of Parachutes as there is about umbrellas no W. A flapper refers to her skirt as her "charm string." Housewife ---Don't bring me more of that horrid milk. It's tively blue! Milkman—It ain't my fault, lady. It's these long, dull evenings as makes the cows depressed. 0 YOU STAMMER Don't sniffer under this Handicap any longer. Successful pop;is elerywbere Teeo nem eAd .our methods of treatment. Write ter fro advice and literature. THE ARNQTT INSTITUTE 1 KITCHENER, ONT., CANADA Rhodes Memorial Opened at Oxford Designed in Honor of , the Founder of University Fund Oxford, Eng.—The - Rhodes House, designed as a memorial to Cecil John Rhodes, founder of the :Rhodes schol- arships, was opened recently by Sir Otto Belt, a trustee of the Rhodes fund, in- the presence of 300 invited guests and Oxford University author- ities. • At the same time Sir Otto formally presented the iibrary to the university as a branch of Rbodelian Library. Viscount Grey, chancellor of the university, accepted the gift in, a brief speech. Te .building is an imposing struc- ture on South Parks Road, close to any Roble College, the University 1Vluseum Posj- and the School of Forestry. It will not only furnish living quarters for F. A. Wylie, Oxford secretary to the Rhodes trust, but will also serve as a centre for the activities centring around the trust and the Rhodes scholarships, which celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary this summer. In the small dome in the roof are symbols representing the dominions which compose the British empire. Upon the walls will be carved the names of Rhodes scholars who have deserved well of their country, wheth- er that country be a Dominion of the British empire, Germany or the United States. Rhodes, the Empire builder, desired above all that those who benefitted by his scholarships should devote themselves to public' service. At the entrance of the building, the names and countries of all Rhodes scholars who lost their lives in the World War have been carved. Only your doctor is interested in hon' you feel; others who ask do so from custom. If you're determined to be good-na- tured you must expeet to be imposed upon. New times call for new methods. What once got by may not now get buyers. Visitor: "And how old are you, Bob- bie?" Bobbie: "I'm just at the awakward age." Visitor: "Really? And what do you call the awkward age?" Bobbie (bitterly): "I'm too old to cry and too young to swear.", The farmer's demand, in brief: Manufacturers rob the consumers; we want a law that will enable us to do it too," WHAT'S WRONG WiTH. THIS PICTURE? "Waiter, Why is it that there is a trouser button in my soup?" "Ledo not know, sir, We employ only female 'help." Most men find it the hardest thing in the world to come up to an enemy and say "Let's let bygones be by- gones." But when he does it shows a big heart and- a line spirit. A little girl, attending an Episcopal Church for the forst time, was amazed to see all kneel suddenly. She 'ask- ed asked her mother what they were go ing to do. Her mother replied, "hush, they're going to say their prayers." "What, with their clothes on?,' Another good way to save money Is to make more than you have time to spend. We could tell you some more jokes, but what's the use? You would only laugh at them. A man inherits his religious be- Iiefs; his. religious prejudices are ac- quired. We may not know it, but we're be- ing checked up all the time the neighbors are busy when we least suspect it. Most everybody thinks there is a social law made just to embarass them, The difference between a fool and an idiot is the fool can help It but won't. N...4...41.441.11.244114..4444.44.4.• ,. , ."tow 1475, elm. breeders aro bred far Mali ego O./ production. White, brown end Ilea L,thorne, Timed end \Vhlre Ebeld, It.1. hear, Anronst,',131,A htlnb,ea., foif:Otpingtans, Whit. Wyendaaes. 