HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-04-11, Page 7British Mission
Hope to ' Recover
Russian Markets
Many Interests Represented
on Unofficial Committee
Welcomed by Soviets
Loudon -An industrial mission corn -
prising 80 business men representing
150 British
•' sh firms with a total capital
of 2250,000,000 left Louden March 25
for Moscow ,to endeavor torecover
the Russian mare,.
Themission is claimed by organ-
izers of the Anglo -Russian committee
here as "the most cotnp.eliensive end
influential combination of commercial
Interests that ever left England."
The list of firms represented com-
prises a number of the best-known
engineering, textile and other reanu-
facturers of Britain.
Members of the mission- -will be
guests of the Soviet Government,
which has arranged receptions and
social engagements . in their ;honor.
They will spend', three weeks in Rus-
sia. Promoters of the mission have
received assurances that.. the Soviet
will welcome British co-operation in
public works, and that an opportunity
will be given for discussion of settle-
ment of debts and other pending ques-
Ernest Remnant, editor of the
English Review, who is a member of
the mission, said in an interview:
"When we get to Russia there will
be no occasion for anything but can-
dor. British industry need not and
cannot pretend it does not need orders
Equally Russia dues not pretend she
has ready money to pay for them.
But both parties know Russia has
assets—huge natural resources and a
hard-working population. All that is
required is to create confidence on
the part of the creditor that he can
be satisfied that those assets will
fairly be applied to meeting the credit
of supplies."
There are no, politicians upon the
-,committee which took the initiative
In promoting the missions.
What Will
When your
Children Cry
for It
t be.
rhe le
going to be .a cripple
for life with neuritis and
rheumatism." Mrs. Si-
mon Rae, R.R. 2, St.
Mary's, Ontario, ways this
in a letter. And many
other women at the pres
ent moment are suffering
s� severely from rheuma
tism that they, too, feel
depressed and despond-
But Mrs. Rae found
relief in the time -tested
remedy, Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. This famous
discovery of a Canadian
doctor, by enriching and
purifying the blood, re-
news vitality and attacks
rheumatism at its very
"I suffered for four
years and nothing seemed
to help me," says Mrs.
Rae. "After taking Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, I am
now able to do all my
own work. I feel that
there is nothing like
Buy today at all drug-
gists and dealers in medi-
cine or by mail, postpaid,
50 cents, from The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ontario. s -so
Interesting Facts.
_ : About
Dept. of Health
Many Things Told About" of
Interest to Ontarians
In the vaults of the Dept. of Health
is kept the original registration of
curring in the Province of Ontario. The s,ork is guilt on the fact that
History of Ages
Traced by Trees
Rings on Beams of Ancient
,Pueblos in United States
Lead Back to 1260
Wasliiiigton—A grant of $5,000
by the research committee of the
National Geographic .Society for the
study of old beams and timbers in
the Indian pueblos of the Southwest
has been announced by Dry Gilbert
es cry birth, marriage and death oc- Grosvenor,president .of the society.
Approximately seven niliic.n, records
are now on file; more than 123,000
birth, marriage and death registra-
tions are added yearly to the records;
over 42,000 certificates are issued each
year, ". while the number of searches
reach a yearly total of $50,000.'
The parents are required by law
to' register the birth as • soon 'as
occurs, and it is a: simile matter co
fill out the ,blank post card which is
supplied free for this purpcf.e: The
child and its parents derive certain
advantages from this prompt registra-
tion, not the least of which is that
the record is preserved, and official
certificate may at any time be secured
for ,entrance to school, to prove in-
heritance, age, to vete "or to marry, for
life insurance or passport parposes,
a, well as for many other require-
ments thronghout life.
If the deaths of residents • were not
registered, the Dep: tntent would not
be in a position so knew what dis-
eases were causing Ontario's people
to die, But theregirtration of deaths
i5 now very thoroughly done, and it is
or interest to note from .the latest
report that we lost 35,909 residents
in 1926, but 20,849 of 'these were due
to ten causes, distributed as follows:
Rate per
No. of popu-
every growing tree leaves In Its trunk
a ring for each year; and that each
ring has an individuality of its own.
