HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-02-14, Page 3...,,,, • nmr..91.114.11F A 'Wining News Service For Readers of This Page Former Financial Editor of the "Toronto Globe", Mr, L. J. Moore Will Contribute Exclusive Weekly Letters to this Page and Will Answer Enquiries CONSERVATIVE INFORMATION 13y L, J. MOORE We are very pleased to toll the readers of this page that Sdr. Lloyd T. Moore, miniug andfinancial expert of note, will contribute a weekly letter to this page. Mr. Moore had a long and successful connection in the nesys- paper field as financial editor of the "Torouto Globe". He is now a member of the Standard Stock and Mining Exchange of Toronto and has visited all the chief mining centres of Canada; he.brings te you a wealth of personal Steowledge which should be of keen interest and extreme value. Mr. -Moore has agreed to answer in these columns any legitimate enquiries 011 mines and mining investment' problems, and we trust the readers will avail themselves of this attractive opportunity to acquaint themselves with Canada's vital growing industry. THE SITUATION TO -DAY High-prieed stock s have been the principal money-makers in the ,Can- adian mining market for the last year or more. The experience of purchas- ers ef low-priced shares bas been tn.- satisfactory on the whole. The same situation seems likely to continue in greater or less degree during . the coming months. Nickel International Nickel has been the most spectacular performer during January. Its present price has dis- counted the future several years in advance. Its chief sponsors, notably in Montreal, are pred:cting confident- ly that much higher prices will be reached. Recent performances of the stock lend color to their views. The strong Montreal group is easily cap- able of obtaining its object, in the meantime the Frood Mine is develop- ing swonderful.."Ly at depth. Noranda • ' Noranda Mines is second in market interest. The news of *a proposed offering of Rights has had a detri- Member of the Standard Stock and mental rather than a beneficial effect Mining Exchange, who will contribute b this ' Probably to this page and answer mining M R. LLOYD J. M To Trap the Wolrd's Melodies required a the best =get possible for I"' II" 41 the tesk of enforcing the laws. ishing rAward's "A hatchery and rearing -pond or- Screen Aids ganization 031 a par with those the special committee saw operating in Kirig George New York, Pennsylvaula and NOW jer- the $100,000,000 worth of touriste. la I Covered With not just our Ontario sportemen, but Famous Screen Photographs of Notables of Last Thirty Years Years Entertained Sick Monarch 00Y. Ana big enough to look after the fishing season, Ontario has a much greater population than appears in the omens tabes. Ontario may have an oven greater fishing population than New :York State. It needs some in- telligent figuriug. Let's Be Ready for a Row "Let. all us anglers in the provinee start eating cheese and lobster and:George's illness a folding srceen was pies and other rick foods that will I used between Ms bed and the door make us testy and irritable so as to to avoid any chance at a draught be ready and willing to stage a real! reaching him when the door was deemestratioa if the government! open, Recently a screen that was comes out this session with the same ' one of the prized possessions of King old dither about 'rousing public Edward was substituted for the screen opinion' and 'educating the back- first up le the room. woods to the great value of our wild This screen is a four -fold one made resources.' It is too bad there is not of rosewood and is completely cov- a Hanna in the Legislature in these •ered with autographed photographs of times who woeld be the leader in this by -gone celebrities collected by King composer of Rose Marie, The Vagabond King and other musical successes, matter and bo ten years ahead of hie Edward. The screen. was put 111 King circling the globs search of insairatioa. for a new work. With his folding time. There is no economic question George's bedroora as it was thought the world cruise on her, searching India, the Orient and other points in the before Ontario to -day as important as , it would interest him to look at it. babYeupright, he joined the Empress of Australia at Monaco and will make mystic east, for new and haunting, melodies which win later be sung and I the saying of .thoee things whiele at- 1 The King at that time was unable hummed and whistled the width and dength oi the globe. to read or even to listen. or talk to tract $100,000,000 every year into the THIRTY YEARS WORK London—In the early days of King TI • rl I will so'on have another symphony! Rudolf Friml, the noted province. There is no bigger question ally one. How to give the King some uitia To Fish or Not To Fish? hirielf with, as great as Hydro or that a man can make a monument to • anything else, than ,the preservation distraction was one of the dlfiiC of his ease. The screen has an interesting his- tory. It took King Edward over thirty years to completely cover the This Question Must Be Answeredfor future generations of our es e 1 ness against the terrific eneroaehment , I of an absolutely unguided and uncon-1 screen with photographs. He con. Ontario People Will No Longer Be Put Off With Disinterestedi trolled tourist traffic." 