HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-09, Page 44 4,41444.144,04++4444 4,1488+888888 Ciosi Out Quitting 4?ess ON AN TILL EVERYTHING ?S SOLD • r Which is all fi 't• '4 8 . 4, 8 T* •f' 4 0 nn F � •-L-ai V .4. y4 y4 M M .,L Z4 foci( First )uality New a o Goods e k' being o tw :erect to the Public that at prices r all move them quickly See Large Posters for fuller information And be sure and reap the benefit or this Gigantic Money Saving Event ' Phone 140 ZURICH, 11$91tA1,D Mr, and NMJ. Hoffman and filly and Mr- tald drs, R. Eckstein aed Mr. S. Bete•i`ten of I.4cmcie , were Sun- day visna se m town, Don't forget the date of the Band concent May 15th in the Lutheran chug ch shed where there will be a gored laugh for everyaite, A number of friends el Rutile Mary and John Meyergathered at; their home on Wednesday. evenings During the evening Ruth and Mary were presented with an electric bed- room lamp andm, John. with' a belt af- ter which a dainty lunch was served, Rev. F. D, ;11Iey'ez wfl1 lrreaele his farewell sermon on Sundayevening, Rev. Meyer and family will move to Briddgepert on G12ondaywhere he has been. stationed, DRYSDA ,E A 'Vere enjoyable event was spent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rau, when they enteitl,ined a number of young folks on April 30th,it be- ing the occasion of the T 7th anniver- sary of the birthday of 'their daught- er, Flo'renee. The evening was spent in games, , 'music 'and ringing. The lunch table was centered with a beau- tiful birthday cake decorated With seventeen burning; candles. Miss Florence was presented with a num- ber of beautiful and servieeable birth- day gifts and • the best wishes of her many friends. Mr. John Ducherme. met with a painful accident one day recently when a horse kicked hint on the arni. MCrs. Trefley Laporte of Detroit spent a -few clays with her parents, Mr. and Mier. Peter Corrivetiu, but has retui'aed to the city. Mr. and Mrs. Marcil Laporte and the Mesere Lev. and Napoleon Den- oanme of Detroit, :pent Sunday with friende and relatives. Mre. Victoria T)c'irormee•, who sp-> ent the winter in Introit 'and Mar- Report of S. S. No. 4, Hay, for the Jas, 1 i i st;,' le to contractor for. the south wesrt +rain, intends to start the work tlls week, The' melon men hale about, complet- ed tear the season the. dutch, sets that have been stored here all winter and are busily .engaged pianting,..the newi crop, Will Simpson., of Detroit, visited With relatives in town.. 1 -lis mother, Mrs. Lou Simpson, returned ' to Des, troit with him. Dr. and Mrs, G. F. Smith and yo- ung son of St. Marys, were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. C. Petty. Boss and Brazier, who have the contract for paving the London Road from Kippen to Clinton, are unload- ing their machinery and intend to start work as soon as possible. The machinery belonging to he Highway Department which has been at the gravel pit for the fast year, has been loaded and shipped away, Mrs. Ed. Schaffer, who has spent the last two weeks visiting her daugh ter to Port Rowan, returned home. The many friends of Mr. George Hudson Were glad to see him out on the street again , after his recent se- vere illness. Earl Drummond has started a hot dog stand in front of his butcher shop; and on Saturday evenings Is doing quite a bueiues.. Wm; McLaren,. is erecting a new garage on his property on S. Rich- nrond St. A reuniter of the old frame build- ings at the back of King street ate. being torn down and cleared up. This part of the village has-been a fire trap for years, and their removal makes a far better appearance: Georg. I'h'se nutde a business trip to 1,'indoor the pest week. SCHOOL REPORT gi»- ;i»»d .• r i i ;»4 43 ,4 lire City, ha:` returned to her.bomefor tilt? Mrs. Jo,. Duch r,e has returned hone ni tee spendirrg a W=eek with her daughter Mrs. Frank Chambers, at Goderieh. 11 It -• Atnutbel Ducharme, who spent a the tinter in Seaforth, has returned home. - .0 s NOW IS THE TIME OF THE YEAR TO THINK OF YOUR SEEDS FOR SPRING SOWING AND PLANTING. WE HAVE A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL THE LEADING GRASS SEEDS ON HAND, AND CAN ASSURE YOU GOOD QUALITY. QUANTITY OF GOOD SEED BARLEY NOW ON HAND, ALSO CHOICE SEED PEAS 1 4� a 4 a s 0 YOUR 129 COAL NOW IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO PUT IN YOUR SUPPLY OF COAL FOR NEXT WINTER. OUR SPECIAL IN - c DUCEMENT IS 50 CENTS OFF FOR CASH SALE, AND BESIDES 'WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES FOR SUMMER DELIVERIES. -1 ACT NOW! it L. Sebe & Son e -e -tee •temwat +ie0ene seeee srreeo*cese:ta •taeGe9sase•le••feleMe••! 