HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-03-21, Page 7ABOUT YOUR NERC
Headaches " and P herr ". Troubles
Follow When the Nerves
Give Way
Nerves are delicate' fibres running
from the arson to all parts of • the
body. Sonne of themgive us the
pens` of touch and feeling; others
convey the will to our muscles and
'Enable us to move. Whoa we have
Ian "attack : of nerves" it beans .,that
the body is In some way out of order
and the nerves .have become oversell-
eitive, so that -we get neuralgia, ner-
Ivous headache, sciatica, or some other
nervetrouble, Sometimes the nerves
get too weak to do the will of the
brain, and we get trembling hands or
limbs, or perhaps St. Vitus dance. 'The
whole nervous system Is fed and kept
healthy by your blood. if that is thin
and poor, nervous weakness follows.
In that case a tonic is needed to build
up the blood, so that it may in turn
feed the nerves, spine and brain. The
very best medicine for enriching the
blood is Dr, Williams' Pink.Pills, You
cannot take them without feeling the
uplift they give. Your appetite im-
proves, your braiu is clearer, you gain
strength in every way, and you feel
full of new life. One sufferer, Miss
Margaret R. MacDonald, Catalan('
Road, N.S., tells what this medicine
did for her. She says:—"1 suffered
for a long time from severe headache
and nervous exhausj on. 1 tried sev
elite kinds of medicine but got no
relief until f used Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, and these, before long, gave me
complete relief. From my own experi-
ence l feel that 1 can not praise Dr.
,Williams' Pink rills toe highly, and
would advise anyone who is suffering
from headaches or nervous exhaus-
tion to give them a • fair trial, as 1
feel sure the results cannot be any-
thing but satisfactory."
Take these pills as a tonic if you
are not i' the best physical condition
and cultivate a resistance that will
keep you well and strong.' You can
get these pills through any medicine
dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
Billion Dollars
Sold for $100,000
World's Richest 40 -Acre
Patch is the Mond Ex-
tensibn -- Average
Grade 7 Y2 o
About 26 years agu the Mand-iarood'
'1nxtenslon claim; 40 acres, could have,
been bought for $26,u0u, it was offer-
ed at that.
Mand .Rieke! Company bought it be-
fore the war for 100,000.
It is estimated now that this prop-
erty contains over $1,000,000,000 worth
•'of ore, averaging $40 or $60 per ton.
LJ'xtremely high grade enrichments
laround the $,00 1101120u briug the aver-
age of a!1 the known ore to a grade
of 7,z per cent, combined copper and
nickel, copper predominating.
The story of this claim's wealth is
'not half way unfolded. It is expected
'that it will contain almost a solid sheet
sof ore, in planes up to 200 feet in
'thickness, dipping right across the
There seems every reason to be-
lieve that this 40 acres is the world's
richest patch.
• And it was bonght for $100,000 six -
'teen or seventeen years ago.
t Northern Miner.
St. Lawrence Murk
Windsor border cities Star (Lib.):
'Friends of St. Lawrence development
are naturally disappointed by the vir-
tual impasse that now obtains. They
rare hopeful, however, that out of all
'the niaze of doubt, uncertainty, sus-
picion and petty .Politics that exists at
present, order will finally collie and
the great improvement will go for-
ward. Its eventual consummation is
certain, of course. The only question
is to the length of the delay. All that
it requires is official leade"ship and
so far this has not been forthcoming.
The St. Lawrence infant is sitting on
the doorstep at Ottawa, but both Mr.
Xing and Mr. Bennett hesitate to take
it in.
A girl's idea of� a sensible hat is
one that permits her to see with one
Indian Wedding
The ancient marriage rites of the. Stoney People were exemplified when
Chief Bear Paw and his minor chiefs united Miss Sylvia Hanishten-Cate of
Hilversum, Holland, to Mr. Louie Lantzius of Vancouver.' Immediately after
the picturesque Indian ceremony which took place on the Bow River at Banff,
the couple were again married according to the rites off 'their own church.
Bear Paw Is seen placing the eagle feathers, emblem of faithfulness, on the
groom's head and bracelet on the wrist of the bride.
The boss called in his secretary.
"Put up a sign outside the office,"
he said, "that no salesmen are ellow-
ed to enter."
"But you just advertised for a sales-
"That's just the teason. If a man
can be stopped by a little sign like
that, we don't want .him."
The church that advertises "No
Collection Taken" probably has its
idea of what's keepin' folks away.
