Zurich Herald, 1929-05-02, Page 3'fil
plriiiag Ti e.
Ttalc Time y
mOST men and wo-
men need a tonic at
this season of the year.
Theis blood has been
thinned, their vitality low-
ered by the long winter.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
definitely enrich the
blood and increase the
body's oxygen supply.
Mrs. Elizabeth Clarice,
R. R. No. 1, Hastings, Ont.,
says t "I use Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills in the Spring, when
one naturally feels run-down
after our long Winter. Last
Spring I was feeling weak and
easily tired, and again used
the pills, with the result that
I have had splendid •'health
At your druggist's or tiny
dealer in medicine, or post-
paid, by malt, at 50 cents a
box, from The Dr. William
Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ontario. s-ee
A clay of leisure spent quietly at
home wonld now have for many peo-
ple all the charm of novelty.—The
Bishop of Swansea.
1p to Abolish_ it
An Unnecessary Adjunct to
the Procuring of Furs
The Steel -Trap Is an instrument of
torture which does not kiln at once,
but mules long-clrawn-out agony. It
is still in universal use to -clay. Its
use is allowed a"erywbere by both
the judiciary and the common.ponsent
of the people,
It Is the most awful horror in the
history of the people. childhood ailrients, or if sickness
it is the only horror which still does suddenly grip their little ones
exists 1» the condonement of civilize- they feel safe with such a remedy at
tion. hand.
No other organized movement was Concerning the use of the Tablets
Mrs, Donat Ploudre,Tingwiek, Que..
writes:—"I have nothing but praise
for Baby's Own Tablets. They are
the only medicine l have ever given
my two little :Antes and l am glad to
state that the Tablets have' always
kept them in perfect health, L feel
so safe with the Tablets that 1 al-
ways keep a box to the house."
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative. They regulate the
bowels, sweeten the stomach and
thus tanish constipation and indi-
gestion; break up colds and simple
fever and make the cutting of teeth
painless, The Tablets are absolutely
safe, being guaranteed free from all
injurious drugs, They are sold by ail
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
BABY'S F• r p; � . Air De�el�l�e of the
OWN TABLETS Gi a d4in F :r � v 1 London l'iTiles rad' Stip,' G6111en1
g were safely menthheclver 500 .persons.
WIN GREAT I a ll Grows � ; ere en 1y relief Arra from Kabul by
As the Season Approaches I ail. The planes crossed 1(i0
miles of - i'Cicult and mountainous
IVio're interest Develops in eonntry wloon'pia
This l� xciusiveiy Writ and no casualtieiththo ,)ss of In noly otheronewayn9
t 11Column of Your souk' these British and foreign ea
annals have been reseedwithout '.a
Paper heavy expense in ground troops and
the guarding of long linea of corn-
rrunications, while the presence of
foreign soldiers upon Afghan soil
might .very well have precipitated
sporadic operations, It is, in fact,
legitimate to look forward to the time
when the greater part of the defence
of the Empire will be orgar.ized from
bases 500 miles apart. These will be
in constant wireless communication
with the political officers at distant
centres and with the outposts of, small
bodies of military police, and in the
event of any disturbance multi-enl':inod
aircraft will carry soldiers, munitions
and even tight guns and sail to the
point of trouble in a few hours,'
Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu.
The former Kaiser 11 still protest-
ing that he didn't start the war. A.t
any rate, it's a safe bet he wishes he
Many MotherAlways Keep
Them in the Douse.
Thousands of Mothers state that
they know of ` no other medicine for
little ones to equal Baby's Own 'ran-
lets—that they always keep the Tab-
lets in the borne as a preventive of
made against its use until the incor-
poration of the Anti -Steel -Trap -Lea-
gue in 1925.
Even in the most "enlightened" of
our sections a trapper is allowed to
catch an animal by a leg, which is
broken and torn, and 'hold it thus in
agony, without food or drink;, for at
least 24 hours; and in most States, as
well as in the Provinces of Canada,
and ,iii fact, all over the world—until
the animal dies of fear, pain, hunger,
thirst, freezing, being eaten by an-
other animal, by the bludgeon in the
hands of the trapper, or from gen-
eral exhaustion,
Is this torture in any manner neces-
sary for the happiness or even the
comfort of humanity, except possibly
in the Arctic regions?
It is not. Though fur is handsome
and comparatively warm, we could get
on perfectly well without. any at all..