"The work has progressed so far
that two unbroken sequences of rings
have been "assembled, one to 12.0;
the other a prehistoric sequence of
six centuries.
Did This Dog Reason?
A French poodle went with its mas-
ter to the village saddler's shop, where
a whip was bought. The proud poodle
was entrusted with the carrying home
of the new whip.
'In the evening, however, the doggie
did something wrong, and in conse-
quence learned the use of a dog whip.
He received a smart stroke or two
from it, and the punishment set him
thinking hard.
Next morning, seeing the whip in
the hall and the door open, the poodle
apparently, summed up the situation,
for he picked up the whip, retrace'
his steps to the saddler's shop, left the
whip there, and trotted back home,
It seemed as if he had determined
to put that thing back where it could
not do any harm to a dog.
There is hardly a housthoid that
hasn't heard of Castoria! At least
fivemillion homes are never without
it. If there are children In your
family ,there's almost daily need of
its comfort. And any night may find
you very thankful there's a bottle in
the House. Just a few drops, and that
colic or constipation is relieved; or
diarrhea checked. A vegetable pro-
duct; a baby remedy meant for young
folks. Castoria is tbout the only
thing you have eve: heard doctors
advise giving to infants. Stronger
medicines are dangerous to a tiny
baby, however harmless they may be
to grown-ups. Good old Castoria!
Remember the name, and remember
to buy it. It may spare you a sleep-
less, anxious night. It is always
ready, always safe to use; hi emer-
gencies, or for everyday ailments.
Any hour of the day or night that
Baby becomes fretful, or restless.
Castoria was never more popular
with meth:ers than it is to -day. Every
druggist has it.
Heart Disease....
Diseases of the
Tuberculosis ,
Influenza ....
Bright's Disease .
Apoplexy 1,405 44.6
Broncho-pneummtir 970 30.8.
Infantile Diarrhoea 615 10.5
The toll.of lives which heart disease,
cancer and disease of the arteries are
taking yearsly, is so_ heavy—and, un-
fortunately, increasing from . year to
year—that the Department feels all
po:,tible advertising should be given
te these figures. Nothing that can
lessen the ravages of these three prin-
cipal causes of death shock; be left
When a certificate is required, mite
to the Department of Health, Parlia-
ment Buildings, Tormto, stating
(1) Whether birth, marriage or
death certificate is desired.
(2) Name of person.
(3) Where birth, marriage or death
oceutred, and whet
Fees to accompany application.
Schedule of fees is as follows:
Search, 50c.
Copy of certificate, $1.00,
-. Birth certificates for use in .connec-
tion with school athletics are issued
at a charge of fiity cents when 'ap-
plied for by school principal.
For purposes of matt ere' allowances
act, death cerrificate of father, mar-
riage certificate of father and mother
and birth certificates are supplied free,
when application is made through
local secretary of the Mothers' Allow-
ance Board.
Application by a soluier (soldier's
Widow or children) for free certificate
for pension purposes should be"accom-
panied by :vi el;ae from the D.S.C.R.
For Either the Newborn Babe
or the Growing Child.
There is no other medicine to equal
Baby's Own Tablets '.for little ones—
whether it be for the newborn babe
or the growing child the Tablets al-
ways do good. They are absolutely
free from opiates or otb.er harmful
drugs and the mother can always feel
safe in using them.
Concerning the Taulets, Mrs. John
Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan,
Ont., says:—"We have three fine,
healthy .children, to • whon'i, when a
medicine is needed, we" have given
only. l3ahy's Own Tablets The Tablets
are the best medicine you can keep
in any home where these are young
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild' but
thorough laxative which regulate the
stomach and bowels; banish consti-
pation and indigestion; break up
colds and simple fever and make
teething easy. They are sold by
medicine dealers or direct by nail at
250 a box from Tha Dr, Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
'When tailors predict there'll be no
change in men's trousers this season
they, no doubt, refer to married men."
