HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-23, Page 7•
Roes 1r1111100811111
hinder your
Wif WHILE working in n
Y Ruarr as a driller,"
writes Mr, JohnJ. Hogan
of South March, Ont., "Y
was seized with rheuma,
tism in the left shoulder,
Y followed treatments for
some time without relief.
I had heard so much con.
cerning Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills that X decided
to give them a trial. They
were certainly the medi-
cine that f needed for it
was not long before I was
as well as ever. Now I
take them every Spring as
a tonic."
This is one of hundreds of
cases in which these blood -
enriching pills have proved
effective in eradicating rheu-
matism. Buy Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills now at your drug-
gist's or any dealer in medi-
dne, or by mail, 30 cents),
postpaid, from The Dr. Wil-
Ilems Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
PER 110.1.
nitric ns'
"Your wife is talking of going to
Europe this summer. Have you any
objections?" •
"No, certainly not. Let ber talk."
Oh progress, how much :grafting is
done in they name!
Rock-a•bye baby, on the tree top
When you grow up, we'll make you a
Some of our modern wives are more
skillful in spending rolls than in bak-
ing them.
When duty calls a lot' of folks sud-
denly become hard o hearing.
Build a little fence of trust
Around to -day,
Fill the space with loving work
And therein stay,
Look not between it's shei'tring
Bars upon tomorrow,
But take whatever conies to thee
Of joy ad sonrrow.,
The world may owe every man a
living but it often defaults in the pay-
ment of it.
In a village everybody belongs to
the church except the local million-
aire. He doesn't belong to it; :t be-
longs to him.
The boss never asks you to worry
and fret. That's your own idea.
Don',t taller under time handicape
everywhere recommend our
methods of treatment., era
free tee Rdvtee Rad 1
MRY longer.'Sueveastul p D
. Canada and the Tariff
Ottawa Journal (Cons.); The first
duty of a GoverlAlent, its fundamental
duty, Is to look afte rite own citizens.
That 'le 'all that is being done by the
Government of the United States, And
beoause that is the long .and short of
it, Canada has really no cause for pro-
test or complaint. All that Canada
h can do, and what she 'should do, is to
e Wac
eke a
citizens. There is no question at all
tleaf out of the book of the
itL Interest United d Sta tes
and look 7 after Canadian
All Canada Keeps An Eye On
the New Steps Takers ,by
The Western provinces are awaitipg
with interest the outcome of Sas-
katchewan's latest and greatest (step
In public health organization in rural
and semi -rural districts. •
"Full Time Health District Number
One" was organized just a few weeks
ago. It unites eight rural municipali-
ties,fourteen villages and one town
-=Gravelburg—in a fight to prevent
disease. It .will be run very much like
the health department in a big city,
and will employ a full-time 'Medical
°Meer of health, a public health nurse
and a sanitary inspector.
This development is quite in line
with the most advanced thinkingin
public health circles, where it is co
monly accepted that the present sys-
tem of taking care of public health in
/rural communities especially, Is, in the
words of one eminent authority, "an-
tiquated and .. inadequate." This new
Saskatchewan unit is expected to
achieve the same results as have been
achieved in, for example, Quebec,
where the death rate has been lower-
ed in several communities by similar
"county health units," while at the
same time much sickness has been
Saskatchewan already' has the low-
est death rats in the` Britisb Empire,
A friend is one who can forgive you
for everything except climbing above
his level.
When a man Is born people say:
"Poor mother".. When he marries
they say: "Poor bride". When he
dies they say: "Poor widow"
of retaliation, Neither is there peed
for the slightest of bad fooling, All
that the situation demands is that the
Government of this country take sen-
sible and courageous steps to meet the
conditions the new United States
tariff will ereate, That should be done,
not in bitterness or anger, but prompt-
ly, intelligently and effectively.
House -owner .(looking over fence) :
"Is this your ball?"
Anxious Golfer: "Er -any windows
broken?" •
House -owner. "No."
Golfer: "That's my ball, then."