The whole world is therefore allow-
ing the worst and most unnecessary
horror in history to persist in greater
degree than ever.
Why is ;his? Is the world hard-
hearted and cruel?
No. The world is occupied to a
great extent with its own material
comforts and pleasures, and, though
fairly moral, is not interested in
ethical subjects.
The world is weak in imagination.
The brutal beating of a horse, wnen
actually witnessed, causes incligna-
tion„and the brutal beater is palled:
but a description of the torture of a
million animals elicites only the ex-
clamation, "How terrible—don't talk
to me about it!”
Most ethical gt:estions in the world
are passed over to religion for adjust-
ment. Strange as it may seem, the
church shows little interest in the tor-
ture of animals.
Countless organizations aro richly
endowed— educational, humane, liter-
ary, legal, political, social, and medi-
cal; but the great work of this Lea-
gue, the doing away with the foulest
' •,ra-0->-c s a!, .; ,•; rte- horror of history, and the foulest blot
on civilization, is starving to death
for pure lack of funds, in spite of the
fact that its officials give their ser-
vices without pay—humane Pleader.
Life, like war, is a ..series of mis-
takes; and he is not the best Christian
nor the best general who makes the
P ttrots
?low Points for all kinds of Plows.
Duality high—prices low. Years fewest false steps. Poor mediocrity
,f experience have taught us just
how to make thein right. ' may secure that; but be is the best
how cheap, but how good." who wins the most splendid victories
Write us for Agency i by the retrieval of mistakes. Forget
Dominion Foundries f mistakes; organize victory out of mis-
Tweed, Ont, }I takes.—F. W. Robertson,
I like to think of Shakespeare as a boy
Roaming the Stratford woods and
hazel groves,
Welconiing April with a burst of joy
April, the earliest of his youthful
oves!—Delighting in the cuckoo -flowered
All white with lady-smocks—and
The cuckoo's cry—or vai:iiy chasing
But capturing the spirit of the spring.'
Most For the Money
Fora small garden, tomatoes are
perhaps the most valuable crop to
grow, as, •wl:ien staked, and they
should he handled in no other way,
'they .give . the biggest yield for the
grounc. occupied, Beans come next,
a . twenty-four foot row of these being
sufficient to keep a "mall family busy
eating for a couple of weeks, This
twenty-four foot row, it should be
mentioned, is l' tnted double, that is
the beans about four inehei apart in
the row, and two rows twelve inches
a Bart. Corn takes up quite a bit of
ro- •1, but, as one must g w it in the
garden at the back to tet It at its
best, it is well to consieer it, even
where the plot is limit, d. One can•
count on an averaf:) of three cobs to
every three stalks. Carrots and beets
will give a very good return in a small
garden, a thirty-foot row of each sup-
plying many meals. Spinach and let-
tuce should be incr'li re as both.
come off early, leaving the ground for
tomatoc> and other late or late start-
ing crops. For those who like it,
Swiss chard will provide a huge quan-
tit of greens from a row twenty feet
long. The inner stalks can be used
like asparaens. A ;•arden is never
complete without a few onions, as
these are used in etch a variety of
ways, and in very limited quantities.
Unless one has a garden measuring
over twenty-five feet eaeh way, peas
are almost out of the question, though
they r + neve- as fr•-h ^s when pick-
ed a few feet from the door.
• Testing the Soil
For those high-strung people who
have been worrying out gettinr;
their garden started for the last
montb, the following test should be
applied to the soil to see if it is ready
for working: take a handful of soil
and squeeze it, if it -impacts into a
lump in the hand, it is too wet to work,
but if t crumbles vrhen squeezed it is
just in the right condition for plough-
ing or spading and »ranting. It is
well to remember that many a gar-
den, esI „daily where composed of.
clay soil, has been .—'Wed for the en-
tire season by working too early. Wet
clay will ' pack and bake like brick, if
l:ae"-fl tar soon.
Hurrying the New Season
With a little nitrat of soda one can
maks up for a late spring.. In small
gardens a heaping teaspoonful is suf-
ficier' for • sciva-i yard of soil, re-
peating tae applic in about every
ten days or two weeks. This fertilizer
should not be allowed to touch the
foliage if the latter is moi -t, ^.s e: is
apt to burn it. On this account it is
safer to diesolve in wat:: and sprinkle
or it m • be broa . . c by hand dur-
iag or j : before a r^in°all or before
the hose ', turned o'. It shn•'ld not
be applied until growth has started.
