HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-02-14, Page 1ZURICH ER Vol. XXIX No31 ZURICH. THURSDAY,, MORNING, FEBRUARY 14 1929, L Minster Smith, Pah;UAW 11145 "rI ASS . 8.50 IN ARREARS, MAY BR ORA)'iOMM Advertising is the big medium between Buyer and Seller. Try an Ad. • 1BARGAINS BARGAINS f , e .• t Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which. I am. retailing far be- E i `: low Catalogue prices get your's at • Special Price $12.50 large size ;/ c a 4 • • FRED• THIEL - ZURICH �••••••••••*••••�•.•••••••• ♦•••••••••••••••••••••.!A 1 • 0 • FREE Moving Pictures BIG DEMONSTRATION The New Pontiac BIG SIX. At TOWN HALL, ZURICH On Wednesday Evening, February 27th At 8 O'clock. Come and enjoy this rare treat of Free Moving Pictures of the NEW PONTIAC, a Big Six in the low price field, and in a class by itself, and be- sides the pictures are exceptionally good. Everybody come. No Admission GIDEON KOEHLER ••••••••esosea• sae••••R• AGENT ZURICH • —i SEASON! MI At Browns' Boots Shoop 1 •0 Women's GIosbette iso 'afferent ilerent styles and color Special at 2.45, 2.35 0 Miss' and ChildrensT Gloshet e, Specialat $1.95 • Womens' Felt and Boadeur 'Slippers, Reg. 1.75, Special 85c Womens' Fen. Liked Boos, .Special at :,$1.95 Men's and Children's Felt Slippers, •Special at _........ BSc Men's Rubber Boas, Reg. $5.00, Special $3.95 Men's High Gum Rubbers, Reg. $5_00, Special .. . $3.65 Men's Gum Rubberas x:.$4_00, Special » - - .• ..... „ $2.,95 Boy's Gum Rubbers, $3.50, Special .. $.2.45 Youth's Gum Rubbem. Special .$1. `' Men's Felt GamRu s, Imo. 4:50, Sprecial. 43.25 O • • 0 • • Men's 1, 2, 3, Bum Owes at cost frown. $1.95 op fn .....53.45 • Men's Dongal Blucher, fid: Linen, Reg. $'6.56 :S +e r l.:t :$+4,:25 Men's. Felt, BaP., Leat.. rr Soled, Sale $n2.#5 Men's and Boys Feat wase :Slippers :at 8Sc. and .$L4s- Experts in Vuka>mizimg Ssiles on Your Rubbers. Rang ve r ICripatiring. See OurWiadow Display THIS MEANS BARGAINS, AND .MORE BARGAINS, The like of which you've never seep: before. 'Our 'Whole Steck as Involved. Nothing is het& ba ek. &ere are .only a few of the enaso.y "Sues. COME DT .AND :SEE 'FOR VOURSEL - Brelwais B22t ShopW >11 „„,„ • fieeseeseeeasecaoseeeeseeN• ••••••• p • • 0 • • 1 t 44.44#441444444441444 mime►ar•o•t•**•.••••*••••e••••re • •. • • a 4' •i Special Pri.ces On all OVERCOATS ,I JNDERWEAR SWEATERS GLOVES .MITTS SOCKS AND SUITS r ,a O 4 L:W,1EOFPX' GASOARKS eta OW= t�. 45V+‘,0 <r SCHOOL REPORT Of S. S. No. 6, Hay, for the mon- th of January. Sr. III --Martha Foster 983; Doris Greb 976; Olive Witmer 962; Ken- neth Greb 658; Alvin Gingerich 513; *Louis Farwell 279. Jr. III--Winnifred Battler 971; Or- lando Battler 863; Gladys Gingerich 561. Sr. II --Joe Hoffman Gingerich 331. Jr. II A. --Grace Wein 767; Anth- ony Hoffman 641; Irene Foster 506. Jr. II B. --Rose Hoffman 568; *Fred Farwell 142. Sr. Primer --Ruth Witmer 320; Neil Gingerich 91. Jr. Primer --Leonard Hoffman 260; Lennis Gingerich 113, Albert Hoff- man 91. * missed exams. No. on roll 21. ance '17.36. Grace E. 558; Lorne Average attend - Pepper, Teacher. BORN Surerur—At Victoria Memorial Hos- pital, Toronto, on Saturday, Feb- ruary 9th, 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Surerus, 450 Brier Hill Ave., Toronto, a daughter, (Margaret Canada's Debt Decreases Canada's net debt has been de- creased by $63,789,157 during the first ,five months of the present fisic- ial year. On March 31st last the net debt totalled $2,347,834,370, while this contribution towards the decre- asing of the net debt is $14,000,000 more than the corresponding period period last year. Your New Radio Seta You want the best radio for your money. Come in, see it and hear it Ythen you'll -want -to -own' :a.Kolster. E. OESCH, Agent Zurich, Ont. "All that you seek in. ItadSio" • Kw' °3 i . Vii. r.r.