HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-05-02, Page 2LIMERICK CORNER
While the contest is closed the interest has by no means flag-
ged as the many letters received testify, but we went to hear from
stilt more readers of Limerick Corner, So send along your opinion
with any suggestions you may have for the future conduct of this
feature to Limerick Editor, Booms 421-425, 73 Adelaide Street
!West, Toronto 2, Ont.
1Vtrs. flicks of Niagara Falls South, sends in this very interest-
ing letter:—
Dear Editor:—It broke my heart when I saw that the Limerick Contest
was closed, even temporarily, but my failing respirations revived considerably
when 1 saw with joy tit, this week's "Thorold Post" that you had not run out
;of limericks yet. "0 King, live forever!"
1. :for one, vote that the contest be continued. It is last at its height.
Boma people, Hubby for instance, are just beginning to take a real Interest in It,
We Imre "sold" him "Salado, Tea'' (l have a lovely one for Saida Green
Tea) so lie can hardly wait for a cup when he gets in the house for supper.
1t is not only the nice new dollar bills (It is the cleanest money 1 ever
saw.) but t do enjoy the good limericks so, Mrs, MacNeil, Norvrood, for
"Keen's Mustard"; Miss Kathleen Walsh, Blenheim, on "Christie's Sultanas";
and airs. Harry McDonnel, Clarendon Sta., on "Beecham's Pills"; Miss Bernice
Hall, LIR. No. 2, Sundridge, on "Red Rose Tea", and 1\Irs. M. E. Calder, leenelon
Falls. on "Shredded Wheat", are the best ones in this week's "Post", (0, Yes
and Mrs. Claude Bongard, Norwood, on "Brock's Bird Seed"), in my opinion.
\Vhy not hake everybody illustrate his or her limericks, with simple geo-
metrical illustrations (In Indian ink of course)..
Please forgive me. 1 vowed t would not pester that poor over-limericked
editor with any more nousease until he sent out another invitation for lines.
But it seems t can't help it. Welt, you did ask for suggestions.
I think the "Limerick Contest" is quite the nicest, most "sociable" contest
I ever entered. Room for everybody. 1 have been in lots of contsts:
I hare won a few, and lost out in more, and In either case, did not enjoy the
feeling, either that I was left out in the cold, or that anybody else was, The
funny part of it Is, the limericks you have bought are just the ones that have
run off the end of my pen without any effort, almost without any thought.
and the ones I have labored over to polish and finish, have gone overboard.
Yours very sincerely, FANNIE T. HICKS, R.R. No, 2, Niagara Falls South, Ont.
R.R, No. 2, Niagara Falls South, Ontario.
P.S,—The limericks are getting better. We had many good chuct:lee
over the last batch.—F.T.H.
A few more prize winners:—
.Dromedary Dates
A housemaid who called herself
(Her cheeks were as red as a
Was fond of spice cake
Which weekly she'd bake
and of dates she preferred "Dr rnte-
Miss al. i'. Kirkwootl,
R.R. 1, Terra Cotta, Ont.
Bayer's Aspirin
A poor man who'd ne'er heard of
Had a cold, and could scarce
climb the 'stairs,
When in popped his wife
'With a smile large as lite
itnd said "Now you'll he cured, I've
bought Bayer's".
Miss Grace Hubley,
Arundel, Que.
Shredded Wheat
The doctor said "Absolute quiet
And If you will buy it and try it
et Shredded Wheat Biscuit
(d know you can risk it)
Is fine, when you're put on a diet,"
airs. E. Miles,
Box 397, Elora, Ont.
Farmers wishing some farm help
to hire,
Should write to MacGregor,
Victoria Street,
Is where you will meet,
These people 'bout whom' you en-
Mrs. T. Genoa,
Ceylon, Ont.
Bayer's Aspirin
"lly head's aching awful", said
Said his friend, "I've relief here
quite handy,
Here's an Aspirin to +alte
Its the good Bayer's make
So we'll soon have your head feel-
ing dandy."
Lottie Livingstone,
R.R. 1, Powassau, Ont,
Old Dutch Cleanser
'There was a housekeeper called
Who was most exceeding] lazy,
But she bought some Old Dutch
Didn't use very much
Till her house was as fresh as a
de ley."
Mrs. Mex. McWilliatt,
H.R. 2, Srd Con., Dutton, Ont,
Phillips Milk of Magnesia
The wise and the winsome Patricia,
Told this tc her best friend
''If your stomach feels sick,
You can cure it up quick
With a spoonful of Phillies Magne-
D. Watters,
40 Hendrick Ave., Toronto, Ont,
There was a young lady of Reno,.
