HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-02-28, Page 5• 'Wednesday VInartatey, ran ear 28t1t, 1S2: . »ZURICH... i E R A L CA n" � MUS CARDS sessesseemere .. TlDtE'Y I. oL u $ tRAIIRZSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT IARY PUBLIC, FTC. ''F.ICE-.-D(amilton Street, Just off the Square, OODERfCH, Ontario. Spatial .attention to Comical and Court Weald. ',y r. Holme may be consulted at Goderieh by Phone, and Phone acbcirgeo pevaeritet1, Dr. II. IL COWEN L. D. S. D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON. At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH . yery Thursday,' Feiday, Saturday At HARTLEIB"S BLOCK, DASH -W OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey 1!i. Jonas Nat - Venal School of Auctionetarizig. Try #or Registered-. Live Stock, a11.tD aBreeds). Terms in beeping -nth prevailing prices. Choiee lifewizte for Bale. Will yell enythiug Anywhere, ;Phone 13-93 or write. Zurich. used Auctio er WOR HURON 3z MIDDLESEX. ASI IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any auction Sale, regardless eas to bize or article to ;tell. 1. solicit your busiineas, and if not as fieri will make no chargee for Seavieee, ,arthur Weber -- Dashwood. .hone 13-57 FOrd r That is miri is a nocke t GOODYEAR TIRES SEIBERLING TIRES CHECK UP ABOVE STATEMENTS S. WEIN, Prop. 'IaA.SflWOov MOTOR gR?ktZ+ I;CR esep�eeaoos�aroee881110etat Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNOUNCING, ' CHAT WE HAVE PIS It't11A;;ICLf .FIt 1M THE FIRM OF YUN�GSLUT IIEICHERT, THIS WELL ESPAii L1SHED MEAT BUSINESS, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Yungblut Son COAL 1929 WE ARE SOLE AGEN'T'S FOE GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO CARET Coke Poeabant rs and: Soft Coal 'GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND 'E9.,EPR0NE TOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son • IiP oue 3S L I, VE P01 LT ' WANTED VA's, ca-eer7 Clay till StAdorh„p.n ato4 teed 'ow), mane ;ts.>airtaiisa, mica ' 'Iano ht Ate. Highest. Cask Prices • I RUT. TOQ1s LOCALNEWS 'Via;rrts, For Sale, Lost, FOU rids Notice, Etc. Ads Ls THIS COI UMN FOR SALE .A, number of choice small pigs for sated,. Also a 3 -year-old grey mare, Apply to Yenry Clausius, Zurich' FOR SALE A. quantity of 15 -inch' popular wood for sale. Apply to Theo, Lei - bold, R. R. 3, Zurich. i FOR SALE - Ground Flaxseed in 90 pound bags at 41/4c. per pound. Feed a handful a day, Keep the Vet. away. Fred. C. Kalbfleiscb, Zurich. • (BABY :CRICKS Hatched is the Huron Mammoth, the cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going. Cleans the air from the hatching trays before it mixes with. the eggs by patent process, Barred Rocks and White Leghorns Order early: No deposit required; Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatch- ing $4 for one hundred, $15 for five hundred eggs. Phone 97r4, Hen - sail. J. E. McKinley, Zurich. STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened at the Town Hall Crediton„ on Monday, February 4th, at 1 p.m. All members were present Minutes of the previous meeting we- change to milder on Monday night, Ceunsvillc. Poultry raising is a live re read and adopted. 1 and the high piles of snow have. been !subject and this should prove a real That Wm. Davey be appointed 1 leveled clown considerably. The roads l opportunity for gaining valuable in - Road Foreman in Div. 10 and Otto however ere also suffering eottsider.,formation Plan to attend. Willert in .Div. 12 ,in place of 3. Zi.ler able as the .how is beginning to break Easter Comes Early and J. Kestle; who have resigned and through, w. ich makes ging'' quite 1+1a::ter will come rather earlier G. Clark on NB. Con. be appointed limey. An .occasional auto is seen than usual this year. Ash Wednes- Pound Keeper in place of JJ. Cart•- on the roads, which manages to get day falling on Feb. 13th, or last we - ick who has resigned. through at great difficulty. That the Auditors' Report be recei- ved and adopted That the -Clerk prepare a bill of the spites, planking, Rauber necessary to construct a 12 foot bridge on 3rd Side Road and 10 foot bridge on the 4th Side Road over the Mud Creek. That By -Law No. 393 for prohib- iting the throwing or depositing of rubbish, etc., on any highway of bri•• dge in the Municipality; By-law No. 394 to provide for the preservation of Public Morals in the