Washington Asparagus Best
There is nothing easier to grow than
asparagus, and this v 'getable, always
in demand, is never cheap. A ten -
foot square will give a respectable
supply for a small family and will be-
come more productive each year. A.
bed may be started from roots or seed,
though where a fairly good sized plot
is wanted it is advisable to use seed.
The Washington, a rust -proof aspara-
gus of giant size, i^ gaining real favor
because it appears to be free of dis-
ease and 's a vigorous grower. A bed
may be established in three years
from se ' and two from roots. The
seed should be soaked in warm water
for 24 hours before planting, and sown
in drills outside as soon as the
ground ~-n be worked. It Is rather
slow to germinate. The plants should
be allowed to grow r'1 the seed row
for ono sea.on, and the following year
the plants should a spaced two feet
apart in vs three feet apart.
Include These Annuals.
If one must be limited to half a
dozen annuals, make sure that the list
includes zinnias, These are easily
grown, and will do wet on almost any
soil. On ' can get them in the smaller
sizes for blooming at • 3 front of the
garden, right up to the latest giant
dahlia -like flowers with plar4 • three
feet high. Godetia, butterfly flower,
petunias, • r- rigolds and the ehloxes,
are also recommended where the
choice is
I like to think of Shakespeare as•a
The actor I'.aying supremely every
The circumnavigator who could span
That turbulent, chartless sea, the.
human heart;
The poet -dramatist with are sublime
Building against the ravages of Time.
—D. S. Leonard in the Fortnightly
From a Rear Carl.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
On the vaudeville stage afar!
I wonder how you'd look if I,
With glasses up, were sitting nigh?
Naturally, In these airplane wed-
dings due precaut:ons must be taken
against the first falling. out.—Arkan-
ut. Arkan-sas Gazette.
Civil war has broken out in China
again, which, considering the record
of the past eighteen years, only shows
what a peace -loving people can do if
they try hard enough.—Boston Globe.
nlt_.� a
jd o+1 t �•
eue1 prt6 greater
1ptterenoparangt ti6ter speed demand better lubricants.
lliaruelube teas dev.elopp atdo abnyoet Otis demanti. It i3 abetter
ietter 'ielibels iron beater
oauCthe lblarveiubod13tiilation Procesg'it �
lootpr oil becattse it a
7ise sFria injurious sulphur oral carbon' lthas rertalkabla
eodj' and ecatis manufactured under e constant safer'
t al Canada's
os. expert
ef ti
l0urivalyy„luajity dodunendingsatisfaction.
lileraft operators, the tnost exacting buyers of ail, et
�farueitLbe because it has boorFav d in actual
that ice
e„ppsuat thetiuelubareeommen�ati01id �a¢B°Qod deal¢rsOrds longer intervals between cEtnaoverhauls.
4argetnbeinsucif°tier Pari°r�ncee longer engine lila and)
loner in6osraiir��or new. There is a 6rade0 1
�farueuie reiard to meet oC�t Felcrernents f yout cat.
l0a��er>alOil Se�ce 5mt'ous°
.. a
itivoq., gat, )
ice, _ M10Callas a
Every one should walk at least four
miles every day.—Dr. Jesse F. Wil-
SPeed —
Manchester Sunday Chroniele
There never was a time When so
many dangers beset the ordinary citi-
zen, dangers principally due to the
vagaries of the machine called civili-
zation. Thousands are killed and
maimed on the roads of Britain, in
the pits, workshops, offices, by air and
sea. This is the toll of Speed; and
Speed is the master of the age.
Papa i angaroo "Where's the baby,
dear?” Mother Kangaroo (feeling in
pockets)--"l.1oW that's funny. Guess
I must have left him in my other
Use Mlnard'ls Llninient for the Flu.
Public opinion is so fickle it will
kiss you on the one cheek and smite
you on the other.
.ls� held AtIvertiser-,ents
t1i1,151 t:iI It 1+h to i;, PAO, 1 t!;lgt
A rout• varieties. price Oe 1110
•tae fur free catalog e A. It 4wezer.
• Hen ton, Ontario.
K '1'I11.a.N HTruly P.1+ rt10 V 4.1L8
I> 1 ta+,t 1 l'al 1..+ 1 , t.A r 0441 1 is all id..
