HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-04-11, Page 8•ZAIRte!t ,l1R"taxa The Store with the Stock THE F!NEST ARRAY Of New Spring Goods NOW ON. DISPLAY New Wash Goods of every description in finest weaves and Patterns PETER PAN CLOTHS WGATHA PERCALES LORRAINE PRINTS WICTORIAN FABRICS PRISCILLA CLOTHS ?IAGOG PRINTS GINGHAMS CRETONS CHINTZES ART SATINES COTTON BROADCLOTHS FUGI SILKS- Ee moi•• ••••••e•••••••••••• •••••i••••••••••iiime••••• Complete Stock of Reg. N. Boxer ' and Watson Foster Wall Papers BEE OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS, .65 SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM. PRICES RANGE FROM 6 cts. TO 70 cts. SINGLE ROLL. I~OMPARE OUR VALUES B2FORE YOU PURCHASE ELSEWHERE Jo GASCHO & SONS Pr,iiULt Wanted Phone 59 ANNOUNCEMENT + We have been appointed Agents direct for I u e iCH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OR WtLLYS OVERLAND LTD. AROF THE LOW PI- I HIPPLT Faun CED FIIELD.T SEE IT;, DRIVE IT; + Cu 1IPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED g AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY \TT�IP�E�' Ca S I X THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON 9 THE MARKET. A CAR VaTH A f �p SOUND REPUTATION S Knight TWO MODELS, THE FAMOUR PSLEEVE VALROVIDBD VE + MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEM US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. :A SATISFACTORY DEALZ. ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE YOU - SERVICE" 4.4. ti IL Mousseau Zurich 1 we••••••••••• N•••••M• ••; • crow Is The Best Time TO PLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORK, REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS • • • • • LET US SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING FOR THE FIELD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY. IF YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING THIS YEAR, .WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE US AND GET OUR ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS. A NICE NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE Ihj, THE HOME WILL AL- WAYS BE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE. WE • CAN SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINES AND THE PRICES 'ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. RACTIVE. If in need of new furniture,' don't forget; we have it! STAD ..- .? ZU RIC'■ ■,. -. ONT. Our New Shipments OF spring and Summer Goods ARE NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY AND WE INVITE THE PUB- LIC TO COME IN AND SEE THEM BEFORE MAKING YOUR PUR- CHASES. A CALL IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. J. W. MERNER YELLOW Ii'RONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss Leila Witmer of Kitchener, was a holiday visitor with her par- ents on the Babylon. Misses Pearl and Rose Leibeld sp- ent the past week with relatives and. friends at Goderich and Stratford. Mr. Robert Williams of town has treated himself to a new Whippet coach, making the purchase from Mr. Herb. Mousseau, local agent. Mr. and Mrs Fred Turner and son, Grant of Goderich, were Nundew vis- itors at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. E. E. Weido. A goodly number .from the village attended the funeral of the late Mas- ter Harold McKinley in Stanley Tp., on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Smith and family of Kippen were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Meyers. Mr. Edward Daters has sold 3 2-5 acres of land, being the westerly por- tion of the property he recently pur- chased from 1fr. O. Koehler, to Mr. George Clausius, who owes the adj- oining farm. Mr. Kuno Hartman, of the Goshen Line south, has purchased the fine 140 -acre farm a. few miles south of the village, and which he had leased for a few years, from his father, Mr. John Hartman, who now resides in Seaforth. One of the worst storms seen for some time visited this part of Ont- ario on Sunday afternoon, the rain fell in torrents, and for a time the ground was covered with hail, which were the size of ordinary marbles. We however did not hear of any dam- ages to any extent done by the storm. A window pane facing the west of the houseoccupied by Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido, was cracked from the impact of the hail. The tremendous downpour of rain however delayed the operations of warking on the land. And had this rain not come the far- mers would be just in the midst of seeding this week. So what looked like a real early spring seeding a few weeks ago, now will be delayed and will be only at the usual time of the season. HENSALL SPRING SHOW The South Huron Agricultural So -1 ciety held their annual Spring Fair in Hensall on Tuesday of last week. The weatherman was not so very king to Hensall, as a few other fairs in the vicinity, as the afternoon being cold and wet, and with occasional flurries of snow. In spite of this fact, there was a large crowd and a record show of stock. Especially was this so in the cattle classes, wh- ere the entry was the largest yet seen at this show. The following is a list of the suc- cessful prize winners: HORRSES. Clyde or Shire, aged stallion -R. Murdoch, J. Miller and 3rd; Stand- ard Bred aged stallion -Alex. Stew- art; Heavy Draft team -K. McKellar R. J. Scott, C. Truemner; 3 -yr. old - Ken. McKellar, Mat. Thomson; 2 -yr. old-T.J. McMichael, Wm. Patrick, Mat Thompson; Heavy Foal -T. J. McMichael; Agricultural team -R. J. Scott, K. McKellar, Win. Patrick; Mare in foal -1K,. J'. Scott, M. Tanney 3 -yr. old -W. Chapman, Dr. Moir,M• echler; 2 -yr. old -M., Tinney, W. Alexander; Gen Purpose team ---W. Decker, E. Thiel; Single horse in har- ness -R. McLaren, J. Hey, Jr; Road- ster 2 or 3 yrs, old -Dr. Moir, H. Vol land and 3rd; Roadster or Carriage foals, -Dr. Moir; Grand Champion- ship, draft or agricultural -liven. Mc- Kellar, R. 3. Scott, 2nd, 3rd'and 4th; Township prize, best three horses of one township -R. S. Scott, Ren Mc- Kellar; Sweepstake badge for best carriage or raodster-R. McLaren; Lady Driver -IL McLaren; J. Hey; Dr. Dougall's Special for best light horse on line -R. McLaren; LOCAL 'MARKETS ThAkta b 444 xtul, $926 "' 441+4.114+14444+1444+14•44+44444*.***+++44+1.41-0******4 Seasonable Goods Now is the time of year to fit out S your hone with new Furniture Also Simmons Guaranteed; Springs and Mattresses Scarfe's Oelebrated Paints * , ' - and Varnishes FLOOR FINISHES, ML STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL + CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES R••MNN•••••••••••w•MO R•••NNN••••ososoF 1 All Lines of Hardware 4. .. } + and. Tinware f GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARB WIRE MILLER'S INCUBATORS AND BROODERS (,Corrected every. ,Wednesday)4.4*SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS. + PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING, ETC., ATTEND.. • • ED TO AT SHORTEST NOTICE. CALL AND SEE US Butter lb, ...... ...,...... . • 45 Eggs .. ..... • ...... 24-26 Dried apples 11b.w................... 8c Shorts per ton ...... Bran per ton ............... Chickens Live .............. Old Hens ...,........... Live Hogs cwt....,...... .,. • .. 35.00 • .. 34.00 . 15, 19, 21 .14 18 20 ... ..11.00 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 31, 1927, $22,865,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Ratee-$4.50 per $1,0,00 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp—Zurich A¢ent, Also Dealer in Lithtnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Spring MILLINERY NEVER BEFORE HAS A SPRING BROUGHT FORTH SUCH A BEA- TIFUL LINE OF SMART HATS AND WE HAVE A MOST WON- DERFUL RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF HATS FOR THE CHILDREN AT PRACTICALLY EVERY AGE BE SURE AND CALL AT THE The Hat Shoppe EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE WE INVITE THE PUBLIC IN TO SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST EASTER HATS OF ALL THE NEWEST STYLES IN SPRING HATS GIVE USA :CALL - V. V. Siebert Zurich CATTLE .. - Shorthorns -Aged bull -Roy Pep- per; bull calved in 1927-Oestreicher Bros., M. Crich, Oestreicher Bros.; M. Crich, cow -Wm. Crich, William Pepper, M. Crich; heifer -Wm. Pep- per, II. Crich, Oestreicher Bros; But- cher steer or heifer, grade -M.' Crich O. Geiger, Roy Pepper; Baby beef -- .Oestriclier Bros., M. Crich, Roy Pepper; Dairy cows, o en -A. B. Rowcli1la, .M. Crich, A. B. Rowcli1Ee. Boy's'J'udgin`g contest -Lorne Fos- ter 90; Roy Brock 65; Sandy Pepper; 55, Foster .Pepper 42, Thos. Eller ng-! ton 40. Coiktmer'cial special for hest Short- horn -M. Crich. • Johnston & Kalbllejsch. Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 -•F 4 4.'! 't.444 44.4, Iri,•,4~ir{+3 ++++ +++++++++ ++44 {„ Building An Income SYSTEMATIC SAVING IS :HELPING HUNDREDS OF MEN AND WOMEN OF MODERATE MEANS TO BECOME FINAN- CIALLY INDEPENDENT. MANY WHO OTHERWISE MIGHT ACCUMULATE LITLE OR NOTHING DURING THE BEST EARNING PERIOD OF THEIR LIVES ARE BUILDING UP AN INCOME PRODUCING ESTATE BY SYSTEMATIC SAV- ING. A start can be made with any sum of $100.00 or more. Invest in a Huron. & Erie Debenture, which pays interest twice a year at 4% per cent. per annum. As soonas your interest payments amount to $100 or more you can re -invest them at the same rate. Your income will steadily increase as your estate grows and you will be delighted by the result of a few years system atis saving. APPLICATIONS FOR HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES TAKEN AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest ---INVESTIGATE, Andrew. F. Hess, Zurich MY MOT'PO- ZERVICE AND SAFETY Have. You MADE YOUR. WI LL? I WE FOUND THIS Remedy, Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Ton- silitis, a good suece.ss for Tonsil Tro- ubles, Coughs, Bronchitis, Quinsy, Catarrh, Head Colds and sore Throat Good benefits or cash refunded. Sold at W.C. Wagner's Grocery. The Imperial Life Assurance Co, of Cana& d HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO E. E Wuerth-Agent ZURICH Phone II -46 ik 4marantee and Accident Inauranekr Oldest and Stattnireat Co. io Cas . . - *-dl--to-O.-e .,•.. SUITS SUITS t To the man who regards a well dresse:cd, 'appearance, we recommend you. to come and look over our fine range (4 THE NEWEST SUITINGS WH GUARANTEE 'SATISFACTION OR MONET *GAOL* • RDPUNDRD. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIXIIRD WIT1B R!R BEST OP LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADIS 1 BRAS AGENT FOR TRE WELL KNOWN MADE TO K URE CLO aTHES--CORNET f , *WM.H.. H.CFFMAN MERCHANT Tama, W. a lROFPM.kN D Bolo(, : MBARIyI ',AND R'UNBRAIe DIEDi,'1't'O0 Dar siaidNi 1t "tome La,