HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-09, Page 5l ilu>rsday, MaY pith,, 1$3!3#10 U It !t 1C >11-, �' RE CARD Wants, FoAn Notice, Etc* Ads .�C01411E 'i l ith ISTER, SOLICITOR,1°7 t' 11111/S L"l71i IARY PUBLIC, RTC, f FOR SALE `4! P'F.YC:ba—Eamiltcn Street, Just oft Vtg Square, £ O'D11RICB; Ontario, NOTICE 'Spatial attention to Comarsuei wed Coeur t World. I_ wish to advise the people of r Holmes may be sorra It i ata! Zuriera and "EUay Township that I will '1flb erieb by Phone, and Phone commence my annual. rounds .on May altoussaeo reversed. 18th, to inspect ail unsanitary places, PVT FOS' Salo, Lost, lAkALNEWS' M. and Mrs, Sam Gottschalk' of Seaforth were visitors with relatives in the commuuity the past week. M. Hugh Thiel, accompanied by Mrs, 1. Heideman and family, mot- ored to Guelph. on Sunday. Mrs. W. Truemner of Clinton, is visiting at the home of her sister, :Mrs. Wm. Truemner, 14th Con. Messrs, C. Fritz & Son sold to Mr. Wm. R. Dougall, Hay Councillor, a high class used Ford Coach, Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. Eekstein, and family of Port Huron, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Eckstein, Bronson line. :,,,,..o.„e„ft, .,.•.,,,,. 7 and ask the public to have all back l[ yards as well as front yards cleaned I". H. . C A yV E M up, as' well as all manure piles and outhouses cleaned according the the L. D. S. D. D S. ' egnlations of Health. DENTAL SURGEON Christ. Eiiber, Inspector, locol Board of Health. At DEITZ 33'LOO) ---ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday At HARTLEIB' S BLOCK, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday OSCAR KLOPP emanate Carey M. Jones Nat - School of Auetioneerrii. Try emsa for Registered Live Stock, U Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice, Wn for Bale. Will well anything Anywhere. Zurich, Thome 18-93 or write. Licensed Auctioneer ,R HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO ,COI-. ,aeic any 'auction Sale, regardless Final Notice is hereby given that Flas to size or article to '6911. I al persons who have not removed ssolieit Sour businees, and if not rubbish, etc., from the village streets .satisSiad will make no charges for by May 10th next, will be prosecuted `Services. against under By -Law No. 7-1896, Arthur 'Weber — Dashwood. Township of Hay. ,Pleone 13-57 . By Order, POLICE TRUSTEES, Village of Zurich. • NOTICE TRUCKING OF ALL KINDS DONE AT MODERATE PRICES Apply to: Harold Connell, Varna, P.O. Phone '12--96i, Hensall FOR SALE 2 Tamworth Brood Sows, one with litter of 8 at foot 2 weeks old. Apply to John A. Manson, Stanley, 21h miles north of Zurich. FOR SALE A nearly new Peter Hamilton cult- ivator, very cheap. Louis Prang, Zurich. FINAL NOTICE ThE NEW Chevrolet .Is Throughout a Metter Motor Car GOODYEAR TIRES SEIBERLING TIRES CHECK UP ABOVE STATEMENTS H. S. WEIN, Prop ',74,,%111117001) 1 ,OTOR CF+.F3V1{.`R FOUND Tn Zurich, a small sum of money. Owner can have same by proving amount, etc., and paying all costs. --Theo. Haberer, Zurich. NOTICE. TO CORN GROWERS (Re: Cord Borer Act.) All Corn Stubbies and Stalks must rithr r be ploughed under or picked.) up and burned before the 20th of May. OSWALD GINN, Inspector, Goderieb, Ont. HURON PRESBYTERIAL The meeting of the Huron Presby- toren resbyterail Woxnien's Mrs>ienery Society was held in the Jarnes St. United Church, Exeter, en Tuesday last, with an attendance of about 400 women and girls, with Mrs, J. E, Hogg, of. Clinton, presiding. After an open- ing serroice by the Thames Road Aux-.. Wary, the welcome address was f;lv en by Mrs:. (Rev.) 11IeTavish, of Ex - aster. Them followed the roll call, which .hewed 62 auxiliaries, 1 Y. W. auxiliary, 14 Mission Circles, 7 C,G.I. T. groups, 83 : Mis, ion Bands 7 Baby Bands, totaling 124 organizations. The reports from the different secret- aries were very encouraging showing progress ss along every line after wh- ich the treasurer reported receipts Mr, and Mrs. Ev. Fahner, and Mr, totaling Ed'Dr. I3arnby,of Christ Fahner of Crediton, were Sun- Blyth, brought greetings from the pr:, day visitors at the home of Mr. and esbytery. The -morning session 'los- Mrs. S. 