1► 1lily, unit'rrut r•eture load prices.
Ott Kamm inured 1'e 'neve imp When
vol want to move, Make your en+auiries
now. Pioneer distance movers. Agents
in Rrinelpai cities of eastern States and.,
taanada, Hill The ,Mover, Hamilton and
Rare Desert Coati
'1'helr popularity 15
sweeping America,
No home correct
without a cactus
oorner yr in indoor
ocitery. Catalogue
,f 3U0 varieties with
^ulture. 26c. Sample
'•actus f lx3 as illustrat-
ed, 2501 10 small f'ac't';
Living Rock, ,co, Grizzly hear (lac-
and q O3. Z, Callander. tnrellelt
The West is rejoicing over the com-
pletion of steel to the Hudson Bay. A
dream of the Western pioneers is now
being fulfilled.
New regulations governing railway
crossing should reduce accidents, If
the motorists do their part.
St. Lawrence Market, Toronto
Highest Prices, Prompt Returns
�iN IRF' ` N• `AY fyaa'..i
(NUR breeders ar bred for high egg
i.i production. White, nro„a and
Nulf Leghorn, Barr d and White Roden,
R. L Reds, Ancona,, Black limo". r,
Buff orpingtuns, White 1Vyandotte% 12,
and up. 100% live delivery guaranteed.
Witteminfor FREE 111101C 50011.'
226 Northampton
Buffalo, N.Y.
1375, nieetnOnnURG, ONT., CAN,
Master of Ceremonies
. . responsible to the
Company for your com-
• fort, pleasure and satis-
faction ... the Cunard
Purser. Always making
you glad you sailed
Cunard . . . seeing that
you know the people you
want to know. . '.. mak-
ing you ship -wise. — A
Cunard Purser, therefore
a perfect Purser.
Sail Cunard'
Book through The Robert Reford
Co., Limited, Cor. Bay and
Wellington Sts., Toronto (Tel.
Elgin 3471), or arry steanzslzip
Europe from 11ay
$rci from Montreal
(and Quebec,.
Cabin, TouristThird Cabin and Third Class
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and shrald be guarded against.
Minard's Liniment
s a Great Prevatitative, being one or the
oldest remediert used. BlInard's Liniment
hr ; relieved thousands of cases of Grippe,
Bronchitis, Sore Throat. Asthma and
similar diseases. It Is an Enemy to
Germs. Thousands of battle; being used
every day. For sale by all lr'tggists and
ral dealers.
Minard's Liniment 00.iatd, Yarmoutll,N.S.
Be careful of Baby's diet during
teething. Do not overfeed him.
Watch his stomach and bowels and
at the first sign of indigestion, gas
or constipation, give him a few
drops of harmless, pleasant -tasting
Fletcher's Castoria. These simple
rules are making teething easy on
millions of babies—and mothers, too.
For over thirty years Castoria has
been the trustee standby of mothers
everywhere. It soothes wakeful, cross
babies to sleep quickly and easily—
and it's purely -vegetable, so you can
give it as often as needed. It does
the work of castor oil better and more
gently, For your protection, the bottle
of genuine Castoria always bears the
Fletcher signature.
"Atter having an. operation, 1 was
very miserable, weak, nervous and
very near unfit to work. 1 saw Lydia
E: Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
advertised and tried it and believe it
helped Inc wonderfully: 1 have no
weak spells any more, the pains have
left the and my nerves are much bet.
ter; t feel safe in Baying Lydia E;
Pinkham's medicines have helped
me wonderh;;lly."-•--Mrs, Wm. R
8ecr-htcher, Box ;:k3, Fort Colborne,
�Cp• MAG
For Troubles
dtse to Acid
Many people, two hours after eat-
ing, suffer indigestion as they call it.
It is usually excess acid, Correct it
with an alkali, The best way, the
quick, harmless and efficient way, is
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia,. It has
remained for 50 years the standard
with physicians. One spoonful in
water neutralizes many times its
volume in stbma,ch acids, and at once.
The symptoms disappear in five
You will never use crude metlibda
when you know this better method.
And you will never suffer from excess
acid when you prove out this easy
relief. Piease do that—for your own
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips`
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi
clans for 50 years in correcting exceswi
acids. Bach bottle contains fu11 direc-
thank—any drugetor..