Druggist—Yes, miss, you'll find
most ladies like this lipstick.
Young Girl—You couldn't -ah -tell me
the kind that hien like, could you?
Another prize dumbbell has been
discovered, She thought the muffler
on a ear was used to keep it from
freezing up.
The grass widow is one of nature's
loveliest evergreens.
There's nothinglike forestalling
trouble. Here is some diplomacy in
a nutshell, and it works two ways—
on employer and wife alike.
Employer—"Ah, Brown, I've decid-
ed to raise your salary $2 a week."
Brown—"Will you give me that in
writing, sir?"
Employer—"Isn't my word good en-
ough for you?"
Brown—"Oh, yes sir. But 1, want
evidence to show my. wife. She's ex-
pecting me to get a $6 raise.»
You can't keep the upper hand by
dealing from the bottom.
Patient (showing bill)—"What's the
extra $6 for?"
Dentist—"For squeezing the arms
of my chair out of shape;"
"Well, Tommy, did behave in
school to-day1" asked Tommy's Fath•
er of his young son, who bad not
been going to school very long.
"Behave?" exclaimed Tommy in a
tone of amazement. ""Of course,' 1 did:.
Why, the teacher said she never saw
a pupil who behaved so."
Philly Philosopher meditates:
"Statistics show that women live
longer than men. Paint is certainly
a great preservative.
Next to a sore a thumb the most
useless thing in the world is a man
at his 'own wedding.
Little Willie was sent to bring in
the kittens. His mother heard a
shrill "meowing" and called out:
"Don't hurt the kittens, Willie."
"Oh, no,' .'replied Willie, "I'm car-
rying them very carefully by the
of 'vrS
�•� ori`) �
duo to .Acid
woo srometst
What most people call indigestion
Is usually excess acid in the stomach.
1T;ie food has soured. • The instant
:remedy Is an alkali which. neutralizes
'welds. ,But don't use crude helps,.
(Tse what your doctor would advise.
The best help is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia. For the 50 year h ,tine its
invention It has remained standard
with physicians'. You Will find Ito -
else fur, quick in.its effect,' go
)utrinless, oil efficient.
One tasteless spoonful in water neu-
tralizes malty times its volume in
acid. The results. aro immediate,
with no bad after effects. Once you
learn this fact, you will never deal
With excess acid in the Crude Nays.
Go learn, -now --why this method is
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
A111k of -Magnesia prescribed by pllysi-
eians for 60 years in correcting exoess
acids. Each bottle contains tall dime-
tions—any drugstore,
The talking movie we don't want to
mise, is the play 'which will give us
this memorable line: "That'th all
thereith-there ithn't en,, more."
She. "Will you be ley companionate
He—"Well—if you'll. let me have
enough companions."
"I've swallowed my collar button!"
gasped the grocer.
"Well," responded the wife, "you
know where it is for once:.
Found—By . wife returning from
vacation, a lady's brooch in the back
of husband's car. Owner may have
same by paying off this. notice, identi-
fying property and admitting owner-
ship.—Alpine t, Tex.) p.^,p.er
Politicians are "expert at'passing
laws, a writer declares. But that's
nothing to what they can do with tee
"To him that hath shall be given"
—the experience of losing.
Youngsters of to -day seldom die of
a broken heart. More often it is a
broken neck.
Visiting Minister: "Ah, my dear
unfortunate friend, this world is full
of trials."
Hard-boiled Harry: "la ain't the
trials that worry me, sir, it's the
Y er diets."
Any young nian Cal refers to a
girl as a Jane will sieep in his under-
Many Mothers Always Beep
Then( in the House.
Thousands of mothers state that
they know of no other medicine for
little ones to equal Baby's Own Tab-
lets—that they always keep the Tab-
lets in the home as a preventive of
childhood ailments, or if sickness
does suddenly grip their little ones
they feel safe with such a remedy at
Concerning the use of the Tablets
Mrs. Donat Yloudre, Tingwick, Que.,
writes.—"i have nothing but praise
for Baby's (awn 'tablets. They are
the only medicine 1 nave ever given
my two little ones and 1 am glad to
state that the Tablets have always
kept them in perfect health. 1 feel
so safe with the Tablets that 1 al-
ways keep a box in the house."
