HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-04-04, Page 2Aid is flavour is the
finest in the world.
'Fresh front the gardens'
Protect Your Health and Your PocketbOok
fiNRfSY M y1NIC4J wets . Nit
cePYRIf$I, hx! SY N.i•A-M VKo, M'
1515 Buck Bodine, new owner of the old
Webster place, for revenge upon Dick
Acklin, bit, boss of the Double .. ranch
in Paradise Valley, plots with the Bas-
ques to blow up Acklin's rani. Mercedes
Arrascada discovers her brother Este -
ban's connection with the plot and fol-
lows his trail until she reaches afloat
bearing dynamite to the dam. She jumps
aboard the float but it catches tire :,nd
she is rescued by A cki n's man, Kildare,
Joyous Jingles By Gifted Rhylnsters 'I
The Contest is closed. For the time being at any rate, the
Limerick Contest will be discontinued. There is no question,
ever, about its popularity with readers
wslw aheae ared crag tstl ugh
with letters and there are hours of
with those at present on hand. While we are tin Itng g contest, p we will
be glad to hear from those who have taken pa
who have found pleasure in following it in the papers. Let UR
know what you think of the Limerick Corner and whether or not
you would like to see this feature continued.
On the other hand, if you have any ideas for a feature to takek
the place of Limerick Corner, let us' have them. Editor,
Corner, Associated Publishers, 73 Adelaide St. \V., Toronto.
Following are the selections for this week :—
There once was a baby with. iisties,
And little fat rings on his wristies,
Ho kicked and he fought
Till his Dad went and bought
A box of sweet Arrowroots, Chris -
Mrs. C. B. Wooley,
R.R. No. 6, Wiarton, Ont.
There lives an old man, a bush-
At eighth, he sure is no slacker,
Says "I've comfort and joy,
And I feel like a boy—
"Tis all due to Big Ben Terbaccerl"
Mrs. Geo. Wickware,
R.R. No. 1, Brinton, Ont.
An old Health Instructor named
Called together his scholars to
teach 'em,
Said "For various ills
Have I tried many pills,
But there's none that can reach
'em like Beecham!"
Dr. D. Dunbar,
Box 157, Buckingham; Que.
Aren't you glad you're not Old
Mother Hubbard?
I am, for she went to the cupboard,
Took one peep inside,
Then sat down and cried,
"My Salads is done," wailed. Dame
Miss Grace Hubley,
Arundel, Que.
There lives on a hill in a tower,
A lady they call Mrs. Mower,
She makes good white bread,
And the reason, she said,
Is because I use Purity Flour.
Mrs. C. Graham,
R.R. 2, Wheatley, nt.
There was once a big Studebaker,
That was owned by a jolly shoe-
lou may drink to the charms
Miss Venus,
To poetry, music and genius,
But I drink deep, and oh,
How I love my Pekoe,
There's a bond of affection between
Mrs. P. 3i. Kimerly,
Comber, Ont.
even. "I said that sbo was going
home," he went an,
Acklin should have known better
than to continue this, but he was
blind with rage over his loss. He re-
fte.ecl to •be warn'eu, He raised .his
hr nd to Skip,
"1)o what I tell you," he cried.
`Take her to the Rull's Head. I'm
still givin' the orders here." He reach-
ed for his revolver.
Skip started to move, but he took
only a step. Kildare's guns covered
the crowd.
"Throw up your hands, all of you!"
he rasped out. "I'll bust the first one
that moves. This it once when I give
orders. You got a horse, Melody?"
he asked.
"I've heard hint called that."
"Get her Lonie then. I'm telling
you! Don't look anywhere else."
Blaze turned to the girl.
"You go with Melody. He'll get
you to the Rancho."
Tlie Big Boss hesitated. The girl
was gone before Blaze spoke again.
"All right, boys. You can take
them down," he said slowly. "Thanks
for obliging that C ay."
