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Zurich Herald, 1929-02-14, Page 8
NOM RUIRIC.111 .. u11111A>hA The Store with the Stock Startin SALE PRICES On Saturday Jan. 12 th WE Are Going To Put On An lines Extra Special Bargain Sale Contued on many of Winter Goods. We still have a large stock of Ladies, Mens' and Boys sweater coats on hand which are marked down to rock bottom prices come and see iigeo tomoseeimiesesiesodoe seeeiesee•s•sis•ss•emosss FOR THIS WEEK ONLY 4 STRING BROOMS, 2 for ..... ..... ............-........-.... 75c OYSTER SHELL per. Cwt. JELLY POWDER, 4 for SUGAR CRISP COOKIES, 2 lbs. for .. $.150 $.150 .... 25c .. ._.. 25c GINGER SNAPS, 2 lbs. for .............: ......25c PRUNES, 2 lbs. for D,Ae©fi'se44•444i4s4e d siiss•.ss•aameee•ss•ss••••••S••s OUR 1928 ACCOUNTS ARE READY AND WE WOULD. APPREC- IATE A PROMPT SETTLEMENT. ........,...23c 01/ G SOHO & SONS PrAtiLA Warted Phone 59 k ef.-'rr........,.., r , i r -..-r . .w rz ,-H.pr.II .... '+M>•++°€'+++'I'++++ f4<++ 4 ANNOUNCEMENT We have been appointed Agents direct for + T ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI- �`1 �PPET FOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; + CuIPARE IT WITH PROVEN PRODUCT OF I QUALITCE. A Y �D WHIPPET THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON 6'qr � IPPET S I X THE MARKET. A CAR WITH A 4. Knight REPUTATION 4+ WTWO illys I illys Knigyt THE FAMOUR PROVIDED VALVE +I. MOTOR. IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US + BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. 'A SATISFACTORY DEAL '4 ASSURED, BESIDES: I"WE GIVE . .YOU SERVICE" 4 II.Moasseau Zurich + r4.^ it 4 . +++4.44 1-1.4-i- . .4++++44++++++++4++++++++++. le ,_11..:ICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF: WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. iiiaii••••edPdes••••••sl••••00•••••00000 MMNA/; • NOW Is The Best Time TO PLAN YOUR SUMMER'S PROGRAM OF WORK, REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS 1 1 1 ID • LET US SHOW YOU THE BEST KINDS OF FENCING FOR THE FIELD, OR THE HOME LAWN FENCES. WE HANDLE THE BEST MONEY CAN BUY. IF YOU DECIDE TO DO SOME ROOFING OR EVE -TROUGHING. THIS YEAR, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE US AND GET OUR ESTIMATES, AS WELL AS SHOW YOU OUR GOODS. A NICE NEW PIECE OF FURNITURE IN THE HOME WILL AL- .. WAYS BE AN ATTRACTION AND APPRECIATIVE. WE 'CAN SUPPLY ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, AND THE PRICES ARE VERY ATTRACTIVE. '- If in need of new furniture,' dog, t forget; we have it! STADEI ZURICH - +CANT. D6AilH4siladoFMrAmilioo 11iloMIombe0 WE ARE GOING TO MARK DOWN ALL OUR DRY GOODS TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. We want to get rid of all our Fall and Winter Merchandise, and this is the best way to do it, give real bargains in Seasonable Goods, Which you will still need for the many cold days we are bound to have before Spring. • Below are only a few Prices mentioned: . , .' Which will give you an Idea of the Markdown. Men's Sweater Coats, Reg. $5.00 and $6.00 at ... _ ...... $3.95 Men's- Pullovers,.Reg. 4.00 at $2.95 Boy's Pullovers, Reg. $3.00 and $3.50 at ...... ..... $1.95 Men's Leather Mitts, Reg. 50c at 35c. Reg. 75c. at.......... 59c MenMen's Horse Hide Mitts, Reg. $1.00 and $1:25, pr. at 79c Men's Sheeplined Coats with strong; Cord cloth, Beay. ccsll. $13. $8.95 Men's and Boy's Underwear, Socks, Ties, Etc., at Greatly Reduced Prices Men's Heavy Work Socks, 75c at 59c. 50c at .............35c Women's and ChiIdren's Underwear, Sweaters, Hosiery, etc., all at a great discount. Women' Vests, Reg. 75c. and -$1.00, at 59c Women's Vests, Reg. 50c. at .. •.. 35c Bloomers at same low Prices. Ladies' Hose, Reg. $1.00 pr. at ..... 