Trade Discrimination Anybody can make a houso but It
takes a woman, a baby and a puppy
Vancouver Sun (Lib,): If the Bri• to make a home.
fish people are sincere in their ef-
lGrt'a to promoe
t business between thef Ruth. "I noticed your husband was
frothing at the mouth this morning.
various units of the Empire, they' can He must have a terrible temper."
accomplish that promotion in a more Winie: "It's not that. I fed him
effective way than by the display and Lux this morning by mistake, instead
ostentation of a cut-and-dried shop- of corn flakes."
ping week. They could, for instance, When you say Bill can't stand'
prevent the occurrence of such inti- Prosperity, you mean be is spending sex the West Indies. There. was a
dents as happened in Vancouver this P suggestion some time ago that the
money the way you would if you had i British West Indies might be traded
off to the United States as part pay-
ment of Great Britain's debt to the
republic.... People who talk about
annexing and trading countries which
do not belong to them seem to forget
an important point. They leave out
of the question the feelings of the peo-
ple who would have to be Included in
the transaction. When the people of
the West Indies ask to be annexed by
Canada or sold to the United States it
will be time enough to consider the
proposal seriously.
at every moment, with their Creator.
Purity and simplicity hold converse,
'Before accepting you, ought to tell
you one of my parents is in prison."
"011, that's all right. Both of mine
ought to be."
Veop a wtio prize 'die finer things o life usually,
'demand Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea. A xamey-back
guarantee with every, package. R a
Once a Mother Has Used Theon
She Will Use Nothing Else.
To once use Baby's Own Tablets is
to use them continually—that is as
long as there are young children In
the home. That is the testimosiY
given us by mothers from all ,parts
of Canada. They all say that they
know of nothing to equal the Tablets,
that they find them safe and effi-
cient and at the same 'time pleasant
to take.
Mrs. John Hollinworth, Maidstone,
Ont., writes:—"I have three children,
the eldest fourteen and the youngest
nine months olti. I have always used
Baby's Own Tablets for them and
have found no other medicine to
equal the Tablets as a relief for the
many ailments of childhood."
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
r.: WE Sur Eta
Earn upwards of ;25 weekly growing
Mushrooms torus, to cellar or other waste
space. Deliver to our nearest
branch. Light pleasant work for ti
either sex. Illustrated booklet
sent anywhere, for ,tamp.
1�I1k1N MU` -s itt'00 GA: TOM fttV7t'1,.
1. Classified Advertisements
1:1 Baby Chicks, bred for high produc-
tion for 26 rears. Prices for May 144.
June 12o, July and August 100.Dela-
mere Poultry Farm, Stratford, Ontario.
19stab, 1903, •
i3M73Y CH1Oi $. WIS L3A'rCL3
�, �, four varieties, price 9c up.
Write for free catalogue. A., L. Switzer,
Granton, Ontexto.
Companions of
the Cliff
and it is felt that this forward step thorough laxative which regulate the
will be but the first of many to -e , bowels and sweeten the stomach.
taken in the lieu future. ' They drive out constipation and indi-
Under the Public Health Act passed gestion, break up colds and simple
in 1923 the municipalities served by fevers and make the cutting of teeth
these units are to bear one half of the easy. They are sold by medicine
cost, while the other half, for the time dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
being, is being divided between the from The Dr. William's Medicine Co.,
provincial government and the Rock- Brockville, Ont.
feller foundation.
it is estimated that the cost to the ��� Jungle
taxpayers fora this first-class health
protection will be only thirty-five
cents per person per year!
It has cleared, and the sun is shin
Ing with a luminous warmth tha
makes the whole island glisten wi
the splendor of a gem, and fills th
sea and sky with a radiance of btu
I have come out to lie on the rock
where I have the black edge of th
north island in front of me, Galwa
Bay, too blue almost to look at, on m
right, the Atlantic on my left, a pe
pendicular cliff under my ankles, a
over me innumerable gulls that cha
each other in a white circus of wing
A nest of hooded crows is som
where near me, and one of the o
birds is trying to drive me away
letting itself fall like a stone eve
few moments, from about forty yar
above me to within reach of my han
As I lie here hour after hour, I see
to enter into the wild pastimes of t
cliff, and to become a companion
the cormorants and crows. Many
the birds display themselves befo
me with the vanity of barbari
performing in strange evolutions
long as I am in sight, and returni
()DS, uniform return load prices.
