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Zurich Herald, 1929-03-14, Page 4
4. 4. 44. .. Big 4. 41. .Reducing_ + . + Beginning Feb. 9th *' SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT US TO LIST EVERYTHING. YQU: WILL HAVE TO COME AND SEE OUR GREAT BARGAINS s ' ' 1'. and G. Laundry Soap, 22 cakes for $1.00 11* 25c 'i`' _4. Palm Olive Soap, 4 cakes for ' 25c Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 2 tins for 25c 4, Broken Biscuits, 2 lbs. for $2,00 '�' Flannelette Blankets, Ibex, large size at $2,00 I, Comforters, large size, each SOe Boy's Fleeced'Underwear, each 4 50c .1, Men's Fleeced Underwear, each ... . Fingering Yarn, per skein ,30c �, 25c,+ COME AND SEE THEM. .g, + 4. 4' 15c + 15c 40c 4• 20c 4, 4. SEE OUR SHIPMENT OF STAMPED MATS, NEW PATTERNS-. MEN'S FINE AND WORK SHIRTS AT REDUCED PRICES To the Farmers, See our big Stock of Dr. Hess' Stock Food, Poultry .r. + 4. + 4. 1. 4.4.4.+4..', • .. •-a.aA..g.4-i-1 v q.,+4-1.4.4-4.4-1-144.4-44+++++4.44.44'4. diton, W f: United A. Alarraage tq .fir,• Leonard' J, WeiSs son .of :Mr, arid Mrs.Ggdfrey "1 "+ei1h, of Stephen, COUNTr NEWS Common Yarn, per skein ALL SWEATERS AT BELOW COST. 44. ' ALL MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED PRICES "+��;" Flannel, 27 -in wide, per yard .g* Towelling, per yard ,1 Cottoned°, Regular 50c., yard for 44+++fig+4,4i0 Ginghams, at per yard Panacea, Louse Killer, Etc. Every Package Guaranteed. Money back if . not satisfactory. DON'T FORGET TO VISIT THIS SALE Phone 140 �Sss,:s oaa9&ons+•ys'a :r antsostai$6NesFJssiat,eassevaesasaseDdassealsi a a Coal Goal THE COLD DAYS ARE NOW HERE, AND WE ARE JUST .IN A FINE POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH JUST THE KIND OF FUEL BEST ADOPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS. WE HAVE A.LARGE SUPPLY IN OUR HENSALL COAL SHEDS OF HARD AND SOFT COAL, AND ALSO CAN SUPPLY THE LOCAL CUSTOMERS FROM OUR NEW SHEDS IN ZURICH. Let Us sell You the very best coal obtainable at the lowest prices. Leave your order with us, TRY OUR CONTINENTAL STOCK FOOD FOR HORSES, CAT- TLE, HOGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY, NONE BETTER ON THE MARKET TO -DAY WE HAVE MOST CALLED FOR BRANDS OF CHOICE HOUSE- HOLD FLOUR, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED A NEW SEED CLEANING MACHINE WHICH IS ANOTHER LINE ADDED TO OUR' EVERGROWING BUSINESS. L. Schilbe & Son •e0+ #+10,a 0.661armuWat SIMIOMr1s Nri.+!•o. *...N...OSNis HILLSGREEN Mrs. W. Carlile has returned hone :again after taking treatments for hex 'iiamsils at Hensall, And is feeling mock improved in health. 'Quite a number of the relatives rind. friends attended the funeral of Vie late Mrs. Consitt on Saturcloy in asall. The Young Peoples' League are iholding a social evening on Monday IVlaarch 18th at 8 pan. Games and meritests will form the evening's en- l'tiainment. Lunch will be served by the losing side. The sacrenient of The Lard's Sup- will be held on Sunday, March '24Th at 2.30 p.m. Preparatory ser - *ice will be held on Friday evening, March 22nd at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wm. Consitt of Hensel!, is :s,pnnding a few days with her daugh- ter inlaw, Mrs. O. Smith, who is on the sick list, Dashwood 'Miss Flossy Kleinstiver of Stratford spent the week -end with her parents Mrs. F. Watson of Detroit is visit- eang her parents Mr. and Mrs. -Wm. bneli: Mts.. J. Mader is visiting her dau- htet, Mrs. Decker, near Zurich. Mise E. Kennedy of Harriston arri wed ort Monday and will take charge eof the millinery 'depar(ment for a. C. *cid & Co. Miss' Rose Radei• returned to De- roit on Monday after a pleasant vis- -t with her parents. Miss Emma Tiernan of London sp dot tche week -end with relatives. b1r. Henry Jensen of .Wingham sp- •:amt the week -end witlh'Mr. and Mrs. 71-Megard, Mr. Elgin Merner has accepted a loo.sition in ETiernan JS San store„,..Mr. �7, Brokezishire Or Atwood s -seg a, few days witlrhis brothel, Mr. " 14l �irle i3rokenshi re, • ,l4Trs. P. Mcisaac had the adder - 'tale skr-,tale to fall on the slippery walk at ` one 'l lr;aralay lost, with the ur h at;. •' ar.