1 eeived the'idea of making his collec. Members—Wake Up! the Provincial Government • Such then is the matter as it etands. America and was the guest of Presi- dent James Buchanan. The President A VITAL QUESTION • 1 affected forget politics and join' forces for real effective legielation-- autographed photograph and it was for a real substantial appropriation tion of *Photographs when lie visited "Passing the Buck" Action On the Part of 'tionsi gave the then Prince of W'ales hie • 1 Jt's time the men from the sec For years the quiet fisherman, the to \ ardent angler and the incoming tourist long has asked the question, "Where are 'er wealthy in fewest and game.' for a worth -while department to look the realization that we ai no after aur birthright. Education Without a Syllabus They can forget politic,s, for, the •Lhe Parliament Buildings in Toronto i "This is like saying 'let us educate 1 appropriation Is set aside, good Con - they biting?" The 'recent meetiege at i ; brought 'forward little real depart- Inv heathee, but we can't bother about I servatives will benefit by good jobs—I of Wales to continue putting the pho- tive utterance was concerned. . I masters: For four years the organ- I business, and our province will bene -I Presidents cm the screen, but the hope tographs of succeeding American Mental interest in so far as authoetta-!missionaries and schools and school -1 good Grits will benefit by increased' Now is the time for the members lized anglers have been doing nothing I fit by being made more attractive to: i was not realized. from Ontario County, Grey, Brace, else than survey the condition of af- I ourselves and our guests from over 1. 'When the Civil War broke out it SPORE Simcoe, Muskoka, Parry Soimd, the fairs. Thirty-five bodies have merged! the border, The only way to make 1 was unquestionable that the syn - Victories, Renfrew and all our north- into the Ontario Federation al the one hinelrea million dollars two 1 pathies of England, or at, an events of erly ridings to awake to the oppor- •• ' - Nowgovern- 1 • dollars is e si the idling classes, were with the Anglers what is the hundred million to re-toel-‘ on e ma , tunity they have of making a real stir 1 nent going to do to create the basis i our streams, license our anglers—, South, and there seems little doubt merely temporary. Noranda has been enquiries. Mr. Moore is prominent in on the floor of the House. of education? It loft. schoolmasters local if need be and foreign—and; that the then Prince or Wales :shared earning at the ate of clese to $3.00 conservative mining investment : It doesn'•t matter how Much the Ive need firet for a situation like this. properly patrol our holiday lands with 1 their sympathies. annually on returns from a single circles. --- Government does, or plans to do, On ' Firet eve have got to send in doctors • Sufficient, efficient, properly trained i At the conclusion of the war it was one of the first to be put on the screen In close proximity to the photograph Buchanan are photographs of Em- erson and Oliver Wendell Holmes, woom the Prince met in Arneriea. It was the hope cif the then Prince reverberatory unit. Sinking of the behalf of eestocking our lakes and ., and engineers to save the remnant. 1 wardene, garbed in a dignified and 1 the Prince's intention to write to new No. 4 shaft is proceeding. It will market :attention recently. The de- streams:, they will not do half enough , I once to keep order. After that mis-i suitable livery of office, whose duties 1 President Lincoln for his photograph, can be made to cover enough divers -1.n but the Prince was advised feat it be completed and. equipped for hoist- fled endeavor to be practical, and in -1 would not be diplomatic to do so, as ing ore in the letter part of this year. At the 'present time No. 3 shaft pro- teres•ting enough to attract the right I there was a nossibility of his request men. By this is meant care of our 1 being refused. No. 1 furnace has been shut dowm for vital question.. I which did not come