All goods Insured. We move you when
t you want to move. Make your enquiries
th now. Pioneer distance movers. Agents
e in Canada. Halt The Moof ver, eastern and
Not For Sale As Farm Colony
Victoria Times (Lib.) : Once again
a member of Parliament at Ottawa Employment for Middle -Class
bas suggested that Canada should an- Islanders to Be Found
e -
week.when a British ship, brought in-
to a Vancouver drydockefor an $80,000] it.
repair job, was, on orders from Lon-
don,` Smiles pay dividends on the dullest
moved to an American clrydock days.
tor those repairs. And this happened
In spite of the fact that the tender of A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD
the Vancouver drydock was 'appreci-
appreci- A little child had S in me
ably lower than any others. row And trusted me when others scoffed,
does Britain expect Canadians to en i How soft his little hand in mine
ter, with any degree of later-' What music when he laughed!
into a celebration to promote inter -
Empire trade when a British firm dis-
criminates so flagrantly against Cana-
dian institutions in favor of Amrican
Could I destroy that faithful trust,
Or ever bear his scorn to see?
"0 make me over, God," I cried,
"0 make him proud of me"
He: Let me kiss you under the
She: Say, I wouldn't let you kiss
me under an anaesthetic.
Woman Plowing
She being married to the Soil
So long, has never known
A lover whow uoid give her bread
To eat, instead of stone.
that cut with razor-like�
ASmait3NO�"ver v'viilfteepl
your lawn tri>iv► andneab
f hoeouyh.y rektb/e, aGsolufeey
gueran/eed, AF4tyour tiarrll
ware dealers.
For Trotsbiee
due to Acid
Ik \ (•,g5E5_
ealsee se—,
Day. after day she wonders, as
She plows with low -bowed head,
Why furrows make an endless grave
For /all her dreams, born dead.
O she would gladly lie with Death
And yield him blood and bone—
But he'd return her to the Soil,
Forever as his own.
—Robert Liddell Lowe in The World
To -morrow.
The old-time girls was usually a
clinging vine. The modern girl is
usually- a rambler.—Louisville Times.
Americans touring Brasil were
chased by some wild men who sang,
shouted and Glanced. Has' the Florida
real-estate boom moved farther
south?—Kay Features.
About two hours after eating mail
people suffer from sour stomaobs.
They call it Indigestion: It means
that the stomach nerves have been
liver -stimulated. There Is excess acid.
The way to correct it is with tin alkali,
which neutralizes many' times RS
volume in acid.
The right way is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia --410t a tasteless dese in
water, it is plaasaut, efii:cient and
on Land
Colombo, Ceylon—The leasing out
of blocks from 5 to 25 acres, partly
with a permanent crop, probably
cocoanut, partly with yams and other
short -life crops, as a• means of pro-
viding employment for the middle
classes; in the country districts of
Ceylon, has been arranged by the
Forest Department. The land re-
leased for the purposes is low-lying
jungle land in the Kalutara district.
The growing of gingili, chillies, mus-
tard and other condiments, and of
papaya and plaintain will be encour-
aged. In the larger allotments prin-
cipal attention will be given to the
growing of lucerne and fodder grasses.
The Department of Agriculture
hopes to supply the required stock
of superior quality and to supervise
rearing conditions in all stages of
growth and marketing.
Middle-class farm settlers will be
given lessons in the most modern
methods of poultry farming adapted
to local conditions. Literature and
instruction will also be available on
suck subjects as the preservation of
products of milk, butter and cheese.
Cottage industries, suitable for wo-
man and children, will have the neces-
sary attention at the rural agricul-
tural school of each colony.
it is expected to draw 10 per cent.
of the return in cash or kind of all
allotments, which yield beyond a cer-
tain meausre, as an interest upon the
stocks and seeds supplied free of cost
by the Department of Agriculture.
Where necessary, the taxed produce
will be sold at the market of the col-
ony and a reserve fund created for
the establishment of a crop and
stack insurance scheme, which will
be run in conjunction with a co-
operative credit society There is hardly a household that
In the manner described above, Its hasn't hoard of Castoria! At least
is hoped to establish, in the healthier five million homes tla ut
a few fine grade and registered
Poland China sows bred to our LAKE -
world's champion sire of 4 double -ton
is t also sant importedThog of Iexc 1 eni
breeding and quality. Our prices ars
right. Farms located 45 miles south
and east of Amherstburg. Address all
correspondence to LAKEWOOD BEACH
ori cal Amherstburg Detroit,17 i 3.
to their ledge of rock when I am gone.