69c Prints, Ginghams, Bleached and Grey Cottons, Flannelettes at a Big Saving: Art Comforter, Sateen, Reg. 50c. at ................. ........... 39c Art Comforter, Chintz, Reg. 35c. at ... ........ 29c Art Comforters, Chintz, Reg. 25e at, .............................:.. 19c Yard Wide, Flannelette at per yard . ........... 18c ?1Chursda; , F`ebr& zi y 1«ilii. 19ZZZ 1 *4496.4.44+4444.9444441441464;416+444++414+144.4+144443/4144 • t + 4. + A few all wool Checkered Blankets, Blue, Rose, Mauve, Large Sizes at $9.95. White with Pink Or Blue Border at $8.95 A limited Quantity of 124 Flannelette Blankets at ... $1.98 Everything in Dry Goods Line will be sold for less. Come and. See! WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, FRESH STOCK Je W;MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE N O. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL n' a UREST To The DeLaval Users! Anyone wanting their DeLaval sep- arators repaired, are requested to bring the same to the shop of Mr. Louis A. Prang, on February 28th, when a man from the Company will be present, and make such repairs as is necessary. •Miss Rose Leibold spent the past week with relatives in Hensel). Mr. Harry Foster was a week -end visitor with his friend, Algert Lei - bold, of the Babylon Line. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender and son Archie, of Dashwood, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile. Mr. Cyrus Schoch, of Bridgeport, and who spent the largest part of the past season, working at his trade the carpenter trade, in. this vicinity left Iast week for his home in Bridgeport where he intends spending the bal- ance of the winter, after which he intends coming up here again for the summer. , ur Accounts Are now Ready And we would ask our Cus tomers owing us to kindly come and settle same • .4 4. • 4 + +i• i. .1. Johnston & Kathfleisch + Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 ?..+++++++++++++++++++444+41++++44-4-44++++++++4-41444-1-01 , Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance al Risk on Dee. 31, 1927, $22,585,785. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 , Rated: $4.50 per $1,000 for 3 years. E. F. Klopp-Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lidktnind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Zurich Library The annual meeting of the mem- bers of the Zurich Library was held on Tuesday evening, February 5th. The Treasurer's report showed a balance on hand of $47.40. The election of officers resulted as fol- lows: President, Miss 0. O'Brein, Vice -Pres., Mrs. G. Koehler; Secy- Treas., Miss F. Kalbfieisch; Board of Management, Rev. E. Tuerkheim, convener; Miss 0. O'Brein, Mrs. G. Koehler, Miss F. Kalbfleisch, Miss L. Faust., Mrs. J. Hey, Jr; Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer, Miss Eva Wiliams, Miss A. Johnston, Mr. H. Howald. Miss L. Faust was re -appointed librarian and was authorized to collect the memb- ership fees for 1929. It was decid- ed that the membership fees for 1929 remain at 50c per member for ad- ults and 25c per member for child- ren or 5c a book for adults and 2 books for 5c for children. Librarians Report for 1928 -Books in the Lib- rary: General Works, Religion and Sociology, 22 • Miscellaneous 11; Nat- ural ural Science 15:. (Juvenile) Books for Boys 34;. History 40; Biography 14' Geography and travels 36; Poet- ry and Drama .11; Literature 3; Fic- tion 500, Juvenile 107; Total number of Books in the Library 793. Books borrowed for home reading: Fiction 1144; Juvenile Fiction 297; Travel 5; History 11; Re"ligion 5; Poetry 5; Science 6; Biography 1; MiseeIlane- ous 1; Total 1475; Which is an incr- ease of 676' on last year; Books bought during the