HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-03-21, Page 1Vol. XXI . No ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 21. I 29.PM ram! 1Wein.tia Chester 14 Stuitt, l ta�cst moo iN'Art R1 4RS,$5 mhic 8B MARGIT •dverti�.i$the bigmedium betweon buyer and eller. Try an A.. %445454)4.4444.Q441 *4:450444 44a4 ®444s04•4M.444.44 rd010E4 it BAR&AINSBARGAINS: 4 • Received a shipment of waterproof t Robes wwi.eb.1 am retailing far be- low Cataloguepr apes get yours at Special Price $12,50 large size FRED TiiiE .. - ZURICH kas- ,� i m�tapirQR��acr �i> ae'�+a�� ro�a m s am ism { QC�a9�r4Yt1 �r ����z+oa e cease res 3 • 0 c'Ss . r .3� 0009N140x10¢10,5 etia ett g 6Dt11Si ffib154Y Beat NOTICE* To the members of Zurich Hortic- ultural Society. All special orders for bulbs, shrubs, plants, etc., must be in not later than Saturday, March 23rd. Apply at J. E. Geseho & Sons for Catalogue. J. E. Gascho, Treasurer. 4 • efgalgeee II c71 a!s a 0 4, 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 40 40 tai utfttiu Days in Men's Women's 4 and Onildrfen' s Shoes 3 THE LARGEST, 349':0: T COMPLETE 'STOCK. OF SPR1'3 iG:FC - WEAR IN OUR HISTORY, DEPICTING THE NEWEST, SMART- ®. EST FASHIONS of THE 3 -SOUR, AT THE WELL KNOWN LOW 41 PRICES a MOST POPS STYLES FOR EASTER WEAR, INCLUDED 2 ARE POMPS, TI%EO a'1:1ES, ONE STRAP;CU`F--OUT STYLES, 2 PATENT .LEATHERS'„, TANS, SPANISH, .SPIKE,. A.IRA.2 ,, JSND LOW .HEELS.. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE a3 0 SRE OUR Br s cot Shop WIh7'i' 0W DISPLAT waseItQ f7 a a` eowasettS41614J14t0alltn4Meeln$N4113®86 SCHOOL REPORT The following report is based on the mid -winter exams. in all the 'sub- jects. '" absent for one or more ex- ams: Pass 430., Hon. 600. Sr. IV--Emelia Rader 651, Otto Becker 528; Jr. IV -Edward Gackstetter 620; Melton Wainer 549. Sr. III --Pass 420, Hon. 525-- Jean Weber 537; Harold 'Rader 466; *Dor othy Rader 440; Elmore Gagstetter 386. • Jr. TTI -Pass 836, Hon. 420 -Harbert Millar 461, Lorne Racier 415; Elgin Rader 398., Harold Schwartzentruber 345; Hildegard Miller 331; *Vernon Scirwavtzeutrul'er 323, Emil Becker 305. (Sr. TI ---Pass 240 --Frieda Becker 318, Glen Walper 268, Deaton Schm- artzentruber 252; Vernon Beeke 240; l^enalcl Oestreichee. Sr. I--i+.un..ic Oestreicher, Kenneth Weber, Carl Oestreicher, Elmore Ra - (1(r. H. W. Mrokenshire, Teachez 0,44' Mr. John Deichert is spending the week at Kitchener. Postmaster W. L. Siebert made a business visit to London on Tuesday. Mr. Ward Fritz made a business trip.to Dashwood on Monday. Mr. Wm, C. Callfas, of London, called on his Zurich. friends on Tues- day, Messrs. Ward Fritz and Wellington Johnston motored to Louden on a bus inesS 'trip on Monday. Mt. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler vis- ited with relatives at Bayfield on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Edighofler, and son Grant, motored to Kitchener On. Sunday, . Misses Dorthy and Ruth Brenner left last week for Kitchener, where they intend to stay for some thne. ✓ Pleased to report that Mrs. E. E. Weida), who had not been enjoying her Usual health, is improving nicely. jMcs. C. Eilber, who atb ndod the , burial of a relative east of Hensell the past week,. returned to her • Koine here on Monday. SCHOOL REPORT Mrs. John Brenner and son Clar- Raport of Exams held in S. S. No, enee ;1endod the funeral of the for - for the month of February: Tiler's niece, the late Mrs. Dumart at Sr. 111 --Doris Greb 262; .Martha Kitchener on Monday. They made Foster 262, Olive 1,Vitmei 254; Lo- tho{trip by motor. uis Farwell °'; IKOnr±rth G eb;-210; Alvin .Gh gerich 200. • • Miss Very Siebert, our popular Jr 'ITI---Winnifred Battler 803; liner, ha: returned from the spring Orlando i3attl.er' 247; Gladys Ginger- openings at Toronto and is rapidly ieh 204. getting into shape for the spring sea - Sr. IT ---Joe Hoffman 167; Larne son, with a fine array of styles and Cingerich 112. the very latest fashions in millene>ry. Jr. 11 A --Grace W'in 214, Antlt- 'Cl+_e road from lunch to Hensall any Hoffman 175, Irene Foster 167, is rather undecided this week, as we Jr. II B.•--loso Hoffman 162, Fred notice on '!'uesda3', Mr. G. Thiel used Farwell 85. Oi*4...04+,444.0.''