HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-16, Page 6T1ds unquestionably
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a8'^ TES P
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.A,,,,,.✓'"'f HAtt1'7 5114CL Ai Ft ORAISO APig
JOSEPH Masi. '
BEGIN HERE TODAYtpress his gratitude. �He put hi.s head
Blaze Kildare of 'Wyoming hunts the f through the open window and said
murderer of his young brother. He finds banteringly, "Pll buy you a drink for
his man at the ranch of Buck Bodine in:
that if you're here when Iger back"
Paradise Valley and shoots him dead.
Iildare falls 'n love with Mercedes, al Melody knew, as well as a man can
beautiful i3asque airs, and helps her find know a thing, that Blaze was really
the murderer of her father. Dick AcklinI
builds a dam and deprives the Basques ' telling hint he appreciated the rope,
Pf their water supply. Bodine makes a' and that he would repay him solve day
bomb that destroys the darn when the
Uasques launch it.
"To say goodbye."
"I reckoned you would." The red-
-haired one paused. Nothing but the
hope of seeing Blaze had brought him
to town but he would have denied it
most profanely had he been accused
of it. "I may not see you no more,"
he went on. "I'm goin' to Kelly Creek
without counting the cost to himself,
"Cone easy, go easy," he flung back
at his friend. "Don't yon go spend-
ing all your wages for liquor. Costs
a lot of money to ride the trains these
The stage started then. Melody did
not doubt for a moment that this was
goodbye. Blaze waved his hand to
tonight. I stopped. in Paradise on the hu"
way down. Your horse is all right. I faced man Well,
don't get hurt, the called to him. It was s
put that long rope of mine on your w
stupid remark, but it served to erase
the emotion from his face.
Late afternoon found Blaze on the
well-known trail to the Rancho. Three
days were ahnost too short a time for
even nature to work her miracles, but
even so the precious water was giving
full promise of the days to come.
Henan, Mariano, and Teresa, and
one or two of the old hands had come
back to work. The floor -torn debris
was being removed. There was hope-
fulness and courage in the air. Blaze
saw that the patio which had been
Jose's pride had received marked at-
tention. This last was Mercedes' do-
ing; her first relaxation in weeks.
She rested now on the steps where
Acklin had given her the forgotten
vanity -case. Blaze was almost be-
side her before she became aware of
saddle, Thought you might like
Blaze climbed to his seat in the
stage to hide his embarrassment. He
knew the rope Melody referred to;
his favorite for many years, a finely
woven Mexican. He wanted to thank
him, but he did not know how to ex-
-they call him
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their trial's over, I'll be through. I'll
go back to my ranch.. • But•ne matter;;
I°111 going to be bongseick for Paredise
Valley and you"
"Homesick for Me?'" Mercedes
queried in broken tonee.
Blaze looked away, but be nodded
his head
"Yes, Mercedes, I'm going to miss
Don't suffer under this handicap
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verywhere recommend ow
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for free advice and literature.
you:" If, in their wisdom, they've chosen
My Man whinnied as Blaze stopped. you,
"I'm going to miss him, too, Anci How, then, can I help loving thee?
he'll miss me. I want you to ride How then can I help loving thee?
""La -la -la -la -la, la, la -la -1a,' throbbed
the guitar. Blaze closed his eyes..
This was the end of the trail; Life
began anew hero.
A tear stole down Mercedes' cheek,
Happiness had overwhelmed her, he
hint ouce in a while, Mercedes."
""I'11 be very good to him,"' she
whispered in hushed tones. '""I'll keep
him until you come back, Senor Blaze,'t
She stopped short and got up. "You
will be—coining bacic,'eh, Senor?"
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Blaze caught the note of fear, of morrow no longer thioatened,
concern, in her question; but he fail- mor ready for the dawn,
ed to take advantage of it. Instead TITh END.
lie murmured unhappily: "I'll be com-
ing back 'some clay, but when, queen.
This was not at all what he want-
ed to . say, nor -was it entirely the
truth. He had a very .definite idea of
when he would be coining back. He
wanted to tell her so; to ask her to
care for him, 'and to wait until he
came back. To his credit, he was not
well experienced in the ways of love.
The modesty, of the man was his best
virtue. So he pretended not to un-
derstand, to be'surprised; when it
was only because he could not 1Selieve
that happiness, such as having her
meant ,was to be his. Mercedes was
so close, so lovely. She seemed so
well poised, so at ease, that his own.
confusion was only magnified by com-
parison. Ills habitual and often
tested composure had deserted him in
his hour of need. Blaze was truly
miserable, and in an evident attempt
to stem his own feelings, he resorted
to the bantering tone that had served
him so'well in his man -world,
""And what will 'I find when 1 do
come back?" He tried to laugh good-
naturedly. Mercedes bowed her head,
shoulders. ""I'll ask Kent, or some-
body, how Mercedes is, and - they'll
say, 'Humph! She's a big lady now.
