Zurich Herald, 1929-05-02, Page 5#1lrsd'a:y, 1Vtay 2nd, 1929. '110.1SINISS CARPI ETDLEIYE. HoIC,IV. c tIOAVRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT LARY PUBLIC, ETC". ►l ICE—Uamilton Street, Ji*at off * Square, OODEErCH, Ontario. ':pita al attention to Conneol end Co .artr Wo h 1 Holmes) mag be consulted at illoalefriell by Phone, and I'tsoue chargee reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D.D i. DENTAL SURGEON Al DEITZ BLACK—ZURICH 1! yery Thursday, Friday, f.4atrada laic HARTL IB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Vorery Monday, Tuesday anti Wednesday A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E OSCAR KLOPP aradaxate Carey M. Jones Nat - Venal School of Aurtione#►ring, Try ewe:tor Registered Live Stock, ►.II Breede), Terms in keeping with, prevailing prices. Cholee 'Sharma for sale. Will well rtaxsythisig Anywhere, ,Mete 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer 'POR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - -tract any auction Sale, regardless ens.to size or article to sell. I ',solicit your business, and If riot {msitinfied will make nrr charge' los Be:r 1cea. Arthur Weber -- Deehwood. Thom* 19-57 THE NE Chevrolet Is Throughout a Better Motor Car GOODYEAR TIRES SEIBERLING TIRES CHECK UP ABOVE STATEMENTS H S. WEIN, - 'Prop =44.ASSUWOOi) MOTOR gr,ERVICB 4019000000041000000000000000 urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING,, 'EAI',' WE HAVE PURCHASER l 'ROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT. ett 11EIOT-T1 •RT, THIS WELL ESTAB sL1SHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE E Yunghlut & Son . ts.io••.e. sseemese•a•g-.tob COAL 1929 Announcement. A1? il'NG PRICES NOW IN EFFECT FOR Beranton Coal 'Coke Alberta Coal and Soft Coal AA 'SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 50 'Cts. ibex 'Ton will be allowed for cash. alraiar Early as prices will advance on June 15th, ,}' �,c• Case & Son .:4144nea 35 HENSA.LL LIVI3 POU LTRY WANTED la *Very doh file S e Woeh,p•» oat toed Fowl loam, noising wib. ee brought !ae„ w est Cash Prices Pr ...CAIN PON--; Camn and Eggs W. O'Brien alto a * 1 ram bio% Wants, Fir Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads. MS COI17 FOR SALE A nearly rtew• Peter Hamilton cult- ivator, very cheap. Louis Prang, Meehan 41. FINAL NOTICE; Final Notice is hereby given that alit persons who have not removed rubbish, etc., from the -village streets by May 10th next, will be prosecuted against under By -Law No. '7-1896, Township, of Hay. By Order, POLICE TRUSTEES., Village of Zurich. FOUND In Zurich,.:' small sum of money. Owner- can Have eatae by proving amount, etc., and paying .all costs. ''lace: Habeeer,. Zurich. NO CE. TO CORN GROWERS ( Re : Cord :Borer Act.) All Corn Stubbies and Stalks must either be ploughed under or picked up and burned before the 20th of May. OSWALD GINN, Inspector., Goderich, Ont. DOMESTIC WANTED Good, Reliable Girl to help around the ]Louse. Duties not heavy, liberal wages. Inquire at The News -.Record Clinton, On& 43-4 FOR SALE 1923 Ford Coupe, also 4 -wheel cat- tle trailer beth are in good condition Will sell very cheap.. John Dieterich, RR.2, Dashwood. -^-f FOR SALE OR RENT --Palace Hotel, (form- erly IIotel Schafer) Parkhill, Ont., reasonable. Apply on premises or write box 504, Parkhill, Ont. NOTICE. . A limited number of cattle will be tarsen for pasture on .Part Lots 8 and 9, Con. 6 Hay Township. Apply to f ren ry Truernner, ,Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A practically new ' 2 -wheel auto trailer for sale, at good value for the price asked. Apply Milne Rader, Dashwood. EGGS FOR "LATCHING From choice White Pekin Ducks, Apply to Melvin Smith, R.R.3, Zurich. FOR SALE A 18. -tooth M'. -Ir. spring tooth cul- tivator, with seeder attachment, in good condition. Apply to Jos. Drum., Zurich, Ont, EGGS FOR HATCHING Single Combe ,conas. Good laying y �' strain, and fiesta eIa+xice stock. 'Price per dozen 35e. Hy. .E:i,.kaaoier, .Zurich tf37 WANTED We are in the market for a limited tnxount of good potatoes, act quick. L. Setaa.ibe & Son, Zurich FOR SALE Ground 1+'Iaxseed in 90 pound bags at 4 aI c. per pound. • Feed a handful a day., Keep the Vet. away. Prost (C> Xelbileisch, Zurich. EIAR`'"• HICKS I•Iatelred in the Huron Mammoth, the cleanest and healthiest .hatching Machine goring; Cleats the air from the hatching treys before it Mixes with the eggs by patent process, Barred Rocks and White Legborns Oc'aie r early. No deposit required. Price guaranteed eat stactory ten clays before- sb i ouent. Gustom hatch- ing $4 for one huedred, $15 for five hundred s: $. Phone 97r4, /fen - .11e E. McKinley. tf-32 LUCAL.NEWS Zr, and Mrs, C; L, Smith motored to" Shakespeare on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- son. Mr. and Mrs, Emery Ruby and family of Kitchener were week -end visitors with the foruaer's' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Ruby, Miss Elsie, cafes, who spent a week or so with Zurich friends, has returned to -London, where she is on the hospital staf of Victoria Hos- pital of that city, Messrs. C. Fritz 4 Son, auto agents