HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-03-14, Page 5.1 t NU CARO! .,. v»Tv` T E. Ho MES lays;$TER, SOLIC1TOH, NOT ARY• GPUBLIC, ETC, OFFICE -Hamilton Street, TWA oft the Square,' OOD1 1CH, Ontario. 'Special att•ntion to Cotaeeel sad Court Workl Mfr. Holmes may be corriutted at lmdeariieh by • Phone, and Phone charge* reversed. Dr. .i R. H. COWEN., L. D. I). l). S. DENTAL SURGEON JTITZ BLOCK—Z.URIC1I :'very Thursday, Friday, Saturday ,At RABTLEI.B'S MOON, DASHW OO.D Every Monday, . Tuesday and Wednesday VIT Toga Wants, For Sale, .oet, Fou std, Notice, Etc. Ads IN Tale COL'Ui* FOUND Orr the Zurich Road, west of e village a quantity ofgarden been Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses, at Herald Office. FARM FOR SALE, Consisting of 75 acres of Pasture farm, being Lot 16, Con, 7, Hay Township. For further particulars apply to W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE A Detroit Vapor Red Star gasoline water heater in good condition, suit- able for heating water for bath room etc., apply to Stade & `Weido, Zur- ich. tf-35 , kelcie eT 1-O-N-E-E-Itt "OSCAR KLOPP Gradivate Carey M. Jones Nat - Vag 'ilelaool; of Auctione•rifg. Try sae for Registered Live' Stock, I Tirade). Terms in keeping matTirade). prevailing prices. Choice gi' s for iaaiye, Will Jail anything Anywhere,. Zurich. Tie 11I .:7-9 write. Licensed Auctioneer l)R .HURON & MIDDLESE;!: M IN A ction;TION Sale, ega dl ss regardless any 4a1q to seize or article to well, I ;Tacit your business, and if not .natisfing will. make no charged tor: Lrtluir Weber — Dashwb<rd, Phone 13-57 THE NEW Chevrole AL Sorry to .report • that .Mrs. E F!• Weido is not enjoying her 'Usual ,good health at present. Mrs. N. Oeseh and Mrs. H. it.; Gowen were 1Vlonday visitors with friends in Dashwood. Mr. Garfield Witmer is at present in Detroit, where he has taken a, position. ,Spring is here with all its changes of conditions, the crows, robins, hi. ackbirds and many other kinds can easily be heard in the morning, and of course it is the glorious maple sap season, which makes all things soi sweet, at this time of year. The ro- ads are about the only thing that wo do not appreciate so much, but just a little patience and everything Will shape up nicely, and the summer will be long enough,we hope for that joy ride we are thinking off. FOR SALE A Limited number of choice young pigs for sale. ._Apply to Sol Ginger- ich, R. R. 3, Zurich. WANTED We are in the market for a limited amount of good potatoes, net quick. L. Schilbe & Son, Zurich FOR SALE A Wisconsin hot water Incubator, 120 egg capacity. Also Thermom- eter for $6.00. Phone 14 on 99, llensall: Thomas .Westlake. FOR SALE Miss V. V. ,Siebert is away to Tor. onto Millinery Openings this week Mrs, MaAlpbin' of, D#txott, is •visit-, Mg 'with hos sister, Mrs: Wm O'Brern• Mrs. C. Eilber is attending the fun- eral of a little nephew at .Hensall this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, .of. Hen- sel] visited 'with their Zurich friends yw► •+�•• ••le►•ri•� *• a► ••#••••*f;•s•.••1k•••••• •Parm Imp leen WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND • WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND 0E a few days last week. • Mr, W, C. Pearce of Exeter Made : MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL' a friendly call in the village en Mon- GIVE YOU MOST VALUE I'ER DOLLAR OF COST, day. M Hess motored to London on Wednes- day last. Mr. Wm. Lamont was at Hensall on Thersday last, where he attended the funeral of the late M s. Consitt. Mr. Milo Snell, the authorized Chevrolet dealer of Exeter, called on C. Fritz & Son, local dealers of this popular make of car, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Well. Johnston are very busily engaged this week mov- ing in, and getting into shape their new business, namely proprietors of the Dominion Hotel, we wish them every success. NOTICE My. accounts are now ready for all people indebted to me, and I request of such to call at an early date and settle the same. Wellington 3. Johnston. -35 essrs Wes. Merner and Albert 4 CARRY A FULL' LINE OF.PUMPS; PIPING AND FITTINGSA • • One of the severest storms that we have• experienced in some years visit- ed these parts on Wednesday evening last, and it was but a short time aft- er it had started when the hydro power went off, and was not put on till the next forenoon.