HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-09, Page 1-Vol. XXIX No 44 h bi ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY .9 (929. :1 SARA BARG 1r Received a shipment of waterproof .qp Robes which 1 am retailing far be- -0) ; prices low Catalogue prices get youry s at k Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL n ZURIPH ,e4,044' 4, .14kiikal Mann INS. lees 4b 9.1 aeb 1, 01,0*, **4.41 4Y• 0 ..*,0O••e400i.044 1.0 .08 00.000 t Chanter ao;•• 43,004Patine *1.5 L1L&RRIIARS.$2 Me.1.X BE UlAR011 1r ediumbetween Buyer and Se11pr. Try asp. • HAY COUNCIL. : 'The regular meeting of the Conn- ell of Hay Township was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Moiiday,May 6th. All the members were present. The minutes of the last meeting• and. of the special meeting held. Aprii.27th were adopted as. read. • Commuu ications: , A letter was laid before the domi- cil from the Department of Agricult ure, Ontario, re Weed.. Control. The Clerk was instructed to notify all Weed inspectors to Strictly enforce the Noxious Weed Act. A letter, from P Mclsaao, enclosing a report on: 'the Dashwood Centre' from Mr. A. D. Morton, Connecting Company • Service Inspector, was con- sidered. Mr. Morton,, recommended that the switchboard at Dashwood Central be brought lip to date by the addition of' some new parts. The Clerk was authorized to order the necessary material. Letters were received from Murray & Nicholson, who have• been award- ed the contract of constructing the' Jeffrey Drain, and from 3. 3. Conolly contractor, for "the • :McDonald Drain, stating that the work would be pro - Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koehler and family of Kitchener, were Sunday visitors with Zurich 'friends.' Mr. and Mrs. • Gid. Koehler were Sunday visitors with the latter's par- ents at Bayfield. Mr. George. Tolland of Detroit, motored over and spent the week -end in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender and family of Blyth called at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile on Sunday evening. Messrs. George Gram of Hensall, accompanied by Mr. Chambers of Seaforth called on Zurich friends onr Saturday. N[rs. L. Heideman is spending a few days this week at Guelph, where she is visiting her husband, Mr. Eg- bert Heideman', who is taking treat- ments at that city. Mr. and MN. H. MeKiney, bridal uple of Toronto, are visiting at the h.me of the bride's brother, Mr. and rs. Thos. Meyers, of town, and also o 'ler relatives in 'the community. Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman and au'ghter Miss Lillie; Mr. and Mrs. ussell Eckstein and Mr. S. Betchen of London, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin, Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang, accomp- anied • by Mrs. J. Fuss motored to Lei An on Thursday, and while there paid a visit to Mr. John Fuss, who is recovering nicely after his recent and rather serious operation for bladder trouble. 1 Qutflttin,g, Days in Men's Women' en' 14 and Children's Shoes, • 1) x•� a 'THE LARGEST. 1VMST ,COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING 13T-- t WEAR IN OUR UISaURY, DEPICTING THE NEWEST„ SMART- .,, . EST FASHIONS OF THE HOUR, AT THE WELL KNOWN LOW c r• PRICES MOST POPULAR STILES YOE SPRING WEAR,; INCLUDED ARE:. POMPS, TIM) TIES, OM STRAP, CUT-OUT STYLRS, PATENT T.ANATT4PaS, TOSS, SPANISH, SPT, CUBAN, AND MTV HEELS. REPAIRING A.I,RING 11TEA1 Y DONE Browne SIS R cot :Shop WINDOW DISPLAY timated expenditure on Township Road for 1929, and by-law No. 8- 1929 confirming appointment of W. J Jarrott as Township Road. Superin- tendent be read three, times and fine ally'°passed. se That a grant of $13.00 be made tee towards a drain on Road No. 14. 4 That J. Roger, O.L.S., a civil eng- aineer, be appointed as engineer under 4) The Municipal Drainage Act, to re- Mr., and Mrs. John Truemner• and .D port on. the West Branch Drain, a family, accompanied by the former's ,ecb y linenof the Hay Swamp Dram, and mother, Mrs. E. Trueinner of Detroit if he finds it necessary to make a re- were week -end visitors in the village. le port, ,survey, specifications, etc., to ,put the Drain into its oroginal work- ea ixig condition. 0 Si a • a a 2 That accounts covering payments :on Township Roads, Telephone Ac - .counts be passed: Township Roads --T. Ayotte, pay lists 56.87; S. Rupp pay list 7.75; J. Desch. 15.00; L. Kalbfleisch 3.00; S. Martin 3.50; J. Ronnie 21.65; E. Ga- bel 15.3'7; W. Ducharme 44.60; E. .Jarrott 8.00; S. Hoffman 8.00; 141. Russell 13.35.; M. Corriveau 4.50; W. Grenier 49.35; F. Haberer 3.25; T. Kyle 5.00; J. Parke 43.57;. • 0 '2aelephone Accounts ---Bell Teleph- :one moo., tolls, Feb. 21 to April 20, ���BlOIb�Q1A�+Il*�11P��6� .;7; Northern Electric Co., mat- • eviel 425.19; E. 'Guenther, freight and ra,rtage 33.33; Dept. Public High wales, 'trailer license 3.00; Zurich Con tral,switc7ting 80.00; M. G. Reitz, sal - 1 dry, car and 91.00. +ed►ed►H►eseaeia6e.. oe.eseeeear�dReeeee.�e+ome General Accounts -Ontario batteries 91.00. HoSpit- A al, C.Rupp 3 months 39.00; J. Hey e Jr lumber, nails and labor re fence Spn g Samples jUOT JRRIYED SPL DID RANGE Get Your New Spring Suit giCI7it ea Now . 