He dropped his guns as he spoke to
"I've worn myself thin for ybur
outfit. Things have been going on
that I didn't savvy. But I didn't ask
any questions. I could quit ie I didn't
like it. I guess I'm through now. I
sunpose I'll be getting my pay in the
Acklin glared at Kildare. His ex-
pression charged as he told him what
He felt her stir; a second, and she
opened her eyes. Mercedes refused
to believe what she 011V17. She lifted
her hand slowly and felt the man be-
side her. He was real thenl
While Blaze, knelt with Mercedes in
his arms .on the '.rink of the canon,
the roaring below them grew in vio-
lence. Grinding, screeching, the rush-
ing water was- ripping the hole,
through which it was pouring, into an
ever widening gap.'',The concrete was
still green. It Lad set well enough to
hold back the placid 'water, but
against this flood it was 'helpless. One
block would give way, and bring its
neighbors tumbling down with it. The
titanic force, sweepingbe, caught
then up if they had been marbles
and hurled them into the'va;;ey.
From the bank acrose' the canon
somebody called him. It was Melody;
good old Mdodyl
"I tried to save the dans,' Mercedes
murmured slowly. "Basilio he's
down there."
"You trailed Esteban, eh?"
She nodded.
"The little chief may be all right,"
Blaze lied, wondering how Esteban
could have failed to think of his bro-
ther and sister. "The wwter will be
spread out long before it gets to the
Mercedes tried to sit up.
"You're not lil,rt?"•`Kildare asked.
"Just tired ... very tired, Blaze.
What will happen to Esteban now?"
"Let the others ask that. You keep
still," he warned. "Scmeone's coming
now. It'll be :1cklin, too."
It was the Big 1 oss. Skip and a
dozen others werc with hint. The fury
of the man suggested the onrush of
the angry wi.ters through the gorge.
At first he saw only Kildare.
"What did it?". he shouted. "A,
His quick -acting brain had• sensed
an invasion of his empire that even
the courts could not repair. He was
off his horse 'in advance of his men
and striding t., said. Blaze when '-ie
saw iliercedes.
"What's she ging twee?" he bel-
lowed. Withmt giving hien time to
answer,. he yelled: "Yee saw her!
What was she ue to?"
Blaze got to his feet.
"She was doin' the best she could
to save the dam," he drawled omi-
Mercedes spoke for the first time.
"I was too late," she half whisper-
ed. "Too late to save even my little
The men gathered close about her,
hanging on her wards. Acklin felt
Himself outside the circle of.sympathy.
He turned and stand at. the remains
of the dam that had been his life's
dream. Some one would pay 1or,that!
The lake was almost empty. Two
men waded their horses across it a,
circled round until they were up with
the others. It was Beother Jones and
Melody with their questions,
Skip had produced a flask, and
Blaze doled out the stimulant to the
girl. Her face lost its whiteness.
"Guess we better get you back to
the Rancho now," he suggested.
Acklin overheard him.
"This is a job for the sheriff," he
snarled. "She's goi.tg to the Bull's
The crowd eaught the clash of wills.
Blaze saw Melody. They exchanged
a glance.
"You misunderstood me slightly."
Kildare's tones were too sweet, too
There once was a girl named
Who always used paste called
Her teeth clean and white
Make a beautiful sight
Let's all take a tip from Susanna.
Miss Helen. Johnston,
R.R. No, 2, Cameron, Ont.
you're thinking of raising some
Buy them right and it pays like the
Schwegler's chicks "live and lay
And they Iay every day,
For he never sends out any sick
ons. -
Miss 0: A. Snider,
Box 397, Elora, nt.
She craved a new outfit for Easter,
"Diamond Dyes" from the problem
released her,
They made her clothes new
From her hat to her shoe,
The results she attained surely
pleased her.
Miss -O. A. Snider,
Box 397, Elora, Ont.
Said a wise man whose name was.
John Teeple,
"Shredded Wheat" is the food for
the people,
It is made with such care
And is sold everywhere,
Sound its praise from the top of
Speedometer read the steeple.
Hundred thousand, he said,
But any old hill—she will take 'er.
Mr. J. Robins,
Sunridge, Ont.
