HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-03-21, Page 5thnts.dan 214 1920- 1111(13114155 CARDS .1)crDir,Ey E.IloicavrEs 410ABRISTE'R, oSOLICITOR,NOE IARY PUBLIC, RTC. V/0410E-Ifamilton Street, iluM oft a. Square, 001)19R1CH, Ontaaio. figpaeial attentitm to Couneel and. Court Workl. $r. Holmes may be coneulted at ' Illioderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. • Dr. IL IL COWEN L. D. S. D. D. B. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCE—M„TRICH very Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTtEIB'S BLOCK, 'DASIIWOOD Ever ir Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday A -U -C -T -1 -0 -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP letraduate Carey M. Jones Nat- filehool of Auetioneering. Try itop for Registered Live Stock, IOU Breeds). Terms in keeping lii� prevailing prices, Choice Walrus for sale. Will well exaything iiissywhere, Zkone 18-93 or write, Zurich. MUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Legit' Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLVIN • . Licensed Auctioneer • FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX ..ittM IN A POSITION TO CON -duet any auction Sale, regardless ate to size or article to ideal. I solicit your businees, and if not tasilified will make no charges for Services. .krthur Weber - Dachwood, Phone 13-51 TIE NEW Chevrolet NOTICE My, accounts are now ready for all people indebted to me, and I request of such to call at, an early date and settle the earne. 1151ellington J. Johnston. -35 FOR SALE A good timber frame 26x86 feet, for quick sale. Apply to Roy Me - Bride, Stanley Tp., Zurich, P.O. FOR 'SALE A few 'good phonographs in good ,working condition, at a bargain, E. ,Oesch, Zurich. LOST On the Blue Water Highway, be- tween my place and Drysdale, an auto license plate 344-051. Finder kindly leave at Herald Office pr to owner., Mr. Alferd Meidinger. Is Throughout a 13' etter --Motor Car GOODYEAR TIRES. SEIBERLING TIRES CHECK UP ABOVE STATEMENTS H. S. WEIN, - Prop. MU -WOOD MOTOR gERVICR 110.00006060•4•611111•11441110964110•01111 FOUND On the Zurich Road, west of the village a quantity of garden beans. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses, at Herald Office. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 75 acres of Pasture farm, being Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay Township. For further' particulars apply to W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. .ft*Ite••••••m...wie, FOR SALE A Detroit Vapor, Red Star gasoline water heater hi good condition, suit- able for heating- water for bath room etc.,.apply to Stade ,& Weide, Zur- ich. tf-3 5 WANTED We are in the market for a limited amount of good potatoes, act- quick. L. Sehilbe & Son, Zurich FOR SALE VAICH—FERALD °M ' rs, Cowen and Marion aPtOn Monday in Dashwood. Mrs. J. Kellerman of Dashwood, visited her sister, Mrs. Fritz on Sun- day, * • Messrs, IVIenno Kipfer, Henry Bien nerrnan and Dan Mae, of Tavistock, visited with friends on the Bronson Line a few days this week. • G. "C. Jarrott, of Kippen, a student at Huron. College, London, sustained a fractured arm or Saturday -110: when a clothes rack fell on him. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Hey of Lon- don, were Tuesday visitors at the home of the forxner's father, Mr. C. Hey, Babylon Line. ' The canvass for. contributions. to- wards the erection of a new Lutheran Church in Monkton has been about completed, between $8,000 and $9, - has been subscribed. .• The St, Patrick's Card party con- test held in the Town Hall, under the auspices of the St. Boniface Church, on Monday evening was well attend- ed considering the inclement, weather. Mr. and Mrs., 11. Yung:Mut, and family lotored to Kitchener on unday, where they attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Wm. Dumart of that city. Mr. George Deichert, butcher of town has purchased the property con- sisting of the bietcher shop and dwel- ling attached from Mr. Wellington Johnston, which wilt be a great con- venience to Mr.Deichert. Rev. Frank Malinsley, -poetor of the Lutheran Church at Sebringville, and for many years president of the Ontario District of the Missourie Synod, has been extended a call by the congregation of. St. Paul's Luth- eran Church, Elmira. MY. John Douglas of the Town Line, Stanley Tp., has leased the land of his farm to Mr. Jos. Gelinas, his neighbor, ancl Mr. Douglas is having an auction sale of his farm, stock and implements on Thursday, April lith. Mr. Douglas will remain living on the farm. That extra two cents which motor- ist will contribute every time they buy a gallon of gasoline this year will mean $2,650,000 Additional revenue to the Ontario Government, and will if properly applied lay down approx- imately 130 miler of paved road. Wl` trust that some will be expended in Huron County. A few weeks ago an announcement was made that Clinton, Seaforth and Mitchell would lose their customs of- fices. During the past week Mitchell and. Clinton received word their of- fices would be continued