HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-03-14, Page 1Vol. XXIX Sl'o 35 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 14 1929. Chester 14 Sioft.h, PololtsOtil $135 4 Y**r AiReteeeik• 41.50 IN ARREARS,$2 MAY .13E Of141300.0 Advertising is the big medium between Buyer and Seller. Try an Adi BARGAINS BARGAINS • 4 • Received a shipment of waterproof 4 4 Robes which 1 am retailing far be : - low Catalogue prices.get your's at 41! Special Price $12.50. large size . . FRED. THIEL - ZURICH. 4••••••••<,,•••••••••••••••• • s•••••••••••••••••••••*iii‘ -*•••••esseitseseeitoweetres••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 41, 0 • • • 0 • • • • • • • • A • • • • Women's Gloshette dilfferent styles and color Special at 2.45, 2.95 • Miss' ana hildren:a' Gloshette, Specialat Womene Felt and. Boudour Slipper.s, Reg. 1.75, gpecialt I • C , Womens' Felt Lined Boots, Special ..... $1.95 0 • Men's and Children's Felt Slippers, Special at ....... ........ 85c e • Men's High Gtun Rubbers, Reg. $5.00, Special 'Men's Rubber Boots, Rag. $5.00, Special Men's Gum Rubbers, Reg. $4.00, Special Boy's Gum Rubbers, Reg. $3.50, Special Youth's Gum Rubbers. Special Men's Felt Guta Rubbers„ Reg. 4.50, Special Men's 1, 2, 3, Buckle Overshoes at cost from $1.95 up to ....$3.45 Men's Dougal BIncher, Felt Lined, Reg. $6.50 Specia/ at $4.25 Men's Felt, BaL,, Leather Soled, Sale $2.45 Men' s and Boys' Felt House Slippers at 85c. and $1.45.. Experts in Vulcanising Soles on Your Rubbers. Brig in your Repairing. See OurWinclow Display .• THIS MEANS BARGAINS. AND MORE BARGAINS, The like 6f • which you've never seen before. Our Whole Stock is lavolved. Nothing is held back. These are only a few of the many lines. COlE, gNArqD SEE FOR YOURSELF.. SER OMR assommassessamoommosseere.amempeseeemategmell Brown's Boot 'Shop WINDGWPLAY a • 1 MID- if .SEASON SACRIFICE SALE At Browns' Boots Shoop $3.65 $2.95 $2.45 $1.95 $3.25 • • 0 0 • •••••••040.0.044,4140.4140.640•40 - -41) Spring Samples JUST ARRIVE t SPLENDI t RANGY4 Get Your New Spring Suit ,40 L, Now gi 1111 W ilk, ' • ' S r • I rt• 44.8010 6.010 itatitIO 63e k****0.0144:"*APIVAAOS0004...4,064,044,04044010"41M40~44,040044;4610.409, t Euchre. AND Card Party Will be held in ' TOWN HALL, ZURICH ' On . Monday vening,E March 18th Under the Auspices of the Alter Sos- iety of St. Boniface Church Liberal Prizes will be given to the Lady and Gentwinners. Time 8 p.m. Aihnission EVERYBODY WELCOME BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yule of Fullar- ton, who spent a few weeks with fri- ends in this vicinity, returned home last week. MissMargaret Douglas spent the week -end under the parental roof. Miss Jessie Tough spent a few weeks with friends on the Goshen Line. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ciunpany of Brantford spent the week -end at the home of Mr.s. E. Clarke in the vil- lage. Syrup making is the order of the day. DRYSDALE. A large number of ladies of St, Peter's Parish gathered at the par- sonage 'en Monday and Tuesday to clean and decorate the. house. It was a great success, asa lot of work was done in those two days, and the Rev- erand Father Marchand seemed quite satisfied. Miss Bernctte Mousseau left last Tuesday afternoon to attend the fun- eral of the late Mr. Ed. Wesley of that City.' Mr. Wesley will be rem- embered by many in the community, as he was a prominent player on the Zurich Baseball team, when they we, re in the height of their popularity. Miss Margaret Mousseau of Hen- sall, is at present spending a few days with her 'uncle, Mr. Ed. Mous- Sean. . • Mr. Neol aporte had .a very import- ant telephope call for St. Joseph last Saturday night, he was all Mr. Fred. Papineau has rented his .farm and disposed of his stock, and intends to remain in Detroit for a year or two. Miss Desjardine of near Grand Bend, has engaged with Mrs. Arm- and Denomme, for ,some time, Your New Radio Set You want the best radio for your money. Come in, see it and hear it - then yOu'lLvvant-to-ownp aaolster. E. OESCH, Agent Zurich, Ont. KOLSTE 1 1 that you seek in Radio' f 10111MINIIIMMAINIMMIGAIIISOLOP Mr. and Mrs. E. Oesch, Mrs, H. H. Cowen, and Miss Pearl Wurtz mot- ored to London on Tuesday. i's. Wm. Miller o,f town has pur- chased from Mr. E. Oesch, a fine new 1Colater Radio set, Mr. Wes, Colwill, of London, the' game warden for this district, paid an official visit to Zurich on Tuesday evening. Rev. F. 13, Meyer preached .t. very inspiring and spirit filling sermon :1,1i the Evangelical church on. Tuesday evening. • Mrs. Wm, C. Wagner, of town, ad; companied by Mrs. Simon Sararas of Cromarty, attended the funeral Of the late Harold Bender, at Detroit the past week. Mr. S. Elliott, the popular new Ford dealer of Exeter, made an official vis- it in. the village on Tuesday, and is anticipating a big season's businos with this renown make of ear. Miss Gertrude Weber; who spent the past week in London, and Harr- ietsville, has returned. berne and smiled her position ii J. Gaseho & Eons' general store. The Bethany Sister class of the Ev- angelical church held their annual