121 end up. 10070 five deaverylNaranteed. Web. tort y ror TREE CRICK BOOIL SCHWEEIiLSR'$ ..1111T.CHEET ' 230 Northalltllton, Buffalo, N.Y, [RID iZBURG, 01.7T., CAN. ersthgT ityg~egt he in the W kI' to OUGIINtSS—durabilxty--long-ndleage•---safety. That is what you. want in tiros. And you find thellci all in 1 ire stones. The best loon-sidd tread ever put on a tire grips the slippery roads you travel at this season. Firestone tires give the greatest mileages the greatest safety at the lowest cost per mile. Ste the . Firestone Dealer today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RiVBBER CO. OF CANADA, "LTIVIIT +'U I•Io.mu'rot4 '". ONTAltrb Tune in "The Voice of Firestone" Every Monday. Night, 13 p.m. Eastern Time NBC Network Science and Health "The old cry used to be: 'The greatest happiness of the greatest number', to -day ..the cry has been changed to the greatest health of the greatest number; take care. of the health and the happiness will take care of itself," writes Professor D. Fraser Harris in the Clarion. "The young people should not be brought up to believe that science sloes not concern itself with the practical details of our personal daily lives. She teaches us a great deal about ourselves, our food, our clothes, our sleep and so forth. The science of personal hygiene is intensely pra- ctical, it tells us, for instance, wiry we must use hot water and soap to wash our skins, wiry even hot water alone is not enough. "A scientific training is one of the most powerful ehanacter-builders there is. For science is not antagoni- stic to the cultivation of artistic taste or to " the highest conceptions of ethics. The notion that `science' and 'materialism' are synonymous is quite out of date. "Science teaches us reverence and humility—reverence for the beauty in the Universe and humility in presence of its mystery. For although we know so much about the Universe there is plenty of mystery in it—the mystery, for instance, of the origin and maintenance of life ,and the beauty of numberless living median, isms so perfectly adapted for their purposes or functions. "Science—reverent science—fosters a love of beauty, Keats said that Newton, by explaining the colors of the rainbow, had destroyed its beauty. But Keats was very young when he said that. For the adequately in- structed mind, the man of science had added to the sensuous beauty' of the rainbow the intellectual beauty of a matheratical demonstration. The scent of the lily would be no less de- lightful to me if some day I should come to know the chemical formula for the substance of the perfume. "Science teaches us that, as in Peter's vision, there 15 'nothing com- mon or unclean'. Science teaches us that .the disease -bringing microbes and the stinking, slimy fungus, the parasitic worms and the 'devil -fish' must be studied with as much =- partiality and detachment as the lily, the rose, the bird of paradise or tele human body." Hate& Under the still, sequestering snow The linger -roots begin to grow, And in the darkness there is mirth. They will be reaching, soon, Those green hands out of earth. And we who seem so fixed and sleep; As though no change had now begun, Shall we not reach with quickened hands To claim our yellow share of sun.? The new public hangman. at Buda- pest, I•iur.gary, .'wears a silk 12at, a frock coat, and spats in performance of his ditty. He is Brest to kill.. Let us have faiththat right snakes night ,and In that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we nus derstand it. --Abraham Lincoln, Mit esd's I.lninient—good for tired feet :Children sod the Movies Le Monde Ouvri,e<r (Ind.); The law Prohibiting .children under sixteen to attend the movies, whether they are aceon)panied or not, is ,a ridiculous lave, as it is broken thousands of times every day In the year, for want of being able to apply It. How are you going to expect a 'ticket -seller at the door of s picture -house, especially when there is a crowd, to notice whether a young girl Is under sixteen or not? If he stops her he holds up the entrance of others and hurts his eanployer's: business and even then -velli the young lady have herbirth certificate In her pocket? . What is he to do? Let her in or stop her? What- ever he does, his livelihood--gener ally a very poor one at that --will be at stake. What would you do? .g BAY'S OWN TABLETS WIN GREAT PRAISE Many Mothers Always Keep Them in the House. Thousands of mothers state that they know of no other medicine for Iittle ones to equal Baby's Own Tab- lets—that they always keep the Tab- lets in the home as a preventive of childhood ailments, or if sickness does suddenly grip their little ones they feel safe with such a remedy at hand. Concerning the use of the Tablets Mrs, Danot Pioudre, Tingwick, Que., writes:—"1 have nothing, but praise for Baby's Own Tablets. They are the only medicine I have ever given my two little ones, and I am glad to state that the Tablets -leave always kept them in perfect health. 