to Ontario to see 5 1 D -- ' 1.' - ' 11 1 a d game fi e prevention, water polution inspection and, generally, po- of a President of the United States The next autographed photograph vides insufficient hoisting capacity; big, broad, open-handed stand on tine "Last season the tourist traffic, repairs, and No. 2 furnace has been Writing for his column, "Rod and its tall buildings and marvellous fac- lice duties that require brains and to reach Buckingham Palace was that duction figures have decreased. Im- the matter fairly and squarely as ,it: ers, left hen $100,000,000 cash. More to handle as they should be of President Wilson, who gave his biomes in. As:a result the current pro- Line," In the Toronto Daily Star, puts tories but to see its woods and wat- provement is expected as No. 2 fur- appears to all those conversant With than mines produced, more than ape 1 handled. ability photograph. to Ring George when he mace works in. It is expected that be approximately 1,833,000 shares of the .situa.tiou. He says as follows: culture! Our greatest asset!, se • was the sovereign's guest after the Noranda will show itself capable of the total authorized c:apital of 6,000,- "Perhaps the mos•t interesting as- "If a business house had ale asset New Method of WWI% earning well over $5.00 a share mutt_ 000 shares remaining in the treasury._ pect of .the gathering of anglerseethat produced $$00,000,000 per annum, i This screen with the extensiese gal - ally with two furnaces in operation. This should be approximately suffl- guides and tourist traffic interests at how much of that income would be • Fighting Weeds • lery of photographs affixed to it Con - At the ' rate the Horne Mine is de- cient to bring the mine into produc- the Parliament Buildings last week to set aside for depreciation? Ten per stitutes an interesting pictorial story veloping the doubling of present tion in a big:way. meet the special •committee on game cent., five, two? i smelter capacity seems justified. The Mandy has not received much mar- fish was the amount of space given to "Two per cent. is dangerously low, • forthcoming annual report will be ket attention recently, but it is due to it by all Toronto newspapers. even in a business that has no visible most conservative. For those who reach its 1025 foot objective in shaft „Two years ago the question of depreciation. But our forests and *have the patience to hold this stock sinking and commence lateral work on game fish was of so little interest it wild life are amongst the most perish - we have no doubt they•will realize up- three levels hy about March lst. Only was almost impossible to get a line able things on earth. The history of wards of $100.00 a share. The retire- ri, small amount of crosscutting will be about our work into any but one of America proves -it. the Toronto dailies, "How much do we spend in Ontario "Now it makes the front page of Per annum on our game and fish? them all. Less than half a minion!' And that • ' • includes the salaries of deputy minis- velopment and _exploratory work has unless they are forced by public yielded some surprisingly good .ec-I opinion in the form of members' ex - sults, especially on recently acquired: preseions, publicity made, to take a Claims, situated along the mineral- • - ized break. Sherritt will undoubtedly be. productive of big tonnage. It 'may eventually rival the File Flon. It has plenty of cash on hand for some time ahead and there is =del:stood to sionaries and schoolmasters can do something,. A Hundred Million Asset. of over thirty years of Ring Edwards life and is likely to recall to Ring George many incidents of his younger days. There is a photograph of three young boys taken at Windsor Castle. The eldest boy was then William, Crown Prince et Germany, now ex. Raiser. The other two boys were Duke of Clarence. - King George andLis brother, flit Osaka Is Largest Oriental City, With 2,333,800 Population Osaka, JapaneOsaka, the industrial cpeianctere aosf Jthaepaeunsmilia•er,gleisats criettya.ined its; that does not injure fertility of the soil for approximately two years after ainl The latest government estimates Although. the roots frequently fill 8filitenetande niteotoirotiliosmh °Tido% plication, and often indefinitely. Westelfl the soil to a depth of four feet, bind- when the capital was wrecked by the weed, literally taking whole fields 1923 earthquake. The figures are: Kansas, has been entirely killed in Osaka, 2,3$3,300, and Tokio, 2,213,40(1. patches treated with sodium chlorate.i The two cities thus rank far ahead Applied he the late fall, the chemical! of any in the Orient, and the Sap - has destroyed Canadian thistle in New i anese