HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-01-17, Page 84 IOW *tem. The Store with the Stock Mid - Winter Clearing Sale Op ening Day Saturday Jan. 12 Closing Day Sat. Jan. 26th TFIIS CLEARING SALE IS AN ANNUAL EVENT WITH US AND AFFORDS YOU AN OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SEASON- ABLE GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. WE OFFER YOU NO I QUALITL GOODS AT ALL TIMES, AND CARRY A LARGE ANN WELL ASSORTED STOCK AND WHEN WE SAY CLEARING SALE WE MEAN IT. . Read hlo?e our Large Posters and learn about this Big Money Saving Event. J. GASCHO & SONS rOduLE Wanted Phone 59 .ZURICT .HERALD Starting On Saturday Jan. 12 th WE Are Going To Put On An Extra Special Bargain Sale Ga'''�"`d[.'¢'.'i"�i.�.'p.p'�.'g"g..�"q"p..iC.3"i'°4..3'.4..4.N.'f'.�.'g..i. i"}'.j"§"1"`�'.�.'�"#"�"g'.j"�.'g"�"�"�"j�' j.:•'g"II. � ANNOUNCEMENT We have been appointed Agents direct for T 4. • r Ut'.ICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF + TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF .+1. WILLYS .OVERLAND LTD. ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - V' HIPPE T . SOUR CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; + CO]'1PARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY + S THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON + WHIPPETSIX THE MARKET. A CAR W1TH A + SOUND REPUTATION + TWO MODELS, PROVIDED WITH I �V111yS -Knight TWO FAMOUR SLEEVE VALVE + MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEB US + BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. :A SATISFACTORY DEAL + ASSURED, BESIDES: -• - + "WE GIVE . YOU SERVICE" 4. + + H. Moa-sseau Zurich mir••OMBNrBB••••••0 0•41••rNBMi•RNM. ••••4f• •i 1 TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON- TINUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS If in need of new furniture, don't forget; we have it! rs 1e I s mrADE fSti, WEIDO' ... ZURiG1^-1 - VN 1 w 080IN0I0NI1A00Nii10016060* .041.00011440.84116.4144101000.011100 . f s • • • • • 1 r r 0 WE ARE GOING TO MARK DOWN ALL OUR DRY GOODS TO THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. We want to get rid of all our Fall and Winter Merchandise, and this is the best way to do it, give real bargains in Seasonable Goods, .Which you will still need for the many cold days we are bound to have before Spring. 'Below are only a few Prices mentioned: ...... .. Which will give you an Idea of the Markdown. .. ....... Men's Sweater Coats, Reg. $5.00 and $6.00 at .............. $3.95 Men's Pullovers, Reg. 4.00 at ............. ......... , ... »...... $2.95 Boy's Pullovers, Reg. $3.00 and $3.50 at $1.95 Men's Leather Mitts, Reg. 50c at 35c. Reg. 75e. at 59c MenMen's Horse Hide Mitts, Reg. $1.00 and $1.25, pr. at ... .... 79c Men's Sheeplined Coats with strong Cord cloth, Beay. coll. ;13. $8.95 Men's and Boy's Underwear, Socks, * Ties, Etc., at Greatly Reduced w Prices Men's Heavy Work Socks, 75c at 59e. 60c at ..............35c Women's and Children's Underwear, Sweaters, Hosiery, etc., all at a great discount. Womens' Vests, Reg. 75c: -and $1.00, at .... ............. 59c Women's Vests, Reg. 50c. at ... .......................... '35c Bloomers at same low Prices. Ladies' Hose, Reg. $L00 pr. at . ...... 69c Prints, Ginghams, Bleached and. Grey Cottons, Flannelettes at a i Big Saving. Art Comforter, Sateen, Reg. 50c. at ..................... ............. 39c Art Comforter, Chintz, Reg. 35c. at ....., ....... • ........• ...... «. 29c Art Comforters, Chintz, Reg. 25c at ........... • • ••• 0.. .. ... .., 19c Yard Wide, Flannelette at per yard .............. «....., 18c A few all wool Checkered Blankets, Blue, Rose, Mauve, Large Sizes at $9.95. White with Pink or Blue Border at $8.95 A ]united Quantity of 1214 Flannelette Blankets at ... .. $1.98 Everything in Dry Goods Line will be sold for less. Come and See! WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, FRESH STOCK J. W. MI3RNRR -YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 Thursday, a iitl°P Nt' ' "dM ' .p * ++++ `++++14+t4++++*f+++4 E' +++$ r+++++++++PIE+'ir • ITEMS OF LOCAL IWI'EREST On Tuesday next two very import- ant meetings will be held in. the Town. Hall Zurich, when in the aft- ernoon the annual meeting 'of the Agricultural Society will be held and in the evening the local Horticultural Society will have their annual meet- ing. The public is cordially invited to attend both of these meetings, as they carry on a line of work that is very educative towards better devel- opments of the community at large, and need your support. Two very sudden deaths occured in the same family within a few days when Mary Swallow passed away