410 GASCIECOM aLa wrist. ' 4,.......40414444000,0044460A46401.400.0647, at hall 8.70; F. Ducharme, fees Scho of Att. Officer 1,50; A. Smith, Theas. Q McGillivray. Tp., portion payable by o Hay Tp., an Ptsbe & Aux Sable Riv- e. ers By-law 191.50; S. S. No. 3, Dei - t• egate D.E.A. 1928 10.00. eThe Council adjourned to meet a- d gain on Monday, Jane 3rd, at 1.30 0 o'dloelt, p.m. e ... A. F. Hess, Clerk. 4. •0 e • • o e 4 e 0e 4 o. • o 4 0 O' 0 , fir dgea.tion riiiEONIN ET ,0 1: E. Desch,.. . gen. Watch This Space for Kelvinator The latter Mrs. Truemner remained in Zurich, where she will spend the summer months in her home here. Don't forget to attend the spicy lecture in the Evangelical church, to- night, Wednesday evening, given by Rev. Coiling of Grand Bend, on the popular subject "The Seven Great Mistakes of Life". It sure will be worth you while to attend. Tiine 8 o'clock. ,Grand Bend Youths in Trouble Russel McGregor, age 24, of Grand Bend, has 'confessed to London Police that he was the hit-and-run driven of the auto which last Wednesday night at Springbank Park struck Miss D. Suiers, Queen Alexandra Sanitorium domestic, causing Injuries from which she died. Win. Down, age 21,. and Howard DesJardine, both of Grand Bend were also arrested as accomp- ants of the death car. McGregor gives as his reason for not stopping, that he ' had been drinking. Miss Spiers was about to board o motor bus at the entrance to the Park, when the car came with terf au ,;peed an.d hitting her, fracturing both legs, and crushing in her skull, from. which ef- fects she never gained consciousness and died two hours later. A meeting of the Directors of Zurich Agricultural Society was held last Thursday evening. Mr. John A. Snaith was appointed 1st vice -Presi- dent to succeed the late John. Decker Jr. Mr. Ed Haberer was appointed 2nd Viee-President, and Mr. Garnet Deters was appointed, a Director to fill the balance of 1929. It was de- cided to have the Ladies' Work in the Prize List revised and so arranged to take care of the newer varieties of fancy work and strike out many of the sections now out of date. The Property Committee was authorized to have a new woven 'Wire fence er- ected along the front of the grounds and to re -construct the ticket ofilee. It was also decided to add to the Rules and Regulations a clause pro- viding that every exhibitor making over fifteen entries will be charged five cents for each entryover fifteen, payable at the time when entries are made. Speeding events, walking con tests, horseshoe games and bicycle race will be the sect ll attractions on Fair Day. 1 Are You Proud To Show Your WATOEL LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5.00 TO $25. GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERY POPULAR $8.00 TO $20.00 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY The Jamb T IMPORTANT FUEL Announcement Effective at Once We beg to announce a reduction e5 50c. per ton from the winter prices,, on all Grades of Anthracite Coal., In addition, we will allow a discount of fro, per ton for CASH PAYMENT ONLY, on Anthracite and All grade., of Fuel. Pricer on Anthracite will advance ant.. June 15th. Take advantage of these Rock Bottom Prices, and layyyin your supply now :J' .df The r1; :na& and Only D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL .mous D. & H. LACI .;WANNA COAL Noted for .its great heat. 1�. .. Cie: H IN SALL O NT )ifice 16e, House Phony I. 4. +€+ .,. 4 ri 3 + + +i +4,++ 4.4 i +4444+ 4-d +y 4.44•.•+ 4.+4 > ' f;'g' . :IGH CLASS USTOA At Your } +, 9 j� $ • r, *n r 1927 Ford Coach late model in perfect eoa+iitiori, t •c. •. and p i :" like new, 5 baloon tire.., and 1029 lie,;e,e. I`ord Sedan in the best of mechanical shape. Priced at $125.00. See this car if- you v.ant- cheap transportation. 1026 Ford Tudor. If you are on the iro.rket for a model T Tudce see this ear thats just like new. Ford Coupe in good contht§an, oTtipp,i41 it i.�_i nee. reeese and S h"'cic absorbers, Priced at $110.00. 1925 Ford Coach, full baloons, new license, good. elea upholstering and this car has lots of pep. ESSEX SEDAN, late Model at a Bargain. Ford Tourings priced at $30 to $50.00. 1927, 1 Ton Chevrolet truck with new Iicense and in good canditien at a bargain.Price for some one. Ford Touring at $20.00, with new license. WE WILL TEACH YOU TO DRIVE THE CAR. YOU BUY 3 BUGGIES FOR 'SALE CHEAP. See Our used cars and compare condition and prices with, othn ... 0 F ITZ & SON AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX CARS. A SEX Elva. THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. ASK. FOR A DEMON- STRATION. EMONSTRATION. SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT H.AIi ' PRECN p.ll.`i'.j.'l.'i'.l..l.'[..1'.l..l..l'+1t.";.'j +44.4 PA'1"p'l.+.l.'F.,l..l..i.'l.`g..l.'1.'p F'.g.' +++++++ 4M We have o oiled Our first shipment of S. _ i Summer Dry Got WE ALSO CARRY A. FULL LINE OF H. HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, CROCERII ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP SUPPLII LAMPS, AND REPT IRS FOR NEW PERFI JES WE SOLICIT YOUR PATR.ONA Re Ns DOLIGA GENERAL 45FRQfz1A' PHONE 11 - 97 a r' . S$ REP.& GARDEN AND DR ALADDIN i COAL OIL