1OMSAME SHEEP Vint lose 10% to 15% of .your wool by 3511 -fashioned shearing methods. The new 5tewart'ball-bearing shearing, machine will velem you time and labor and give you no% mora wool year after year, from the %tame number of sheep. &very pound of ' tool is real money. ',llvery pound left on the sheep is real -.•anon,—=thrown away. S11EAib Y3Y 1L1`0131.ND tewart Shearing Machine leaves no waste. 18o1 ridges—shears evenly all over—all long *taple wool, brings to prices. 'Iniures aaheep much less than hand blades. Saves 4bearera' 'wages. Use Stewart No. 9 Sheep Shearing Machine heyecn tap use it. No soma cuts, Stade & Weido ZURICH — ONT. fILLSGREEN ?IVlfr. George Coleman shipped a. .sail 0aI Of cattle Ie fro m Kippen on Sat- s*' and Mrs. Alf Ings of Varna, Vete Sunday visitors with Mrs. L. ;byes. .3101.. I%, Cochrane and daughters, zs Attic nnd Agnes O Clinton: o n, int a iew days with Mrs. bT, Fuss Mr. and Mre. Roy Consitt of Kip - pen were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mr,. R. McAllister. Miss Muriel Carlile of Clinton, sp- ent the week -end at the home of her parents. Mr. and'Mrs. P. Campbell of Hay were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 13. Love, Mr. Gllenn Love and 14Ir. Fred Waters of Hamilton visited with fri- ends on Sunday. Mr. F. Stelck visited with his bro- ther in Varna recently, who is on the. sick list. Mr,. Robert. Mousseau and baby re- turned to their home near Hensall, after spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mee. E. Broderick, Mrs. R. N. Douglas and daughter, Miss Gladys of Blake, payed a flying Visit with friends here on Monday. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Frank McClinchey and his mother, Mrs. Robert McClinchey, sp- ent Sunday with relatives at Aub- urn. Miss Ruby Erratt spent the week- end with friends in Seaforth. Next Sunday will he observedin our churches: as "'Mother's 1)ay" and " Co to Sunday School Day", when a special program will be given. Rev. Jae. Penrose and Mr. Geo. Coleman attended Presbytery Last we, ek at Exeter, Mae Coleman Was ap- pointed lay -delegate to attend the an- nual Conference t London. DASHWoot Miss Mary i3urk of Wooddstoek is visiting at the home" om"`" eof g Mr. aridMrs, Chas. Guenther, • Mr, and Mrs. F. Morena and fam- ilyof Detroit spent the keek-end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs, E. Bender and Archie of Myth were Sunday visitors here. Mr. Gordon Cailfas of Samar spent NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the (estate of Lisette Reichert late of the Village of Zurich in the County of Huron; Spinster, who died on the, twenty' -sixth day of March A, D. 1929, are required- to forward their claims daly proven to the under- signed on or before the 27th day of May, A. D. 1929, AND 'NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Administrator will proceed to distrib- ute the e: tate having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter this seventh day of May A. D. 1929. GI adman ,&,:Stanbury, Hensel' and Exeter,. Solicitors for the Administrator THE :ONTARIO RAILWAY AND MUNICIPAL BOARD (P. F. A---2211) IN THE MATTER of the Applic- ation of the Municipality of Tucker - smith for approval of an annual charge of $15.00 to Subscribers to The Tuckersmith Municipal Tele- phone System, the said charge, to in - chide all battery renewals, APPOINTMENT FOR IIEARING The Ontario Railway and 11lunie- ipal Board hereby appoints Wednes• day, the Fifteenth Day of May, A D. 1929, at the hour of a quarter past one o'clock in the afternoon (Railway Titus), in the Tow' Hal in the Town of Clinton, for hearin; the above application. All person having an interest in this matter ane desiring to be heard are directed to attend at the time and place afore said. Dated at Toronto this .Seventeent Day of April, A. D. 1929. II. C. SMALL, Secretary. I-JENSALL Wm. Bander has moved into the house on Brock st.,' recently occupied by Walter Beggs, James Vance has eturted'the, erect. ion of a new house on 1i15 property on Eich non st west, ' Roy Parhner is putting nine hund red pounds of Shelot onions this miring on the farm of Wm. Buelrinan `ie is certainly becoming eerie( onion king, and no doubt will Have, his summer r work ctlt out. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet ;ase have been very busy the past week reno- vating and fixing up their apartm- ent over the bake shop..'he expect cot to live in shortly, y 1 A. large number of men arc, intriv» mouth of ,tr.•11. Sr. I'a - -Clare Surerus. 