Who delighted in playing Casino,
She caught a bad cote
But she threw off it's bold
By using a bottle of Veno.
Mrs. J. P. Matheson.
Ieentvilie, Man.
Simond'e Saws
There was a -young sawyer named
Whose Income was known to be
Till he let go old saws
Choosing Simond's because,
The best of results they will render.
Mr. W. 3, Cottrell,
Box 34, Marmora, Ont.
Baby's Own Soap
A cranky young kiddie named
Blade bathing a terrible trouble,
His mother In hope
Bought Baby's Own Soap
Now she has no trouble with Bub-
Hugh Mathieson,
R.R. 3, Loudon, Ont,
Red Rose Tea
A. man there was, boorish and spite-
His manners were perfectly
He began to drink tea
"It is Red Rose", said he
And makes me teel simply delight-
Chris, M. Forbes,
Perth, Ont,
Shredded Wheat
Two friends one day planned a
And stopped for a chat after
Said one, "I have read
It's all in the shred .
That makes Shredded Wheat sucli
good eating"
Mrs. 3, A. Cook,
63 Forest Ave„ St. Thomas, Ont.
Primrose 'Linings
Over the flat marshes the wind is�
blowing --a clean, strong wind fresh
with the tang of the sea, The air Is
wonderfully clear, with the purity of
wind-swept spaces; It is filled with
the songs ot numberless larks, pour-
ing out sweetness from full throats—
myriad tiny sounds forming one great
;paean of joy and praise for the brie
elands of the sun.
The flat green .fields are intersected
by deep dikes which separate one
front the other, and form the drain-
age by which the marsh land Bae
been reclaimed and, made profitable
for pasture"'
As you draw near the dikes, yoti
tree that their steep sides are starred
and sown with' prirrtroses,, those
gracious yellow fiowers whose per-
fume is the very breath of spring.
ll+''or here .in the ntarsites, where the
wind sweeps across the :fiat country
till treee and hedges r+re all turned
one way bet Sts torte, the primroses
take refuge i1]( the dikes, and grow
there in such profuslon that tltelr'
leaves and flowers form at green and
golden lining to the datk earth. To
gather Ochi you must perforce go
down bite the Mete yourself, warlii1t'
through mud and water, rewarded by
the size and sweetness of the flowers
you gather. And as you pause in this
task, and raise your head above „the
bank, your eyes will rest on green
flats, broken here and there by little
clumps ot trees, sheltering spacious
farm buildings, whose brown thatched
roofs appear wonderfully soft yet dia.
tinct in the clear atmosphere; and far
beyond, the horizon where sea and
sky nieet in a soft blue line; while
the songs of the 'larks will have for
a background the deep song ot the
sea, foreverbreaking on the •shore,.
But that which will remain in your
thought Is 'the 'exquisite purity of
color and atmosphere. So perhaps
you will tinct yourself echoing Kip -
Words: '
"I've given my heart to all these
The Marsh and the: Weald, and' the
Down Countries,
Nor 1 cannot tell which 1 lova the
'i'he Wealde or the M-arslt, or the
white chalk cdaeit."
"Do you believe in long engage?
Intents?" "ices, 1 Wiley a couple
should snake their happiness last just Here is a group
as long as possible," of prosperity Ili
New Canadians Embark
The new Canadian Pacific 20,000 ton liner, "Duchess of York", on her
maiden voyage to Canada from Liverpool, carried a large number of British
settlers under the "Families, Boys, and Ten Pound Schemes."
These new Canadians from Ireland are seen embarking- from the tender
"Robina" of Belfast, to the "Duchess of York."
For the Kiddies
Have you ever. tried to snake a cork
sink to the bottom of a basin of water
instead of floating on the top as it
naturally does because of its feather-
weight? No! Well, just try it this
Fill a dish with water and float
your cork on the top. Then get a
glass and turn it upside down, and
place this into the dish of water, cov-
ering the cork as you do so. You will
find that with the immersion of the
lower part of the geese the Cork sinks
to the bottom of the cish. It's a jolly
good trick and one on which you can
catch your friend.
On most ladders is to be seen
number denoting the number of rungs
in it.
Now a ladder has the number
twenty-one at the aide and the builder
wanted to know how long the ladder
was. The rungs were a foot apart,
but the builder noticed . two rungs
were missing. •
What was the length of the larder?
