HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-02-21, Page 4iii -reeve Nature has provided for your complaints different Herbs for different Diseases. WAS PARALYZED, COULD NOT WALK— READ WHAT OUR HERBS DID FOR THIS BOY. ' • Elmwood, Ont„ May 18th, 1928 1V1 • 13. J. Murtiin. Dear Sir: I must write and let you know how our son, who had creeping paralysis, le improving. -He had only taken your medicine about a week when he could -walk and i n three weeks had gained 13 lbs. He has helped ids (ether with seeding, and is work - like; e,'.v ••r'y day and is feFlim; line Our daughter is also mating impeovement, is gaining nicely but ies r rr.,rrg sone m, dieine. We certainly a:annot praise- your medicine too highly for what it has done cr: es, we pet think there is any medicine sold on the rearket so effective in building up a 1'ir e()vi. n as Mr.IIIb e."'s Natural Herb Mt ;1.�t'1rc , .�;r , highly recommend it to our neighbors end 1 re's Hopis.;; E.17 so ee .ilB'"•e remain, e ie . rely Yours, '.Td. and ?•1"'s. 'Win. C. Lei fso. • Elmwood, Ont., P. R. 7eo.. 2. SAYS IT IS WONDERFUL MEDICINE AND DOCTORS CANNOT COMPARE WITH. IT Hayles Station, Ont., January 27th, 1928 Dear Mr. IVIuMne I have used the last of the herbs I got from you last spring, so I am sending for some more, This sure is wonderful medecine, better than all the doctor's medicine I have ever taken. Yours Very Truly, T Kenneth Ross. GALL STONE TEA DOING FINE WORK Burketon, Ont„ July 26th, 1927 The Canadian Herb Gardens, London, Ont. Dear firs; You will find enclosed ten dollars for which please send me a package of Gall Stone Tea. I have used one package of these herbs and they have helped me, so kindly send this order as quickly as • possible. Yours Truly, Mrs. Thos."` Brown. qtr .; : ,l m it ^nen e= 6 M .MURFIN Expert in Herbs ilc'cits'e +t, 1 t,R 129' WILL 12E AT Commercial Hotel HENSALL ONE DAY ONLY Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 pane Th MARCfl 7t rsday -MAL MERU ireatotvOf These Diteate; BRIGHTS DISEASE. ARTHRITIS ASTHME ANEAMfA BED WETTING. BLADDER TROUBLES BOILS PILES CATARRH BRONCHITIS CONSTIPATION" DROPSY GRAVEL. HAY FEVER HEART TROUBLES BLOOD PRESSURE Ste KIDNEY TROUBLES l[,UMBAGO NEURITIS NERVE TROUBLES OVERFATNESS PARALYSIS RHEUMATISM STOMACH TROUBLES SKIN DISEASES GALL STONES UREMIA. TONSILS ]FEMALE TROUBLES WORMS 'WEAK. MANHOOD, ETC. p the Herbs and Drink the Herb Tea Nature's Way is the H "; BAS, WAY No Operation is necessary for any Disease —THE HERBAL WAY 11FCk .t. CANADIAN Head Office: 346 Richmond Stns. LONDON, 0 ENS: r.: .a- �� _,i � eXcMTZ ee ccs ,aF, amu':-"".'`�4.tE,'sa':%�- �::..-�...•?a� \`���" �.%►�...•.�`.;♦i-uarii�::�v�"��,:.c•=.r.�..� a�.�.�.,...::.'�.s:Y.��n� �,;a'L, 's,,...-`�.. ...r.�-a'� i":m..:�..�i% sibmg •€+ +'r +t+ +3;+ A L kBeginning Feb+ 94-h Ending February 16th SPACE WILL NOT PERMIT US TO LIST EVERYTHING. YOU " • WILL HAVE TO COME AND SEE OUR. GREAT BARGAINS 4 4- P. and G. Laundry Soap, 22 cakes for r1 Paha Olive Soap, 4 cakes for ' Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, 2 tins for _.. Broken Biscuits, 2 lbs. for Flannelette Blankets, Ibex, large size at , Comforters, large size, each Boy's Fleeced Underwear, each 4- Men's Fleeced Underwear, each .,q. Fingering Yarn, per skein Common Yarn, per skein were Sunday visitors with friends in this vicinity. Miss Anabel Ducharme is spending a few weeks in Seaforth with Mrs. John Regier. The automobile is mighter than the machine gun, according to figures compiled by two safety people in a western service station. For the to- tal number of American soldiers kil- led in the war from all causes were 77,118. The total number wounded were 221,059. But the total num- ber of people killed in automobile accidents in the United States sine the war adds up to 106,218, while the total untnber injured by motor cars is 450,000. FOR SALE • .