Municipality; By-law No. 304 for requiring stool step,,, porches or other erections, or thin+;;, projecting' into or overr any highway to be removed by the ower or occupant of the land in connect- :ion with which they exist; By -lay No. 396 for prohibiting the building or xnaintaining of fences on any high- way or the placing of fire wood or any other thing calculated to, obstruct it, or to obstruct or interfere with public travel on it, each having been read three times be signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporation attached thereto. That G.earge Silber be appointed inspector 'of Municipal Drains a, Mr, Chas, Kellar of Dashwood was a visitor,in town on MVlonday. 1VIrs J 1. E. Weido is spending the week visiting with her sister, Mats, F. Turn, at Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey of Crocl- iton were Monday visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John Hey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Hey and son Freddie, of Crediton, were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Stelek, 14th con. Hay. Messrs. George Merner and Ma George Koch of Dashwood Shade a business call in the village on.Satur- day,' -. . Sorry to report that 1VIr. John Decher, Jr., of the Goshen Line south is not enjoying his usual good health and is confi.ned'to .his bed quite i11, Very little pragress is being made with the ice fishing at the lake as the condition of the ice is such that it is impossible to set their nets. A few nets however have; been set at Grand Bend, and they are catching a few herring which are fitl;ding a re- ady market. Mr. Lennis O'Brein was a Sunday visitor at the home of his parents in the village. H.e came by auto as far as Brewster, when he had to revert to the horse and cutter for the 'bal- ance of the way. It seems a pity that these main travelled roads are not kept open during the winter months a, .well as summer. There wars a session of the Sup- reme Court at the Court House, God- erich on Tuesday last week, with Mr. Justice McEvoy presiding. The :ses- I cion was very brief, no eases being 12 tried out, the cases entered being I ii either put over to the non -jury sit- If( ting neat month- or settled out of 11 court. This was the .jury sitting but t' no jury was called. a I The continued spell of steady vin- lu ter weather ea;iner to a rather sudden i of Messrs: Oscar Grob • and ):•1'`itgh Love of Grand Bend are spending the week in Toronto, attending the Fat Stock ,Shote. The moving picture demonstration given in the town hall on Tuesday ev- ening was very largely attended with prospective buyers, and parties inter- ested. in lie automobiles. The new Pontiac war; shown in its newest models which are a great attraction. And show many lines of improvement both in mechanical features and in style. This really looks a wonderful lot of car value for the money, and besides it is a product that has been in the hands of the public for a num- ber of years, and is proving itself worthy of comment, We hope the lcal agent,• Mr. Gideon Koehler will have a ntottt prosperous years season with this popular line of autos. Judgment in County Court Judgment was given by Judge ramie in the County Court case of Coates v. Hawkins. The' plaintiff Paul Coates, of Exeter, sued the ex- ecutors of the estate of Joseph Haw- kins on a promissory note for $600 find adored. A question at issue was whether the late Joseph Hawkins was in the position of a joint maker of the note with his brother, Thomas lam bens, or merely as an endorser. Judge Lewis found that Joseph Haw- kgins sinned the note as a maker and being n businees man, knew what he was doing. He died before the note was due. • 1•li. honor gives judgment for the plaintiff with costs. The Huron Branch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture intend holding a special poultry course in the Exeter own Hall, for three days, Feb. 26th, 7th, and 28th. The program includ- ig the following subjects: Breeding eding, incubating, brooding, haus- sanitation, judging, culling, dis- ases, fattening, killing, marketing nd egg grading Special speakers elude T: A. Penson, Dominion Dept: Agricultural], and 3. W. Clark, of required by By-law No. 379 of 1928 "['o prevent obstructions to drains or watercourses". - '.Cbat By-law No. 399 being a by low to provide for expenditure on Roads in the Township of Stephen -luring the year 1929 having been read three times be signed and sealed That the following Road Foremen's pay sheet be, paid: T. Mawhinney x;4.40. Geo. Either 38.10; P. Desjard- iw 4.00; and also the following erd-. els be passed: Winters Bros. pt. 