1 feel so safe with the Tablets that 1 al- ways keep a box in the house." Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative, They regu- late the bowels, sweeten the stom- ach and thus banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and make the cutting of teeth painless. The Tablets are absolutely safe, being guaranteed free from all injurious drugs. They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25s a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Government Ships La Petrie (Cons.): (Sir Henry Thornton, being asked what would happen if the Canadian Government Merchant Marine belonged to a pri- vate company, said: "It would immedi- ately be put into liquidation;") Hon. H, H. Stevens has made the sugges- tion that some of the C. G. M. M. ships should be allotted the task of trying out the navigation conditions of Hud- son Strait. If they succeed in bring- ing out some cargoes from Churchill, it will encourage other ships to go on this presumably dangerous route; if they perish, the destruction of the cargo will be a lett, but that of the ship will in reality be a gain, How- ever, Mr. Dunning has no desire for such an experiment. Ile wants to give the Hudson Bay route a real chance of proving its utility. He is even en- tertaining the notion of having special ships built for the route, which makes us quail at the prospect of still more unprofitable expenditure, in keeping with this whole enterprise of the Hud- son Bay route. Minard's Liniment for cuts and bruises Rolling Stones Gather No MOSS Quebec Evenement (Cons.): If any of our French-Canadian brothers are thinking at the present time of going to seek their living in the Uni- ted States, we would like to give them a word of counsel: this is no time to emigrate, not only because too many of our compatriots in New Eng- land are suffering from hardship and lack of work, but also because the Province of Quebec can count on a continual improvement in conditions which are already satisfactory. There are four times as mucin happiness and good fortune waiting for our people who go on cultivating their lands with perseverance as there would be for those who are going to embark elsewhere on the adventure of being happy. Wives of great men all remind us of 'it,—Wayne C. Flaisley. The Red Rose Tea guarantee means what it says If not satisfied return, the unused part in the package ani'. the grocer will ,refund your money. RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra. good The Mexican Revolution Ottawa Drolt (ind,)1 President Fortes Gil, in a public address, has said that he does not believe that the Catholic Church, as an institution, is responsible for the recent military revolution. He denounced certain Catholics, who, according to his state- ment, have committed reprehensible actions in certain States. But he praised the conduct of other Catholics who kept apart from the revolution. This is a praiseworthy appreciation. Portes Gil admits that the Catholic Church did not provoke the present revolution, If some of its members took part in it, even for religious mo- tives, that would be no reason to throw the responsibility on the official Classified Advertisements Ase mucus ��L' INGLII COMB WHITE LEG 1IOft1~ 11 •Baby Chicks, bred for hifch prod a& tion for 26 years, Prices for May 14c, June 12c, July and August 10c. Dela' rnere Poultry Farm, Stratford, Ontario. Betel). 1903. y 13ABX CHICKS. V*Ji IIATCT3 1. Pour varieties, price 9c up. to for free catalogue. A.. H. Switzer, 1Iranton, Ontario, et BATT S»—(LITTLE FRIEND TQ 7X either sex) mailed in plain envela ope. Paris Specialty Co., Casier 2423, Montreal, Que. ADIDS WANTED TO DO PLAI2f and light sewing at home, whole op spare time. Good Pay- Work sent any distance, charges paid, Sdnd stamp felt, particulars. National Manufacturing: Co., Montreal. authority of the Catholic Church. The (3. NADIA.N 3T4GAZINk7 REQUIRE osjtion of tlse Official authority in iJ local agents who are ambitlou p Generous commission. Lists supplier the present conflict has been one of 347 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. absolute neutrality. Leaven A noted geologist is quoted as say ing that "had a man been living dur- ing the changes that