••The following • articles are being $1.00 ,•:,.' offered for sale on Fred Papineau's 25E' 25c f•arm, Blue Water Highwey: 1 bay horse rising 7 years, weight 1550 lbs. 1 grey mare rising 11 about 1350 lbs; 1 cow fresh about Feb: 10th;• 1 cow due in May; 1 heifer rising 2 yrs. Anyone interested in purchasing any of this live stock may see the owner owner on first farm south of Drys- dale, on Monday or Tuesday Feb. 25, and 26. ---Fred •Papintau, Proprietor. • AUCTION SALE OF HOTEL FURNITURE AND EF- FECTS AT. DOMINION HOTEL, ZURICH On -- . , SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 .. Commencing at 1 o'clock sharp 5 brand new iron beds, springs and mattresses; 5 new dressers and 5 -new stands, also 5 toilet sets; 3 -piece par- lor suit—; 24 kitchen chairs new; IHospital single bed with steel rubber tired wheels new; steel single bed New; 12 dining chairs new; 0 lamps, + storm door, 4 leather chairs, 2 coal stoves, 8 arm chairs, wood box, 3 white granite small tables; parlor fa- .;. ble, small oak table, 200 sealer:. a + number of pot, and. puns, quantity 4.4..,..+•€++++•I••r+r+•r+++aR44- 4 k.+• .e 1. . i•'H +.1.4.+++++4.++++'4 of dishes, glass tumblers, pitchers, small churn 2 electric plates, coal 'oil heater, leaf table, 3 big kitchen tables; kitchen cabinet, 8 -day clock; mirror, some jugs, snow shovel, elec- tric wash machine, 40 feet of new rubber hose for washing cars; storm doors, screen doors, a number of .ben- ches, short maple wood, big pine door, some good plank, quantity inch him ber; carpets, big apple peeler, pr, col- ar tops, new hand clippers, z milk cans,' 5 double blankets I.X.L., 5 bed spreads, 5 comforters, number bath towels, parlor rug 10x12 new, clothes cupboard, number of curtain poles, some spoons. REAL ESTATE—Property conta- ins 4 lots, a frame dwelling, with kit- chen attached, woodshed, stable, bake shop, new double garage, on main street, known as Heist's Bakery. Terms•--i'urniture and Effects, cash; Real Estate -10 per cent on day of sale, balance on July 1st. Arthur Welter, Auctioneer. Alex. Voisin, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to "sell by public auc- tion on I,ot 10, North Boundary, Hay Township, le. mile oncst of Hiilsg•reen, on 1 htirsday, 1 ebrunry 28th, corn•. mencing at 1 o'clock ;harp the foll- owing: 25c $2.00 4. $2.00 .§, 50c + 75c $ 30c 4" 25c .I. 4. ALL SWEATERS AT BELOW COST. ALL MEN'S UNDERWEAR AT 4. COME AND SEE THEM. ,g REDUCED PRICES 15c air Flannel, 27 -in wide, per, yard Towelling, per yard 15c 4. 4 Cottonade, Regular 50e., yard for 40c .f. Ginghams, at per yard 20c + SEE OUR SHIPMENT OF STAMPED MATS,4. NEW PATTERNS. 4* -3+ MEN'S FINE AND WORK SHIRTS AT REDUCED PRICES . To the Farmers, See our big Stock of Dr. Hess' Stock Food, Poultry 1, Ire Panacea, Louse Killer, Etc. + Every Package Guaranteed. Money back if. not satisfactory. + DON'T FORGET TO VISIT THIS SALE •t T14. WURM Phone 140 Coal Ooa1j THE COLD DAYS ARE NOW HERE, AND WE ARE JUST .IN A FINE POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH JUST THE KIND OF FUEL BEST ADOPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS. WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY IN OUR HENSALL COAL SHEDS OF HARD AND SOFT COAL, AND ALSO CAN SUPPLY THE LOCAL CUSTOMERS FROM OUR NEW SHEDS IN ZURICH. Let Us sell You the very best coal obtainable at the lowest prices. Leave your order with us. • TRY OUR CONTINENTAL STOCK FOOD FOR HORSES, CAT- TLE, HOGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY, NONE BETTER ON THE MARKET TO -DAY WE HAVE MOST' CALLED FOR BRANDS OF CHOICE HOUSE- HOLD FLOUR, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED A NEW SEED CLEANING 1ViACHINE WHICHEVIS ANOTHER NO H BU 