and her brother Walter following in a few days in McKillop Tp. both decea- sed.had died of internal afflictions. s a. s 3 i 1 g a HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The 1929 county council for Hur- on County will consist of 29 men, in place of the 31 we used to have, as Bayfield and Wroxeter no longer be- ing separate municipalities. Five of the 29 aro new men on the board as follows: Wm. McKenzie, of Ashfield Wm. Mole of West Wawanosh; W.H. Switzer of Stephen; L. H. Rader, of Hay; and A.. P. Keks, of Stanley. Politically the council is divided 16 Liberals and 13 Conservatives. The council will meet for the January :acs sion on Tuesday, Jan, 22, and the election of a warden will be the first - business. According to the time- honored custom of selecting the war- den from each of the old political. parties alternately, this year's War- den Will be a Liberal, and the lucky man is likely to be one or other of these three: Reeve Inglis of Howick; Reeve Beattie of Seaforth, or Reeve - Turner of Goderich. The following is the personel of the County Council for year 1929: Seaforth—J. W. Beattie. Clinton—N. W. Trewartha Goderich—R. E, Turner, J. W. Craigie. Wingham—J. W. McTKibbon. Blyth—Dr. W. J. Milne. Brussels—A. C. Baeker. Exeter—C. B. -Snell. Hensall—R. Higgins. Ashfield --J, - A. McICenzie, T. Anderson. Colborne—Hugh Hill. Goderich Tp.—John Middleton. Grey—II. A. Keys, J. P. Collins. Hay—Louis Rader. Flowick--Thos. Inglis, Geo. Hub- Morris—W. J. Henderson. Stanley --A. P. Keys. Stephen—A, Neeb, W. Switzer. Tuckersreith R+ Kennedy. - TOrnbc.rr r. L J. Wright. ,Uuitett---i . A. Adams. McKillop--4ohn Dodds. Usbornc—Ju.nes iaasllantyne. .. Wawan o sh----W . Mole. LW WasvAn9,sh--F. D. Stalker'. + + + + + + Johnston Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 4 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81, 1927, $22,365,735. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rates --94.50 per 11,000 for 3 years. E. F: Klopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer in Lidhtnind Rods. and all kinds of Fire Insurance Big Reduction In Fall and Winter Millinery qtr Accounts Are now Ready And we would ask our Cus- tomers owing us to kindly come and settle same NEVER BEFORE HAS THERE BEEN SUCH WONDERFUL BARG- AINS OFFERED THE PUBLIC OF ZURICH AND VICINITY IN FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY. - Christmas Presents WE ALSO CARRY IN STOCK A FINE LINE OF EMBROOIDERY WORK, WILL MAKE IDEAL CHR- ISTMAS PRESENTS., SOME REAL NICE BOXED FLOW- ERS FOR DRESSES AND COATS, WILL ALSO MAKE NICE XMAS. PRESENTS A FINE LINE OF FULL FASHION ED SILK HOSE, AT VERY REAS PRICES. COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE A. Call is always appreciated HAT SHOPPE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND THE 'QUALITY GOOD V. V. SIEBERT Safe and Dependable WHEN YOUR INVESTMENTS CONSIST OF VICTORY BONDS, HURON AND ERIE DEBENTURES, OR CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES, YOU - CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON THAT 'YOUR INTEREST WILL BE PAID TWICE 'A YEAR ON A CERTAIN DATE, AND THAT YOUR PRINCIPAL IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. PLAY SAFE AND PROVIDE FOR A REGULAR INCOME Any Stara over $100 will be accepted on a H. & Erie Debenture or ai Canada Trust G.M.C. for one to Five years. INTEREST TWICE A YEAR AT 4;34 Per Cent. A PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID REGULARLY FULL INFORMATION GIADLY GIVEN APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME , Before you Invest ---INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. . Hess, - Zurich h MY MO.TTO,;--S'RVICS AND DAINTY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Just In Time To save the Tonsils, because Mss.1 Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis was applied For Cough, Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh and all Sore Throats it works wonders. Good re- sults or money back, Sold at W. C. Wagner's Grocery. JOIIN WARD Drugless Pr-actitl n- eer and Optician, MAIN OFFICE Exeter Phone 70 --Ik-_+ • 4-- -- -, t---0r-)-.-;.--.e-,1.-M-.«-te-4.4 apt jTo the man who regards a wail dressed appearance, we recommend.you to PP s come and look over our fine range of NEW FALL SUITINGS • WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR MONEY GLADL+Ir REFUNDED. ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITH rumB, BEST OF LININGS AND TRIMMINGS CALLED GRADE I HEAD AGENT FOR TUE WELL KNOWN MADE' TO MEAS. 1 URE, CLOTHES—CORNELLA SUIT3 SQITS tLH. HOFFMAN 1111 otonAtO1`t "i'b 1LOIKIa W. I 1tOF1 MAN al Boerx Alia AND ItVNERAI 1/0111CTOL19,,. Olt a l *3OIL �7.