Zurich Herald, 1929-05-16, Page 1• 4,1133 Vof. XXIX No 45 2, ERAL ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY161929. Cheoter exateis 141141111410, 1105 4 Iroat zemook, 41.50 IN AIM ARS. 02 lititY BE MAMMA Advertising is the big medium between Buyer and Seller. Try an Ad BLAKE. IT4****•44.44.4(404:4944td $444-444.4$4.4 4.4404144/•44414.40.4444.1k4M6441111111111. 4 Mother's Day Services was con- . BARGAINS BARGAINS Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which I am retailing far be- ; low Catalogue prices get your's at 4 4 1 Special Price $12.501 large size FRED THIEL - ZURICH i•••••••••••••404,4*4104P0444,400 #4,4*******4444,4,044*****,,i fa ••••••••••••••••••01C0 68041114410414141•41100404M011004$06941* 3 0 1 • I The Great Spring • i Outfitting Days in Men's Women's 41 • O and Children's Shoes - .42) .t4 • at • • 13 13 13 a 4'13 4' 4' 4' a 4' 40 413 1 40 i THE LARGEST. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING poem WEAR IN OUR HIST)RY, DEPICTING THE NEWEST, SMART- 2, EST FASHIONS OF THE HOUR , Ai' THE 'WFLT avowLow PRICES 40' MOST POPULAR STYLES FOR SPRING WEAR, INCLEID.ED 1) I ARE POMPS,, THE TEES, ONE SIB AP, GOT -OUT STYLES, PATENT !LEATHERS, TANS,. SPANISH, :SPIKE, OMAN,A12 LOW HEEL& *, ari 11108424204 _IMPAIRING NEATLY DONE rown's SEH OUR ed Shap wrimaier DISPLAY' 4601116050064110(iitill • -- 64141400.64Dow404101405goe • 0.444k41,4,10004.4144,4% 4,4)4.0404,****44,4:04,04.4,0040.4.4, t JUST ARRIVE SPLENDID RANGE Get Your New Spring Snit 1, a eliflefiCES: r • .1, '134 33! 0 0• 4> ' 0 RUMS itt'T j, 144+11.4040+.610•004'. 0,04:440 40~40 40004*•4‘.+444414044`0404444404‘6044 ducted in Blake Church, on Sunday which was much enjoyed by those present. Mr. and Mrs. H. McKinley of Tor onto spent a few days of their honey- moon with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess of Hen- sall accompanied by their grand -son Master Bobbie Hess, spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carnie. Mr. and Mrs. GaScho of Emily City Mich., spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heckler in the village. Mr. Ed. Heckler of Hopedale, Ill- inoise, accompanied by his sister,Mrs Lee Birky and little daughter, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Heckler. Mr. W. T. A. Bell of Toronto, ac- companied by his mother, called on Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas on Sun- day. Miss Alberta Finlay is spending a few weeks with friends in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Meyers and family of Zurich, called on friends in the village on Sunday. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Arrthur Kestle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sippel, of Lansing, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kuntz of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Daters, of the 14th con., were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Schumacher. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and Harry, attended the funeral of the. late Mr. E. Voelker, in Flint, Mich., last 'week. Mr. A. Morenz left on Wednesday, for a trip to Germany where he • • Will visit his relatives for the .summer. We wish Mr. Morenz a safe journey. M. and Mrs. P. Humble and fam- ily of Sarnia spent the week -end with Mrs. Finkbeiner and Cathern. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dultz, Miss Mar garet Monier, Mr. Jack Raschke, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Memer and family of Detroit were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Merner. Mr. Addison Tiernan spent a few days in Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Elsie returned !home on Mon day, after spending sev- eral weeks in Sarnia. Mother's Day was observed in the 'Evangelical church on Sunday When Mrs. Kleinstiver was presented with .a beautiful box of chocolates, by one ..of the members of the S. School, be- ing the oldest mother in the congreg- -ation. • Miss Elsie Kennedy left on Mon - 'day after hoving charge of Reid & Co's millinery department. Miso Myrta Hoffman and friend of Kitchener,- spent Sunday with her parents. . Mr. and Mrs. L. Edighoffer of Mit- &ell, Miss Gladys Guenther of Pres- ton, Mr. Homer Guenther of Toronto .and Mrs. J. Guenther of Zurich, call- od on Mr. and Mrs. E. Guenther 'on Sunday. Our school is closed this week 'ow- ing to a slight epidemic of scarlet fever. Rev.' F. B. Meyer and family left for Bridgeport on Monday. We wish him success in his new field of labor. Mr. and Mrs. John Bender attend- ed the funeral of. the,iate Mr. Miles in Sarnia. on Sunday. Rey. and Mrs. Saur and son of Sebringville have moved their effects and are now comfortably settled in parsonage. We wel- come thorn to our midst. Mrs, J. Eta and Mildred of New Hamburg w !ere Sunday visitors with the former's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade. atc This Space for elvin • t• tr efridgeation Oesch, Agent 1,•••01.8111111•11111161•NOMINNIN. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Hess and family motored to London on Saturday. Mr. Ed. Bedard of Detroit, visited his parents here over Sunday. Mr. Ed. Bossenberry of Hayfield Waa..iri the village. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido and da - tighter dorothy, were visitors to God- erich on Sunday. M. Alex Voisin of St. Clemens, was .a business visitor in town on Friday last. Mr. Daniel Gascho, who has a pos- ition at New Hamburg, spent Sun- day with his family here. - Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haugh of Dashwood, called on friends in the Village on Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Brand, of London, were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. • G. Hess and Miss Anna. Mr. Lorne Dreier, of Chesley, vis- ited with his parents, at the Evangel- ical parsonage over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Hen- sall, were Sunday visitors at the home of • Mrs. Lydia Pfile. M'r. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brein and family of Detroit,. spent the week- end with relativein the village. Messrs. Clayton and Clarence Hoff_ Man of Galt were Sundey visitors at the, home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Hansel of Buxalo, werfr.;week-end visitors at the home of the latter's parents, Rer. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier. Mr. R. F. Stade, and Mrs. E. Hei- deman and family were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. Heideman at Guelph, where he is taking treatments and is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach of London, spent a few days visiting re- latives here the beginning of the we- ek. Orville has a good position with the large Hunt Milling Company. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Levy and two sons, Wilbert and Charles of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of town, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Oswald, Bronson Line. The lecture given in the Evan- gelical church by Rev. Colling. of Grand Bend, last Wednesday evening was in every way all that was looked for, and a good attnedance was. pres- ent. Mr. Jacob Weido of town has tre- ated himself to a new Whippet sedan making the purchase fromn Mr, Herb Mousseau, local dealer, and Mr. Mou- sseau takes Mr. Weido's used Star coach on the new Whippet. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Erb, and dau- ghter Irene, and Miss Ida Schwartz- entruher of the Bronson Line, spent the week -end with relatives at Wel- lesley. Mrs. Erb remaining for a week. A captivating play, entitled "Sun- ny. Jane" will be given by the young people of Hensall United Church, on Monday evening, at 8 o'clock in the Town Hall, Zurich, Admission: Re- served .leats 85c., Rush seats, 25c‘The play c:mtains: miles and' miles of laughs. and is well rendered. If von enjoy a good wholesome laugh, then this play fills the hill.. The resp tickets are- selling fast. The plan is at Gascho's store. Secure your tick- etsthehr'r:L Ty meeting, of the Zurich !Branch of the Women's !Institute met in the Connell Chambers on May (lli at 8 o'clock. The..meeting was op- (eied 1i3. singing. the Institute Ode, with MacKinnon in the chair. Miss Pearl Wurtz gave a snlendiel talk on flowers and how they beauti- fy, and a talk on table setting was given by .Mrs. MacKinnon which was v,•11 given and well. received. Mrs. A. Kalbfleisch gave a fine piano solo, after w hich the meeting was left ov-r to the president Mrs. C, L, Election of officers then ,*ollov,f,1 which resulted as fellows: Presidelit. Mrs. E. F. Kiopp ; 1st Vice, Mrs.. J, Hey, Jr. ; 2tul Vico, Mrs. C. Fritz; Corr. Secy., Mrs. A. j. MacKinnon; ireamirer, Miss Jane Lamont; Pian- oist, Mrs. Aib. Kalbileisch; Assistant Miss Pears ?filo; Directors, !,,\Irs. Routledge, Mrs, John Caseho, and Mrs. W. Johnston; District Ditiector$ Mrs, P, ManSon, Are You Proud To Show Your WATCH LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 COAL 1929 IMPORTANT FUEL 'Announcement Effective at Once We beg to announce a reduction of: 50c. per ton from the winter pricer. on .all Grades of Anthracite Coal. In addition, we will allow a discount of 50c per ton for CASH PAYMENT' ONLY, on Anthracite and All grader - of Fuel. Pricer on Anthracite will advance c Prices, and lay in your supply now ENGRAVED CASES $5.00 TO $25. : June 15th. GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY Take advantage of these Rock Bottom of The Original and Only GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERY POPULAR $8.00 TO $20.00 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY D.' L. & W. SCRANTON COAL Or The Famous D. & H. LACKAWANN-4. COAL Noted for its great heat Hess,The Jeweller cs„. zteion... HENSALL *NT., • 44 4 -L6:,f1 ' 4 V BA /it' e .r„ Iiffice Phone 10w House Phone 107 ... •11.0=0•010.11••••••••...18•4•030.414.1111.1.9: 4. 4. 4: 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + ESSEX SEDAN, Ford: Tourings priced at $30 to $50.00. HIGH CLASS USED OARS At Your Own Terms 1927 Ford Coach late model in perfect cordltim,, tires aad paint like new, 5 baloon tiros, and 192!) 14't:nse. Ford Sedan in the best of mechanical shape, Priced at 8125.(41. Sae this car if you want cheap transportation. 192d Ford Tudor. If you are on the market for a model T Theca' see this car thats just like new. Ford Coupe in good condition, equipped with new lieense aair. shock absorbers, Priced at $110.00. 1925: Ford Coach, full baloons, now license, good clean u.pholsteriag and this car has lots of pep. late Model at is Bargain. 3*, 1927; 1 Ton Chevrolet truck with new license and in good. coLditlom. at a bargain.Price for some one. Ford Touring at $20.00, with new license. WE WILL TEACH YOU TO• DRIVE THE CAR YOU BUY • 3 BVGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. .1. See Our used cars and compare condition and prices with (elem. 0 FRITZ 84 SON + AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX CARS. A SEX FR THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. ASK FOR A DaMell0:- * • STRATION. 4. 4. - SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PERM ++++++++++++++++4,444.4.4:444,4-444-144+++++++-.7:414 4- • • • e fir4ve p ei n e ct 1 rt.; 3.3t.;t' Our first siiipment of Spcil g amt. Sniqiner Dry Goorts WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HA R N;1S S iEPiil HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIEb, ROOT SEEDS.. GARDE W- Pt FT Al -SO KEEP SUPPLIE $''OR D.r.,K, LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFE 7;14 COAL OM r. • STOVES WI ')LICIT YOUR PATRON( R. AiN'ei„, .AZ °) t. (Att PV R 4e.R I 44 ni * PHONE 11 - 97 , • Arrirt.v3itrr+L=.47..1ZottV. 1,V13.3" f.t,,VZ3 4711,,,44'