HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-02-28, Page 8The Store with the Stock contie of o tr 81 ZURICH .11 REAL') ES i Our New Shipments any lines Dads. We still have a large stock of Ladies, Men' and Boys sweater coats on hand which are marked down to- rock bottom prices come and see Weenasoso®(moos anammo* oesseoeost eososeecoesesoe•o• FOR THIS WEEK ONLY g STRING BROOMS, 2 for 75c $.150 25c }YSTER SHELL per. Cwt. 'JELLY POWDER, 4 for SL GAR CRISP COOKIES, 2 lbs. for 25c GINGER SNAPS, 2 lbs. for ......................... ....,..... 25c PRUNES, 2 lbs. for 23e e•o.;Q.4zeseeca&tioaioesso•e81e4,►45ir?iTecooi5?M,oaeg000 soosteetio O.U.:1 19 23 ACCOUNTS ARE READY AND WE WOULD APPREC- IATE A PROMPT SETTLEMENT. Pr Wanted P3ioai 59 a ,..., •,•-I•+•:•+•a'•+.3..t.4^.0.0-••r.1-0. -: fi•:.i+k^.1..; .:r -. 4.4.4 3»4.oL÷+.14+ +4..g. 4..t..c.q. ,. ANNOUNCEMENT ViTe, have been appointed Agents direct for DCII AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRILL) AND PROVEN PRO DUCTS OF WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. aIPP. T FOUR ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI- CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; CU_IPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY WHIPPET i THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON S THE MARKET. A CAR WITH A SOUND REPUTATION • YTillys Kul(5ht THE FAMOUR PSLEEVE VALINE TWO MODELS,TH MOTOR. IF IN -NEED 010 A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US L.LFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: _ "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" leasseau Zurich s.g1460**06606/0€ 041110000 •8116•106/l•0411Qi14 ••d►•0••; wI • • • Is The Best Time• •• • TO PLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORK, REPAIRS • LET US SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING FOR THE FIELD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY. • AND IMPROVEMENTS • IF YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING• THIS YEAR, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE US AND GET OUR ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS. • . A NICE NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THE HOME WILL AL- WAYS BE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE. . WE • CAN SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, AND THE PRICES ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. • If in need of new furniture, don't 1 forget; we have it! • STADE & ZURICH - ONT. OF Spring and Sum r Goods ARE NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY AND WE INVITE THE PUB- LIC TO COME IN AND SEE THEM BEFORE MAKING YOUR PUR- CHASES. A CALL 12 ALWAYS APPRECIATED. 1 YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL MEREST BORN Denomnie--At Blue Water Highway, Hay Township, on February 10th, To Mr: and Mrs. Armand Denom- me, a son. Deitz--At Zurich, on February 14th, to aur, and Mrs. Milton Doitz, a son. Rau --At Blue Water Highway, Stan- ley Township, on. February 21st, to AIr. and Mrs. John Rau, Jr., a da- ughter. 500 FACTS ABOUT CANADA The 1920 edition of that popular annual, 5 000 Fa is about Canada" edited by Fra::: 1 < igb. tilt. well-kno- wn Can adia anLl1Or and publicist, is now Off the prose and contains a wea- lth of material th It pres(nts the stir- ring histol;;o1 our nation:1; i:,og1res:; in cr'i-,p, concrete form. ;\.iany new features mark this issue, such a str- iking .- pt.nsion during the Cell years since the armistice, as well as the re- markaule advance made in the last 12 -months' period of "Canada's Best Year". The booklet "sells Canada" most effectively, and is widely distr- ibuted for that purpose, while it is invaluable to any Canadian who wish- es to know his own country. The 50 chapters of contents tells the all -Do- minion story in a nutshell. Copies niay be had at 35 cents from leading newspaper dealers or from the Can- adian Facts Pub. Co., 588 Huron St., Toronto. MARCH ROD AND GUN Featuring in the March issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News are several splendid stories and articles dealing with all kinds of outdoor life in Canada. Among these are yarns of ever popular sports of angling and hunting ducks and big game written by men of long exper- ience. The current article in the page of this national sporting magazine by Robert James, "That Nelson River Trail" gives a wonderfully descript- ive picture of the trails of a party of amatues tra libreakers on a trip by dog tem in the far north. The regu- lar department on guns and ammunit- ion, trapping, angling dogs and silver fox industry are full of authorative material. J. W. Winson, popular wr- iter on natural history, this month commences a new series of articles on the smaller mammals, Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Po is published monthly by W. J. Taylor Limited, Woodstock, Ont. New Books The Zurich Public Library placed. the following books on the library shelves recently. Fiction Books. The Prophetor RalpIi Cornor The ,1VIan from Glengary Ralph Connor Black Rock Ralph Connor The Golden. Snare, James Oliver Cromworth The Golden Dog Wm. Kirby Lord of the Silver Dragon, Laura Salverson The Scarlet Sash. J. M. Elson The Lie Helen R. Martin The Seats of the Mighty Gilbert Parker Nevada Zane Krey The White Monkey John Galsworthy Materni's Vinyard P. Oppenheim The Kingdom of the Sun. A. M. Stiphem Throughbreds W. A. Fraser The Plains of Abraham James Oliver Curwood Rainbow Valley. L. Montgomery Wallflowers Temple Baily Waconsta Major Richardson Silver Slippers Temple Baily Little Heart's Mar joria Pickthall Little Miss Melody M. Keith The Unknown Mary R. Rinehart Maria Chapdelaine, a story of French Canada. W. H. Blake Hay Wire B. W. Bower L .. (Correct -e .'cry Wednesday) Butter, lb .