420. Jr. IV– OiSee r Maeee 507. Sr. III ---Della Smith 580, Jr. III---Nornra Geronette 492, Laura Masse 450, Emmerson Erb, 447, Alice Erb 444; Dorothy Gesello 423. Jr. TI ---Gertrude Thiel 408, Den- nis Masse 239, Let -Rota Masse 407, Grace Ortv'- sir 400, Claire Geiger 333, `Gerald Masse 252 Primer---Ddelore Masse 178. Beginners --- Ernest Masse, Clare ilia. s e. Teacher, Lylyan Martin. COUNTY NEWS • Hydra is extending the line from Brueetield to Kippen this week and in the course of a few weeks this vil- lage and community will be all lighted up. Gilbert Freckleton of Exeter, and formerly of Blake, and who has be- en employed With the Imperial Oil 'Company, has been promoted to take charge of the business at Deem Mr. R.. Ellis is taking Mr. Freckleton's work in Exeter. A steer which was tieing delivered at Exeter station the other day by L. Richard: of Usborne, for Byron Hicks, of Centralia, fell and broke its neck while in the act of being un- leaded from an auto truck. The steer was somewhat wild and was roped in the truck, and upon being released made a dash with the above results. The vote on the by-law to grant as- sessment to the Goderich Elevator and Transit Co., Limited, on the new 'annex will be on Friday, May 10th, and it is hoped the ratepayers will give the proposal their hearty sup- port and endorsation. Some thieving has been going on from the gagare of W. J. Beer, Ex- eter, recently a bycicle was stolen and a few day Iater a pair of bridles that were in for repairs, were also stolen_ About fifty members of the Young People's League of Main Street Un- ited Church, Exeter, motored to the Huron County Holme at Clinton the other evening and entertained the in- mates to a splendid musical and lit- erary program, Mr, W. G, Medd, M.L.A., very ably " filled the chair. Following the program treats of or- anges, candies, etc,, were distributed among the inmates of the home. During the past week there were 4 grain boat arrivals at Goderich har- bor, the Quedoc from Ft. 'Williams. with. 74,000 bushel's of screenings, 40,000 bush. of oasts and 53,000 bush. of wheat; the Saturn from Milwauke with 320,000 bush of oats, and the Arita C. Minch from Ft, William, discharged 212,000 bush of oats and 55,000 bush of wheat, the Holley with 208,000 bush of wheat. The Coal - haven from Toledo, unloaded 2,600 tons of coal. at Weetern Flour Mills plant. There passed away on Apdil 27th John A, Erwin, at the hone of hie brother, Alford Erwin, Bayfield. De ceased was the sJon of George and Annie Irwin and was born in Bayfield .&ugC1st 26th,` 1804, and his earlylife was spent at his home, For some ye- il e I lake and spent a• airs he sailed c thes p bout ten years in Edmonton. About two weeks before Christmas he and Alferd visited thein brother Robert at Toledo, who is ilh Far the pant two month he has been living wit} A:lfrecl.; bc;l'ni'e that time be was liv mg daily to work at pavintlt t, tl» ien ler eso lmleh " f r, �! to tl a few days in tom last week. fp doze (toad, lee utr lYlorlda . 29th ixoua th Tiunxsr ay; Aar 9t1'i., 1929 eee- r':""'•-�.....,�-m'+:. , ung,_.. .-`1: 4 V 0 pat: ..4 yd A•A A Ai ` I. 4 , e� A� !+ 'm' ifs ra a r?� r, .�dOl11c • ,la • `'esvel HROUGHOUT Canada the Bank of Montreal is, daily loaning funds to re- sponsible farmers, to assist them in their business. This Bank is at all times prepared to advance loans on terms consis- tent with sound banking. Established 1817 sets ir9, excess or $370,OQO,000 rich Branch: C. H. JOY„ Manager. 6 'let tires 0 o our / lHoh.ay / BEN you plan that trip, be sure to plan your tires.. You :can't enjoy yourself if you're worrying about bbmwouts all the time. Drive around here and let us equip your car with Do. zni lion Royal Cords or Royal Masters. They are a. sound foundation for a carefree holiday. We .have absolute confidence in these Dominion Tires: We have watched thele in service and we know they ;will deliver the mileage. Ddlrion Royal Cords are the standard by which tires are judged --- Royal Masters are in a class by themselves We have Dominion Tires for every car at papular prices„ DOM1NIONTIRE DEPOT L lit+CI ...w .w ..»,....,.I 1Wousseatt. !horde of A. Erwin to the l3ayfield e cemtex. Rev. ..IVI.Gale conducted 3�, theservices assisted by TVI Wilkie. x. 'ill,' . George A, .'Stanley, prominent bus- 'nessman of 'litaian, and one of the 'most, widely known churchmen in • We stsrn. Ontario, died in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday last af.- er a• brief illness. He was in his 66 ear,.. Ways iLtltbA hardware and eoall businessandtook art active p a iletA the municipal life of Lucan. J.+'or 3[1 years he was clerk of the tnunicilral- ity. Always an active worker in diff church circles, he taught Sunday sok. ool for 49 years. During the past 881 years he has been leacic'v of an O rg.- anized class of young men, As mow, local preacher he was widely ltretil� throughout AreittozAX3ti�I'iblo w - .1 1