produced the coal he would not have suspected their progress," so slow was the mighty process. Neither do we sus- pect the progress of many a social movement in the world about us which in the centuries to come will be seen to have been of the utmost importance. The leaven of the king- dom works slowly and silently, but it works. The civilized world today is run on the basis of a belief in promises. --- Dwight W. Morrow. Fm - HOW BABY SPECIALISTS TREAT CONSTIPATION Constipation in babies and children is the cause of colic, bloating, skin disorders, etc. It weakens them, just as it does grown folks; makes them cross, feverish and fretful. But don't use grown folks' medicine with them, baby specialists advise. Ninety Per cent, of them recommend just one preparation for constipation, colds and other ills of babies and children. They say Fletcher's Castoria. MMIillions of mothers have proved its merit during thirty years of use. Castoria is pure- Iy-vegetable, harmless and pleasant - tasting. Genuine Castoria always bears the Fletcher signature. Avoid imitations. Those Languid Eyes They quickly reflect your health and physical condition—restless eyes indicate the temperament pf the stomach. Watch the eye"s , . 'see that the whites are clear with a healthy bluish tinge. The minute a yel- low tinge appears it betrays con, stipation, sluggish liver or bil- iousness, you need a laxative. 13ring back your 'Vigour, Vito, Vitality with Beecham's Pills—the sure way lo constant, joyous, bounding health. '' Try a regular daily course for a shore , veg`eeabie period.7ioureyostvill Product the story. Bead about Character from Lha .Z:yrs ill f:rn,re Bac am Advertisements, Sales .4gcnts: !-Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Limited, ; 'rarant�u ff ooaurtyF pHILLIPS For Voubies due ttf .Arid INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE SASES-NAUSEA. Just a tasteless dose of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia iii water, That is Ala alkali, effective, yet harmless. It has been the standard antacid for 60 years among physicians everywhere. One spoonful Will naturalize at once many tithes its volume in acid. It is the right way, the quick, pleasant and efficient svay to hill the excess OW. The stomach becomes sweet, the pain departs. :ou are happy again in five minutes. Don't depend en crude methods. Employ the best way yet evolved in all the years of searching. That is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. 13e sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting encess Ionia Is a Tractemarlr TtetisWed in Canals acids. .Each bottle contains full dire, tionsW any drugstore. Earn upwards of 525 weekly growing Mushrooms for us, in cellar or other waste space. Deliver to our nearest branch. Light pleasant work for either rex. Illustrated booklet sent anywhere for stamp. r'. 14,FARM AND S`l'QC � ,w _ACCOUNT BOOKS a'This valuablebookwas COM. piled to advertise CARIIABTT OVERALLS --the best farmer's overalls in the world, One farmer wrotethat be would not take ten dollars for bis book. Write for yours to -day. Hamilton Carharte Cotton Mills Ltd., Toronto Over Twenty Thousand Agenoles G ,,,. ..,. „. . ,,,, IQ, ,I„ ' 6S, Liver disorders quickly relieved by "licsopheu Capsules" and all symptoms banished such as bowel trouble, pains In side orback,indi estion, gas, jaundice, dyspepsia, heartburn. Easy to take. Quick relief. Send to -day for free booklet and many testimonials of this reliable remedy. Box203 ANDERSON & CO.Windsor, , a Women aro saying: 'Pinkham's Compound keeps me fit to do my work." "I was nervous and all run down. Now 1 eat better and sleep better—". "It helped my thirteen year old daughter."—"I took it be- fore and after my baby was born." --"I am gaining every day." Splitting .loca hullo Minarcl's will drive it away. I3athe the forehead. Also inhale. DOCTORS quite approve the quick comfort of Aspirin. For, these perfectly harmless tablets Will ease an aching head without penalty. Their increasing use year; after year is proof that they do help and can't harm. Take them for any, ache; to avoid the pain peculiar to women; !nanny; have found them marvelous at sucli times, trim proven 'directions found in every package of Aspirin tell how tO treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia* neuritis, ,etc. All druggists. ISSUE No. 21—'29