have during the past few days sold the following cars:.A good Chevrolet Coach to Henry (,aulcstetter.' of Dash- wood; a good used, Esex sedan. Messrs. Wm 0, Cal1fai, and Herb. Hey of London, eallod in the village on Tuesday, Mr. Hey also visited with his father, Mr. Christ. Hey of the Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Ayotte, who have been residents of the 14th con. Hay, for the paste winter, have now moved into their residence on Vict-f' oria Street, Zurich, and we welcome 1 them as citizens of our burg. Judge Lewis of C;odcrich presided at the local Tenth Division Court in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Tuesday afternoon. No c ases of any im.port- anec were brought up. Mr. Gabriel Holtzman left on Tues - clay for Kitchener, where he will re- side in future with his daughter, Mrs. J. B. Dennis. We regret very much to lose Mr. Holtzman as a citizen of Zurich, he being one of the oldest pioneers, and business men of the vil lage, but trust that he may enjoy many more years of retirement in that ever thrifty city. Mr. Bruce . Klopp is makin g pro- gress in wrecking the open shed pur- chased from Mr. Louis Sehilbe, and formerly known as the old Commer- cial Hotel sheds. Mr. I'aopp will use the material in the erection of colony houses, and other buntlines -required in Ids chicken business on the farm of his brother, Mr. Bert. Klapp. Al- ready a number of colony houses have been erected and are tieing in use with the wee chickies. The Evangelical League is spons- oring a Lecture by Rev. Mr. Colling of Grand Bend, to be given in the Evangelical Church on Wednesday evening, May 8th at 8 o'clock. The subject is "'The Mis- takes of Life" Don't miss this lec- ture. Mr. Colling is a very good speaker and this lecture promises to be very interesting ani instructive. Everybody Come! •theou will be res on ers will be held, and :::� Commit nnon, r Mr. Edmund Walper, of near D wood, had a narrow escape one recently when the four ?corse to which head hitched to :t harrow 1 away in the field whoa h:e stunibi In the fall his one foot ,:aught int harrow and he was dr.:�;.ged for distance of ten rods. Lustily he nu aged to retain the lines and so sto LI r uuaway horses Ile receiv a bad cut on the upper lip and hi leg was bruised. The monthly meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Women'; Institute will be held on May Gt11 thCncil Chambers. The Roll t,'u]1 by the paying of fees; i ithe program a demonstz Lt t as on Table Setting. The Annual I '.�etion of ofTi- c tee charge are Mrs. Ma:lCiMiss iss Pearl Wertz. Every lac is cordially invited to attend. ash day am nu ed. he a an_i op ed s Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. HERALD LOCAL NEWS Miss Lula Albrecht of Toronto, is visiting at her home here at present. Mr. and Mrs. Sheeley of Sebring- ville, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John England for a few days the paa week. . Mrs. M. i-;Lelck is moving into hours. in Zurich she recently pure ased from Mr. G. Holtzman. lMI .................................................... arm Irnplements M N* WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARIMPLEMENTS, A It• WILL BE GLAD TQ SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND 0`MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND ,THAT WILL the - h- GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF CAST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIIPIP+IG .ANL .l~ITTIN(;3 • • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. # o LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL 00 We have the Agency for this District. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Weber and Mrs. J. Sturdy of Ooderich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weber, . Mr, and Mrs. John Routledge and children Bobbie and Maida, of Dut- ton, spent the week -end with the for- 'n'errs parents, Dr. and Mr:. Jos. Routledge, Mr, John Laporte, the local Essex auto agent, has during the past week sold new cars to Messrs. T. L. Wurm and Toe. Haberer of the village. Mr. Laport says that this make of car is goiter over big this year. To Motoeiis---.Every driver of a motor c•-tr should protect 'himself by an auto accident policy. The cost is only $5.00 per year and it pays $25. per week indemnity for total disabil- ity and e l 2.50 per week for partial disability. .Also pays Hospital exp- enses, Nurses fees, doctor's bills, em- ergeiicy e:xi,ences and $1500 for loss of life. Apply to A. F. Hess, for this insurance. At a special meeting of the Coun- cil of the 'Township of Hay, held on Saturday evening, the applications received for the position of Road Superinteudent were considered. Four applications were received from Mes- srs Julius Block, E. Gabel, L. Schu- macher and Wm, J. Jarrott. After discussing matters fully a resolution was passed appointing Mr. •Win. J. Jarrott as superintendent. Me. Jar- rott has had considerable experience in road building as he had charge of the town line between Hay and. Stan- ley when the road was part of the county road system and since then has taken care of the road from the Babylon line to Kippen unser the township road system, FOR SALE FORD DEALER'S USED CARS 192.8 Essex Coach. 