press claims for them sixth anti York without impairing productivity 1 seventh places, respectively, among of the soil. In Indiana a solid patch the cities of the world, behind Lou don,New York, Berlin, Paris and Chicago. Recent figures, however, show that Buenos Aires, Philadelphia snent of the $2,500,000 bonds held by necessary to reach the favorable zone. Hollinger is a constructive piece of Sufficient encouragement was en- countered on upper levels to make ex- Theinancing. pioration at depth decidedly interest - Manitoba FieldA Hint of Bad ing. Reflection of this program on ii gs tars, stenographers, anti no end of • e the market is not unlikely. The stock "Those of us who attended this meet- thiegs besides hatcheries and game Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting is in very strong shape. It looms up - • nas been dragging recently at around ing who have had past dealings with wavens. as one of the most attractive Can- $1.25, The,operation is well financed governments somehow got an impres- What Is Expected adieu mining ventures from the in -1 and very capably handled from a iso not ill omen at this gathering. "What anglers expect our of this venters standpoint. The shrewd and The committee itself said nothing. powerful group bolding control of this eonpany have said unofficially that the Flin-Flon earninge in the mining standpoint. The Smaller Issue Wright -Hargreaves is now, looking first six years operations will be suf-better after an unusually- tempestu- ficient to meet the entire capital ex- ous market career during the past penditures. Its ore reserves are esti- twelve months. Mill heads were not mated to be in eocess of 20 much above $6.00 during the final tons. The company is in an wassail- quarter of 1928. )3tillion returns were able financing position with over also low. Profits' were approximately $16,000,000 in cash to meet the des $18,000 in October and about $14,000 velopment and equipment require -lin both November and December. The ment before starting production. Sven I mine is looking definitely better, how- aficr expenditure of chase to $6,-1 ever. The downward continuation of 000,000 for power development tst the vein encountered in the north Island Falls, Saskatchewan, there willj workings in the direction of the Sy).- sal.: a 'We cannot count on govern- ealasei them ineffective old men or local jests. be left more than ample funds for vanite boundary looks like extremely meg action. Edueation is our sme;ter consteuetion, mine develop -1 good ore. This vein has been en- tion. We must educate the country but a cons of 200 or as many as are pedal survey made by the committee Hon. Findley Maediamid, C. N. Can- ede, Prof. B. A. Bensley and Prof. W. •a're J. K. Harkness sat at the head 'of the ontile still see rapt:ritiagetC1)/ room facing 200 selected and highly *go‘'‘''Aerls3;lesaell the situation as regards depletion of interested members of the angling brotherhood, guides, hotel owners, 01,1,tAarelaTelsvraotc1;1(Ti.ng svillingness of the commercial fishermen and sundry government to spend much larger sums than 'half a million a year on game and fisheries. ".A man-sieed berm. or biological board to study from the scientific side the question of saving what is left of fishing in Ontario. "Not. 75 game wardens, many a others, and never said a word. "But Hon. William epeak- ing in the absence of Hon. Charles McCrea, made those few remarks which make us feel that the buck is about to be passed as it has been passed for the last hundred years. He snent, townsite and other nee-ls. The: countered at both the,1500 and 1750 • management has a far-sighted pro.'ilOot levels. At the former horizon it gram. It has been most reticent. was OA feet wide and assayed $48.00. about mine development, which is No returns wee available yet about iman'n however to be most tameable. values and average widths at the 1750 It is estimated that there is enough foot, but it is understeod that the ore • ore to be obtained by glory -holing to looks comparable both in quality and pro ide molter feed for the projected' quantity with toe level above. The 3,000 -ton mill for at least ten years.' management Seems to be sanguine Hudson Bay will undoubtedly earn that it has the makings of a new mine market recognition of its assured below the faulted zone. Lake Shore earning power in due course. The has secured wonderful ore recently stock should be held for substantial very close to the Wright -Hargreaves appreciation in the weitee's opinion,!boundary. All thess• things combine • This conclusion is reached after seto make the Wright:Hargreaves sit-, curing, the beat information obtain- uation look more cheerful, especially able, and after making a personal, for those who are williog to held visit to the property in Northern1 their stock for some time. Manitoba. It has been holding stead -1 The situations. at Teck Hughes omit fastly around $21,00 -recently. • Lake Shore are Qxeoptiopaliy good , Sherritt-Cordon. has craned mucli! arid these will be:outlined in succeed.