Zurich Herald, 1929-05-02, Page 1VOI. XXIX No 43 Advertisi g is the ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 2 (929. ig medium between Buyer and Seller, T'►444•00r«Ol444444004440444 44444444444d?ft4 .011.£.4i8 I BARG1NS BARGAINS Vim► Received shipment of waterproof Rolfes which. I ain retailing far be- low Catalogue prices get t'our's at Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL °- • ZURICH 00r0124....44.0+444pi'rOFyQ>44,* h 444,44.0.4,44445400444,4004N+0,• s ep4Aeeii4meito a The Outfitting Days in and Children's Shoes •,gym ee49$3600031e606ee6a nesee®e : a 4i eat I •Men's Women's 1 d 0 0 a i THE LARGEST,. a/OST COMPLETE STOCK OF SP8I1fi1;5G FOOT- I WEAR IN OUR. HISTORY, DEPICTING NEWEST. SMART- 0 EST FASHIONS OF THE HOUR, AT THE WELL KNOWN LOVi/ :PRI:CES MOST POPULAR STYLES FOR SPRING WEAR •NOLVDfD ARE POMPS, THE& TIES, ONE STRAP, CUT-OUT :STTY rES, 'PATENT LEATHERS., TANS, :SPAWN, SPIXX, CUBAN', .:AND LOW HEELS. THE EtEPAIRING :NEATLY DONE Brown's _ got Shop WINDOWg MYR teaseempaseseesessitoseemosessesosesteeeseisessimia AThe .Evan.gelical League meeting i last Friday evening was in the hands of the Literary and Social Commit- tee. Miss Elizabeth Rennie, conven- er :of the committee, led the meeting. After singing a'familiar hymn Miss Rennie :led in prayer. This was fol - Too Heavy Loads. 'The other day Magistrate Reid at Goderich heard charges against two motor truck drivers, one driving for the Goderich Manufacturing Co., and the other for Epps & Sons of Varna, for carrying excess loads. A fine of $10 and costs was imposed in each case. The charges were laid by the new county • traffic ' officer, Oscar Nickel. Jackie Burgman's Body Recovered The body of Jack Burgman, 12 - year -old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman, of Wingham, who was drowned in the Maitland • River on Saturday, April 6th, was recovered last Tuesday. The Burgman family of Wingham are related to the fam- ily of Mr. Chas Fritz of Zurich. At the time of the drowning Jack was out in a boat with three companions when owing to the onrushing current the result of three dams upstream breaking loose from the high water caued by the floods broke loose, and the boat in which the little fellows were in capsized and after unsucces- sful efforts to rescue the the lad was drowned. After two weeks of relent- less search the body was discovered about 100 yards from where the boat upset. • . k Goderich Race Meet Goderich Race meet for 1929 pro- mises to be bigger and better •than ever, an additional race, with a purse of 5300, being included in the program. There will be two stake races, the Gollden Gate stake, which is the 2:10 trot or pace, and the Blue Water stake, the 2:17. class. The purse 'for each of these classes is to be 51,000. In addition there is the 2.24 class race for a purse of $500, and the new race, a colt race (3 years and under) best two in three mile heats, for which the purse is $300. Won Scholarship , Robert Laird Joynt, of Hensall, youthful student at the University of Western Ontario, London, has been awarded a scholarship in business ad- ministration by the University of Chic ago. The scholarship is valued at a- bout 51,000: Mr. Joynt will -gradu- ate from the local University this year with honors.. Entering the Univer- sity five years ago, when he was but fifteen -ears old, he has had a rem- arkable scholastic career there in the business .administration course, being near the top of the class each term. He was one of the youngest students to attend Western University Mr. Joynt will receive his Baechelor of Arts degree at the coming convo- cation, and will next fall proceed to Chicago, 'there to take advantage of the •scholarship which he has won. 4•44444444444444444044 0004404044404,44044040440•o 4 • s !; o;. o' Rt 4` 4, 4: .0 E I 4i 4' I 4f. +E 4 oIi 4 4 4, .4 4 .4 4 4 41 ter. rai."A't W nozr • 1 q� o 4** , Spri 1 `g Sampi;'.s JUST ARIUVED SPLENDID RANG Get Your N.New Spring Snit Now lowed by another hymn after which andther member of the committee led .in prayer. Mr. Oscar Greb then read the scripture lesson. This was followed by :a piano solo by Miss Lylyan Martin, The monthly busin- ess was Hien transacted. The re- mainder of the meeting was spent in a social way, games and lunch being enjoyed by those present. The me- eting closed by singing the doxology. • Don't forget that the E. L. C. E. is having Rev. Colling of Grand Bend give a lecture on Wednesday even- ing _May '8th. Everybody welcome. 4110 *MOM OM MMUS 41444444.*+"*^ Watch This Space ' for •Kelvinator Refs dgeation Oesch, Agent Mester ] , Ranith i!Ia i. • $1J5 n n4! Ita di Q1.50 IN ARREARS, $2 Aire' BL OH.&.ROltU Try an Ad Mr. E. L. Wurm spent Friday in Detroit. Miss Matilda Johnston is visiting with friends in Kitchener. • Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener, was visiting friends in town over Sunday:. Miss :Elizabeth Leibold, of Strat- ford spent Sunday at her home on the Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs. Seth Amans of Kit- chener; were week -end visitors with relatives in this vicinity. Merisr. Erwin Schilbe and Edwin Gascho and the Misses Lottie and Ruth Tuerkheim were Sunday visit- ors with friends at Desboro. Rev. and 'Mrs. S. R. Knechtel of St. Jacobs were visitors during the past week, at the home of Mrs. Kne- chtel's mother, Mrs. Leah Rennie. Mt: and Mrs. Chas. Greb, Misses Dorothy and Carrie Brenner of Kit- chener, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John. Brenner over the week -end. Are You Proud To Show Your WANT" LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5.00 TO $25. GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERY POPULAR $5.00 TO $20.00 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Hess, The Jeweller COAL 1929 IMI''ORTANT FUEL Announcement Effective at Once, We beg to announce a redaction oE. 50c. per ton from the winter prices, ar. all Grades of Anthracite Coal;.. In addition, we will allow a discount,: of 50c per ton for CASH PAYM II?'