1927 Whippet Sedan, '1925, Star Coach. 1927 Ford Touring. 1923. Ford Coupe. 1923 Star Coupe. 1924 Studebaker touring. 1P2 1 Ford truck, These Cars have been traded in on the New Ford Car... We get them worth the money and you get the benefit of the lots -price of dearer cars traded in on the New Ford. Have your demonstration. to -day of any new or used Cars. SANDY ELLIOT, Ford Dealer Phone 64 Exeter. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran ',Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.5 Sunday School. 7:30: • English Service. Monday --S. S. Teacher's Meeting. Friday, 8h: Luther League. The weatherman siert. Saturday has treated very unfavorably with the farmers, asethey were not able to do anything on the land o'. a:vount of the henvy"rains on Sunday, ,end prac- tically every day since there has been Sufficient rain every day to keep the ground thoronghly saturated. As to- day, Wednesday is the 1st day of May, a great many fanners who aro not sa far advanced, are becoming a little an:tioue about their seeding. but there has always been a time to sow, as well as a time to harvest, and we trust Providence will not forsake the people of Ontario 'this year either and soon give a few more nice days in which the spring crops can all be successfully sown with the land in good condition. The Zurich Hhdro System is an ever-growing concern, with Mr. H. G. Hess, who is now practically in charge of the management, such as. reading the meters, and distribution of accounts, and if anybody has an ailment or thinks things are not going as they should with the hydro, it is now Mr. Hess we all go to, and we do admit it is a great deal more satis- factorily than going to Exeter, and then being eellt from one person to another, until with disgust we return- ed to our homes with no satisfaction, Mr. Hess is a real booster for the Zurich system, and as far as his work goes gives excellent satisfaction. t tu'ing the, last few weeks the follow- ing houses have been wired ut Mr tress, and eonnected to the power lixie:Mr. A. Mousseau, Mrs, A. Rose, Mr. John 1V6dn, Mr. Cyrus Coltsky, and Mr. Albert Rittenhouse has had a Westingho to electric range in. stalled. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH ONT.. Wholesome Thoughts All thinking elevates, or degrades the soul of the thinker, hence we must guard it as en array does the fortress. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. If your life is on the level you can't go down hill. The grumbler and gossiper (like the devil) never takes a vacation. Had the prophets of Baal as etrn- estly served God as they poured water on his altar they would have been saved. Polish on the heel of shoes is a truer test of character and tho- roness, than shine on the toes. Sin has many tools but lying and dishon- esty' are handles that fit them all. Self reverence, selfknowledge and sell control lead men to sovereign Trower. Sin may be clasped so close that you do not see its skull and cross -bone face. Tuesday, 7,15 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.30 p.m. -'Senior League Friday $,$G p,x;n.-•-Ciiolj' Practice $UNQAY SERVICEa Worship I0 A. Ma Subject ---The tlessedness and Pow er. of Reart;Purity, II la.ixl,-*Ilible School, , Oftieba, Si porintendent, Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subject --The Tragedy of the Un- finished Task, Std', » $l'Aoltat GARAGE SUPPLIES j WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES AND 4 CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME. 4 DO EXPERT BATTRRY WORK Or! REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Vs and Drees a • L. A. -- rang ▪ Zurich '4-4Q460:pi.46L94: C♦ 6.0906.64;,>• -t-S* ,4A404t9+J4-1b.$44: 4e41rer4,;' .7-40 ••I N The Winter a e 0 11 0 ii 1 1 IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS „q LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZESI KIND BUILT Up AT THE AND MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY °y Cio 14BF 4.:. 4. 4. ZURICH -s. ..! `ir.F33 + : d•*'F•i•er++-F ++5.1, § * 4-:- ..(-++ •,i-+.I,z..Ai••H-H i• i-'i+'1+E PHONE on flimee•e••••••••Braze•poomietecabe eedie o•cte®e• • • • • _A ole0 0 O. V e have Opened up a Garage • 2 • IN THE STAND FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY Mr. LENNIS 1 ® • O'BREIN AND FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE COMMERCIAL i • HOTEL BARNS • • AND WE ARE IN A POSITION TO GIVE EXPERT MECNANICALO. , , SERVICE ON REPAIR WORK; ON ALL MAKES OF CARS.... • WE SOLICIT THE PUBLIC'S PATRONAGE WHITE STAR AND STAROLINE GASOLINE Oils eases Greases • Tires • PAIRBAJRN & JIIJDSON 1 i ZURICH • I O Phone 149 • p-. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE fat 00000000000000000000,00000 00000000000000000000 696 i eiMAWVAWMili'dtkdANWMWAVaatiVaidsiN Zurich Drug Store se Statio hery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations School Supplies of all kinds Diamond Dyes and Fadeless Dyes KODAKS AND FILIMS roc sir or or at wor or PltltClAlrlt9IRE or et a Dr1 A1 J MacKinnon., c ! y i 1NT1 ►i.Mr r 'le ,PAW.VAPNW >