Some are wonderfully expert, and cut
graceful figures for an inconceivable
time without a flap of their wings,
growing so absorbed in their own dex-
terity that they often collide with one
ident al -
harmless. It has remained the stand-
ard with physicians hi the 50 years
since its invention. --
It 10 the quick method. Results
come almost instantly. It 10 the ap-
proved method. Yeti will never use
another VVb.eii you know.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-!
clans for 50 years in correcting eadceSS
acids. Each bottle contains full diree-
tints—any drugstore.
another in their flight, an Inc
ways followed by a wild outburst of
abuse. Their language is easier than
Gaelic, and I seem to understand the
greater part of their cries, though I
am not able to answer.—J. M. Synge,
in "The Aran Islands."
Minard's Liniment for cuts and bruises
It is very difficult to know just how
much we ought to expect from our fel-
low -men, but it is far better to err
on the side of expecting too little than
too much. It is so easy to make too
little allowance for deficient training
for unfavorable circumstances, for
incapacity, for inexperience.
.W R eTher sex)ITTLE mailedin plain FRIEND envel-
opo. Paris
sSpecialty Co., Cattier 2423,
ILA and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time. Good Pay. Work sent any
distance, charges paid. Send stamp for
partioulare. National Manufacturing
Co., Montreal.
Marrying an heiress is almost as
unsatisfactol•y as any other get -rich -
quick scheme.
oproduction. arWbte {Bro a d.
,.B,El.,z lom. Barred and Whi,a Rods,
R t. Reda,..' Duck I.unneernt'
s Orpington.White Wyandotte . 12a,
and up. 10a96live delivery ruartnteedtl
\Vii" today for FREE MICE BOOR.
SC, iw iLU.ER'S NATA Ei;lf
' 226 Northamptn°
Buffalo. N.Y.
Protect your skin, scalp and hair from
infection and assist the pores in the
elimination of waste by daily use of
Cullen a S ap
20c. L.vcrywhero
Ming Fent
Swollen and sore from a
day's strenuous work oat be
relieved by Minard's. .
Bathe in warm water solu-
parts of the island, self -container
•colonies of middle-class folk who
would otherwise be unemployed.
1,000 Death Toll Feared isrelieved; or
hi Persian Earthquakes
Vice Regal Totem
Their Excelleceiee Lord and Lady
Willingdon are photographed with
"Calitain Jack" who ,on behalf of tthee
them with the forty -foot
on tile occasion of their tour of the of the affected areas accentuated
1 1 on relief problem.
Manna checked. are never wl o
it. If there are children in Your
family, there's almost daily need of
its comfort. And any night may find
you very thankful there's a bottle in
the house. Just a few drops, and that
colic or constipation r "
A vegetable pro-
Askhabad, Russian Turlcstan duct ;a baby remedy meant for young
Earthquakes which shook the vast folks, Castoria is about the only
Stretches west of Samarkand, once the thing you have ever heard doctors ad -
Capital of Tamerlane's Oriental em- vise giving to infants. Stronger medi-
'ire were believed tie have taken a e dangerous to a tiny baby,
heavy toll of life and property.
Unconfirmed reports said 1,000 per
,soils perished in three Persian towns
alone, -while eleven were killed and
forty injured In this vicinity an four
successive tremors brought down
hooses and buildings in many villages.
One person was killed in this city
t t ix Injured Ninety
cines a1
however harmless they may be to
grown-uPs ,Good old Castoria! Re-
member the name and remember to
buy it. It may spare you a sleepless,
anxious night. It is always ready,
always safe to use; in emergencies,
or for everyday ailments. Any hour
of the day or night that Baby becomes
fretful, or restless. Castoria was
and wen Y -S
houses were demolished. never more popular 'With
The Russian Turkestan government, I than it is today.
on request of Persian officials, rush- it.
ed aid across the border into Persia
Where the damage and loss of life was
Indians of Friendly Cove, presented
to tens pole believed greatest. Isolatioothe
roost coast of Vancouver Wand
the initial voyage of the Canadian
S.S. Princess Novell, Use Minard's for the rub down.
"I have to Work hi the store and
do my own housework, too, and I
got nervous and rundown and was in
bed nearly allsummer. The least noise
would make ine nervous. I was told
to' take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and I have taken
seven bottles. It has made me strong-
er and put more color into my face.
I am looking after my store and
houseworlc and my four children
and I am getting along nicely now."
—Mrs. J. Malin, R. R. No. 3, Barton
St. East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
ISSUE No. 20—'29