HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-03-28, Page 8!NR The Store with the Stock THE. .. T fillY Of New Spring Goods NOW ON DISPLAY New Wash Goods of every diseription in finest weaves and Patterns PETER PAN CLOTHS AAGATHA PERCALES LORRAINE PRINTS tiVICTORIAN FABRICS ?RIECILLA CLOTHS MAC.. -.,,G PRINTS OINGHAMS CRETONS CHINTZES ART SATINES COTTON BROADCLOTHS FUGI SILKS a ioeo soece eeeeeeoec tioeseeoeseesee oceeeesESsoste 00000 'A Complete Stock of Reg. N. Boxer ' and Watson Foster Wall Papers *SEE OUR NEW SAMPLE EOOKS,.65 SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM. PRI.:17,S RANGE FROM 6 cts. TO 70 cts. SINGLE ROLL. :COMPARE OUR VALUES BEFORE YOU PURCHASE ELSEWHERE CHS ,: rnh Phone 59 rAtiLt Wanted ?� �-.• , -r'.+?••fi••2••S••ir•3•�S• :'•3•�••.•�•1Eo�*�•��•�••�••���i+•1••3•�r•I• ��c°rd•3•I••1+•§••II••1••1.9F•§•.i"§.•I,y�•.••I••� ANNOUNCEMENT 4. .g. 4 (MICR .HERALD 1 Our New Shipments OF Spring. and Sumer Goods ARE NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY AND WE INVITE THE PUB- LIC TO COME IN AND SEE THEM BEFORE MAKING YOUR 'PUR- CHASES. A CALL. IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED. je ,ER x � ryI; YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL JEERER Mr. Ev. Haist, our popular baker, is haveing a large brick bake oven er- ected in his business block he recent- ly purchased from Itlr. J. E. Gascho. Rev. Mr. Uetze of Baden, conduct- ed services over Sunday in the Amish Mennonite Church, Bronson Line, on Sunday. Hensall Spring Show will be held on Tuesday, April 2nd, that is next Tuesday, and this event usually mani- fests considerable interest; and is well worth the while to drive out and` see. We have been appointed Agents direct for 4 f.i:,.ICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF ' -Y. TRIEll AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OR 4.+ WILLYS • OVERLAND LTD. + • �A.RISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI- + i i_.E]Pii1+T � (ITT, QU ' CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; cO1IPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED + AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY s THE LOWEST PRICED 5Ig ON WHIPPET I THE MARKET. A gTIONA CAR WITH A SOUND 14. W,5'Knight TWO MODELS, THE FAMOUR PROVIDED VALVE MOTOR. OTOR IF IN NEED OPA CAR APRANGE TO SEE US ib !,ORE BUYING ELSEWHERE A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: • "WE GIVE j'YOU SERVICE" 4. •4+ 4. t*. + 0-:• :-g.s,..;..4.r,..4..44 4- k444 te+4 .7,- f• »479.3+444»44�++4+,4,.4..4..4..4:4.4++A•4.4.4++2•+i•++ 4. Commencing on Tuesday of next week, that is the first Tuesday in Ap- ril, the stores in Zurich will again be kept open on Tuesday evenings for the convenience of the public, till the end of the year. . Mr. Wes. Callfas, who has been in Detroit for some months, gave his Zurich friends, a visit over the Week- end. Wes hay engaged for the sum finer with a navigation company, and will sail the lakes this summer, his route being from Detroit to Chicago. Messrs. Leroy O'Urein and Ferd Haberer, who are extensively into the chicken business, have already over 500 young chicks on hand. They are planning. to use the open air skating rink for the purpose, of wh- ich Mr. O'Brein is the proprietor. We are in receipt from a conununi- . F, Klopp—Zurich cation from Mr. Chas. Rathwell, who are former residents- of the Goshen Also Dealer in Li�htniu� Rods Line, Stanley, stating that owing to lent, ill health, he and Mrs. Rathwell spent and all kinds of Fire Insurance the past winter in West Palm Beach, Florida, and enjoyed it very the south. Messrs. Fairbairn & Hudson, the new garage men in the former Com- mercial Hotel barns, are now all set and ready for business, and solicit the patronage of the public. These hien have had considerable experience in this line of work, andshould be in a position to give the public good service. At the ratepayer's meeting in the Zurich public school last Tuesday ev- ening for the purpose of feeling the attitude towards the Township Sch- ool Board, the meeting went on rec- ord as opposed to the bill. A. resol- ution was also passed authorizing the LOCALMARKETS,' (Correcte4 every; Wednesday) Eggs ....