` ONLY, on Anthracite and All grade: of Fuel. Pricer on Anthracite will advance- June 15th. Take advantage of these Rock Bottom:, Prices, and lay in your supply nae -.of The Original and Only D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAT.,.. 02 The Famous D. & H. LACKAV/ANNA. COAL. Noted for its great heat. C i metes a• Jfxice Phone 10w House Phone. .1=,047 +- +• ++++++++++ ++++++++++++ +++++ 1- M++ ++++•r 4 IV1r. Josiah Geiger has treated hint:l self to a practically new Essex sedan, making the purchase from Mr. T. C. Joynt, Studebaker dealer of Hensall. Mrs. C. Fritz and daughter Miss Pearl Wurtz were at Wingham a few days last week, where they attended the; fthAa'eal 'of little Jackie Burg - man; who was drowned in the Mait- land river a few weeks ago. Messre. Ernest Keimmer and Har- old Boyce of Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Leibold of the Babylon Line. Mrs. Wm. Leibold has returned home after spending the past two weeks with friends at Stratford," and Tavistock, and also attended the Ev- angelical Conference at Tavistock. Miss Grace Manson, nurse in train- ing at Victoria Hospital, London, sp- ent Sunday afternoon at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Manson, Goshen Line north. Mr. Milton Deitz moved his effects on Tuesday from the house owned by Mrs. Truemner, into the house own- ed by Mr. D. Staubus, and recently vacated by Mr. Norman Gascho,who has moved into the drelling adjoining NIr. George Deichert's butcher shop. Ne regret very much to report that Mr. Egbert Heideman, of town has not been enjoying his usual health the past few weeks, and was on Tuesday of this week taken to Guelph to a private institution for treatments. The many friends in the community are sincerely wishing that Mr. Heide- man will soon be restored to, his us- ual good health, that he may return to his family again. Late Mrs. Keegan. It was with deep regret that the many friends of Mrs. Frank Keegan of the Blue Water Highway, Stanley, heard that she had passed to the Great Beyond on Tuesday morning, April 23rd. She has been seriously ill for many weeks and it has been felt for some time that she could not recover. The deceased was born and reared on the farm south of Bayfield. where she lived all her life, one of a family of seven, being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs C. Wild, one of the pi9neer~families of the dist- rict. She was an industrious woman, a good wife and a kind neighbor. During her lifetime she took a great interest in the Agricultural Societies and was an ardent horticulturist. She will be greatly missed by a large cir- cle of friends. ' On October 27th 1909 she became the bride of. Frank Keeganwho survives her. She is al- so survived by two sisters: Mrs. G. Weir of Seaforth and Mrs. Campbell of Zurich, who have been with her during her illness. She was predec- eased by three brothers and one sis- ter. The funeral took place on Th- ursday morning last, from her late residence, at nine o'clock, a.m. and proceeded to St, Peter's Chapel, Drys dale, where Mas was said, and inter meet made in St. Peter's Cemetery. The .sympathy of all is with the ber- eaved husband ' and sisters. All lines of Rubber loo t - wear, Socks, Pelt. Shoes and Slippers at Gut noes WE REPAIR AND RE -SOLE RUBBER BOOTS AND GOLASHES Repairing done With the Best Material Last the longest ++++++++++++++++++++++++-:•+++++++++++++++++++++++ 1927 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, upholstering, paint and tires like new, At a Bargain 'e" 1927 Ford Coach in real good condition, front and rear bumpers, *- tires, etc., perfect. 1926, 1926, 1926, Three good Ford Coaches, upholstering net worn or soiled, and all running fine. Priced as low $300. 1927 Ford Coupe, Original Tires, are like new, Equipped with bumpers, speedometer, and many other extras. Tl .car looks and runs like new. 1923 Ford Coupe, a Bargain. Ford Four -door Sedan like new with original tires, as good as new., 1. 1923 Ford Sedan, in fine running condition, a real bargain.tIk F&» 3 BUGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. ' 4 dr See Our used cars and compare condition 0 FRITZ AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. STRATION. and prices with. others. SON SIX CARS. A SIX tf? ASK FOR A DEMON * SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT RriI& PRE .= O+++++++++5+++A+A++++++ +++*+++++++++ ++++++++++++ .+*+ We have opened Our first shipment of Spring Summer Dry Gooc. s WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARNESS REPAIR.. HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDEN AM ROOT SEEDS., ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES FOR ALADDIN LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFEC" ION COAL STOVES WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL ME ?C HAN7 PHONE 11 I LA