1NESS.LINE DDED TO OUR L. Schilbe &, Son. ssJlut isease,gesoloimi ieisei10 s, se ee`e bet► ewsia••• D;R1(SDALE. Marchand, has returned to Wirer Rothe in Tilbury, after spending r-stt taw days with her son, the Rev. .l 'ocher :147(.arehand at the Catholic `par- 9tonage. Via 1*he46 Gelinas of •the Goshen I�%nt spelt a few days last >iyeeic in the village with friends and relatives. Mrs. Chas, 3.. Bedard, who has be- en very ill with pneummnia, we are glad to report is recovering nicely. Mrs. Philip Te. Duaor fns had a vary, Alecessfui a:uilting bee one 'clay ;tis -I • !IOWAN. heavy draft horse tis - ng 5 yr:. old; 1 hes y theft mare 10 yrs. old; - Agricultural filly rising, 3 yrs, old; 1 Agrieulturnl colt rising 1 yr. -did; 1 driving horst: rising 2 yrs old by" Ledor•a; 1 driving mare risint 4 yrs old by Peter Moeo; 1 .driving olt rising 1 yr by Fedora. Cattle 1 :urbane cow 7 yrs, old, entl.y. due in ,April; 1. Durham cow rs yrs. �)lii due in Anril: 1 turban;. coax 5 rs. old date in May; 1 Durham cow. iVlr.'VV an "- Zurich, d nIr W. Miller �y ?RJENDLY CLY COPOPENIITI tvitii_FARLVIER4§ ere_a�_ ia_�pir_ or service' (and co-operation about:th ILA of Montreal which appcaLL,i stron ly to our_ 'armer,cu er ) Yoacorc1ia11y invited. to,'. Fall at this Banlond discuss) your financial problems with e_manag4er, BANK }F Ni NTELEAL� Established 1$i7 ri6ta1 Assets ► excess dot 82o,oa,o.c 1a 7 yrsold freshened 1 month; 1 cow 5 yrs. old milking; 1 Jersey cow 5 yrs old milking; 2 steers rising 2 yrs old; 6 heifers rising 2 yrs, old; 3 steers rising 1 yr; 2 heifers rising 1 yr; 1 calf 1 month old. PIGS -10 pigs weighing about 100 lbs. each. HENS --100 Rock pulllets layIMPing. LEMENTS-1VI.-H. binder 6 ft. cut nearly new; M. -H. mower 6 ft cut; M. -H. drill 13 hoe; M. -H. 10 ft. steel rake; M. -H. stiff tooth culti- vator; M, -H. bean cultivator and har- vester combined; land roller; Bissel disc; set diamond harrows; Wilkinson walking plow nearly new; Tudhope Anderson wagon; hay rack 16 ft; sugar beet rack 12ft; gravel box; set sleighs, 2 light wagons; pig rack ;steel tired buggy; Portland cutter; 2 bug- gy poles; cutter pole; pleasure sleigh; Clinton fanning • mill set 1000 lb. scales; grindstone, root pulper; feed cooker; Tluckeye oil brooder new; onion seuffler; 1 horse scufl'ler; onion screen; 28 -ft. extension laddeii, lawn mower, set breeching harness, set backbend harness, 0 collars; 10 tons mixed hay; 150 bushels oats 'suitable for seed; 25 hush.; seed barley; quare `iityoiv lumber; forks; shovels; hoes; witifl'le'tt'ees, neekyokes, and numer- ous other articles. • TERMS —Hens" Hay, Grain and all -Milne. of $1.0 and 'under 'cash; over thatthateamount'1 months credit on fur- nishing' approved "joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on cred- it amounts. •• Proprietor: Ross Love,I•uo rector: Wm: wS, Johnston, t le s 1, : g • tleorge .H, ;Milia, Auctioneer. FADA SPECIAL SIX BATTERYLESS OR WITH BATTERIES..31, Nobody is Lonel. y in FADA Homes!: WHAT do you like? Jima or grand opera? Fiddlers oa- Philadelphia Orchestra? Funny Recitations or i'olitic• al Speeches? Stock and Market Reports, News----'. Everything? 4 Yes, all Radios de offer this variety, bat FADA gets them! There' : „e difference! For good, sound, eayh e, eering reasoan. 1FADAsilone eau give you unlimited'choica,.. . FADA alono is years ahead in all your radio essentials... treeselectivity .t that brooks no interference from over.. lapping stations,---aeaperla,. ringing torte quality loaf range .clear and loud, Reliabilitythat doss not help. our repair business, but we •ere ;glad of that t We . soak*/ it up in aktrs sales of PJkOAf ;lea our beautiful table and 'console models, Naar PAD.,., prove itself Abe firmest radio safer afer;ed , . .•x b ostia. r H 4 Jr: .De !e� :brit :