'Martin, ,Babylon Line.• ed by Mrs. Folliek. The afternoon .,c Sion was opened at 2 O'clock by the Hemnsall Auxiliary, followed by a question drawer conducted by Mr;.. W. P. Lane df. Seaforth. Rev. Gil- christ, of 5t Catharines, and Jessie Weir were the speakers of the after - noels and were followed by a piano duette and a Missionary story by Miss Sweet of 1:x.e tc-r. The election of of- ficers took place and they were in- stalled ley Rev. Clarke of Goderich. A :.plc ndi dinner was supplied at 12 o'clock in tae basement of the church by the ladia of James St. church. The of ftc e i, : Past President; Mrs. J. E. Hogg, Clinton; President, AIrs. Mollard, Exeter; ist Vice, Mrs. T. Gibson, Wroxeter; 2ncl Vice., Mrs. Lane, Seaforth; 3rd Vice, Mrs; Wigh- The nice sun and. dry winds the tman, Blyth; 4th Vice, Mrs. Anthony past few days has made our village Thames Rd.; Recording secy, Miss streets somewhat dusty, and as soon Consitt, Hansell; Con.-secy., Mrs. asthe weather gets warm enough to Gardiner, Clinton; Treasurer, Mrs. keep the doors open, we will soon be Greer, Winghanm. The 193o meeting wishing the streets were oiled, to of Huron Presbyterial will be held in keep this unwelcome dust settled. Seaforth. -.Mr. . and Mrs. George Fee and daughters of 'Hensall, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Fee's mother, MTs. H. Lipphardt• . Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust and Pon Harold of Mitchell, -were Sunday vis- isors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. The trout season opened last week. The maximum catch is 20 fish not over ten pounds in alit and the minimum lentil is seven 'licher.. Mrs. E. Bender and son gdwin, and Miss Carr of Blyth, Were week- end visitors 'at the home of Mrs. Lydia •Pfile and other relatives. In the Town Hall, Zurich, on Mon- day evening, May 20th, the Young People of Hensall United Church, Will render the play "Sunny Jane", under the auspices of Zurich Evangelical Young People. Resented seats 35c. rush seats 25c. 'Plan of hall will be ready at Gascho's store, Saturday, May 11th. The villagers received a rather un- pleasant serenade on 7aesday evening ,when someone ,r the village brought in a shipment of fire -crackers, and the younger fellows had great fun shoot- ing them oil; while it vas a great an- noyance to many others, and with many holdups and bandits these days one did not actually know at first if Zurich was being invested by such a gang, or if it was only boy's pranks. We think a better place to shoot these noisy things off 'would be • to take a little. trip down tte the fair grounds, and then let them go as fast as you like. Boys' Work A Meeting of th 'Boys' Work Board for S. Huron was held in the Popular: United Church, Hensel', on _llonximy, Zurichs' J1L I' DOMESTIC WANTED April 21st. The meeting was pr :i;t- Good, Reliable Girl to help around ed over by Rev. J.M. Colling of Gr- p L .T MARKET .ET the house.Duties not heavy, liberal .and Bend. denominationsaRepresentatives ;noun the �11different having boys' wages. Inquire at The News -Record ,Clinton, Ont. 434 groups frown Clinton, Seaforth, Ex- eter, Kippen, Grand Bend, Hensall, were present. Arrangements w{arc made for holding a boy's camp at Grand Bend the first week in July. All boys belonging to the Trail Ran- gers or Tuxis Squares are eligible to attend.. Our Police Trustees have added �T l �p another improvement to the fire hall ,1.. un g F�'jlut �L Son.. by placing near the door a closed in i� box with a glass front thereon, and containing a key to the fire hall This however is to be used, by breaking the glass, for fire only, and is a very practical way of depositing