= Mr. C. Fritz made a business trip to Exeter .on Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. H. Cowen is visiting relati- ves and friends in Fergus, Kitchener and 'Guelph. • Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon en- tertained to a fowl dinner on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Beers, who spent the winter months in Zurich, intend leav- ing on Thursday for Buffalo, where they will be a few weeks, returning to Zurich in the spring. Mr. Alex. Voisin, who has recent- ly disposed of his hotel property, kn- own as the Dominion Hotel, is having an •auction sale of the hotel effects on Saturday, January 23rd, and has a great many real good articles to offer to the public at this time. The many friends of Mr. Hilton Truemner of the 14th Con., will be pleased to learn that be has recover- ed sufficiently from his recent oper- ation for appendicitis, at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, to return to his home on Friday last, where he is con- vascent. The Late Ernest J. Bender the passing of Ernest J. Bender at his home, Blyth, on January 31st; in his 57tb year, Huron County, as well as Blyth and the community in k=h 'y ):�k�'+ resided. loses one of its fore most men, whose ambitions and ideals were not centered on self, but who was broad, and clear-cut in his views, and always found something to do in helping others, and truly was a man "Who roved,his neighbor as himself." The late Mr. Bender was ill only a very short time, being a sufferer from an attack of spinal meninjitis, and re- gardless of what medical aid could do for him, he succumbed to his et- ernal reward, or God called him to join his better Angels. Born In Hay Township in November, 1873, on the 14th Concession, where he spent his early life, when about 15 years of age he responded to the earnest call of his Master and was converted in the 14th Concession Evangelical ch- urch, under the pasorate of Rev. T. Hauch, and faithfully kept these sac- red vows, as few keep them, till his departure. When 17 years of age he started 'as an apprentice in the mercantile store of Mr. Jacob Keller- man at Dashwood, where he was a faithful employee for 12 years, when he went to Blyth and started in bus- iness for himself, and continued till his departing, and truly God has seen fit to have him prosper in material things as well as in spiritual growth. Deceased was an outstanding member of Queen St. United Church, Blyth, and started this line, of work first as a S. S. teacher; and then Superintend- ent, which latter position he held up to the last. Was also for many ye- ars Recording Steward and Treasur- er of this church. He was one of the foremost men in the London Confer- ence of the United Church. Also held the responsible position of President of the County of Huron Social Ser- vice Council of Ontario, besides tak- ing a keen interest in his town's wel- fare, being president of :the local Horticultural Society and done much in beautifying Blyth along this line. The departed leaves to mourn his loss, his sorrowing widow, one son Ed win, one foster -son Harry. Baker, one sister, Mrs. Lydia Pfile of Zurich, and one brother, Mr. Ezra Bender of Dashwood, and one half brother, Mr. W. H. Pfile of Hensall. The funeral took place from his late home 'Blyth on Saturday, February 2nd to the Blyth Union Cemetery for interment. Services were held in Queen St. Un- ited church, which was filled to cap- acity. • Ceremony being conducted by Rev. Dr. Barnby and Rev. A. C. Tiffin. Rev. G. Weir, pastor of St. Andrew's United Church Blyth and Rev. W. R. Alp of Auburn, repres- enting the Presbytery of Huron, Rev. Tiffin, of Wheatley, a former pastor was also present. Vary sympathetic remarks were made by these various rninisters. Mr. Stanley Sibthorpe sang "'The Old Rugged Cross" in a very touching manner, The floral tributes were many and expressed the feeling of much sympathy, SAVE THE PIECES WE CAN DUPLICATE YOUR BRO- KEN LENSES ACCURATELY Let Us fill your next Optical Pres- cription.. We carry the Newest .in Frames and Lenses and can Save You some Real Money. Hess, The Jeweller CQA11 NOW IN YARDS ft EIGHT CAR LOADS 1 OF HIGH GRADE FUEL 1 Scranton AiiiinCitt Minehead. Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS CCo{Inteicaaiis HENSALL O T Phones—Office low. How* MSc, The Business Built By Ser'vios �, ^'r�•F•>o�4•Cdr•fi••!••i•�••�.•i•sr+E•fi••I•�••b•A•i�rII••l.•g•I.q,.t.•i,.l..g•�.•L.;.� •1.•g.�••I..I•; �r�g..;••fh»':�.-"s �� Clear + ++4 ++++++ F++++++++•1+•+•++i*{++ +*++++++4 ++++4++++-1 i •/t - All lines of Rubber - wear, Socks, Felt Shoes art Slippers at Cut Prices WE REPAIR AND RE -SOLE RUBBER BOOTS AND GOLASIS Repairing done With the Best Material Last the longest. 4.+4.4-3.4-4-4-4•+++++4•+++++÷+÷÷ •1•+++4-4-4•444•4 +++4+..s"•4-+ + 1927 Chevrolet 4 door sedan, upholsteringa paint and tires like. new, At a Bain 1928 Essex 4 -Door Sedan, gone only 4000 rules, can"t be told. from new. See this car if you want a bargain in a 6 cylinder ca 1927 Ford Coach in real good condition, front and rear brunpae.s,, tires, etc., perfect. 1926, 1926, 1926, Three good Ford. Coaches, upholstering not worn or soiled, and all running tire. Priced as lost. $300, 1927 Ford Coupe, Original Tires, are like new, Equipped with. bumpers, speedometer, and many other extras.. This car looks and runs like new. 1923 Ford Coupe, a Bargain. 3 BUGGIES FOR. SALE CHEAP. See Our used cars and compare condition and prices with ofilzers C FRITZ & SON FORD DEALERS AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A DEQ ONSTRATI ON! SECOND HAND FORD FARTS AT HALF PRIOR ion • • • • Bargains Bargains IN ORDER TO REDUCE OUR STOCK, WE ARE MAKING, A BIG REDUCTION ON ALL OUR DRY GOODS, SHOES,, R.E.-- BERS, ETC., ETC, 35 cent Prints, at per yard ....... .{ 30c. Prints, at per yard 3:5c Ginghams, at per yard 30c Ginghams, at per yard ....,,, 25c,,Ginghams, at per yard 20c Ginghams, at per yard 35c. Broadcloth, at per yard ... . , ........ ... ,. „Mt 35c Mackinaw, Flannel, at per yard . » .. . ..... . .. . .... ...it TOWELINGS, COTTONS, SHIRTINGS, COT'TONADES., FLAN NELETTES, SWEATER COATS, WINDH EARERS„ PULLO' ERS, WOOL SUITS FOR. Clu DRE 1•, ETC., RTC. agif R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERONAillir PHONE 11 «, 97 1131.44417