HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-09, Page 8. c.E**A.:D, INTERESTING ITEMS in House Furnishings A NEW ASSORTMENT OF DRAPERY MATERIALS ON DIS- PLAY. ,r-• - FINEST NE'11 PANELS AT FOLLOWING PRICES++.a. -•n, 1 40-inx2 x:t yds. .....,.y. $1.25 40-inx211 yds, $1.75 • $2.00 1S-in,x21 .yds. t>oor Panels at Frilled Scrim Curtains, Bordered with Colored match, very Special at Plain White at pair New Tapestry table Runners and Cushions to Match. We carry in stock a complete Range of Window Shades, Curtain B0e.'i, Shade Rollers, and Special Attention given to orders for Ma -to -Measure Shades, in Royal Standard, or Linen Tint shade Cloths Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs, 5 Pieces 4 yds. wide Linoleum.to Choose from, also Congoleum, Inlaid Linoleum Floor Oilcloth, Feltol in ;:1 widths, New Congoleum Rugs, New Congoleum Hall Runners, o. ered 27 and 36 in. widths. Special Prices on 2 only Linoleum Rugs 12x15 feet. SEEDS! SEEDS! :A complete Stock of Garden Seeds, also Mangel, Turnip, Carrot and So ;:aulln Seed, Chick Feed, Chick Starter, Oyster Shell, at right Pricer. 50c rayon, ' valance to $2.25 to $2.75 75c to $1.25 J. G Product Wanted NS Phone 59 IIlihl!lIL lI. r..hllll'i!i �'IielU!L..Il i.'.luf��GIIJl �6ll;(IiUll!(1IIIS-Ilillli"ii,IIL'llllllllllllllllllllilllllillt;fIIIIIIIiINiIIfIICL`I!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi;Wllilllll lllD'INIIIIIIIII!I'I'I!III''IIl�lilllilli11111 dP1!'ll!lllllpl+ 1 CAuto Tops Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. - Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZLTRIOII �dq'�,"u..,, .. � i;{L� 4. �.., �� I ,. ;i� ,�', I!ull �IJ�71t!UI!illNlillll!will!!HI!II!I!NIUUIHI!fN'IIIVII!8H(l'IIdII�IIIB,+{�-.:I ani ,III!!I,I!.u!uI�IIIIIIuIIIIIII�JIII!IIIIIIIIIILNNIINIIIl 14. +, -;• : +3++I++I+++ ,^r•3 + +++t' + ++3++II+P,+•f++++++i•+ +i ++++ + ++'i++ ++++ 4. +i+ +¢+ We have been appointed .gents direct for U.;1, H AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF ÷ RIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF 4. WA -LYS OVERLAND LTD. WrnPPET FOURQRIS1'OCRATFIELDOFSEE ITTHE; DRIVLOW EPRI- CED + CC) ftARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. 'A ,TRIED NAT IIYI'7E'E T S X. THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON * THE MARKET, A CAR WITH A +1+ SOUND REPUTATION �l. ANNOUNCEMENT AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY yy 4. Kujgn THE FAMOUTWO R SLEEVE VALPROVIDED VE ,I, Ma I'OR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US + PE.'ORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL '1' A. ,URED, BESIDES: �1. "WE GIVE L YOU SERVICE" + IL Moasseau Zurich. 0.;.-.'-:-.:-... I.+;.+ or.;..; +1+.;++1 :.1a+;++A•84•:.34.4 4++A+I++II++ 3+4 +i4.1.4.+F-,.++I+*++++++++++. 4. soIDS eeose•i,•••••s• too4 +*!••r••••••••• • •1 NOW Is The Best Time • • • • • • • • • • TO PLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORK, REPAIRS • • AND IMPROVEMENTS L T US SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING POR THE FIELD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY. IF YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING THIS YEAR, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE US AND GET OUR ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS: • 1 • 1 A NICE NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THE HOME WILL AL- WAYS BE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE. WE CAN SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, AND THE PRICES ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. 11 in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE & WEIDOI i•••••••40-0-00-0.,•••••••—• ?URICH ONT. Our New Shipments. rin and U oohs ARE NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY AND WE INVITE THE PUB-, LIC TO COME IN AND SEE THEM BEFORE MAKING YOUR PUR- CHASES. A CALL IS' ALWAYS APPRECIATED. ERYELLOW FRONT + STORE PHONE NO. 145 .1 IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Clara Ida, beloved wife of Mrs. Wm. Becker, and daughter of Mrs. Bertha Eck- stein, who passed away May 6th, 1927 God called hex home, it was His will; But in our hearts she lingers still. Her memory is as dear today As in the hour she passed away. Husband, Children, Mother, Brothers and sisters. The Provincial Deplrtnient of High- ways will commence to issue a week- ly bulletin on highway conditions throughout the Province sonic time this month. Work on repairing high- ways is beginning in all sections . of the province. iti 1 Com. The and lil , Missions le mittee, Mrs. Lee O'Brein, convenor, had charge of the E.L.C.E. meeting on Friday evening of last week. Mr. Eldon Gabel acted as chairman. Miss pearl Gabel read the scripture les• son. The president then took charge of some business. This was followed by a study of the Apostle's Creed un- der the leadership of Rev. Dreier.The meeting was brought to a close after a missionary offering had been re- ceived. RADIO PREACHER MAKES GLAD The Heart Of a Dying Man A heart -touching story of absorb- ing interest with the London Radio station C.J.G.C., furnishing the