- \The Anglican ch c Fznc d ine will erect a new parish, hall this summer at a•cost of $4,5$$: Bgbby Cronin, 2 -yr. -old son of T. Cronin, Mildmay, suffered' a broken collar bone when ha fell from a couch in the home. The 'little fellow is in a serious e.oizdition, 'A quiet wedding took place at the Ma,.in St. United Church Parsonage, Exeter, on March 2nd, when 'Bev..O. J. Moorehouse united in .marriage; Florence M. Jamieson, daughaer of Mr. and: Mxs. •J,. Jamieson of Clinton, and Harild Glew, son of Mr. and Mrs Frank Glew of Clinton. The Foshay interests of. Minneap- olis, strengthened their position in Bruce county by the purchase of the Cargill Electric power plant and also acquiring the water system of the village. it is understood they' will scrap the power plant and link up Cargill with other towns and villages on their power lines. Pearl, 3 -yr. -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •'Syly. Cann, Exeter, had a narrow escape from death . on :Sun- day afternoon last when she. fell thr- ough'the second story window of their home .in the cement .sidewalk .below. She was playing with other members of the family when she was seen fall- ing out of the window landing on her hip en the pavement 12 feet below.. Her father picked. her up at once and rushed her to the doctor, where, it was found that she bad suffered only min- or bruises and scratches. A meeting of baseball enthusiasts was held in the Canadian Bank of Commerce chambers, Exeter, on Wed nesday eve. last, when it was decided to enter a team in the O. B. A. for the coming season. Various commit- tees were appointed to arrange for details. One of those -happy events occured on Feb: 28th, when Rev. liiscocks, of Crediton, united in marriage Doris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. hock- ey, of Stretford, and Eldon Merner; son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Merner of Grand k3end. Mrs. Ethel Ander- son of Grind I3end, was bridesmaid, and David Baird, also of Grand Bend acted us best pian. The happy couple will reside at Grand Bend where they have the best wishes of the commun- ity. ;At a meeting of the board of dir- ector; of the Kirkton Agric. Society it was unanimousily decided to make the fall fah, to be held on October lst and 'and, a diamond jubilee celeb- ration, as it will be the 60th anniver- sary since the first fair was held. A conmiittee was appointed at once to make arrangements for the celebrat- ion. • A prominent speaker will be en- gaged to open the exhibition. More money will be expended in prizes and it is expected some new: attractions -will be put on the second day of the fair. result that her one shoulder was bad- ly bruised. Dashwood band intend having a concert •in the near future. Watch for the date. Mr, and Mrs. Herb Wein are sp- ending . a few days in Toronto, There will he a display and for sale, spring coats • and ready made dresses, also spring millinery on Fri- day, March 15th at J. 0 Reid & Co. Mrs, J. Eidt of New Hamburg and. Mrs. H. Eidt of Ingersoll are visiting a few days with their- parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade, Mr. Louis Rader has purchased the property of Mr. N. Stire. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Monday, March 11th.. Their family spent the. evening with thein, Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft were also married 50 years ago on the same day. The many friends of both couples will ex- tend their congratulations and best wishes to them. CREDITON Mr, and Mrs. 'Wilson Anderson re- turned home after visiting for aveek in London. The Choir of the United Church are preparing an Easter Cantata en- titled "Our Risen Lord" to be given on Good Friday night. • 'Trey will be assisted by Miss Elizabeth' Rennie, of Zurich, as instructor. Mr. and Mss. Jos. Bullock and dau- hter Helen, M •. a " g anti i and Mrs.. Hy. Pfaff attended a silver anniversary ot the latter's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower in. Woodstock on Friday last. Rev. E. 8. Hiscoeks, pastor of the United Church, Crediton, is at . pre5 vnt preaching a very interesting ser- ies of Lenten sernions. A quiet hut pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev; E. S. His ocks, at the United Mtn -eh parsonage at Crediton • en February 1 y .rear ° ,l • ,til, at V pan.)•whearr MISSCxlarcCys, elde:.t (F.....7.1 - ter o Vir, and Wu H. Lewis, of Crc. AUCTION SAL. Of FARM $TOCK AND IMPLEMENTS On Lot 22, Concession . , Hay ToiWn- ahip; 2 miles west of Hensel), on TUESDAY, MARCH 19th 1929 clock • at 1, Commencing o'clock HORSES --Matched team of mares rising 9 and 11 years old, about 2700 lbs; 5 year old' gelding about 1450 lbs; 1 aged driving mare. LIVE STOCK -4 -yr.. old cqw fresh 7 -yr, old cow fresh; 9 -yr. old cow fresh; 3 steers rising 2 yrs; 3 heifers due in April any May; 3 heifers ris- ing 1 yr; 2 suckingealves; 1 see with litter; About 50 hong, 2 geese, 1 gan- Thrmrs day, March • .14th, 1929,. der,' 1 goal C;)1 l 1MPLEM1;NTS, ETC.. -19.20 Titan, trractor, John Deere .E farrow plow, Port Huron threshing machine 20-30; cutting 'box with blower, 10 ineb Jol-• Tette grinder, jack, 20 -in. belt for jack; 30 -in. circular saw; 80 feet of drive belt, fanning mill, 120Q His