, , -
"Senor!" It was a cry of gladness,
accompanied by a look that left Blaze
all a -tremble.
"You didn't think I would go with-
out coming to say goodby?"
Mercedes shook her head.
"No," she said, "I know you come,
The Rancho begins to look like old
times, eh? You hear that the Senor
Acklin offer us part of the dam?"
"Yes; Melody told me. It's won-
derful! 'You've won your fight. Has
Kent gone home?"
"No, Senor . He is upstairs with
Esteban. My brother be glad to see
They turned at the sound of patter-
ing feet. Basilio had heard his big
friend's voice. Blaze caught hold of
'You come back to stay, Senor "Yes, you will!" Blaze grinned.
Blaze?" the child questioned. "The right man will ome along,
'No, no, little •chief. I've got to go querida. You look sharp so that he
home, to Wyoming. I came to say don't get by."
goodby.,, "Huh!" she muttered. "I look
sharp, all right
Basilio crept ' closer to him. But he don't."
"I'm going to miss you, old-timer," "He?"
Blaze added unevenly. "Si! That right man! He's so blind
"Why you go away then? I want like a bat. But maybe he don't want
you to stay." to see Basque girl. Still, If he comes
Blaze smiled. My Man had edged back—with his grey hairs—I'Il' be
his way to his master's side. here. Arrascada! That's a good
"You're going to be real lonesome name. I'll keep. it' She forced a
for me, little chief?" • tantalizing smile to her face as she
The child nodded his head. went on: "You won't have to waste
He lifted Basilio so the little fel- no time then when you come."
low could pet the horse's cold muz- Once before, in that very patio,
zle. they had looked into each other's
"He'll sort of makeup for the loss eyes as they did now. Blaze saw
of me, won't he?" there what he should have seen long
"You're going to give him to me, ago.
Mr. Blaze? "Oh, querida mid," he becathed.
"He's yours, little chief. I'll leave Whatever else he intended to say
him in Paradise. You be good to was smothered in Mercedes hair. He
hien." caught her up in his arms and held
He lifted Basilio to 113' Man's back. her to hien. There was color in her
When he turned to Mercedes, she face again; her lips red for his kisses.
was looking away. She knew the "I'11 be coming back," she heard
sacrifice he made in parting with My hila say.
Man.from a distance, it seemed, tame
A few steps about the patio on the her low, wild, tomboy laugh. He
horse's beck, anq, Meececles bade Tia- was wafted in spirit again to that
silio tell "l"erese that; the Senor would unforgetable clay oil the river. She
stay for supper. When they were was speaking, and even her voice was
alone, Mercedes searshed the eyes of reminiscent • of that afternoon.
the man who sat beside her. What "I guess maybe,' she managed to
a lot he had dared for her! Didn't say, with, a defiant little toss of her
he know that she loved flim? Why. head, "Mercedes will have those,'
didn't he speak? three, four blackhaired kids anyhow,
Mercedes failed to realms thaat h yI , Leila f''a .
Ifell ilear'ixess 1' ucterec. Blaze alai St Minutes passed as they sat there
speechless, without speaking. The shadows be -
1 "I hate to leave," he muttered at gab their evening tryst, .Peace and
last, 'and right along. I've been tell- happiness settled clown upon the pa-,
i ing myself I'd be mighty well pleased tip.
I to get home if Mooney went back, too. In a room above, some one lighted
Did you ever get mistaken about your- a lamp. Its mellow glow reached the.
self like that?" , man end girl on the stops, His arm
Mercedes did not answer lest heri. held her closer for a second and then
voice should betray her. relaXed. Mercedes laughed liquid -
1 "I'm awfully blue," Blaze went an,i ly, front its accttstomed place she
"Iii spite of all the trouble and the # eaught up her guitar and crooned a
iightle�.g, I've peen happier here than !!,plaintive little Spanish love -song in
ever before hi ley life. I've been.' a voice for B'laze's ears alone.
trailing 141ooiley for two years,, I've If the stars in the sky far above you
kept my word with the laid. When Have brought y01', bNov'ail„ to lee,
1«5l.i,a:. o, 19- --'29
She's got a new name" Maybe it will
be Ugarde, or Rodriguez ,or Liotard!
Yes, sir! That's what they'll say.