- Dried apples lib. 8c Eggs 22, 28,. 32 Oats ............... ... ...... Flour ................. ...... 8.50-4.1.5 Wheat 1.25 Earley 70c Buckwheat 80 Shorts per ton 35.00 Bran per ton 34.00 Chickens. Live .... 15, 19, 21 Old Hens ..14 18 20 Live Hogs, 10.00 •Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance C OF WOODSTO K The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31, 1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank arid. Bonds $150,579,88 Ratan—$4,50 per $1,000 for S years, E. F. Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Wild Horses Mesa Zane Grey Money to Burn Peter 13. Kine Texas Man Wm: Baine Juvenile Books Bob Dashway Privateersman, • Cyrus Brady The Scarlet Hand • Gapt. Charles Gilson The Mill on the Floss G. Elliott. Remember the Alamo A. E. Barr. The boy' book of Wharels. A. Hyatt Verrile An American Crusoe H. Verrile The Moving Picture Girl Snowbound. Laura Lee Hope Moving Picture Girls at Sok Farin. Laura Lee 'Hope. The Lucky Girls Budget Blackie The Golden Budget for Boys. BIackie Churns of Campfire Leslie. Motor boys Mississippi Cruise Arundee The Rivals of The Trail Leslie. Huron County Shorthorn Sale The Shorthorn Breeders of Huron County offered a choice lot of indiv- iduals at their eigth annual consign- ment, sale, held at Wingham, Febru- ary 21st. Butterfly Ladas, consigned by Pet- er Stewart and Sons, topped the sale bringing $185.00. Following is a list of the animals selling for $100.00 and over, together with the name and ad- dress of the purchaser. N. E. Bushell,`" Holyrood, Ont., "Village Maid" $140.00; Nelson Mit- chell, Listowel!, "Golden Ransom" 115.00:; R. T. Amos, Moffat, "Claret Cup 5th, 115.00; W. J. Henderson, Wingham, "Helen Jane 3rd" 100.00; Thos. Miller, Brussels, `Bonny Favor- ite 3rd" 175,00; W. Horman, Strat- ford, 160.00; J. F. Dawson, Lucknow "Heather Lad 2nd" 10.00; Thos Berry, Hanover "Bandsman" 125.00; Jas, Hamilton, Mildmay, "Road Lad". 180.00; H. Sprung,. Londesboro, "But terfly Ladns" 185.00; J. W. Stank-' house, Brucefield, "`Browndale Lass" 130.00; Jas Graig, Auburn, "Brown - dale Dairymaid" 105.00; A. H. Fraser Illuevale, "Auburn Maid 7th," 135.00 Victor Haines, Wingham, "Flora's Ting" 1.30.00; There were 23 an- imals consigned, 12 males and 11 fe- males. . aursday, F'ebru'ary 28th, 192 + +�Q'<�', °'i'.�++ %'%.�.,i++ 4414 � 4440 4 t�'>' "'$' 'r" °'d!'#,' '.Q�'%++ S„ �..� ++4.'1!'x*. I 4. :r. .1. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 2 Z 4- 4.4. + + + + + .� • 'corners owing us to kindly come and settle same { 4. • Our At,.counts Are now eady And we would ask our Cus- Johnson & Kathfleisoh ▪ Hardware 1',p Furniture. Phone 63 ;." •: 44+++•b++.14444.+ 14+3 it++4, 4.+ F•+.4 ++^i +✓ ++++++44i4 ` 11 Sdfe andi_ye ""''"4""Init able, WHEN YOUR INVESTMENTS CONSIST OF VICTORY BONDS, HURON AND ERIE DEBENTURES, OR CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES, YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON THAT YOUR INTEREST WILL BE PAW TWICE A YEAR ON A CERTAIN DATE, AND THAT, YOUR PRINCIPAL IS—ABSOLUTELY SAFE. PLAY SAFE AND PROVIDE FOR A REGULAR INCOME Any Sung over $100 will be accepted on. a H. & Erie Debenture, • or a 'Canada Trust G.M.C. for one to Five years. INTEREST TWICE A YEAR AT 4>3.4 Per Cent. PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID REGULARLY FULL INFORMATION GIADLY GIVEN APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME Before you Invest --INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. . Mess, _ Zurich MY MOT(I'O;—SERVR'b AND SAVIITYi Have You MADE YOUR WI LL,? Not Just Kids But grown-ups too. Mrs. Sybilla'. Spahr's Tonsilitis treats every form of Cough, Bronchitis, Sore Throats; and Tonsil Troubles quickly. Good, results or money bacy. Sold at W. C. Wagner'.■ Gre1ery The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada, BEAD OFFICE — TORONTO' E. E. Wuerth—,Agent ZZURICHt Phone EE -SIS. dttarantee and Aceident Inalarancr..5,. Oldest mind E3t�oL_>j!er>k G3o. iia; .`rnaelas 1 -i�r---i---6--s�--E£--aA--k-�!1'-lJ►--A+--�h-�1- e I To the man wh.o regards a well dressed appearance, we recommend, you to come and look over our fine range of NEW FALL SUIT" JNGS 80ITS 8IIIT8 • WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADLY REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED .WITH ETRE BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE I. READ AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN MADE TO MBAS-- LIRE CLOTHES—COI .le1'EI.I, IW. H. HOFFMAN %tRRCHANT TAILOR. W. R. HOF?MAM iE Sort,, SIEBAR IANID,VIINERAlti DIRECTORS, Day cid Melt memo 'gcl, 1'