Dr. Durant sees the clay when men
will only do mental work. 'That means
we are bound to have a lot of tin -
It is always correct to say that the
war is over in China if you specify
which war.
eCIA�OF ftGM.47
>xor Tro'Ltbles
,due to Acid'
GA565'NAU5 EA;
Just a tasteless dose of Phillipa'
Milk of Magnesia in water. That Is
an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It
has been the standar3 antacid for .50
years among physicians everywhere.
One spoonful will neut,ralize at once
malty time., its volume hi acid. it 1s
the right 'way, the quick, pleasant and
efficient way to kill the excess acid.
,The stomach becon.es sweet, the paint
New Culture Coming
Here is a big idea to think about
some evening, because it concerns the
readers of this paper—a new type
of culture is coming in all civilized
countries, a higher and finer culture
than the world has ever seen,
The old type of culture is dying out
everywhere. Ili India, the Brahmins,.
perfected by thousands of years of re-
finement, are coming clown off their
Pedestals. In Japan, the Samurai have
become an out -voted minority, In
China, the Mandarins have beets push-
ed aside by the forceful young Chinese
of the Republic. In Germany, the
Philosophers have been superseded by
the scientists, and a new Goethe cult
has arisen. tht.t may spread over the
world. In Great Britain, the Oxford
and Cambridge culture is steadily los•
ing its prestige, and a new type ie
being developed.
Tho oldculture was based on tris.
clition, aristocracy and certain forms
and habits of life, The now culture is
based on science, industry, efficiency,
ereative thinking. '
The greatest and most important
tendency of the present time, all over
the world Is the rise, of a new culture
that is not based on traditions.-
Efficiency Magazine (London, Eng.).
Almost everything new and startling"
that man has done has been clearly
demonstrated to be impossible --before
departs. You are happy again in five
Don't depend on crude methods:
Employ the hest way yet. evolved in he did It.—Alvin T. Simonds.
all the years of searching. That is
Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips"
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physio
Wore 'cups to the pound, more flavor in the cup, morel
fang to the taste., That's what "makes Red Rose 'Teak
so popular, Every package guaranteed. ex
ED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good,
Garden Roses
The roses which are best for the
garden may be partially a natter of
preference and partially a matter of
latitude and soil conditions. Such a
seemingly unimportant matter as the
location in the garden may have its
influence on the plant. The color of
Rapture is a blending of. pink, apri-
cot and gold, and it 'blooms freely.
Souvenir des Claudius Pernet is a
good yellow, Double White Killarney
is generally considered one of the
best, and by many; the best white.
Templar, Briar Cliff, Oplfelia, Mr. F.
R, Pierson, Matchless, Mme. Butterfly,
Premier, Commonwealth, .and Colum-
bia are all good varieties.
Liniment prevents FIL:.
Classified Advertisements
AGUS roots. Highest quality guar-
anteed stock, best varieties, best prices.
Free delivery. 0, R. Leavens, R. No. 4,
A I, four varieties. price 9e up,
Write for free catalogue. A. a. Switzer.
(Ironton, Ontario.
New World's Records
The following new world's records
are listed in the current issue of
"Time", the weekly newsmagazine.
Track: 60 -yard high , hurdles —
Weems Baskin of Alabaina, 7 2/5 sec.;
in Manhattan,
Track: 2 -mile steeplechase—Eine
Purje of Finland, 9 Orin. 55 2/5 sec.,
in Manhattan.
Track: 16_pound : shot indoors—Her-
bert H. Schwarze, Illinois A. C., 50
feet 3 in, in Manhattan.
Swimming: 100 -yard backstroke—
George J. Iiojae of Manhattan, 1 min.
4/5 sec., in NevtBrunswicic, N.J.
Swimming: 150 -yard backstroke—
George J. Iiojae of Manhattan, 1:39,
in New Brunswick, N.J,
We hear of a crook, b.iieved to be
in England, who is wanted in Chicago.
It is amazing that they should want
any more in that city.
Good manners are like a good di-
gestion. If yon don't notice them,
they are all right.