but so far Seaforth has not been so favored and the furniture has been removed from that office. A Wisconsin hot water Incubator, 120 egg capacity. Also Thertnom- eter for $6.00. Phone 14 on 99, Hensall. Thomas 'Westlake. Zurichs' Popular IVIEAT MARKET •.. • ANNOUNCING • 'THAT WE HAVE PURCHASED TROIVI THE FIRM OF YUNGBLUT DEICHERT, THIS WELL ESTAB IISHED'MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE H. Yungblut &Son ,4/010.esseibtboueszeueuaolassuu COAL 1929 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR GENUINE 'Scranton Goal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocallantas and Soft Coal GOOD SIMPLY ON 41AND r Btatrama 'IAMB ORDERS BARS TO I Case & Son .hone 35 HENSALL L VE POU LT R WANTED *Very day till SeleIorek,p./4 lot geed Fowl same! =corning • whom brought In. Highest Cask Prices -CAE F011- , Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien • , alltAliftk _a FOR SALE Five Choice Holstein Cows, all to freshen in March -and April. Very good quality. Apply to: ., Aaron Oestreicher, Dashwood. tf34 WANTED BEESWAX WANTED AT ONCE We make your Beeswax into comb foundations. Bring it along at once. prices reasonable -J. Haberer & Sons. Also 25 White Leghorn Pullets for sale. -Theodore Haberer. ' FOR SALE Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 4114e. per pound. Feed a handful a day, • Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kalhfleiscla Zurich. BABY CHICKS . Hatched in the Huron Mammoth, the cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going. Cleans the air from the hatthing trays before it mixes with the eggs by , patent process. Barred Rocks and White Leghorns Order early. No deposit required% Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatch- ing $4 for one luirldred, $15 for five hundred eggs. Phone 97r4, Hen - sail. L E. McKinleytf-32 tae wenedmome TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction of the McDonald Drain, Engineer's estim- ate $588.35, and the Jeffrey Dram, ngineer's estimate $2265.00,, both Where bq Rived fel, the past 80 E Messrs Dave Sturgeon, Hank Green and Harmon Gill of Grand Bend, per- formed a brave act the past week. when they scaled the iceburgs on the lake with a boat and rowed out about a mile where they got on the ice a- gain to secure'some of their nets. Mr Gill was a heaverleser of nets having lost 'about $100 worth owing to the breaking up of the. ice: One week from this Friday Will be Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, is the last day, of March. Match came in like a lamb, so the supersii; tious ones may tremble for the out- look for their Easter hats. We yea - tare to belive, however, that the lad- ies will take he chance that there is nothing in old saying after all and will be nicely prepared for the Easter parade: Mr, E.; F't Klapp .Was in grovitto on business over the' week -end„ • • JO, Alex- - of ,St. Clemens: was a- visitor in town the beginning of the week. • Mrs .A.•Smith-of Hensall, is .spend- ing the week with her sister, Mre, L, O'Brein, • Mrs. Lydia Pfile and daughter 11/liss Pearl are visiting with relatives at :Myth this week. Mfss Ethel Fowle, who spent "a week with her sister, Mrs.. G. Koeh- ler, returned to .her home in Bay- field on Senday. • Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Yungblut return- ed on Tuesday from 'attending • 'the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Da - inert, at Kitchener. Miss Ida Routledge, who spent the past throe • weeks visiting, in .Dettoit and Dutton, has returned home- • and resumed her duties as clerk in Mr. T. L. •10,Vitim'S Store.. Mrs. E. Oesch and.mother, Mts. Genttner left Tuesday morning for Exeter,' where they will spend a few days visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. Harness, who underwent an op- eration. Mr. Michael Meidinger of the vil- lage has a rather overproductive White Leghorn hen which the' other day produced at egg which measured t4., by 7%, inches in circumference.And we would like to hear if anyone can beat this for size. Rev. H. A. Kellerman, P. E. a Tavistock was in the village last we- ek, and preached in the Evangelical church on Thursday evening, and af- ter the preaching held quarterly com- munion services. A farm sale of some importance was transacted last .week, when Mr. John Weido of town sold his fine 100 acre farm on the corner of the Zurich Road and the Parr Line to a neigh- bor of that place, Mr. Sol. Schroeder Immediate possession is being given, and we congratulate Mr. Schroeder upon the good purchase he is making as this one of the popular farms in the township of Hay. - Mrs. T. L. Williams of town, ne- companiOd by her brother-in-law, Co- uneillar W. R. Dougall of near lien. sail, returned the latter part of th ,Past We'elc .from attending the funera of. 