scales, Deering binder 6 -ft. cut, It, E. mwoer 5 -ft; Fulton p ea ha rvharvester;„attachment; ; & W. disc 20 ;,F. W. seed drill 11 -hoe; Success manie spreader, 4 -section diamond harrows; 2 es/liking' plows, cream separator, Ford coupe 1923 Model in good con- ,dition, quantity of end posts and other posts; M. H. bean seuffler and puller• combined; Noxon cultivator land roller, 2 wagons, set of low whe- els, bob sleighs, 'light wagon, top buggy, ©pen buggy, buggy pole, road cart, 2 cutters, gravel box, material for a gravel boxes, 2 16 -ft. racks, root vatpero.ltrindatrone,' enlexystolt : copper kettle, stone boat, road drag- and anow' iplow, •bags and sacks, largo. and small coat heaters, •iron bedstead* and springs, 2 anging lamps, 4 bed-. room lamps, coal oil • heaters, brass mounted double harness new, 2 set or. heavy harness, 2 set single harness,, doable Tight harness„ pair horse hien•- kers, robe, barrels, logging • chains,,. forks.,. chains, shovels, doubletreesk i.necicyokees, several chairs, quantity of dishes and numerous other articles.. Everything goes without reserve as the farm is sold. THUS --Car, $10 and under cash.. Over 'that amount 8 months' credit, will be given on furnishing .approve&. joint notes. 4 per cent off for caslt. on credit airrounts. Oscar R'lopp, Auctioneer. R. F. Stada, Clerk. Edward Darers, Proprietor. PAST, PRE ENT and TU PROUD of its past record, alert to present opportunities and mindful of the standards it has constantly upheld, the Bank of Montreal is now entering upon the one hundred and twelfth year of its service. Today in resources and organization the Bank is better equipped than at any other period in its history to render prompt and efficient service to the people and business inter- ests of Canada. BAN E Established stabllished 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 8!0, 0.0 0,000 Zurich Branch C. H. JOY„ Manager. • YI FORD ere are the Facts ----- READ THEM ..�.... �.�.. MANY PEOPLE BUY WITHOUT INVESTIGATION OF FACTS AND ON SNAPS OR EMOTIONAL JUDGMENT. EVERY YEAR IT IS ESTIMATED A MILLION CAR BUYERS CHANGE THEIR IDEAS ON THEIR CAR AFTER THEY HAVE HAD IT SIX MONTHS. CONSIDER. THE FOLLOWING FACTS BEFORE PURCHASING YOUR. NEXT CAR AND THEN DECIDE FOR YOURSELF WHICH CAR OFFERS THE MOST VALUE FOR THE MONEY. 1. Do you know that no car under $2,000 outside of Ford is putting on Houdaille Double Acting Hydraulic Shock .Absorbers as standard equipment? is That no car under $1,500 except Ford has triplex shatterproof windshield glass as standary equipment. 3. That Ford is the only car under Buie with three-quarter floating axle, 4. That Ford is the only car under Buick with Torque tube and l adious drive construction. 5. Ford is the only car under $1,500 with five -bearing transmission 6, That the NEW FORD has 25 Roller and Ball bearings in its chassis. 7. Ford isthe only car under $1,500 with three-quarter irrevers- ible steering system; live t.. That ford is .one of few cars built 'to -day thathas, fy .steel ' spoke wire wheels as standard equipment. Tj That ord is the only car under highest evice{care with aI.nt six -brake, internal expanding all-enclosesystm. . 10. That wrist pins in motor are machined to .0002 -and are of full Floaturd, type. 11. That eluminum alloy pistons are balanced to an accuracy of two grams. This is the finest balance of any' piston in any car regardless of cost. 12. That when car is travelling: 50 miles per hour -the revolutions per minute of motor .is only 2053. t3. That gear ratio of new Ford is 3.7. 14. That the actual road clearance of NEW FORD is nine and one half inches -highest of any American stock car. 15. . That NEW FORD - car has proven itself in public hands this past year as one of the finest performing ears ever built -front standpoint of pick-up, hill -climbing ability, speed and riding comfort. 16. That .the NEW FORD has proven itself beyond any doubt as the most wonderful winter ear ever built. It starts easily In cold weather ve ther >r 1 rd 1 bucks snowa and belief -ask b Y 9;he owners. 17. That service rand dealer responsibility behind the NEW FORD is unequalled by that of any other car built. 15. That ' NEW` FORD holds the road 'at high speeds as good tis cars being slid at highest prices, 19. ;.• Lastly --That the NEW FORD stands out supremo in its field -in mechanical design, specificatioirs, equipment, quality and pro cision workmanship... THESE FACTS SPEAK •FOli '1`.I:EMSELVES. All New Models Now on Display at the Now Fo 'd Garage,- formerly the S. M. Sanders Clothing Factor Main St. Exeter. . Order `ea'w for Early'Sping Delivery oe SANDY ELLIOT E 4, cute •4 ., •RD •ALE AND E BICE trAttiamstarat • or•eoA'a