John Harry Jones' pretty young
Ate lots more ice-cream than she
But the headache that followed
Was cured when she swallowed
"Bayer's Aspirin" washed down
with water.
Mrs. T. W. Hicks,
R.R. 2, Niagara Falls a.,
To the men who use stick Cuticura,
I would hand out this message, for
you're a
Wise set of guys
Using brains and both eyes,
A shave means stick plus aqua
Mrs. W. H. Bradford,
Gore Bay, Ont.
Rev. J. A. Wilson,
Paris, Ont.
There once was
fed all her
Her boys grew and flourished,
Her girls were well nourished,
And now she is called Nation -
11Ir. Jack Mark,
779 Aylmer Street,
Peterboro, Ont,
a lady named
children Quick
What Is a Teacher?
The qualities worth looking for in
a teacher are described by an editorial
in "The household Magazine," as fol-
1, Brains, of course. A. teacher is
no good unless he or she has statural:
intelligence phis education. A teacher
is employedto teach.
2. Personality. Good looks are an
asset in teaching as in everything else:
People who think school teachers
Eat and Sleep at
40c tench or Supper a Specialty
YONGg VT., Opposite Eaton's
140e1 Rates: ;1 Per Day and Up.
There was a young boy who was
Each day he was visibly failing,
Since he ate Shredded Wheat
He is strong on his feet
So this story to you I am mailing.
M. Murray,
Gravenhurst, Out.
ought to be homely are plain fools;
ilgllneeS has no value except in a
sideshow, Good looks are not the
most important thing, however. Taste
in dress, a quiet, pleasing voice, poise
of manner, ability to understand all
sorts of pupils, are more important.
3. Tolerance. Most of us are none
too tolerant. Children get notions of
intolerance at .home. Intolerance is
stimulated by their desire to conform
to the crowd. It means much to the
future of children if they have a
teacher who Views actions and ideas
and people coolly, without anger,
without sentimentality: A teacher
Wit)) loves truth and beauty but knows
that any et us may be wrong about
What truthand beauty are. Such a
teacher twill develop patience, honor,
tolerance in boys and girls. She will
give them a better start than most
of us got,
eatili 14-
Dry mouth and parched'
throat are grateful for the
refreshing coolness of
Wrigley's Spearmint.
Wrigley's whitens teeth,
sweetens the mouth, clears
the throat and aids digestion.,
while theact of chewing
calms and soothes the nerves.
Gives cold weather health at low cost
Full size biscuits of warmth and energy
Crisp in oven and serve with warm milk
Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company. Ltd.
Blaze carne up at that. Esteban
stared at hint.
"Hello, Kildare," he smiled..
The cowboy shook his head sadly.
The thing he had feared had happen-
ed. The young fellow seemed .to read
his thoughts. His smile never de-
serted him, however.
"Roll me a smoke, will you?" he
Blaze made a cigaret for him and
put it in his mouth. By the light of
the flaring match , he saw the boy's
condition. •
"You're hurt bad, eh?"
"I'm going out this time, all right.
But I haven't got any kick" He
turned his eyes on the Big Boss. "I
wanted to beat you once=just once.
I guess I got my wish."
"Your pals will get their wish, too,"
the big cattleman replied meaningly.
"That's talk, Acklin. Just talk!
This was my party. I got the dyna-
mite for the. job. I made the raft.
And I sent it adrift."
"Oh, no, you didn't!" It was Mor-
row who spoke. He had been there
for a minute, unnoticed. "You didn't
make the mine that dil this job. You
ain't smart enough."
His men fell back as the foreman
advanced to Esteban's side.
"We got the fellow that bossed this
job. Caught him over in the butes.
Botdine is he man!"
And Romero? Had they caught
him, too? ' The boy had to risk a ques-
"You got him with you, have yuh?"
Cash grinned.
"He'll be here directly. And the
other one, too." Cash didn't risk an-
other name. .Esteban. didn't notice
that. His heart sank. Evidently
Cash was not bluffing.
"Mercedes .. , Basilio 1" Esteban
groaned. His head fell forward on his
chest. Blaze put his arm around him.
In a few words he told the boy about
his sister.