'their • brother-in-law, Mr. Stuart Campbell; of near' St.' Maus, nee youngest 'Sot of the late Capt. andMxs. Mrs', .'Cambell of; Blanchard, who died at hi home on Monday last. Deceas ed possessed re finernent apd a ki 11(11 y disposition 'and his death has Causeu a 'gloom over his .Many friends. Ile was- a member' "Of the Presbyterial; church and •a'.ataiinch Liberal. Be- sides his WidoW.,,' who was formerly Miss Marian MacDougall, of Usbote rt he leaves to mourn hisIess two sisteis and one :brother: The funeral was held on Wednesday from his late resirence to •the Granton :conetery. Richard Elliott of Bayfield Passes There passed to rest on Monday last, after an illness extending over several months, a respected citizen of Bayfield in the person Of Richtrd El- liott, The deceased was born time' Zurith. 72 yeargngo, being a son of the late Mr. and Mit; Moses Elliott, and one of a family ofelourteen. Af- ter haying resided in Stephen for a number of years, he r moved to BaY- in tile 'Township of Ray, County of Yk),t8. Y0.alt ago 110 w68 11181114d Huron, wiU be received by the under- to Mri. Mary A. Castle, Who survives signed up to Saturday, March 30th, MM. He was a cheerful disposition When tenders will be opened at the and, always ready to lend a hand wh- erever he could help. For a great many years he was the capable. sex- ton of the cemetery. Besides his \VW Ow he is survived by one brother, R. A, Elloitte of Bayfield. The funeral was held Wednesday afteraoon -from Ttinity'elturch, intertnent naris in ba,y.tivAl txlialeLer,y. Town Hall, Zurich, at four o'clock, p.m. Fir per cent of contract price to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may he, seen at (Township Clerk's ,Office,. , Hess, Zurich, Ont. Oterk, FOUND On the 14th Con. Hay, a boys rub- ber, size 5. Owner can have same at Herald Office by paying this ad. Al - rain coat, apply at. Her - so a men's ald office. A drill. FOR SALE nearly new 11-dise Deering. Apply to L. A. Prang, Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran :Church "A Changeless Christ for ing World." Palmsunday, March 24th 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.1. 5 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Subject -Christ's Humiliation and Exaltation. Monday, --Teacher Training. The Lenten Service in Holy Week will be held Thursday (Holy Thurs- day) instead of Wednesday. It will be an English Service. German Servicee-Good Friday morn- ing Both Services on Easter Sunday Will be Communion Services. Everybody Welcothe to all Services. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. a chang- 1 arm m emen s • • • • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • • WILL, BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OE • MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL • • -GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPIN9. AND FITTINGS, • • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL - • We' have the Agency for this District. • GARAGE SUPPLIES * • • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO • • PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAME • DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. • • BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED • • • • Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases • L. A. Frang Au ri ch • • F. • otit•••••••••see4)4,......t.•4,...****4-2.4*ore,..:44 0.9 Auto Tops, Buggy Tors Wagon Repairing Painting Etc' Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH Evangelical Church Notes ZURIOH- ONT. •,Veritahle, Red Blooded Religion Paul accuses the people of Athens Tor being remarkably religious. Re- ligion and Christianity may be very different things. Religion is seeking after God; ChriStianity is finding God in and thru Jesus Christ, A Rockbottom religion and a mere :ceremortiailifeless, spiritless religion are as :Ear apart as are the north and south poles. It is one thing 130 kefeas religion and quite a diff- erent thing -to possess it and be pos- sessed by -it so that our lifo is hidden with Christ in God. Jesus To his re- ligion. We can 'be very religious without being christian. Our religion mast lead us into •at-home-ness with God..• • Real religion touches life at its 4 t 4 4. .1. • LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND • KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR .SPRING DELIVERY The Winter Season IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS S=2111•1•1115. t F. C. KALBILEISC PHONE 69 ZURICH +++++:14++4444.44+++++++++++.14++++.14+++++++++++++44ile gap nal WWWIIMAAMAti6WWWWWWWORWAMIAiii Zurich Drug Store Stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations ion centre and circuinference, it is pract- ieai, lee '.'experiential, spiritual. It con- cerns not only the head but the heart and life,- and brings it into sweatest unionand harmony •wjth Christ. • gVNPAY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. • Stibject-The power and purjose of surrendered lives 11 ts.m.--Bible School, 1. E. Gatche, 'Superintendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subject -Judgement and retribut, Fon, or settling up and settling dowm : School Supplies of all kinds fkr Diamond Dyes and Putnam's Fadeless Dyes KODAKS AND MIMS Or *I* iDr. A, J. MacKinnon, Zurich! AliVe 4.)4,gh ki,batuc iffAMMMMWSNIWAMM