{W04,000'0400. 5.$44454'8r* # t*) . 4 •0 4 41., , D n lo es 4 4 .0 0 0 RRIVED4. ao ,4 4. ,0 .0 ,! 40 4 0 o 0 at aft i. • • GAS'Cnt :' 4 4.00.4140446. S JUBT SPLENDID LL RANGE Det Your New Springy Suit oFP 45:445.4t 45' dire YouProud To Shove Baur WATCH LET US SHOW YOU THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' WRIST WAT- CHES,. PRICED AS LOW AS $8.00 GENT'S POCKET SIZES, FANCY ENGRAVED CASES $5.00.TO $25, GENT'S STRAP WATCHES, VERA! POPULAR 38.00 TO 820.00 WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Sr. Primer—Ruth Witmer 321' the auto, but ori Wednesday again re - Neil Gin;�erfch 229.-'erted back to the old stage pulled by the horses. Jr. Prainer-=Leonard Hoffman 345; • Lemur Gingerich 261, Albert Hoff- The nice *arm and balmy weather man 23E of the past week came to a very sud No, on Roll 21. Average attend- den end over the week -end, and the -mice 20.30 tremendous mud we are experiencing Grace Pepper, Teacher. at present was froze up for a day or Mr. E. Oesch, our popular barber two, and we are again having real reasonable Weather now with every insurance and radio salesman has re- few hours a change. But we have aeontly added another very important one assurance,':namely the calendar irato to hiu enterprising busiaes says that spring beginns on. March namely, representative for this dig- 20th, which is Wednesday. lriet for the famous Kelvinator, or better known as an electric refridg- Mr. A. G. Lehman of Stauffville., ator. We trust Mr. Oesch will be ,iii Ont., who is an enterprising shoe mer - 'a position to put in a few of these chant • of that thrifty town, in. renew - very convenient articles in a hone. ing his subscription to the Herald has these few'lines to say, for which we greatly thank him: "The Herald comas to me each week as a letter. I would not do without it, as it brings me news from a very large scope, especially the town of Zurich and other . hamlets in the surrounding. community." Your New Radio Set. You want the best radio. for your money. Come in, see it and hear it --- then you'll-want-to•ownr• aKolster. E. OESCH, Agent Zurich, Ont. S' Qui, that you seep a>ic. • E{ta(lid" Hess, The Jeweller' NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL. cr n °on . Minehead. Albert Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK: 4QFT.+ ALSO POCAHONTAS HENS.ALL am -r.; )ironer—Office 'lila. Bi7-7,atmait.a`�d'•' The Business Built B,t r ir, :,'.6 , +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++?, " Mrs. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener Passes Woad was received here on. Satur- day of the rather sudden death of Eleanore Marie Greb, beloved wife of Mr. William Dumart of Kitchener, and only daughter of Alld and Mrs. Charles Greb, of Kitchener, alter an' illness , of about six weeks duration, following anoperation for removal of gall stones.. Deceased was born and reared in Zurich, where she sp- ent her childhood and younger years and moved with her parents to Kit- chener about twenty .years ago. She was one of those loving, and likeable dispositions and once you became in her acquaintance, you truly could not help but admire her personality. Had reached' the age of 42. years and Two day, only in the prime of life, but God called her home to his better. Angels.. She was an active worker in Zion Evangelical Church of Kitch- ener, and leaves to. mourn her loss, her husband, Mr. William Dumart, her parents, -Charles and Caroline Grob, of Kitchener, and one brother, Erwin 'Greb also 'of that city. The funeral was held' on Monday after- noon and the floral tributes that acs' companied the remains, bespoke for tetreselies of the high esteem the de- parted was.held in. The bereft have the most sincere syttpathy of their many Zurich friends. All -ries of Ru' -;x wear , Socks J Slippers at WE REPAIR AND RE -SOLE RU3 t Repairing done With the t sa, .. '.: r: .•71 Last 1,1lx^.. 1, a fzex . 1027 Chevrolet 4 door sedart,`upl cal: f: .'i,. *la} At .. 1027 Ford Coach in real good condition, fa‘mt aro real tires, etc., perfect. 1926, 1926, 1926, Three good. Ford Coaches, upholstering ilea. worn or soiled, and all running fine. Priced as lora M s,ai