HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-30, Page 1est. XXI. Noe, ZURICH Advertisin THURSDAY NI O f I N QMAY 80 1929 Mester I, azdth Publitalefe 0.26 Yeeef,hiss ; $2.50 IN ARRB4RS, $2144Y JBLa CE£ EE NI14 isthe bad medium between Buyer and Sellar. Try an.. vete+ 4+4.4,/1044,44 01/0.4t4164,.Ott;00041 /oink.+44M94,44$ egenga f 4 BARIhINS BARGAINS • Received a shipment of waterproof Robes. which I aro. retailing far be-•° _ ,. f ow ogae prices get s at •1 Special Price $12.50 large size A • 1 FRED H` UEL - ZURICH o ...48,044,..-10.0044 r,,, • 0 b� o,4 .4.44.00**o*, *off +40 e.sk,g3ice, 'i 00* d 5a :,, Wei sexes seeela oeueeoeU9^'s,eees AD t Spring Outfitting Days in Men's Women's and Children's Shoes THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING a • w3 0 00 0 0 0 0 FOOT. - WEAR IN OUR HISTORY. TO.RY., DEPICTING THE NEWEST, SMART- t EST FASHIONS OF THE HOUR, AT THE WELL KNOWN LOW PRICES - MOST POPULAR STYLE POE SPRING WEAR, " FiNCLUDED ARE POMPS," THEO MS, ONE STRAP, CUT-OUT STYLES. PATENT T.? '. TETAth S NAYS, SPANISH, SPH CUBAN, AND LOW HEELS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE rai �!� 3.) OUR Brown's of hop WINDOI4 DISPLAY • 4fl8P4+4~Ri4+itakte:e��isA'dt�P 04i'@44f00�•4tP4r4t4ro�[t�4+4)@t@•4>�h0 110 110 m 3,pj&jng 'UST ARRIVED SPLENDID ANGE Get Y ° New S.prin Suit Now •r • • ' 4 g 'f GISCACCIft C MAIM NOTICE. Beginning June 1st,' Chopping and Rolling will be done three half days only each week, Tuesday; Thursday,' and Saturday afternoons. Zurich Milling Company. IN NIF MIORIANf McKinley* In' fondest memory of Robert McKinley, who passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on May 29th, 1928, "Love can never lose its own." Peace, perfect peace, with -loved ones far away, In Jesus keeping we are safe, and they. His loving wife, son and daughter. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry . of Bayfield, was a visitor in town on Monday. The pond net fishermen at St. Jos- eph are busy putting in their nets, and a few light catches have .been made. The Misses Jean and' Dorothy Campbell, of Toronto, vere week -end visitors with friends in Zurich. A large machine has been placed at the water's edge, St. Joseph, to load the trucks with gravel, these powerful machines go right down to the beach and load a yard and a half come up the steep hill, and convey the gravel to its destination on the Zurich Road. LUTHERAN SYNOD Following is the programme which will be carried out by the Convention of the Canada Synod which will well vene in St. Peter's Church, Zurich; beginning next Wednesday, May 29th Wednesday, :May .29th, 7:30 pp: Openr-g_ ;Eeiv 4e,: including the Con- fessional Service and Holy Commun- ion. German Sermon at the Confes- sional Service: Pastor, J: Langholz, Alternate: Pastor E. Schuelke. Litur- gist: Pastor S. Cooper. Synodical Ser- mon (English) : President J. Reble, Alternate: Pastor J. Schmieder. Lit- urgist: the English Secretary of Syn- od. Thursday, May 30, 7.30 p.m: Cel- ebration. of the 400th Anniversary of Luther's Small Catechism. English address by Rev. 11. A. Sperling, Ph. D., Alternate : Prof. C. H. Little, D. D., S.T.D. Liturgist: Pastor E. J. Fischer. Friday, May 31, 7:30 p.m.: Foreign Missions. Address by Pastor P. W. Koller, D.D., Executive Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of the 11. L.C.A., or his substitute. Liturgist: Pastor T. A. Iseler. Sunday, June 1, 10.00 a.m. Ord- ination Service. German Sermon by Pastor C. Zarnke, Alternate: Pastor 0. Stockmann. English Sermon by Pastor J: Maurer, D.D., Alternate: Prof. S. . Hirtle. Liturgist: the Offic- ers. of Synod and the Pastor Loci. 7.30 p.m. English Service. Sermon by Pastor Geo. Innes, Alternate: Pas- tor C. R. Cronniiller. Liturgist: Pas- tor H. .F. Gruhn. The public is cordially invited to attend all the above services. SOME EGG. (Dauphin, Mai.., "Herald") Mrs. Levi Stelck brought in a hen's egg to the 'Herald Office on Wednes- day that stave us an acute attack of indigestion ev eu to Idol{ at. When we were .able to pick up a tape mea- sure we • found it to be 9 Yeet814 around "its circumferences, and it pushed down the scales to the' '6 'oz.. ;nark, • If anyone can' beat'this' please bring in' the evidence around breakfast` tine. • atch This Space for. Kelvinator efr dgeat on ()lentil, Agent Miss Jessie McDonald spent the holidays at her home near Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bossenberry of Kitchener visited with relatives and friends here over the holidays. Mr. Louis Prang and children Len and Veola were week -end visitors in Detroit. Mr. W. H. Edighoffer was a week- end visitor with friends near,- Wall- aceburg. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Share of Grand Bend, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mousseau. Mr. Oliver Johnson of Goderich, vis ited at the hone of his brother, Mr, Thomas Johnson. Mr. Bert Fowlie of London, was a Sunday visitor with his sister, Mrs. and Mr. G. Koehler. Miss Meda Surerus of Toronto, sp- ent the holidays at her home on the Bronson. Mr. Orville Witmer of Hohnesville, was a Sunday visitor with his parents, on the Babylon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Moritz of Guelph, were week -end visitors at the honi.e of Mr, and Mrs. C. Fritz, Mr. C. M. Walker, and son Fred, of Grand Bend, made a business vis- it in the village on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Elsie of Dashwood, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch. Mr: and Mrs. Perce Weston, of Kit- chener, were Sunday visitors at the Teethe of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bender Mr. and Mrs. Lennis Cailfes and fancily of Kitchener were visitort nt the home of Mrs. Callfas' parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Melick. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rounding, of Grand Valley, iTr. and Mrs. Charles' Stuckie and fancily of Elmira, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb, Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Finkbeiner, and daughter, Miss Hazel •of Strat- ford, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman 1VIr. and Mrs. Ted. Foster and fam- ily of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of Mrs- Foster's parents. 1W. and Mrs. L. Weber. of the Goshen Line, south. Mr. and 11Irs. A. Birk, of Dashwood, Mrs. Peaches* and child of Detroit, were Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy..Truetnner. 11Ir. and Mrs. Herb Kaercher of Hetisall, and Mrs. Kaercher of Kit- chener were Sunday visitors here, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, spent the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- son. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust and two sons of Mitchell were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mcrn.er. Mr. Albert Daters has purchased from C. Fritz & Son, auto dealers, a new 1929 Essex coach, which will make an ideal car. for Mr. Deters. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Ruby of Kit- chener were .week -end visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Ruby. Dated May 25th, -1929. Oneof the outstanding 'items on the Sunday progatn at the Lutheran church will be the ordination of Rev. Albert Daters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Daters of ,urich. Mr. Ea. Wurm and daughter Kath- leen of Markham, were welcome visit- ors With their Zurich friends, over the week -end. Mie. Wiirm is sporting a new De Sots. Chrysler six at pres- ent, and Mr. Wurm is to be complim- ented en making Such a fine choice to his liking. Word' lids been received here of the passing of the late Leno Kipper, of Biggar, Sask., and formerly of Zurich; death taking place the begin- ning of this week. The reIYtains are being brought to Zurid'h for burial,. and will arrive here on Friday 'even. fug, at . the borne of Ili...tied Mrs. Herb 13ender. Interment taking place to [be 1 , 0,; Ceiueteryt ora Sattircltty ni'o:ti Are You Proud. To Shove Your. WATCH LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5.00 TO $25. GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERY POPULAR $8.00 TO $20.00 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1929 IMPORTANT FUEL Announcenlent Effective at Once We beg to announce a ra ductkm al,' 50c. per ton from the 'winter prices4, on all Grades of Anthracite Coal In iui iition, we will allow a dis'seunt of 50c per ton for CASH PAYME] ' ONLY, on Anthracite and All grade of Fuel. Pricer on Anthracite will advance cam: June l5tb. Take advantage of these Rock Bottom.. Prices, and lay in your supply now of The Original and Only D. L. & W. SCRANT07•1 COA>r, Or The Famous D. & H. LACKAV ANNA COAL Noted for its great heat, 4.ala t ', 9{x. ! L Er SALL )fflce Phone 10w Iluu e nue., ... 1N: + 4 4 • 4. 4. .i. 4. IIIGII CLASS .USED At Your Own T 1927. Ford Coach late model in perfect condition, tirris and r«../c. like new, 5 balooa tires, and 1329 Incense: Ford Sedan in the b t of mechanical shape, Priced at : 25.ce-,!. »; this car if you want cheap transportation. 1926 Ford Tudor. . If you are on the market for a meek' T see this car thats just like new. Ford Corea in rood condition, equipped with new lie s ee an1 eliec; absorber., Priced at $110.00. 1925 Fold Coach, ,full baloons, new license, good clew' upholstering. and this car has lots of pep. ' ESSEX SEDAN, late Model at a Bargain. + Ford Touring: priced at $30 to $50.00. • 1927, 1 Ton Chevrolet truck with new license and in good condition. at a bargain.Price for some one. Ford Touring at $20.00, with new license. ▪ WE WILL TEACH YOU TO DRIVE THE CAR YOU BUY* + • 3 BUGGIES FOR SALE Ci11aiAP. See Our used cars and compare condition and prices with, ortherz. 0 FRITZ & SON AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET. SIX CARS. A SIX VII THE PRICE RANGE OF THE POURS. ASK FOR A DEMON- STRATION. SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRI:Cl + We have pened Our first 'shipment of Sprn Summer Dry Goods g • WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARNESS REP, HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES i"OR / L&DDIV LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTION COAL 0.2L STOVES WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE R. N. DOUGLA GENERAL NIERONAP ' HONE11- 97 I L .004