"But Basilio?" Esteban cried so- that
all heard. "Bodine promised to get
him out in tine."
He reached up and pulled Kildare's
ear down close to his mouth. "You
lock out for her, will you? Tell her
that I tried to get word to her and
the baby."
"Buck up," Blaze pleaded. "You're
not going out."
"Hang on to toe," the boy begged.
"I'm 'choking. I'll be gone in just a
Poison Mushrooms
Easy to Recognize
When you don't know for certain
whether a mushroom is edible or not,
do not eat it. Of the two most cora-'
mon poisonous types that should be
avoided we give the following descrip-
"The most important part of the
deadly ,amanita is the sheath at the
base of the stem known as the death -
cup. The ring on the stem is larger
than that of the common mushroom,
and the gills are white, , both when
young and old, those of common mush.
rooms being, at first pink, then black.
Nothing can be told from the color of
the upper surface of the cap because
it varies so much. When one is gath-
ering mushrooms, it is exceedingly
important to get all of the stem and
not leave a portion of it in the ground,
since the death -cup may thus be over-
"The fly amanita is as beautiful as
it is dangerous. The cap is usually
bright scarlet, yellowish or orange,
sometimes fading to nearly white, and
covered with conspicuous warts, which.
are portions of the death -cup carried
up from below. The rest of the cup,
will usually be found in. fragments in
the soil about the swollen base of the
stem. The gills aro white and remain
so, thus differing from those of the
common mushroom. The warts on
the cap also distinguish it,"
I tried to save the dam," Mercedes
murmured slowly. "Basilio ... he's
own there, too."
Mercedes had done. The girl's daring
von muttered approval from the men.
Acklin walked back and forth for a
minute or two before answering.
"You may be right," he growled at
ast. "I aim to find out, though. If
She wasn't in this deal, her brother
was. She'd never been here, other-
wise. He wasn't alone, either. I'll
never believe that a kid like Esteban
could make a bomb good enough to
blow that wail out."
The big cow -man returned to his
pacing back an forth, as indication
that the incident was closed for the
time being. The men stood about un-
easily, wondering what thea would do
next. Brother Jones• s ul-e to Blaze.
Several others joined them.
With modesty peculiar to mien of
his type, Blaze .said little of his rescue
of Mercedes. Skip :Ind the other boys
were equally reticent in commenting
on it, but they understood. It was the
cowboy code.
Acklin had been drawn back to his
scrutinizing of the wrecked wall. So
far no definite plan of action had
,evolved in his mind. His foreman
must have heard the explosion and
]mist be on the way to his side. Look-
ing across the canon, he saw a rider
silhouetted against the sky. His first
thought was that it was Morrow.
"Hello, there?" the ot'rnr called.
"That you, Double A?"
It was . Chet Devine. Acklin an-
swered him.
'Come on over here," the man shout-
ed. "I got the bird that di this trick,"
"Who is he?" the Big Boss de-
"I doii't know. He's hidin' between
,here and the cedars. He's badly
By the time they had made the de-
scent ; to the valley and climbed up
to the high plateau. on which Chet
waited; some of Morrow's men from
the peak had arrived. Cash himself
had not yet shown up. Acklin left
Patterson behind to wait for him.
Leaving their horseswhen they
neared the trees, the men spread out
and began beating the brash. Moving
in an unbroken line they advanced
toward the spot that hadbeen the
shore of the lake. They had come
within sight of it without discovering
any one when .a voice cried out to
thein "Come onl I'm done."
They saw him then leaning against
the -trunk of a tree.: It was Esteban.
Acklin reeognized him first.
"So it's you, eh?" he questioned.
"I'm not surprised."
"I didn't think you wot.ld be," the
'boy .answered with a grin.
(To be continued.)
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quently, provincial road administra
tive organs and engineers are devot-
ing a great deal of though and atten-
tion to the care and protection of
roads. 1n 1927 the mileage of roads
under maintenance in Canada' under
the patrol or gang system was 44,416
miles, at a cost of $16,024,617.
May other quarrels, Which today,
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