- ing articles if the correlation of mine the writer meet a responsive audience. In the meantime requests for infor- .AVANTED Illation on Canadian miming subjects will be cheerfully answered in order Acialommuzikess developments and =Act opinions of Local Representative Responsible reproSentative Matt- ed in:this community to. repre- .recoiPt as far *as space pelnlas• sent an incorporated Ontario Address your Coquilles to Mr, conmaey, To the right man Moore, 10 Jordan' Ste, Toronto, and who has the proem. connection a your letter andtanewer will appear in very attractive propomition will Mt early, issue, be made. • • • .44 \ • tereee alimony and bigamy?" "Ali. Apply by letter to W. E. Smith, Manager, 11(18 BLDG., TORONTO 2 .48••••••... "'fey, Pop, what's the differeSee be- inonY is 'keeping a woman apart. "And bigamy?" ' ",Bigainy is keeping two ,r,,;..-41.-•star1.,"..... • .0=00'44. - . • Sodium Chlorate Utilized to Combat Quack Grass and Other Farm Weeds Washington.—Quack grass, with the possible exception. of Canadian thistle, the most notorious of all weeds, is be- lieved to have a new and powerful enemy in sodium chlorate, a chemical which tests have shown will Rill both roots and tops of the plant. The idea. ot tilling weeds with chemicals is old, agriculturists explain, but heretofore none has been found of months later the ground was lige and ready for seeding, Because sodium chloral° is -explo- sive if thoroughly dry .and mixed with and Moscow all would contest this Rue material the Kansas experimental I -claim station has made tests which indicate; A feature of the 9-x 1 r esee figures is the that magnesium or calcium (Norge, rapid advance of Nagoya, a booming neither of which has au explosive ten -I -industrial centre, which has S70,000 dency, may be expected to give as I inhabitants and is growing at the rat' good results as sodium ehlorge. .1 of more then 50,000 a year. Next in Quack grass, 'Mitch first attracted order come Kyoto, Robe and Yoko - serious attention about 1S37 when it I hama, all above the half -million mark, was noticed in gardens in the vicinity of Philadelphia, probably is a native of Europe. It is known by vedette Pa ch grass, WI regrass, couch- ' grass and othere—and le a vigorous With tiny tugs panting in theie efforts to nose the twenty-thoueandet011 Canadian Tactile liner Duchess Of Anion into:the :stream, 350 passengere left NesveYork recently on a'"Oruise of Contrasts" that will take them to twenty portiejii the Weet indiee, South Ameeica, Afritet, Egypt, Italy, Monavo and IT'rano.e. • This is the 860611(1.8011t11 Anierlea-Afieca cruise by a Canadian Prteitio ship. Last year it was undertaken by the Earipress of France, the first ship ti lonely fqltind ot 'Tristan de Cunha successfully. The visit to at g t The bappieet people are those who • il isolated ItipOt IS One Of 00 most romantic episodes in the lives o t Cheating But it 4s as impossible for a man tEl be cheated by anyone but. himself, as and widely disirilmted in cool, moist the ;mine time.--Einerson. for a thing to be and not to be, at Perennial related to common wheat enrages, probably causing more mom- -- lary beesthaueny other ,hi -,le speries! • 1 enefit by of plant. On small erne it :sometimes is de -1 stroyed by hand digging or smothered 1 with lar paper. It may be allowed to 1 form a sod which is plowed under din' - Ing dry, bot weather tend the subse-1 (pent crop followed by a emother trop I of some -heavy, dense growth. Self Patience By thine own emirs law, learn to live; And it num thwart thee, take no heed, Anti if men hate thee, have no care— Sing thou thy son•g, and pray thy prayer, And 'claim ito crown they will not giro. tO OrtliSerS, and li711011 110 tet111;11 tO 'Canada they will hale , t being anion 1110, soyen. Inindred non -seafaring- peovie eve to have tlylt are so busy they don't have time to think about -whether they are or not. r itno wiedge- Our (nose assoelation with the mining industry and etock notr- Itet operations places us in position- to be of real hells to you. Why not benefit by our knowl- edge and communicate with this „office when you need assistance concerning mining Market prob- lems? Wright, Wilson & Austin STOOK BROKERS 'Members Standard Stock add :Irving x eh a og Ground Floor EL e;ii 1279 #51 KING 61".. W. 141ONTO