this key. Recently a number of revolving eau's, have been placed on the fire truck to earrk the hose on, and are very hecos Sable when wound around these reels. A very regretable fact about the lire protection equipment is that there is no one at present who has volunteer- ed to act as fire chief, but wo hopes that before long something wil de- velop e-velop that someone will take charge when a fire actually does Lake place, and see that everything is kept in redainess for an emergency call.. ANNOUNCING 'CHAT WE HAVE PURCHASED 11FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT a1Bc DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB FOR SALE 1923'Ford Coupe, also 4 -wheel cat .LISHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND tie trailer, both are in good condition "SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Will sell very cheap. . - John Dieterich, R.R.2, Dashwood. inesestsecsitootoseactwareete cOAL 1929 Announcement iSPRING PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR -Scranton. Coal Coke Alberta Coal. and Soft -Coal :SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 Cts ,Per Ton will be allowed for cash. 'i'Drcler Early as prices will advance on June 15th. Case & Son *Awn* 35, HENSALL NOTICE. A limited number of cattle will be taken for pasture on Part Lots 8 and 9, Con. 6 Hay Township. Apply to Henry Tr3iemrier, Zurich, Ont. EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Combe Anconal. Good laying strain, and from choice stock. Price per dozen 35e. Hy. Eickmeier, Zurich tf87 WANTED We are in the market for a limited =aunt a good potatoes, act quick. L. Sdhilbe &Gaon, Zurich 4•1,1.410.1** FOE SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 42)i c. per pound. 1 Feed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kalbfleisclh, Zurich. LIVE POU LTRV1 WANTED it akest every day till 3 O'clock,p T1 ^IBi�R ;Tacit teed Fowl emcee nett eing when brought ha. i ii�est Cask P rices SABY CHICKS Hatched in the Huron Mammoth, Me cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going, Cleans the air from the hatching trays before it mixes ' with the eggs by patent process, Barred Rode, amok-- White Leghorns I 'FM— Order. early. No deposit required. Price . guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment.'' T+�,a.11'rii and Eggs Custom hatch- > ing S4 for one hundred, $15 for five s d huhdre+d e N a ,� Brie 0 Phone 97r4, Hen sail J,, :G.. Mckinlex. tf432 In this week's issue we are again publishing the list of the business men of town who have signed the p't- ition and who are going to observe Wednesday afternoon of each week: as a half holiday for the summer months Considerable comment was made to this subject last year, in the press, but it went over big again this year, as most of the surrounding towns have already begun the first of May, and Zurich is falling in line and start ing on 1VIay 11th, to September 25th. Probably the business in most towns that is hit the worst is the weekly newspaper, tht has Thursday as CIA'' publication day, and of course do their printing on Wednesday after- noon, just when every other business - Man i$ enjoying the halfholiday. We might say that with the co-operation Warship 10 A. M, . ..,.,. ; of the correspondents and advertisers Subject --A Mothers' Day Message and some night work on Tuesday ov- ening we will try this summer and al- so observe this hour of rest, Se in :future all correspondence mast be in no later than Tuesday even;ng, and changesemnents no later than Monday evening, we ask Worship: 7.30 P. M. our customers to kindly bear this in Subjp i:- Mother'd Day Prom grains nmind and ca -operate with us during these ,tow months* ZURICH'S HALF -HOLIDAY 1929 • ,This certifies that we, the Uuder- signed agre°ea to close our places of Business every Wednesday afternoon for a halt' -holiday, beginning on May 15th, and ending September, 25th; l 929. Wm O llrc•in & Son. Chas. Fritz & Son. E. Oc Ali W. L. Siebert. Wan. ?t, osee, J. Gascbo & Son. Stade & Weido. L. W. Hoffman. Johnston & Kalbfiei ach. W. G. He & Sou. T. L. Wurm. J. W. NI:e herr. L. ;' hill,a & Son. George Hess. Edwin W Zurich Flour Mills. Andrew P. Hess. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran f Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.;.5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Friday, 8h: Luther League. Everybody Welce;ue to all Services. Pastor. E. Tuerkheim, Farm. Implements r w+ WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND s WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND O F t --MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL • lr GIVE YOU .MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF. PUMPS; - N G P MP$, .PIPING ' AND FITTINGS,, AND RESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL g We have the Agency for this District. + GARAGE SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, et 0: CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY .IES; AND KIND OF AUTO 0.+ PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAMI. al DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE.. t' BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED to • encs, Tubes, Gas, Gifs- and Greases t m . _,. . rang +4.0+4,1•+++++++++++ The Zurich e a s CF I I IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR. OR FRENCH DOORS a, LET US QUOTE 'YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND 4. 'I' KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVE :Y it (I IR ..: 4., , ..,. , 4.. PHONE 69 ZS URICH 1 ::•°t"..+*+÷. 4 -,,..• ,.+ k°+.tis,, , ++ e•°. ,4. ., '.. sti Y e 0 iS 0 • _ We have opened up a Garage Announeement o O IN THE STAND FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Mr. LENNIS 49 O'BREIN AND FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COMMERCIAL e HOTEL BARNS 0 ® AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT IIIECNANICAL 40 ..SERVICE ON REPAIR WORK; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS.... e WE SOLICIT THE PUBLIC'S PATRONAGE oo WHITE STAR AND STAROLINE GASOLINE © • Oils Greases Tires FAIRBAIEN & HIJIDSON ZURICH a emeaselataeeeemze18eooesese teseeseEiSf, eeee .. DAY. AND NIGHT SERVICE Phone 149 3 e 0 5) **en,004,6e,®ge riWafiVVVAWMANVAMMWAGAWMisdaitiVit Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — Wholesome Thoughts Stop, Look, Listen Some fellows drive as if they :fear- ed they would not get there in time for the smashup, but it is better to put on the brake, than to have a break in the family. Iii the end, the things that count, are the things you cannot count, why Weil should I travel at a galloping stampeding speed in the pursuit of the eaithly . and crawl along at a snail's pace in the religious? Seek ye hist the :Kingdom of God said Jesus, Forward with God in 1929 is a good. motto. God never bids us go unless He Makes possible the going. The Secret of success is righteous - in principle and constancy in purpose All 'things that are worth winning are costly. What is a fall.. or a failure, but a call to try again. The :nares of today all vanish a- way as the future beckons us on. Keep sailing, never' drift. Only liv- ing fish are up streamers. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m: --Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.30 p.m.—Senior League Friday 8.30 p.nz.—Chown Practice SUNDAY SERVICE$ 11 ia.m.+.,Bible School, A Co -To -Sunday Schoch Integrant will be rendered in the Bible Scho- of Session at 11,00 A.M. X. E,. Gaucho, Su+perintor,,d nt, 11144 . x• ley »v. Zurich Drug Store Stationery We keep writing tablets of • sees. Envelopes and Boxed Stationery aid fine Toilet Articles and isr er irsc w [. School Supplies of all kinds et, Putnam's Z of▪ f KODAKS AND FILIMS Preparations Diamond Dyes '' and Fadeless Dyes .Ver Al .MacKinnon,.Z rio et wu -