Answer — Tho Ladder Puzzle:—
Twenty-one feet. (The rungs missing
made no difference to the number "t
the side. They we e, of course, put
in when the ladder was whole.)
You can play this game best when
there are a lot of y;,ur chums with
you, First of all the players are se-
lected in pairs, a bog and a girt. Now
while the other players watch, the
firet pair have to step into the middle
of the floor, kneel down, and pretend
to growl and hisse at each other, like
dogs and cats do.
Now all the tee et players must not
laegh, even ,smile whale the players
are pretending to fight. You may le
sure it is a very bard job ,indeed to
keep your face traight while this is
going on, and any el yer who does
smile or laugh must pay a forfeit,
which of course, causes mere fun at
the end of the game!
It is often a puzzle to think of good
games suitable for competitions, and,
I dare say many of my readers will
be glad to know of the following:
Each competitior is provided with.
two books, a ,.iece of brown paper,
as nearly the eamc size as possible,
and, in case you have not a lot of
brown paper, new..paper would do.
t the word "Go" the players start
malting their books into a parcel. A
certain time is allowed, and all stop
at a given signal, when the neatest
parcels are ehusen, and the, owners are
awarded a small prize.
Home made prizes are very little
trouble to make, and they certainly
give an added interest to any game.
The game known • as suggestions is
very good one to play, aid it is
really quite easy. The players sit
round in a circle, and the game is
started by one. who acts as leader. He
then announces some object as, for
instance "horse".
The next p,a to then makes known
what "horse" suggests to him, for
example such as "cart" announcing
it in this way: "Horse suggests cart".
The next player now speaks up and
says. "cart suggests wheels." The next
players in turn say "wheels suggest
factory," "factory suggest:. piano,"
"piano suggests music."
If this should be the last player the
leader then starts to trace back tee
series of sug„estions.
Thus he begin, with "What suggest-
ed music?" The last players then an-
swers "pianos suggested anisic." The
next player is then asked "what sug-
gt sted pianos," and the answer is
"factory suggested pianos," and AO
on, until the leader conies to "horse"
as at the beeenning.
Color Schemes in Painting the House
Some years back conspicuous eblors
on the exteriors of buii,,. ,,. were not
popular. but nowadays they are great-
ly in vogue, just as are bright colors
on automobiles. Nobody will deny that
the latter look prettier ire their var
ious coloring than they did formerly
ixt their all black coats; and it is just
as true that houses are more attractive
v hen painted in somewhat gay colors
There are a few rules which govern
the selection of exte eor color schemes,
and which will enable one to paint
the building in a correct and pleasing
manner. First must be taken into con-
sideration the size of the house. It is
well known that certain color tones
make objects appear larger than they
really are, and that other tt nes make
them look smaller. In general, light
colors create the illusion of enlarg-
ing the buildings to which they are
applied, and .lark colors have a tend-
ency to make them look smaller.
Therefore one should avoid using,
on a small building, such tints as will
cause it to appear still smaller, or to
apple to a large house colors which.
will make it app v,r larger. A great,
bulky structure, unless it is artistic-
ally planned and built, does not look
so attractive and homelike anyway as
"t smaller onewhose outward appear-
ance is carefully maintained.
Colors which. through actual ex-
perience, have beer found suitable for
small houses, are yellow, white, ivory,
cream, and lighter buff. For large
houses, gray, green, and buff are ap-
p.opriate. Dark colors have a tend-
ency to make any kind of house look
gloomy and forbidding, and their use
should be avoided except in cases
where it is plainly evident that they
will serve the purpose best. Light
tints may be uses even or, a large
house where this is surrounded by a
grove, because the shadows cast by the
trees checker the color surfaces and.
thus help to break up the spaciousness
of the structure. Besides, dark colors
on a building so situated merge it too
Here is ever such a jolly little trick
to try on your friends at your party.
AU you need is an ordinary walking
stick which you must hold lepright on
the floor.
Now pick out one of your chums
and ask hint to cont.) and bend down,
se that his forehead is touching the
top of the stick.
Tell him to keep his head in that po-
sition and at the same time grip the
stick with his hands to hold it steady.
Now tell him to move around in a
ci' cle as quickly as he can, without
taking his head off the stick. He will
be able to do this .;t..ite easily, but
when he stands up, immediately tell
him to walk in a straight line to the
Nearly every rhutn yclu try this
trick en will lose his balance and
stumble about so funnily! Isn't it a
good trick.
Here's' a trick yea will find very
it.teresting to try yourself. You
merely put a' matchbox nn the table,
and thea by blowing made it co;te b�
wards you.
