HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-04-04, Page 1Vale XXIX G.* ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 4 1929, Advertisin Cliaoter It14 $1,26 to MOO 04 3.1011/141i0 , OI,50 IN ARREARS, $2 MAY BBGRAB FX77+ is the big niedium. between Buyer Seller. ry an A r00000...fl4+84,4$4$4.01.444.44* 4}440000.4449 44.W.44044MES a BARG INS BARGAINS IReceived a shipment of Waterproof Robes which. I am retailing far be - f low Catalogue pries get your's at Special Price $12.50 large size rgoFRED THIEL. - ZURICH 9.+4.4 404044Ip4 ,000-44K.04.0fi 04,0O4044044.4*49004.4991 .443rlkgi COMING SOON Prof. E. J. Lawrence's SOUTHERN Cotton 1Pickers Featuring: HAPPY JONES And the. Southern Harmony Four Quartette. Madam Lawrence in her popular Mel tidies; Mrs. Ida Black, in her latest " Sugar Cane Dance; See Sam, the Big Mouth man,; Clarence Crosby, fanz-- ous Baritone. At TOWN HALL, ZURICH MONDAY EVE. APRIL 8th. Dors Open 7:30; Curtain 8.15' Children 25c. Adults 35c, plus War Tax. ID Mlle IIKtedailMeSS0 The Outfitting Days in lien's We a a Iga at S BLAKE The March meeting of the Blake Mission Band was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Finlay. - Owing to the: absence of the President, Miss Gladys Douglas took the chair. The meeting was opened by singing Hymn '771, after which the Scripture • Lesson, • Romans 17, was read, followed by.the Mission Band Prayer. Hymn• 521 was sung. The minutes of last meet= ing were read. and adopted, after wh ich the roll call. was taken. After Hymn 76$ was sung, the topic from the study book, 'In the African Bush" was given by Gladys Douglas. The meeting was closed by singing Hymn 761, followed by the Lord's • Prayer in unison, after which a dain- • ty lunch was served by the hostess. - 0 Miss Margaret Meyers, who tau- ght school on the Goshen Line, left • 'on Tuesday for Toronto, where she • will spend the holidays.- Mr. olidays.-Mr. and Mrs: Milton Johnston and family who spent a few weeks at the • home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- ' ston, the former's parents, . left on Wednesday for their home at Thorn - O low, New. Ontario. 411 - Mr. Gascho and family of Emily • City, 1Vlich., spent Sunday at the g home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bechler. a Mrs. Gascho, who was called here a on account of her father's illness, re- * turned home with them. .Miss Jessie E. McDonald, teacher of S. S. No. 9, is spending the holi .• days at her home near Ripley. `• 11Ir. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and daughter Evelyn of Exeter called on friends in this vicinity on Good Mr, and Mrs. Norman Geseho and little son of Zurich, called on friends in the village on. Friday. DRYSDALE, A very nice musical Mass was sung by the choir of St. Peter's Church, Drysdale, under the direction of Miss Lena Denomme, organist, assisted by Miss Eugenie Denornme on the violin The Altars were beautifullly decor- ated for the occasion. Rev. Father Marchand gave a very inspiring ser- mon. The ceremony was well atten- ded by a large number• of parishion- • ft ring •• • • (110 n's�' • ;t1 and. Children's Shoes THE LARGEST, 11O&l' COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING G FO -, is 'WEAR IN OUR HISTORY, DEPICTING THE NEWEST. SMART-, 1g EST FASHIONS OF THE ;HOUR, AT THE WELL KNOWN* LOW 1.1 PRICES -0, 442 MOST POPULAR SiYAC FOR SPRING WEAR, MC .?UDED ARE POMPS„ TE O 11.11.3„ ONE `STRAP, 'C T-OTJT STYLES, 21 PATENT LEATHER TANS, SPANISH, :SPIKE, c'EFRAlg, AND LOW HEELS. ii s is REPAIRING NEATLY DONE SEE O45R Brava's Boob op WINDow DISPLAr 114•41944,44414.00( +q,(t.44.0400900000040.00 04 0 -****4—d;• +C' • r,; Sampie.s JUBT ARRIVE. ,SPLENDID RA G S Comet Your New Spring Snit OPPIC You want the best radio for your money. 'Come in, see it and hear it-- ' then you'll-want-to-owne a-Kolster. E. OESCH, Agent • Zurich, Ont. OLSIE. "All that you seek in Radio" Messrs. J. W. Horner and E. Akt motored to Goderich on Tuesday. Miss Muriel Preeter of Kitchener, -was a holiday visitor with her many Zurich friends. , Mr Nebitt Woods of Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurn1. A goodly number from the village and vicinity attended the Hensel]. Spring Show on Tuesday. Mr. Dan Gascho left for Kitchener on Wednesday, where he will likely be- for week or so. Miss Marguerite Prang or Detroit, visited her parents over the week- end. • • Miss Lulu Albrecht of Toronto, was a.week-end visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Albrecht. 'Mr. John Freid, who has been vis- iting with his sister, Mrs. C. Fritz, has left for his hone in California. Mn Garnet Walper of Detroit, was an' Easter holiday visitor, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Weber Mr. Arthur C. Pigeon, Prine;pal of Zurich' Continuation School ]w;; left for his Iionle at Stratford, whet he is spending the Easter ]ao :days. Miss Meda Surerus, of the Toronto public school teaching staff, is spend- ing the week at her home on the Bronson line. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, and two sons;' Gordon and Stanley, motored to 11.'',,,Abener on, Wednesday, to visit a sister of Mrs. Smith's who is .quite ill at the hospital at that city. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and dau- ghter IVlarion visited at Fergus over the week -end. Dr. Cowen returned on Monday, but Mrs, Cowen and Mar- ion are stayiing over for a week. Messrs. Clayton and Clorence Hoff- man, of Galt, were Easter visitors with their parents here. The former is spending the week in Zurich. Mr. •Theodore Wagner, accompan- ied by Mrs. Emsley and daughter Anna, were Easter visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs: W. C. Wagner. The Easter Tuesday Euchre Party and Dance held in the Town Hall Zur ich, on Tuesday evening of this week, and under the auspices of the St. Boniface Churchwas wellattended, and a good evening's amusement was enjoyed by all present. The "Southern Cotton Pickers" Concert troup of Detroit, are putting on a concert in 'the town hall Zurich on Monday Evening, April 8th. A free dance will be given after the program conducted by the concert Company. • Two of • our young sportsmen in the persouell of Mr. Wm. Lamont and Ward Fritz, enjoyed a most pleasant outing over the Easter season on an extended motor trip to Kingsville, where the paid a visit to Jack Minor's bird sanctuary • plantotion, and on their way toy Windsor, they called on Rev. Father A. M. Stroeder at Maid- stone, where they enjoyed a very happy hour or so. Leaving Maid- stone the wertt to Windsor, and De- troit, and then after seeing many of. the beautiful sights they motored to Saginaw, and also visited several re- latives and friends in the northern part of Michigan, returning to Zur- ich on Sunday evening. Late Lisette Reichert The death took place at. her home just west of Zurich, on March 26th of Miss Lisette Reichert, aged 68 years and 21 days. Deceased was never married and. lived alone for a long time, and was found in her chair life being extinct, probable_tause be- ing heart failure. Being born and raised in this vicinity, she *as a life- long resident, and is. survived by one brother, Mr. Henry Reichert of the village, and three sisters; Mrs. Rueck- beil of Cavalier, N. D., Mrs. John Pfaff and . Miss • Catherine of Hay Township. The funeral which took place on Thursday, M=arch 28th, was held private, and was conducted by Rev. E. Tuerkheirn, pastor of the Lutheran church. Interment being made in the Lutheran cenietely, Are You Proud To Show Your WATCH LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5,00 TO $25. GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERY POPULAR $8.00 TO $20.00, WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY CoAL, NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS • OF HIGH GRADE FUEL Scranton r raci Nfinehead Albert& Solvay Coke MILLER. CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS •d w �L �. o C ax tss10 . HENSALL ONT. 'hams—Office l.Ow. How a.- ess, Th a Jeweller The Business Baaiit l Senri sa 4:+1+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++44464444" :v 4. +3+ Ali lines of •a ,.. 4.weal Bocks, ,'a I Slipilers at �€f',� A(II¢�'j] iTo 49, 41. . • WE REPAIR AND RE -SOLE RUBBER R !COT? "• „1 G0LAS IE+2', Repairing done With the Best x €,: l "+ :+ ,` i u lonrcat 4. 1927 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, upholstE tiny.';, 1' .0 ;. :.,ct At a B'argair,' 1927 Ford Coach • in real good condition, front and rear bumpers..,. tires, etc., perfect. 1926, 1926, 1926, Three good Ford Coaches, upholstering net worn or soiled, and all running fine. .Priced as low $300.T. 1927 Ford Coupe;. Original Tires, are like new, Equipped with bumpers, speedometer, and many other extras. TEs .;s car looks and runs like new. -.1.` 1923 Ford Coupe, a Bargain. 4, Ford Four -door Sedan like new with original tires, as good as new. 1. 1923 Ford Sedan„ in fine running condition, a real bargain.. 3 BUGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. + See Our used cars and compare condition and price; with edgers.,. +II+ F 1�+ 0 F IT SON AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX CARS. A. SIX Eli THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. A jl. FOR A DE1 iO .. STRATTON, O, SECOND ,HAND FORT) PARTS AT HALF PRIOPI 4 We have oned Our first shpweni of Spry; Summer Dry Gooks WE ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARNESS RE?AIRS,. HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDEN . ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES FOR ALADDIN. IN. LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTION COAL O, STOVES WE SOLI 'UR PATRONAGE � i R. NIM - n .. 't E7, :...: GEA Es AL - EROH' PHONE' 11 I- 9 z