<. 24-26 Dried apples lib ...... .....•.... 8c Oats ............. ....•....,. 50 Flour .................. .. ... 3.50-4.15 IL Mousseau Zurich 1 •i.'h: •ra lg, u�t- telt 28th, 1:5 ++,H+++++444444444144414+++++1144+.14444+14-144+.14+4414, Seasonable Goods Now is the time of year to fit out r your home with new Furniture t Also Simmons Guaranteed Springs and Mattresses *o• 4. ®ta eireestee so oell egioestossen miteesseesesseeesee carfe's ¶ Celebrated Paints, 4. 4. Barley 70c Buckwheat.... 80 Shorts per ton 35.00 Bran per ton34.00 Chickens Live ....... 1.5, 19, 21 Old Hens ........... .•.14 18 20 Live Hogs cwt.. ......... ...... ..1:1.00 • Western Far: s' Mutual Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company 'doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec, 31, 1927, $22,365,735. Total • Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates—$4.50 per $1;000 for' 3 years. irWrefs+++++++++++++ .s. Jo.nston : Kalbieisch Har t y. e ec Fur iture. Phone 6-3 � °r •II••�r•e••�'I:':•€••:••i�:'•1~i•^?••I••.:•d+•&+It�3^�t +It•.F.•k;..I+.��+�•I••Fr.F.I•�+•I.•i••b•I••II•>s'i•I?��•tv.��', ;,oee seeeese 00000.040110. **111 ewoM0or N W - 1 Is The Best Time TO PLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORIC, REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS LET US SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING FOR THE FIELD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY. IF YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING THIS- YEAR, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE US .AND GET OUR ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS. A NICE NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE 1N THE HOME WILL AL- WAYS BE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE. WE CAN SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, AND THE PRICES ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. Sow • w s w 1 1 If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! STADE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. 04011..O.4+ MNDtoirte* *SMEM DMOA►0464404 oo*Mfl Spring and Varnishes FLOOR FINISHES, OIL STAINS, PORCH AND FLOOR ENAMEL., CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES oosoe;,easeeeefee<;,eeese ere }aeaaimeeaocaaa seeo®oere All Lines of Hardware and Tinware GET OUR PRICES ON WIRE FENCING AND BARE WIRE °11^ MILL'ER'S INCUBATORS AND E3ROODERS SEE US WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR PUMPS. PLUMBING AND EAVETROUGHING, PIPING, ETC., ATTEND- ED TO AT SHORTEST NOT$CE. CALL AND SEE U. fi NEVER BEFORE HAS A SPRING BROUGHT FORTH SUCH A BEA- TIFUL LINE OF SMART HATS AND WE HAVE A MOST WON- DERFUL RANGE TO CHOOSE FROM Trustees to have the school•wired fox WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE Hydro lights. The big Quit Bisiness sale of finer- OF HATS FOR THE CHILDREN AT chandise conducted by T. L. Wenn PRACTICALLY EVERY AGE and which started on Saturday, is BE SURE AND CALL AT THE meeting with big success, and the bar - the buying public, and we would ad -P - gains are being rapidly purchased by The Hat Shope p vise anyone in need of any of these goods to act quick and get there he- EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE fore it is too late. Now is the