social Pvening at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, on Wednes- .daY evening of last week and a most enjoyable time was spent by all those present, as this live organization cer- tainly kno* just how to put on a Pr3geam of this -kind. A. very sum- ptuous minue of refreshments were also seryed, which was very much en- joyed by all present. The death occured on Sunday, March 3rd, of Harold Henry Bender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Bender, at their home in Detroit, aged 13 years, 5 months and 21 days, cause of death being the effects of the flu. The funeral was held to the Lutheran church cemetery on Wednesday aft- ernoon, and was largely attended. Mr and Mrs. Bender have the sympathy of their many Zurich friends in their hour of bereavement. Death of Mrs. Peter Woolley After an illness of only three days Mrs. Peter Woolley, an old and resp- ected former resident of Zurich pas- sed away at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fred Leibold, 66 midnight last • Wednesday night, March 7th. Deceased had not been well for the last number of years, but only since Monday last suffered from pneumon- ia. Born in Alsfeld, Germany 79 years ago, the late Mrs. Woolley who was formerly Miss Julianna Bauer, came to this country with her parents at the age of 0 years. The family settled in New Hamburg where they lived for two years -then moving to Hay .ToWnship. At the time of her marriage...to Peter Woolley she mov- ed to Colborne township;.- and after living for .sofne long Years' .near Zur- iCh and for nine years.. in Hensall, Mr. and'Mrs.-Woolley Moved:to Strat- ford sir years ago, and Mrs. Woolley bad resided at:that place since that time.. ' Mr. Woolley haVing predec- eased her in death only about two years, and her one daughter Annie six months .ago. The deceased woman Was an adherent of Zion Lutheran church of that city. SurViving her are one daughter, Mrs. Fred Leibold 66 McNab, St., Stratford, with whom she had been living, and one brother Mr. Edward Bauer of Tavistock; two grand children and two great grand children. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon from her late re- sident at 1.30 o'clock to Zion Luth- eran Church for servise with Rev. H. F. Gruhn in charge. The funeral was quite largely attended from rel- atives and friends from far and near to pay the last respects of the depart- ed. The floral tributes were beauti- ful. by those sent, Among those who attended the funeral were Arnold Leibold, Detroit; "Mrs. J. Gorden, Brantford; Mr. Edward and George Bauer, .Tavistock; Mrs. S. Nicklas, Mrs. 13, Dietrich and Mrs. P. Berg all of Tavistoek. The remains were laid to rest in Avondale Cemetery, Stratford. The Herald expresses their sympathy- to the, bereaved fait - :11y. • . . SAVE THE PIECES WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR BRO- n • KEN LENSES ACCURATELY Let Us fill your next Optical Pres- cription., We carry the Newest .in Frames and Lenses and can Save You some Real Money. Hess, The iewelleri NOW IN YARDS EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL, Scranton nthracite- Minehead Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL; ALSO POCAHONTAS Caxiteio= frl EN SALL ON.1T, ;?hones-Offiee 10w: HallaYL The Business Built By Service* 4. 1:4.1++++++++++++1.4 -++++++++++.14++.4434÷.4++++++++44',444-11. 4 4 4 4r7 4 *ifA, 4. * Clearin 4. 4. 4, 4. 4. 1- 1' All lines of Rubber Poo - wear, Socks, Felt Shoes and Slippers at Out Prices WE REPAIR AND RE -SOLE RUBBER BOOTS AND GOLASHES Repairing done With the Best Material Last the longest 1927 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, upholstering, p4.7:It mid tires like new, . At a BargaTir 1927 Ford Coach in real good condition, front and rear bumpers, tires, etc., perfect. ,. • 1926, 1926, 1926, Three good Ford Coaches, upholstering not + worn or soiled, and all running fine. Priced as low Rflfil,4 + 4. 1921 Ford Coupe, Original Tires, are like :.:,ew, Equipped with ÷ . bumpers, speedometer, and many,r extras. This 4- + .car looks and runs like new. • 1923 Ford Coupe, a Bargain. • Ford Four -door Sedan like new with original 4.-e, esgood as new, + 1. 1923 Ford Sedan, in fine running cpndit.2on, e real bargain„ et• . • 3 BUGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. .1. + C. FRITZ &, SON. .0. 4 + AGENT FOR THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX CARS. A SIX IN 4'4 itio• + + THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOURS. . ASK FOR A DEMON. .ret STRATION.• • • • .1.i SECOND HAND FORD PARTS Al' HALF PRICE 451. + 4. .., +++1-14+++++++++++++++++.1.+++++++++++++++++++++++++i, See Our used cars and compare condition and prices with others. Jtr., We have opened Our first shipment of Spriug a Summer Dry Goods WE, ALSO CARRY A FULL LINE OF HARNESS REPAIRS., HARDWARE, SHOES, DISHES, GROCERIES, GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS.. ALSO KEEP SUPPLIES FOR ALAD-DIN LAMPS, AND REPAIRS FOR NEW PERFECTION COAL OM STOVES WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE R. Al, DOUGLAS GENERAL MEROHANT 40 PHONE 11 - 97 iliaLA