't'ut .uer contract x;150.00; Sundry persons rebate Dieterich Drain 225.90; C".an- adisn Nati.cdnall Express charges .80; Insurance on bale 18.75; Superior Mig Co. Rubber stamp .65; Broder- iek Bros.part Mud Creek Contract 1000,00; J. R. Wison, gravel • 1927 2.10; Municipal World supplies 28.33 J. W. Gtaybeil auditor 10.00; 3. H laoltetnan auditor 10.00; F. W.lliot lock, exchange and postage 7.80; Can. Bank trf Commerce, commission i,05; C Beaver estate, chair 2.50. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain at the `Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday,. March 4th at 1 p,m. Heavy Either, Clerk Workman's Compensation The summary of figures for The Workmen :s Compensation Board of Ontario for the year 1928 shows that there hasboon awarded in benefits during the year $ 7,067,946.93, as `ontpared with 6,084, 654.$7 duriiag la pile er t.wo log shanties, with the ltbr! I)r or Nat, till presen$ yeti iiiiel' roads crooSced lit"It° through the figures being made up of l5,90iy- dense forests, 'rhe funeral was held 439.39 compensation and $1,166,507- on Saturday front his residence in ,34 medical aid. The accidents rep- Grand Bend, with interment in Grand t►rtcd trnmbeted 79,398, as compared Bend Cemetery, Rev. 3. 1 t, Colling with 71,97 accidents dm** 1927, officiated. Surviving ttrc Ms widow 'The fatal accidents showed an in- Mrs. Turnbull, formerly Serail Clark; , anti tai �; ginn;ni•; of Lent, and Mr. W. J. Meaner of the village re- bringing L tetet on the last Sunday eeived the sant intelli€,race et Tues- and the last day of March• It is te- day evenina of the ratter sudden de- vealed by the calendar that only five 1 ++++++++4,.++.1.4.4.+4.+++++.;44,44 „ ath of his brother Jonathan J. Merner times in the last thirty years has 4 ,t, of Windsor, and formerly. •.of 'Sea- Easter fallen on an earlier date and a forth and Zurich, also at one time only twice on sante date Under our 1 + Membee of Federal Parliament for present method of fixing church 1 South Huron constitae icy. Mr. days Easter comes on the first Sun- ..e Pair Ot ...........................i......................„ i' Farm • Implements • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARMIMPLEMENTS, I vIi'LEMENTS, AMID! WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITHHJUST THE KIND OJ• r MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST,AND N . THAT WILL • • GIVE YOU MOST VALDE PER DOLLAR OF COST. • CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND' FITTING • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMP$• . S� LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • • • • • i• WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND M • CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO : PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAMI. a' DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND r E. 9 re BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED • Tires, Tubes, Gas, Gies and Greases •• L. A. Frang - Zurich s We have the Agency for this District. GARAGE STJPPLIES OI 4 4 1 ♦OOOA00.R-0••• 4a.o,064+9•,040•d©�b96oOpdeereoO.roteop,96�Y00 Auto Tops, Buggy To agon RRepairing d I y Second Handed 13iiggies HESS ZUBIOTI i1erner as far as we know suc,cunt- bed front the effects of an operetta. More particulars will be given next issue. The March meeting of the Zurich Branch of the Women's In:'titute will whish •e being proposal for adoption be held on Monday ercning March 4th by the• nations of the world is the at the Commuatity Hell at 8 o'clock: fixhig of this movable date. Mrs. W. I. Dreier and Mt Eoutled ' -ge will be itt (barge. Mies Freida Kalbfleisch will give a talk ou "The { S T. PETER'S Value of Reading." Theta will be ad roll call and every member is a Iced i Evangelical Lutheran. Church to come prepared with, "Miele for the Kitchen." as an answer-. Every) "A Changeless Christ for lady in the community is invited to' ing World." come and enjoy this meeting. Third Sunday in Llnt. Miss Mildred Geiger, convener of March 3rd, 1929. the Christian Citizenship Committee of the Evangelical League, last Pei- 10. a- m: ,German