• Considerable damage was done to some roofs by tearing off shingles. The roof on the flax mill known as the Heideman Mill, 'suffered considerable 'damage, but is being repaired `again, and a new verandah erected on the house of Mr. Fred Haberer, of the Blind Line, was also torn off and damaged considerable. This storm quickly ch- anged the mild weather to a real hur- ricane of snow storm, and on Thurs- day we experienced. the worst storm of thr' winter, as the snow piledup something remarkable., • Mrs. Consitt Passes Another of Huron County's .-old and respected pioneers passed away in Hensall, in the person of Mrs. John Consitt, on Monday, March 4th, Five Choice Holstein Cows, all to Mrs. Consitt was born in Yorkshn4 freshen in March and April. Very England, 90 years ago. A. daughter food quality. Apply to- of the late William Peck, she came to Aaron Oestreicher, Dashwood. tfM4 this country with her family in the _ Township of Stanley, where she lived ap to 19 years ago, when they moved WANTED to Hensall. About 70: years ago she married with her late husband, Mr. BEESWAX WANTED AT ONCE John Consitt, and after their marriage' We make your Beeswax into comb they settled on the Sauble Line, Stan foundations. I3rittg it along at once. ley Tp Afterwards they 'moved to prices; seasonable -J. Haberer & Sons. the Parr Line, whe'e they went thr- Al;:o 25 White Leghorn Pullets for uu;h all the hardships of pioneer life, sale. --Theodore Haberer. • .After the de¢'ath of 11i;. Consitt, she uroti a d to Hensall and with her daugh :::...-z.-----------'—'.------ ter Mi.a Annie Consitt, has made her FOR. SALE home here ever since.: She was highly iglu Throughout Better Motor Car GOODYEAR TIRES SEIBERLING TIRES CHECK UP ABOVE STATEMENTS . S,.'WEIN, - Prop. IISAR iwOOD 1QOTOR C11RVIC11 10i*B!BiAII ********i•iA urichs' Popular MEAT MARli T ANNOUNCING IAT WE a HAVE' PURCHASED FROM THE FIRM OF YUNGBI.,'G"i DEICBERT, THIS 'WELL EST'AS $SHED MEAT BUSINESS, .AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut & So as '11$110114114110041110000110 IMMO. GB** FOR SALE A good timber frame 26x36 feet, for quick sale. Apply to Roy Mc- Bride, Stanley Tp., Zurich, P.O. CARD OF THANKS ' We take this opportunity of greatly Thanking the Neighbors and Friends for the kindness, assistance and sym- pathy shown .during the illness and passing of our departed husband and father. Mrs. J. Decher, Jr. and Family. NOTICE A meeting of the Ratepayers of S. S. No. 7, (Zurich School) will be held in the School House, on Tuesday Evening, March 19th„ at 8.00 o'clock. To discuss the proposed Township School Board 13111. Dr, A. J. MacKinnon, Secy-Treas. FOR SALE A few good phonographs in good working condition, at a bargain, E. Oesch, Zurich. i ••• • cQAL 1929 Grotind Flaxseed in 90 pound b at 4 c. per pound: Peed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kaiblieisch, Zurich. ags BABY CHICKS Hatched in the Huron Mammoth, the cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going. Cleans the air from the hatching trays before it ,nixes with the eggs by patent process. Barred Rocks. and White Leghorns Order early. No deposit required. Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatch- ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five hundred eggs. Phone 91r4, Hen•• sail, 1. E. WKink y. tf-32 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal 0OOD SUPPLY ON SAND ?,TELEPHONETOUR ORDERS UARLT TO ,1 ;s & Son Thome 35 + ? LOST Oil the Blue Weise. Highway, be- tween my place and. Drysdale, an auto license plata 344-051, Finder kindly{ leave at herald Office or to owner.,1 1 Mr. Alferd Meidinger. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the construction of the McDonald Drain, Engineer's estlm.- ate $588.75, and the Jeffrey Drain, Envineer's estimate $2265.00, both AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. GARAGE STJII1TES i WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO • •• PARTS; AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAML', • • DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. • • BUILDING BATTERIES • • YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED • • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••al•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ,1! Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. Prang Zurich respected by all who had the pleasure. i n in the Township of Hay, County o of knowing her. Owing to old age she had been confined house for several years and no doubt the sudden death of her son, John Consitt of Seaforth, hastened the and She leaves to mourn her loss two sons and two daughters: William Con- sitt of Hensel"; Thomas Consitt of the Parr Line, Stanley; Mrs. Coleman anxl Miss Annie Consitt of Hensall, her youngest son, John Consitt dying at Seaforth a few 'days previous.Mrs. Consitt was a constant member of the United Church and will be sadly mis- sed in her home, where she has been looked after by her sons and daugh- ters so long and faithfully. The funeral took place last Thursday from the 'United ('hureh, Hensaf, to the Bayfield Cemetery for interment. Her pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, having;• charge of the service. HENISALLL v e ' M TRY ANTED *Asp a vi; 01.0,, Lift 9'o'e1oC,P' r11 Act feed ;1Fowl 'oamm. m0Paing w; broom:., I Cas. Price; s O'BrienW. C, , our Specialty SI° t#1 ;l* Ntaster A• i one Any • aNidyof*r tus4' tt,r, .?brfs eine r Y.l . /Eva WA /02Itanit x+111 Wow out un er Eavaa You aro yaever fair wi,vay .f oin e hate to see te mileage wasted WE when it might be saved so a�tsil�; We love to see well -cared -for tires, We enjoy making the small repair in a rat read, a bruised sidewail, knowing wail well that succi repairs ,-add thou- rs, ads of miles to the life of tires. That's why We t oarlmaad` a wt1Y outside examination of titer--ap4 periodic, oerhsul.ixlg inside and out sear04 times a year. This enables us to find all injuries at their beginning --to make the "stitch if. tune ""a• EPOT Y kt Moasseau .1;RYt,i,.� Huron, will be received by the under signed up to Saturday, March 30th, when tenders will be opened at the Town Hall,' Zurich, at four o'clock, p.m. Five per cent of contract price to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and specifications may be seen at Township Clerk's Office. A. F. Hess, Zurich, Ont. Clerk, Township of Hay. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." • 10. a. m: .German Service. 11.25 Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Wednesday-Lepten Service (German) Friday --Luther League, Saturday Choir Practice. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Etc' Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH -++++++++4,444+44+++441 The Winter Season FRENCH DOORS ORS ' IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLO OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY PHONE 69 FLEISC ZURICH MI +++++.4+4444.444.44++++++++++ 44+44+4++++++++++++++44.41111 ��v�uuwwtiwwr�wv�wtir�wwm^�uu�+uwm�w� Zurich Drug Store Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — ONT. Sin is an Expressive Luxury When we sin, we pay too much for our whistle. The way of the trans- gressor is hard. Your sip finds you out. It hunts you down. Sinners are expensive citizens. Sin is Isn e chief cause of high taxation. t this a powerful argument for relig- ion? Where religion is vital and vog- orous, lawlessness decreases, expenses go down, taxes are lowered. A large proportion of our taxes is made nec- essary by sin. Dynamic religion red- uces the work of the courts and jails and reformatories and hospitals, and insane asylums. Sin and disease are closely related. Many mental'nialad- ies can be traced to wrong living. Where red blooded religion controls every man's life it will greatly ligh- ten the burden of taxation. The eh- urch teaches religion and points the way to economic relief. Is it not a matter of simple sense to stand man- fully by the church? The sin we cherish int secret is the most deadly o all . SUN DA " SERVICZS ' • Worship. 10 A. M. Subject -Mountain Top Christian- ity. hristi ,r 11 c..m, Bible School, J. E. Gaacho, gu,p,eriratt,ntlent. Worship's '7.30 P. M. Subject --Jerusalem, the Golden city and how we get there 1 t•y. lbw x» D•tn arAialat Stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Preparations School Supplies of all kinds Diamond Dyes and Putnam's Fadeless Dye KODAKS AND F'ILIMS w � A. J.MacKinnon, Zoete iDr. CitirsiftWmvmmtksmAfinftwthwwWws\stw,