1'11 look at my old gray hair—how
time hies! But I'll find you. And
there you'll be: a great lady with
three or four black -haired kiddies of
your own!"
Mercedes shook her head. Her
eyes were misty, .Cut she smiled.
"No!" she murmured. "I don't
think so; not those kids."
This was the Meredes of old.
it Q 1I K
..A4,thrr 4104,
published i u et.
"CHASTITY", by jeanii Canada by American
News, $2.00.
Another emotional product of the
author of "Desert Love", :and quite up
to,, . the author's batting average.
Ladies who like to 1o11 through the
long waxen afternoons of spring will
like "Chastity" It is stiand'lating en-
ough to support its title, , and chaste
enough to: elude ' the censorious,
Thousands of people will buy it, and.
most of them will like it.
Morley Callaghan, the amazing
young Canadian who conquered the
literary world with a first novel, and
:whose second book -"A Native
Argosy" was reviewed in this column
a couple of weeks ago—has taken the
matrimonial plunge and is now aboard
ship bound for Paris. Heois twenty-
wentysix. He married Loretto Dee, a
striking and charming brunette to
whorl he became engaged shortly
after graduating from St. Michael's
College. They were married dur-
Ing April, and left at once for. New
York. _.
Raymond I{sister, another Canadian
author whose work has earned his
well -merited appreciation at home and
abroad, has written a novel "White
Narcissus", which will be reviewed
The latest and most startling 01.
the many startling books published
on the Bible, during recent years, is
one that Scrihners are bringing out
in the Fall- It is called, rather
shockingly, "The Autobiography of
God", and will not stick entirely to the
Bible, as the author, Ernest R. Trat-
tner, author of "Unravelling the 3ook
of Books", has attempted to present
the whole story of theology in popular
Extremely graceful afternoon dress
of marked individuality. The scal-
loped hemline of low placed shirred
skirt, attached to hipband, creates
smart rippling movement to hemline
so popular at the moment. It is espe-
cially lovely in sheer printed velvet
with plain velvet f Bunce for after-
noons and informal ev: nirgs. Silk
crepe,srepe satin, canton -faille crepe,
crepe de. chine, crepe Elizabeth, geor-
gette crepe and chiffon also charming
fabrics to select for Style No. 244.
Pattern is de:,gned in sizes 16, 18, 20
years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust
measure. Size 36 requires 1% yards
of 36 -inch material for skirt, belt and
neckband with 214 yards of 36 -inch
material for blouse. Price 20c in
stamps or coin (coir preferred).
Wrap coin carefully,.
Marshal Foch has hardly been
buried, yet the now it may be told"
writers are already on the job. "Foch
Speaks", by Major Bugnet, Itch's
chief aide-de-camp, is being published
early this Fall by the Dial Press. This
book, the New York Tinges states,
"gives Foch's comments and opinions,
largely in his own words, of the men
and events of the World War as well
as of post -armistice days.
Beware of desperate steps; the
darkest day, live till to -morrow, will
have passed away. --William Cowper.
Est. Transportation Paid.
190:3 Write for Illustrated
Bicycles and Accessor-
ies FREE.
Peerless Bicycle
191-3-5 Dundas
St. W • Toronto.
Writs your naive and address plain-
ly, giving number and sine of 'such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Patterns sent by an early mail.
Minard's Liniment for cuts and bruises
She sued Him for divorce. Wong
She is the name of a lady residing in
San Francisco. Her attorney, Reed
M. Clarke, says she's a very pretty
Chinese girl. The man in the case,is
Ching Hong Him. Him's not so hand,-
and'some. There's the story, except that
they were married in Hongkong,
China, on December 1, 1021; and he,
or rather Him, is said to UE ve deserted
She, or rather her, in San Francisco's
famous Chinatown in January, 1926.
The divorce case recently carie up in
court in San Francisco.
— :'-------
I should not presume, because I am
a roan, I should never despair, be-
cause I have a God.
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Money back if not satisfied.
274 Fort St. Winnipeg, Man.
The Printed "Invasion"
Halifax Herald (Con's.): According
to recent statistics, 6,000,000 copies of
United States publications come ,into
Canada every week. They come in
duty free. They advertise United
States products exclusively. United
States, firms do not, except in very
rare exceptions, spend any money in
advertising in this country. They
reach the Canadian field through their
own publications, and their advertise-
ments are carried free in Canadian
territory as an inducement to adver-
tise more liberally. at fioene.
Use Minard's for the rub down.
"Why do you let the postman kiss
you, Bertha?" "Please ma'am, some-
body sent me kisses throught the
Give ine but eyes to know that joy
lies in common things.
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