back- ground, is related by: Rev. J. Morley Coiling, who has been conducting a "question -box" for the past six months. During one of the recent broadcastings, Rev. Mr. Coiling ans- wered a question from a listener liv- ing near London, who has been con- fined to his bed for some weeks, with a serious illness. The questioner, facing. an early death, felt unpre- pared for the great change, and re- quested the minister to explain in simple terms the way of salvation. This request, the radio preacher ful- filled to the best of his ability, sug- gesting among other things, that the bed -ridden sufferer should -confess, his religious faith by submitting to baptism and receiving the Holy Com- munion. This suggestion was whole -1 heartedly received, with the result, that in a few days time, Rev. Mr. Coiling received a long distance tele- phone call, requesting him to drive down to the sufferer's home and give the two sacraments. This request was compiled with, and now the dy- ing man's cup of joy is full. The above facts give indisputable proof that the Radio preacher is rendering Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31, 1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Ratan—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. E. Klopp—Zurich Adenf, Also Dealer in I,iglltning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance ring LINE 'r Y NEVER BEFORE HAS A SPRING. BROUGHT FORTH SUCH A BEA- ' TIFUL LINE OF SMART HATS AND WE HAVE A MOST WON- DERFUL RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HAVE ' A COMPLETE LINE OF HATS FOR THE CHILDREN AT PRACTICALLY EVERY AGE BE SURE AND CALL AT THE The Hat Shoppe EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE WE INVITE THE PUBLIC IN TO SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST EASTER HATS OF ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IN SPRING HATS GIVE US A CALL V. V. Siebert • Zurich an indispensable service to many a shut-in. Tim/ANT, May 920 `" 1 :+4.4414++4.44++++++++++ :+4.4wi4++4. F +'ESM+ +^&+.I..I.'E'44.4. w 4 d.4 4..4.+++++++++4K+.t,1i++iy 4. 4. +: E. 4. Seasonajjle Nowis the faire of year to fit out your home with Also new Furniture 1. Simmons Gaaranteed. Springs: and Mattresses • 41411040411Irei026803 t,,®iseelll•eQe••Q91119•eeQl.il•>s•4'is :r. 4. IScarfe's Oelebrated Paints k i . and Varnishes 4 4, 4, 4 FLOOR FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES •sss•seeesaee eeeso®•ecoece a 441+.o0ss•o0e66461160041111: ,• .All Lines of Hardware and Tinware • GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB WIRE ' MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS SEEUS WHEN IN +x, LIMPS. ,I. THE MARKET FOR P� PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING,, ETC., ATTEND- ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. + s: CALL AND SEE US +Tt+s, Johnston A alb�elseh I Hardware 84 Furniture, Phone 63 ti t ++3++I++I++I+.+E++A+1++><.4 ..+;;++i F+ ++te++,+,1+II1^t+.tr++++,+•i ++++ ++ S+++++ I1,iEj+Fn f4 uiln I come r SYSTEMATIC SAVING IS HELPING HUNDREDS OF MEN AND WOMEN OF MODERATE MEANS TO BECOME FINAN- CIALLY INDEPENDENT, MANY WHO OTHERWISE MIGHT ACCUMULATE LITLE OR NOTHING DURING THE BEST EARNING PERIOD OF THEIR LIVES ARE BUILDING UP AN INCOME PRODUCING ESTATE By SYSTEMATIC SAV... 'INC.•. A start can be made with any sum. of $100.00 or more. Invest in a Huron & Erie Debenture, which pays interest twice a year at 434 per cent. per annum. As soonas your interest payments amount to $100 .or more you can re -invest them at the same rate. Your income will steadily increase as your estate grows and you will be delighted by the result of a few years system- atis saving, APi'LICATIONS FOR HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES TAKEN AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest -----INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess,. - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY = • Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Yes the Dr. Said You. MUST operate, tonsils are diseased. We said Na, and Mrs. Sy-' billa Spahr's Tonsilitis was applied. Tonsils healed, operation cancelled. Try it, it's guaranteed. Sold at W. C. Wagner's Grocery. The Imperial Life ' Assurance Co. of Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO-. , . E. E. Wuerth—. Agetit ZURICH Phone 11,-41,•; Saarautee and Accident Iasarassca ; Oldelst and S4 r, Ueda CAll THE NEW IMPROVED GYPR.00 Greater Structural Strength Takes Any Decoration F.repr`o'iiboa�rc Foy tel.oUBy . W Fred C. Kalbfleisch • • Zurich . tint SOITS SUITS • I To the man who regards a well dressed iappearance, we recommend you to, 'come and look over our fine range of THE NEWEST SUITJNGS WH GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADlir REFUNDED. ALE; OUR SUITS ARE MADE, AND TRIMMED WITH tram 1+ BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMiNGS CALLED GRAD* 1 HEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE TO .MEAN+ i7RR CLOTHES—CO.RNE1LL. *W.. H. HOFFMAN !AIM eflalsiiLA�] nIHlBIr oF�Fa�cAN s . �,, .. MHRC0ANT TAILOR.'W. W UMN Oily MAN ,tIPSomeei Kai I ,