Service. day evening was in charge or the ma- 11,25 Sunday School. day following the first full moon af- ter the vernal equinox, and this may be as early asMarch 22 or as late as 1pail 25th. One of the advant- t ; r '' t t' thirteen month calendar ettng, The scripture lesson was road responsively. Mrs, L. W. 1Toiinia n then conducted a :ing song, after which the monthly business was tran- sacted, A very appropriate and iile- aant half hour was spent in a soda! way which consisted of a contest con- ducted by Miss J. E. MacDonald, and during which d f perio a the lunch yeas served. The meting closed by retreat ing the Watchword. Late Thomas Turnbull. Evangelical Church Notes One by one the pioneers oi' the rom ZURICH — Q>`T't' nnuity are being called to their stet -I Do You Measure Up? tial rooward• This week we aro called The Lord of the Church wants each upon to: cronicle the intelligence of member to be— the passing' of one of Hay Township's An attender, not an absenter. grand old men and esteemed residents A pillar, not as sleeper, who has always taken a keen interest A wing, not a weight. in the welfare of the community, and A power, nett a problem. in the person of Mr. Thomas Tornbull A promoter, not e provoker. who passed away at his home at A giver, not a getter, Grand Bend on Thursday last, Feb- A goer, not a gadder. ruary 21st in. his 84th year. The A doer, not only t hearer. late Mr. Turnbull was born at Ottawa ABooster, not a knocker. September 6th, 1845, and Caine with A supporter, not a sponger his parents five years later to the thorn A Soldier; not a slacker, known as Salable Line, where he resid He wants. us there "with the goods' ed until his removal to Grand Bead and not oft with au excuse. What last fall, having disposed of his fine kind of -a church would my church be farm on the Blue Water Highway, if every member were just like me: and wishing to enjoy a well earned Ye area chosen generation, a royal retirement at Grand Bend. • He was priesthood, an holy notion, a peculiar in truth one of the pioneers and saw people to slim forth the praises of the country develop from a wilder- him who loath called you out of dark- ness of bush to the present day's of ness into his marvelous light. 1 ].'eter prosperity. Mr. Turnbull took a de- 2; 5. light in conversing with friends of the Tuesday, 7.15 p.. m. --Jr. League. days when Grand Bend boasted of on Thursday 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. 7:30: English Service. ..Subject—Followers. of God. Tueoday--Ladies' Aid. Wednesday -Lenten Service (German) Friday --Luther League, Saturday Choir Practice. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. a chang- Friday 7.30 pare—Senior League l♦`.Ijday 8,30 p,z ,--Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES 'Worship 10 A. M. Subject --The eelistraining Love of Christ. • f t • The Winter Seaso IS THE IDEAL TIME TO REPLACE OLD FASHIONED FLOORS OR DOORS WITH THE MODERN HARDWOOD FLOOR OR FRENCH DOORS LET US QUOTE YOU ON COLONY HOUSES ALL SIZES AND KIND BUILT UP AT THE MILL FOR SPRING DELIVERY re s. PHONE �,,n 44++++++.4.44++++1,4++++44.4-4-4-14÷1,4-f-44. ..p.F'l.,t•.I-++.4„4••h++1, ++ + 44..•F3•4F+4t 1,4 -f -a ii,4-s••t.1..+444.i-4.+.1 �4-4#Ai ti ,2 It\ IL(B LEISC ZURICH ZurichDrugsto Drug Store i Stationery We keep writing tablets of all sizes. ' Envelopes and fine Boxed Stationery Toilet Articles and Pre . p�r�t�o�� 1 School Supplies of all kinds Diamond Dyes and Putn ' 1:a1`IIs Fadeless Dyes crease from 429 during 1927 to 553 one daughter, Mrs. Adolph Allen of iI: aa.in •-�'Ei'blo Seliool,ter , eAC iVoittttn 'du rang 1028. In Decerisber •there wes l'itchener; and three sous • Goedon J, rl, Op ache, Super :item:1MA, :e r� li act:idr�atts xe o ,, ,. ,' +aa�rrii and Eggs repotted t l 111 f P pa n t 11 11 i .. •.. a..a i ieti xvhiclr- eves somewhat old hotrtesteAd of "0i�'� n y Olivet at home- a19t> t . Mr8. John X+tat e Of - • • ttad � ere o f i:ltic� soul. e z c, slt ing t, for o , ern; tar n th(. '1'6 fatalities l"t' Vaa'shap` 7:311 I' wining , t the Mos Water' --:'he wining, and the. mast - e O'Brien lower their November when 721 los Highway; and 1 Sublrct 't ldot s tooter te. rre rived iriclttdittir mitt,/ ts-# to . istei , , ly.�a V4004, Adt.e. Itart4,1k �il,i`l,tlu a, ab , Bold. • Reza W Y. iliteier,. PeetAt d , 1 KOD..KS AND 'z I S Zurich.* err A. 3. MacKinnon,pm,„ww,