It's no good blowing at the box
li eeif, of course. What you have to
much with the Shadows and make it
Jbscurd, or stuck away in the dark,
Of course, where there are wily two
or three trees about the place, these
will merely enhance the beauty of the
house, and this . honld, if it is a large
one, bo painted in the darker tints,
Many people have the notion that
a new buildingneed not be painted
right away alter it has been built,
but this idea is 'wrong, for a new
house without paint always looks bare
and unfinished. For the protection of
the building, as well as for its appear-
ance, it is best to give the house an
appropriate coat of paint as soon as
it has been con.pleted.
In the town or village, one must
take into consideration the predomin-
ating color tones of the surrounding
buildings. It is an unpleasiu g feature
to have all the cesider,ces which stance
together, decorated in almost identical
color schemes. If a person gives the
matter a little thought, he c.an give his
home a distinctive color plan, and thus
make it more original. For instance,
if most of the houses in the immediate ;.-
neighborhood are white with yellow
trim, you can use cream and brown,
cream and blue, ivory and blue.greon,
or ivory and gray green. This will
give the house individuality, without
making it so different that it will look
With the correct- use of stains and
paints it is possitie to achieve very
beautiful color combinations on any
house. The siding should be given a
distin;tive tonality, and the trim color
should be such chat it throws this ton.
ality into relief. Muddy colors should
always be avoided, as they make a
house look old and dull instead of new
and bright. Further, every building
should be painted with due considera-
tion of the architectural effect, Over
stressing of certain. holdings, corner
boards, etc., may give the building an
eutirely different ' haracter than its
builder intended it to have.—Christian
Science Monitor.
do is to place your hand behind the
box, and then bi v, over the box into
your hand. You'll be really surprised
t• find the boc actually shoot towards
Talkies and the Theatre
Manchester Guardian (Lib.): 1f
theatrical stars are removed from
Broadway and Shaftesbury Avenue In
large quantities to meet the new de-
mand on the "talkies" lovers of the
theatre need not and will not despair.
The theatre does not live by reason
of the men and women who count
their salaries in hundreds ot pounds
a week. Their absence and the conse-
quent absence of their followers
would reduce the box-office turnover.
without in the least imperilling the
art of the theatre.
Crushed Oats For Horses
For working horses with good teeth
there appears to be little advantage
from crushing the oat ration, An ex -
pertinent carried on at the Expert.
metrial Farm at Ottawa with horses
doing ordinary farm work showed
Beat each group, consisting of four
horses, lost exactly the same amount
of thirty-five pounds during a period
of 135 days hard labour. Commenting
on the experiement, the Dominion
Animal husbandman points out in his
annual report, published by the De
partment of Agriculture at Ottawa,
that for horses wile defective teeth,
or individuals that are inclined to bolt
their food without masticating it,
there is considerable advantage in us-
ing the crushed grain, which is also
useful for foals during the period of
detention. It is also pointed out that
in the horses receiving the crushed
oats there was no .uses of colic dur-
ing the whole season.•—Issued by the
Director of Pubacity, Dept. of Agricul-
ture, Ottawa.
A Mirror
The reputation ot a woman may be
compared to a mirror of crystal, shin-
ing and bright, but liable to be sullied
by every breath that conies near it.
Girls who used tomake make at boys
now snake faces for them.
"Army" Boy Settlers
leads o step oft the Anclo�Ioraldson litter th e
ria, ITaittas this Spring and begin
ew. ife
A charming dress of black cartel
for afternoons and informal evenings,
worn by the smart New Yorker and.
chic Parisienne. It also makes up at-
tractively iti georgette crepe in Royal
blue, Raquin .red crepe de chine, print-
ed. silk crepe, black shimmering crepe
satin, dull black silk crepe, honey -
beige crepe Elizabeth and chartreuse
green silk crepe. It features the fash-
ionable pointed goi'.ets in skirt, and
new higher waistline, Style No. 409
is designed in sizes 10, 18, 20 years, 30,
38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Pattern
price 20c in stamps or coin (coin is
preferred). Wrap ail, carefully.
Write .your name and address plain-
ty, giving number and size of such •
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, '73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Patterns sent by an early mail.
"Why does shewear such long
"Iter 'stockings ,are silk otlly hall
way up."
A mart may be tbougbt' clever while
he ee seeking for wisde i but ;It :xe
imagines he bac found ter he Is a VIOL,
I erela'it Pre -Verb,