Baby's Uwu Tablets are a mild but
thoroughly laxative. They regulate
the bowels, sweeten the stomach and
thus banish constipation and iudi-
gestion; break up folds and simple
fever and make the cutting of teeth
painless. The Tablets are absolutely
safe, being guarar,eed free from all
injurious drugs. ;They are sold by
a11, medcine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
Liquor Smuggling
Hamilton Spectator (int. (:ons.):
(The (government is urged to refuse
clearances to "vessels or vehicles of all
kinds tarrying a cargo of liquor ...to the
IJil tt d States contrary to the laws
of that country.") It is not a matter
of assisting our •neighbors to eulorce
their laws within their own territories.
Ali that Canada is concerned in is that
the lawbreakers shall not be permitted
to establish bases in this Dominion. for
the conduct of their shanieful busi-
ness. That such a condition of things
should be tolerated is obviously in-
jurious to .public morals. Smuggling
is snuggling, however else it may be
named, and all wit) help to make it
possible are culpable. ... The whole
business fills one with shame and dis-
seed catalog just received
brings gratifying Murano() that he
who does the pictures has lost no
whit of his talent •ter achieving tri-
umphs of imaginative art,
Use °Minrd's LinInte'at for the Flu,
anada, Too,
Has a Weapon
Canadian statesmen are noting wi
ill -concealed anxiety the tendency
the "American Congress, if it yields
one-tenth of the demands being aria.
upon it for higher duties, to exolu
by prohibitive tariff rates practical
all good and raw producta of Dominio
origin. As a government,, Canada
ixl no position to protest against t
imposition of duties especially desig
ed to bar her products, but tier far
ers are under no such diplomatic re
straint, and it is not surprising tha
ae reported be the New York Worl
and repeated in our own columns r
Gently, plans are in the making t
other side of; the line to retaliate
kind. The Canadian administrati.
system is very flexible, and where
the United States the authorities mu
await a general tariff revision or
long and tiresome investigation by t
tariff commission before any actu
changes in the rates can be mad
Canada possesses machinery of ve
swift effectiveness,
Canadian fanners. are represent
as very much-surpri:.cd to find A
eriean agriculturists in the Westitan
in glove with the industrialists, of t
East, i.rstead of stoutly opposin
them, as is the Canadian habit. Ho
ever, this is no new development..
large part of the stock in trade
Western politicians is their abhorren
of the manufacturing East, but whe
it collies to writing -tariff rates, the tw
Editorial from The Boston Transcrip
wings find that neither can get alon
without the other; that if the rates o
raw wool are to be high, those on woo
ens must go up correspondingly, o
nothing happens. Now, however, th
Western agricultural demand is for pr
hibitive rates all along the, line, an
'should these carry, as they may no
we might find ourselves engaged in
tariff war with Canada to which all it
predecessors would seem mere skirm
Nor would the fighting be confine
to the rates. Already Canada ha
flatly turned down the American re
quest for closer co-operation in th
enforcement of the prohibition laws
and it is more than hinted, as firs
suggested by Premier Mackenzi
King, that Cani.da's point of view a
to the proposed St. Lawrence canal ma
be appreciably affected by the pros
pective increases in the duties on fall
products. The threat now conies froi
Canada that if the new tariff law bea
too onerously ui on her products, he
provincial government, without await
ing parliamentary action, may exclud
.American fruits and other commodi
ties by a system of inspections whic
would operate as fatally as a tariff
barrier. In fact, it is being said open
ly in British Columbia that if we pine
a duty on Canadian lumber, the mar
kets of that country will be virtual'
closed against the fruits and vege
tables of our north-western states.
Here again would the vicious circl
continue, for Section 317 of the Ad
ministrative Provisions of the Ford
ney-McCumber Tariff Act introduces
a new principle, in authorizing the
president to leralize by a 50 per cent
increase in duty, and even to exclude
the products of any country which dis-
criminates against American exports
In fact, the possibilities of unfriendly
relations with Canada over a too rigid
legislative policy on our part would
seem to be excellent. This in itself
would not deter the American Con-
gress from enacting any tariff bill it
might please to write. It might, how-
ever, suggest to the tariff -makers at
Washington that they have some other
considerations to ponder besides the
blanket requests for rate increases
with which they are being flooded just
now; among thein, those of the Am-
eriean consumer. New England is vit-
ally interested in as liberal as ex-
change of American and Canadian
products as may be consistent with the
revenue necessities of both 'countries.