timeWE INVITE THE PUBLIC IN TO to act, while the assortment and sup SEE OUR ASSORTMENT ply is good. The road from here to IIensall is OF THE LATEST EASTER HATS drying up wonderfully the last few OF- ALL THE NEWEST STYLES 1N SPRING HATS GIVE TIS A CALL days, in fact the dust is flying in most places again. During the past week this road was for a few days in an almost impassable condition, and M. Thiel, the stage driver was obl- iged to revert back to the horses and carryall for a few days. What made matters vvarse was the farmers were called upon to get their supplies of fertilizer off the cars at Heiisall, It seems strange that these shipments of fertilizer are usually made just when the roads are in the worst eon- dition. A week later would have be- en plenty early, and the roads would STANLEY TOWNSIIIP Born -In Stanley, on Sunday, March 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Arm- strong, a son. Miss' Vera Dowson and Miss Fern Taylor spent a few days visiting the latter's sister, Mts. Wilton of Brute - field. Mrs. Henry McClinehey, who has been with her mother in. «odercich Township, and who has been sick, llaS has returned to her home on Goshen Line. V. V. Siebert Zurich 1 n Income SYSTEMATIC SAVING IS H.ELPINO HUNDREDS OF MEN AND WOMEN OF MODERATE MEANS TO BECOME FINAN- CIALLY INDEPENDENT. MANY WHO OTHERWISE MIGHT ACCUMULATE LITLE OR NOTHING DURING THE BEST EARNING PERIOD OF THEIR LIVES ARE BUILDING UP AN INCOME PRODUCING ESTATE BY SYSTEMATIC SAY- ING. • A start eau be made with any sum of 1100.00 or more. Invest in a Huron & Erie Debenture, which pays interest twice a year at V4. . per cent. per annual. As soonas your interest payments amount to $100 or more you can . re -invest them at the same rate. Your income will steadily increase: as your estate grows and you will be delighted by the result of a few years.: system-- atis saving. APPLICATIONS FOR HURON & ERIE DEBENTURES TAKEN AT ANY TIME BY Before you Invest ----INVESTIGATE) A i drew F. Hess,, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Would U Like 2 Kno How to rid of Cough, Bronchitis,. Whooping Cough, Catarrah, Head Colds, Sore Throats and Tonsil ills. Use Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis, Absolutely guaranteed Sold at W. C. Wagner's Grocery. 11 menzisamamaosim • The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada; HEAD OFFICE — TORONTO E. E., Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 4raarsntee and Accident Innuran Oldest and Strpngt co. ie. Cana Mr. Wm. Sparks, of the Bronson, Line, and one of Stanley's outstand- ing breeders of choice Holstein cat- tle, has sold his herd sire "Echo Paul Wayne" to Henry Steckle of the same line. This sire is , 3 years old and three of his grand parents trace back to that great 41 lb. cow, "May Echo Sylvia." Mr. Sparks has pur- chased from J. M. Cline 4gz Son, of Belmont their herd sire,"Slyvaa Cal'' Barn Pontiac' who is seven years old and weighs appro;timately 2500 Ibs. His seven' neatest damns have an average record of 33.25 fibs,. butter iri 7 days with an average milk test of 4.72 per cent fat. This splendid sire will be a great asset to Mr. Sparlc''.s fine herd of Holsteins, • I To the man who regards a well dressed appearance,' we recommend you to come and look over our fine range of SUITS $UITS NEW FALL SUITINGS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADLY REFUNDED, ALL OTR SUITS ARE MADE AND T!UIMMHD' WITU . TUB BEST OF .LINIINGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE HEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE TO IItt W-: URH CLOTHES—COiRNErLI., a H. HOFFMAN. ificenosAner TAILOR: W, R. BOFIl'14AN a son, > tut.t aitF !AND irt`IttERAV IIIIIi%ECTOR5 Day` wad moot moo No, $,