ODS, uniform return load prices. •
All goods insured. We move you when
nowant eisceivorengst ner distance movers.
in principal cities of eastern States and
Canada, Hill The Mover, Hamilton and
To Cure Scale
Insects on Ferns
For scale insects on ferns and
other' house plants, kerosene emulsion
is the remedy. A simple emulsion
may be made by using a tablespoon-
ful of kerosene oil to a cupful of milk.
Stir this thoroughly and dilute it by
adding two gallons of water. Keep
the mixture well stirred while using.
Cover every part of the foliage and
stems of the plant with the spray. -
Directions for 'a sunken garden:
Leave the weeds alone and it'll be •
sunk, all right.
A woman has just been elected
president of the Puzzlers' League of
America, which, it seems to us, is as
it shauls1 be.
List of "Wanted inventions'%
and Full infnr..latIon Sent Free
on Request.
275 Rank Rt. Ottawa, Ont.
"Girls used to wear hoop skirts and
carry parasols, now they wear jumpers
acl carry parachutes."
Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Fiu. 9
It isn't possibletobuild
a better lawn mower
than ,SMMA lT's
Smarts Mowers have
proved their superiority
Nvnerevorgyass is $rowr
easy running,keetr
cattint and absolutely
e Ao
Method Improves Chicken
Better results have been obtained
from the small flock of chickens when
the following points have been ad-
hered to in raising them.
1. Hatch early, using hatching eggs
from a flock known to be absolutely
free from disease.
2. Brood each hatch separately.
3. Brood on clean ground, at least
300 feet from the henhouse, or where
chicks have been raised as much as
two years previously, and not down-
hill where the intestinal parasite eggs
and germs can wash on to the new
4. Feed a balance ration.
5. Separate the cockerels from the
pullets early.
Bridge has taught u s concentration,
self-control, and the art of opening
sardine cans.
clans for 50 years in correcting excess
acids. Each bottle contains full direr` maw 1,hCanada,
aird ,l,c uried of g5� 28 reached
tionii-=any drugstore,
Freight Traffic on Welland
The freight traffic on the Welland.
UR. breeder, are bred for high egg
production. whim. Brom. and
Bufaeehorns, Barred and White Rods,
R. 1. Red., Ancona., Black Minara., I
Buff Orpington., wake Wyandotte.. 520
and up. less live delivery guaranteed_
Write today for FREE CHICK BOOR.
scriwg9l_ R's lixrc iSl1
226 Northampton
Buffalo, NY.
1!B!'9a ezpet•aaateaat avith
ainAaaaailta.a• soaps a,ta lotiozas
C> ttiel iia
ham brongltt relief and happiness for fifty years
to millions all over lin world
Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and 50c. Talcum, 250.
For wanza
The Liniment that Relieves All
The popularity of this
hostelry is evidenced in
the fact that guests in-
variably return to the
Mount Royal.
A courteous welcome
and cheery hospitality
await you,
Managing -Director
The Largest
Hotel in the
ryy9 `� "ilu�la
Rates $4 and $7 and up
ISSUE No, 14--•-•'29
MR. No. 5, Barton 5t. East, I iamilton, Ont.
"I have to work in the store
and do rely own housework too
and 1 got nervous and run
down and was in bed nearly all
summer.. The least>noise would
make me nervous. I was told to
take Lydia E, Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and I have
taken' seven bottles. It has
made me stronger and put
more.color into my face. I get
along nicely now with my
work and with my four chip
dren. I would like to answer
tetters."–Mrs. J. Malin.
R. No. I, Boo 5&, Lankin, N. Dakota
"I had two babies which 1
lost at seven months. Before
my third baby was born my
husband advised me to take
your medicine and he bought
me three bottles of it. When 1
had taken the first one 1 began
to feel better so 1 kept on dur.
ing the whole period. We have
a healthy baby boy and we are
so proud of him and praise
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound f'or the help it gave
me. I feel well and strong."—
Mrs, Frank Lukes.
Lydia E. Pirtkharri `Medi'cine
and Cf bourg, fhYarip,,„