Canadian Honey
Sherbrooke 7.'ribune (Lib.) : A dis-
patch. from London informs us that
England has just sent Canada an
order for honey to the value of $50,-
60;000. , . . The fact that Great Britain
is placing with us so large an order
proves that Canadian honey is highly
thought of in the European markt t
and that our bee -keepers can easily
dispose of their production, so long
as it is of first rate quality and well
put tip for the consumer.... Our
farmers have, in bee -keeping, an agree-
able and profitable side industry.
They should devote to it a part of
their leisure time left to them after
the cultivation of the soil and the
care of their cattk:.
Lindy will be one bridegroom who
is riot ignored at his own wedding,
“vve thought we ware going tc lose
our baby,teething," says a Kentucky
mother, "He couldn't digest any-
thing asd was getting thinner every
day. After one of his fretful, Crying
nights, I thought of Castoria and got
801115. A few drops made hien com-
fortable, and alter a few doses, he
seemed like a different baby,'' Doc-
tors everywhere recommend purely.
vegetable, harmless Fletcher's Cas•
toria for colds, constipation, colic and
other Ills of babies and children, and
millions of mothers know its gentle
influence is best. Avoid imitations.
The Fletcher signature is the mark
of genuine Castoria,
. A N
Red Rose Tea conies ,alreet to us from tlxe ro4,..;at,tea
gardens, then straight to your. grocer 4.-m' brimful o
Tam.. and freshness. " Every ,package guaranteed, tie
66 • g
is ood
RED, ROSE ORANGE PEKOES is txtraa good
Classified Advertisements
Picture Lectures
Proving Popular
A number of sets of excellent lan-
tern slides have been prepared by
the,Dominion Experimental Farms on
matters pertaining to Poultry Rus-
bandry, Planting and Cars of the
Home Grounds, Origination of new
Varieties of Grains, and Selection if
Live Stock for Breading Purposes,
These slides are proving very help.
lul'and popular whereshown at agri-
culture land horticultural meetings.
Attendance of from 400 to as high as
760 having been recti rded at a num-
ber of places. An explanatory mann-
script accompanies the slides which
may be read as they are projected
on the screen. The slides are loan-
ed without rental charge to agricul-
tural and horticultural organizations,
schools, churches, women's institutes,
etc., and are obtainable upon applica-
tion to the Division of Extensiou and
Publicity, Central Experimental Farm,
Settlement of the North
Windsor Border Cities Star (Lib.)
Not so many years ago there were
people who laughed to scorn the idea
that the Canadian prairies would ever
be of national value. The answer to
that doubt has already been given.
Canada is the greatest wheal, export-
ing nation in the world today. The
grain is grown on those once -despised
prairies of the West. The Peace River
is a county„ that is considered remote
by .many. But both the Canadian Pa-
eifio and Canadian Nationa. Railways
are planning to bring adequate trans-
portation to the district. b'ertile lands
and good railways mean wondrous de-
velopments. The people are all that',
is lacking to mak- the Peace River of''.
as great signiricance as the other
areas of the West. With their arrival
big things lie aheau for Canada.
Minard's Liniment prevents Flu.
Icy -Products
Vancouver Province (Ind. Cons.) :
The country which skinis the cream
oft its natural resources and expects
to keep on doing that indefinitely will,
of course, have no interest in by-pro-
ducts. But the country which pur-
sues a course so blindly fatuous will,
in time, have no interest in anything,
for it will presently be bankrupt, if',
net quite dead.•
Beware! Fiu May
Affect Kidneys!
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Remedy, old herbal remedy
tones system
Row ofte : people say, "I .never had
kianey trouble 'ni after the 'hu'l"
Wise Nature, trying to get rid of
poisons, sends them to xiuneys and liver.
flout these organs, weakened by Tineas,
can't stand Int strain. Tne poisons are
t'etained in t.. system. wizen come ' e
pains, waxes, sallowness, loss of appetite,
debility, lassitude. Wrtat a pity, when a
stimulant dtureoic, tai .t a .;...r, ,.ixglxt
have helped.
140x u4er 50 rears thousands have de.
pended on Warner's Sale )Kidney and
:Giver Remedy, a pnysxeian'.* prescrip-
tion, made ox Nature's herbs. A. gentle
stimulant for kidneys and liver, it urges
perspiratory glands to action, and thus
helps shift the excess load irons the
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Rem-
edy contains no harmtui drugs. Costs M.
tie. Thousands have written, telling how
it helped them, Get your bottle today.