year: Fiction 42; Juvenile Fiction 16; Books donated by the Gov't 15; Total number of books put on .the shelves 73. Total Membership :to:, 1928, 105, which we are pleased to note is an increase of 11. -Miss L. Faust, Librarian. Mr. and Mrs. 3. C. Levy and fam- ily of Clinton, were recent.visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of the village, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Oswald, Bronson line. We are experiencing some real win ter weather the past week, with the mercury at times around the zero mark. But the weeks are slipping a- long and we notice to -day, Thursday, is the middle of February, and alre- ady we notice the sun getting warm- er, and the days much longer 11 In the Magistrate's Court. . "Professor" Peter McKenna, a travelling phrenologist, charged .with getting money from twe women. at Exeter on false pretences, was ar- rested at Toronto and appeared be- fore Magistrate Reid 'at Goderich It appears that the "Professor" under- took, . to prescribe, for the . women, who were not in good health, and got $10 a piece from •them, but failed to live up to his end of the . bargain. He was allowed to go on suspended sentence on payment of the costs and Making restitution. For ' stealing chickens Edward Mason and- Charles Bell, of Goderich were sentenced to one mon- th in jail, this sentence to take eff- ect at the conclusion of the term . of One . month each , of them is •serviing for intoxication. A conviction und- er the Inland Revenue Act was Made on ,Friday last, when Frank Berry of Colborne Township, was fined $500 acid costs for havinga still. In de- fault' of payment of the fine Berry is serving a term of six months. A Base from Exeter was before the Magistrate, when Stanley Loree, hail- ing front Brant,county, being shark- • eel with the theft of Chickens and FredSmith, of +Exeter!,, with receiving the chickens knowing that they had, been stolen. Each of them was given. a inonth in jail, where chickens will. trot be on the menu. Safe and Dependable WHEN YOUR INVESTMENTS CONSIST OF VICTORY BONDS, HURON AND ERIE DEBENTURES, OR CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES, YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON THAT YOUR INTEREST WILL BE PAil TWICE A YEAR ON A CERTAIN DATE, AND THAT YOUR PRINCIPAL IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. PLAY SAFE AND PROVIDE FOR A REGULAR INCOME Any Sam over $100 will be accepted on a H. & Erie Debenture .or a Canada Trust G.M.C. for cane"to Five years. INTEREST TWICE A YEAR AT 44. Per Cent. you Invest --INVESTIGATE± Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID REGULARLY FULL INFORMATION GIADLY GIVEN �} APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME you Invest ---INVESTIGATE i drew F. Hess, - Zuricb You MADE YOUR WILL? Before !SII MY MOTTO;-BSRVICE AND AA NTMI Have Whats the Use Buying cheap medicines. Get Mrs Sybilla 'Spahr's Tonsilitis for head Colds, Catarrah, Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis, EnIarged and dis- eased Tonsils and all Throat Troubl- es. Absolutely, Guaranteed. Sold at W. C. Wagner's GrocerT, • JOET FORD " Drugless Praction. eer and Optician MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 SQ1T8 EDITS no the man who regards a well dres$e ap pearance, we . recom.m.endyou ` to come and look over our fine range oit NEW FALL SUITINGS A GIIARANTAR SATISFACTION OR molar. Nl4.iillit., ,1 REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH MR, RBST OF 'LININGS. AND TRIMMINGS. CALLED (*ADE t • i'.al' ' R�RAS. 'I BEAD AGENT FOR THE WELL KNOWN l URE CLOTHES-- l"ORNE IA H. 1IjOFFMAIV IIR ANT TAILOR, W. $, llikOFFILIN H $oiMy "ilia heaps to, f AND fH1��THitAA1:. 'DiBrHf�T011� , I>ralr us toga P