Warner's Sate lteineaies C.0., Toronto,
Warner's Sate Kidney
and Liver Remedy
Flashing Eyes
Laughing Eyes
Downcast Eyes
.ryes tell
Your Character
_.grown eyes for'strength-4B1(te
for generosity --Gray eyes far
jealousy--Sparlding eye in.
dicate beauty, yes, axtd good
health, too 1 Do your eyes
sparkle? Are the whites clear
or are they tinged with yellows;
-indicating an buc•of•eorte
condition —• due to constipate
tion? If so, you need
Try a regain ifalty,
courts for r `host
period, Youeeycewill" g raRerebfo
tell the story. ?rata to
Read about Charaderore the Bial is
�oatrrt�e BeechamA hvike4 niib
Safi dltitilis hyoid !I Ritchie IN CO,,'
Liskk.d, Toronto
1.,p &KAUAI., 1tUC1t C.uC:iC1;;it1 ,LS bits
i r qualified Record . of Performance
and Registered Breeders. Canada's old-
est lzigii laying strain, Unpedigreed, $3,
14; Pedigreed, $5, $6. 25 years a, breeder,
Retching Lgg Ohicics. Clark, Cedar,
Row Farzn, C;ainsviile, Ont.
,„ 8Alsy 0111CKS. WFC kiA'1.'Ci
1 lour varieties, price 9c up.
Iv rite fur tree catalogue. A. 13. Switzer,
Branton, Ontario.
11titan)'ltOC1 S—Pi 1GREND AND
registered cockerels at moderate
,... es. • Batching egg's from pens head-
ed uy registered coctterels, $10,00 Per 100,
Alderdice, lleamsville.
;L'he principles of taste, the art of
criticism, are not acquired amidst the
hurly-burly of living authors and the
hasty judgment thereupon of hasty
critics, but the stuuy, careful and
reverential, of the immortal dead.
Augustine Birrell.
---•— . --
No wonder Mussolini can handle
tangled affairs. He was raised on
:"iT OR'0• t RWIV 43481
1.gve AM41 Lwn 410C1(5
Bun !E%S
UR breeder, ue bred for high egg
production. White, Brown.ad
Buff Leghorn., Barred and White ROI,
L Rede, Amon., Buck Minbrna,
Buff Orpington', Wldre Wyandotte,. 324
and up. 10dia live delivery guaranteed
Write today for FREE CNICX BOOK.
sc.diNh¢I,31rA ,IJATA8ERY
%i6 Northampton
Sugalo, N,7k.
u"i.43JZGG. arty.. case:
In stamps or coins, will
bring you Five. High -Class
Toilet Preparations (trial sizes) by
return mail. Dept. W.
Chamberlain Laboratories
Free book About Cancer
The Indianapolis Uauwer hospital, la.
dianapolis, Indiana, has published
booklet which gives nrteresting factS
about the ea• se of Cancer, also tells
wha. to do for pain. bleeding, odor, etc,
A valuable guide in the management 04
a,,Y case. Write 'or it t,..+•,t mention+
this unnar.
a. ems
. eLzd. Lves
Cold Retieveoi
or money Back
Everywhere men, women and children
are finding inatant relief from Coughs
and Colds of all kinds by taking Buck-
ley's Mixture, Everywhere druggists are
selling "Buckley's" under positive guar-
antee. The first dose proves how dif-
ferent It is—and there are 40 doses in a
75 -cent bottle, Never be without this
proven conqueror of co,
W. A. BnckisyLimited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
NIIX' U1&E IS 20
'Acta like a flash—
a single sip proves it
75c and 4Uc
Keep Your Health
Minard's Liniment
for that cold and tired feeling.
Get Well—Keep Well. .
by using the OLD RELIABLE1
Minard's Liniment -.u, Ltcl. farmouth,N.B,
Restored to Health- by
Lydia E. Pinkham's .
Vegetable Compound
Port Elgin; N. B.—"For three
months, 1 was nervous and weak with
tired feelings and
could got do 'My
work, A friend ad*.
visaed hie to take
Lydia E. Pink.
laam'e S Vegetable
Compound and it
have got good re
suite front it and
rkcoti".lrrend it to
others,?:—.' taw_
PA''e flu& rat I
giro' N. a
Fars dependable
nitrtlicirte is sold by lrtl ;;•ist,a at;'dlty«
1SSUP.., No, t 1—,.'29