HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-01-17, Page 51101111$33 CARDS IYUDLETE.Tiouvrus R;lEtR1lS`T1l7R, SOLICL'I'4B1tl, NOT IARY PUBLIC, NM, OFFICE-Haimilton Street, Jut oft terse square, G0'J» Bial, Ontario', Special attention to Comical and Court World i{olutes may be eiarrsatltodat titodatieh by Phone, amid Phone charges reve& ,,..-.,.,.11 Tana.,.. `a'". 'm."'.°-" W Routiedge BSc�.3 di OSTEOPATH I4/1A,1N STREET - EXETER Wednesday --2.00 p.m; 5.00 7.00 g..a:a.; '& DO p.m Dr. H. 11. O �J'8 yE N L. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON M DEITZ BLOC? dam w;tt :O my Every Thursday, At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DAVWOOD, ,Every Mondiwy,- Tuesday and Wednesday The Imperial late .Assurance Co, of Canada BEAD OFFICE TORONTO E. E. nerd,—Agent ZURICH Phone 1i -S1 . ,.aara>atee and Accident Insurance. old ,at and Strongest Co, in Canada OSCAR KLOPP I3raduate Carey M. Jones Tai - School of Auetionettrang. Try dwell wee for Registered Live Stock, rami 'Breeds). Terros in keeping 'With prevailing prices. Choice Warms for sale. Will 'sell anything Anywhere, •b:one 18-93.or write. Zurich. Licensed betioneer poR HURON & MIDDLESL`s'„ AVE IN A .POSITION TO CON- - ,dont any auction Sale, regarilltase urs ie 'size or article todee1l, nofort ,, e lie t your bookieas, Iot ' 5'ied will make no chard; TICE19. DrLe111V40t�, Arthur Weber - ;'e 13-57 a 1111104 alllle>9a1DQ0 124i3 .006 Zurich Kati MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool WASH FOB SKINS & Td1DES Deichert 1/00000000004501/01111000110 0011100 LIVE POU LT RY WANTED Clam every day till 3,0„'e1oek, s See not feed (Fowl same moaning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices ,•-SASS FOR- rearin and Eggs W. O'Brien PUT 0014 Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COL`Kll[J! NO TICE The annual meeting of the Zurich Hoxticultuval Society will be held in the Town IJa% Zurich„ on TUESDAY EVENING January 22nd, 1929. All Members are requested to be pros ea. Dr. A, J. IVfaeKinnon, President, J. E. Gascho, Secy-Treas, • FARM FOR SALE -Consisting of 150 acres of land, in two parcels, one of 100 acres being Lot 10, S. B. con., Hay Township, tnd 50 acres in N. B. E lc Lot 7 St- anley Township. The farm is in good stater of cultivation, well fenced and drained 11/e. story brick house with hard and soft water, also furn- ace,., bank barn 40x60, straw shed 32x40 on the 100 acre farm parcel, 18 acres of wheat, 25 acres plowed. For further particulars•apply on the premises. Ross Love, Proprietor, R." R. 2, Hensall. FOR SALE PENINSULAR KITCHEN RANGE Wood or Coal, in A. 1. Condition. Hess Radio Electric STRAYED. Unto My premises Lot 11, Con. 3 Hay Township, a year-old heifer. Owner can have same by proving )roperty and paying expenses. Ed. Munn, Hensall STRAYED There strayed unto Lot 7, Con. 5, Hay Township, about Oct. 18th, a •twe-year-old heifer. Owner can have Paine by paying expenses and peev- ing property. • Asa J. Penhale, ' Lot 20, Con. 2, Stephen, Exete e R, R. No. 1, Phone Crediton, 17--34. .. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres of choice land being Lot 3, Con, 16 Grey Tp. Buildings and Iand are all in first class sondition Good 'teirns, and immediate possession can •be given. Apply to Andrew Sloan, Phone 27-12 R. R. No. 2, Brussels, Ont. COAL 1Y29 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS :FOR GENUINE Scranton Coal .ALSO CARRY Coke .Poeahantas and .. Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YO13R ORDERS EARLY TO 1 Case & Son FADA pedal Six Z tlR l e11.-.HERA,,,p OCAL NEWS IYLrs. II. H. Cowen is ',Visiting at Dashwood on Wednesday. Stevensen.'s Hammerless :Shot Gun, Geod as new, for sale, Prices right. Albert ]:fess, Zurich. Mr, E. F, Klapp was away to Tor- onto on 'business 'the beginning of the week; Messrs Ward'Frrtz and Fred Thiel motored. to London ore Monday, Mr. R:,. Scotehmere, Mr. L, Makins of Bayfield have treated themselves to a new. Kalster . Radio, purchased from' Mr. E. (Desch, local .dealer. Mrs. Bert. )(Copp of the Bronson Line is confined to her bed, and Mrs. C. Colosky of the 'village, is in atten aerie. Sorry to report that Mrs. G: K. Farwell of the village is quite ill, the past week or so. We hope 'foe a spe- edy recovery. Mess •e L. Schilbe & Son wish to advise the public that they have for sale a qunetity of feed corn, and &so , a quantity of Wheat chop which they will sell at shoe to prices. A survey of current publications places the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal in the Iead for va- riety and quality of. reading. Always recognized as a steady guide and councillor tc, the farmer the survey proclaims it almost as equally popu- lar in urban homes. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Louie Durand of the Mee Water highway, S anlee, in the . dc- parture on Wednesday morning, . of their 13 months' old infant child, from the ettack of iiu developing in- to pneumonia. 141r. J. Hey, Jr., who is demonstrat- ing the New Whippet cars has made a big impression upon the public' the past week with this fine new model, which i, a vait imprc', ement in ap- pearance to 'est year's model. Mr. Hey has mire ey made a few sales, in- eluding .one te i. Ir- Wm. Reiehef;'t of the Town L!•. Hay. Mr. vtid 747-.4. Albert T adonr, of the Blue Water Highway. f.t:tnley, Tp., mourn the death of their three-year- old daus,ht Jean, Ivho died on Monday he, -i 'om ette.k of influ- enza and pneumonia. Interment was made on Wednesday dnesday to the R. C. cemetery, Derdale Huron Old Boys' Annual Service The members of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto ..t• tended divine sc evice, at the Carmen United Church, corner Pauline Awa. and Bloor St., on Sunday evening.. January 13th, at 7 o'clock, when the annual sortnor was preeehed by Rt.'' G. Balfour, D. D., an Usbonie old e boy. 1511 litrre.'nates art :an .1 vicinity were cordially inw iced to he present and te,:'.e:. part in the serv,ee• Double Wedding A double wedding took place at the It. C. Church, Drysdale, on Januarys 2nd, when Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Ducharme, Blue Wei er Highway, south, was united in mar riage to Mr. Alonzo-McEchen, of Port Huron, Mich, by Rev. J. E. Gerard, Dorothy, another daughter was &so united in rear; agee to Mr. F. Burley of Windsor. BORN Bedard -At Hay Township, on Jan- uary 8th. to Mr. and 'Mrs. Paul Bedard, a daughter. 1Ieadq'uarters FOR SIRES TUBES AND tit,e:Ballades. 1,.Sr., WEINN . Preop .„ ; ' :OO) 11 TH afittltileft R,adjo BATTERYLESS OR WITH RA.TTERIES Nobody is Lonely in FADA Hornies! WHAT a. you like? Jazz or grand opera? Fiddlers or Philadelphia Orchestra? Funny Recitations or Politic- al Speeches? Stock and Market Reports, News Everything? Yes, all Radios do offer this variety, but PADA gets them! There' the difference! 11'or good, sound, enyin- veering reasons FADAalone can give you unlimited choice. FADA alone is years ahead in all your radio essentials.- true ssentials. -true selectivity tlhat brooks no hiterference from over■ lapping stations ----superb,. ringing tone .quality long range---eelear and loud. Reliability that does not help our repair lHusiness, but we are glad of that! We make ft up in extra sales of FADA! See our beautiful table and console models. .Hear FADA prove itself the finest radio efer offered. ... raMage Hey, k Dea!er,T, Zurich Pi; Corriyeete-Gerines A very interesting; Matrimonial ev eat took place on Monday January when Rev. Fr. Berard united in mar- riage Meryl 13enedicta Marie, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph .Gelinas, Jr, to Dennis Peter, son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Frank Cori;'rveau, Drysdale. The bride heeoniingly dressed in a gown of chantilly lace over write La Belle Crowe her bridal veil caught With e orifi out.t of 'Orange- Blossoms with white .:16.410i's aril stockings to complete .her costume, entered. r(d the: church t. -.o the strain of Lohengrin'e Wedding March, leaning lu•a>rily, oar the arm 'of ices father who gave her away in marriage.: .I'l:e young, ;`couple then took thele piece at the. .foot of the• allae whelk, thy•took• their 'mile liege vow, which made them man a:ad uric Miss filo be Cod naw look- ed vary 'dainty as her sister's brides- maid in a frock of p) .acid ;ert;•ette with brilliant trimmings, hose to match and e it•h chin hlu ik hat and slippers to complete her ;attire. Mr, til'ill:u ;l Gorr i eat, of Detroit,- broth- er of the groom very ably -played :the pi rt of best )man. After the cere- mony a •rece pilon \ as field ab th, home of the vroom herr 411m -ter 1 t.; ,(r+e•ri to about seventy-five gu- eci::. After penha.g the afternoon in. :.i,l 11 r'. I tW 'i'• and dancing, the ��'tj+l: 1 .'S l' err i'tor e(d io t])E• brid,'s holo]' w here a weary :e,);,,•Li.;ng hot. goose dinner win; served from the din ing go:n:1 r;aa13 (1 ('OIste d in whit(: and pink cr.r; ,,r. d Wth a clustered of wedding bells, Thu evening win Spent to ) insie, sin;: n:'• and dancing. The wee hours of the morning were alre•a(h here when tit guests depart cel: The bride', ewel•ing dress was of pink taffeta trimmed with gold lace. Th(, happy couple will reside on the pit ooln's farm eaet of I,Iake with best wishes hath their neighl;02.9 and friends. NOTICE. ICE. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY C•lUNCIL The Huron County Council for 1929 will meet in the County Coun- eiI Chambee in the Court FIouse, Godeeich, oat a ue) v the 22nd, lock tin, afternoon. All accounts, (,.tif_c..aes of election,. and re't.tuLns r"+ nrrnil•er o 'Toter'~ for each 9lunicip htw 4.11.oul:l be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Sr:;urday er• l‘ I.m da pre. (rdinl; the l. day of meeting. Local. Municipal' Clerks will pie:);,e see that all theca c. otificates and returns are sent in ,y mail as soon as p 'risible. Geo: W. Holman, County Clerk. G'oderiici, January 5th, 1929. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church "A Changeless Christ for a chang- ing World." 2. Sunday after Epiphany., • Jan. 20th, 1929 10. a. m: .German Service. 11:15: Sunday School. 7:30: English Service. Subject: Business and Religion. Monday: Teacher Training. Friday --Luther League. EVERYBODY WELCOME E. Tuerkheim, Pastor. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Life's Need of Patience and Hope Muclt trouble and difficulty comes from greediness for quick results. \•Ve_ are impatient) of the 'rang view, the long pull, the long way around, We are keen on the short. cut. We can't stand setbacks, delays, inter- ruptions. We want our dividends by return mail and by special delivery. We live too hurled, feverish, fussy for Ka healthy outlook and uplook and inlook. Patience nourished by hope helps us to bear the strain of toil and the fret of case. It is hope that ke- eps us •froth sinking. It helps us to set our sails for a better tomorrow. Though there inay not be wind en- ough • at. this moment to move a feather. Hope wispers to us that just around the bend in the road hap iness awaits us. Hope keeps as living and working and winning. Live day by, the Jesus way, look in and 'on and up, 'whistle and sing, smile and pray. This will keep the altar fires of patience, hope and trust aburning. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday 7.3'0 --Prayer and Praise. Bible Study, by the Pastor. Friday 7.30 panr--Senior League Friday $40' pp.--Choiar Practice s�rfiAY SEttV10Es Worship 10 A. M. Subject --Pray without ceasing: tl a.in.-e13iblo School, J. E, Gaseho, Sur'perntendent. Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subjective --Superlative religion. 1 eievw loxe44 .4 kaisaA M Farrn • WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLE NT •1�IL: S, AND. • 1 WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE, ]KIND"SOF, 4 MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL'. GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR` OF COST. CARRY A 'FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING ANDFITTINGS, I' NGS'p • AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District. f, GARAGE SUPPLIES a t WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND b CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAMI,'• e1 s DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND 11E.. Qr a 0 L. A. Frang - Zurich �'i'•�8'8t98�PrOQ'4��a9di?��8,a•r'+41c4.)iv'y •4+94�9GF��Q%�44As4•�•4'vh¢'�@t r:t44ta�if�� BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases Y �xr.fulamm£.iirza*.avx4"""•, Auto Tops, Buggy Tops Wagon Repairing Painting Ete' Second Handed B3anggies HESS ® ZURIOH '.a.a0i0202t7/0:s171""N,MIiGiz ff'+ +*E++'I++ •'F+++ ++>;++&+÷'F'1'+d- 4.;,.r.4.+€•3t r . •r • .1144.^i•++i"E+44I 4 4 USE CEDAR, SHINGLES For new and old Roofs AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF WITHOUT ANY PAINTINUOR.REPAIRING AND WILL OUT LAST ANY OTHER KIND OF ROOF. • SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW. PRICE OF - 5X Red Cedar $1.50 Per Burch 3X Red Cedar $1,35 Per Bunch : WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OP 8 -PTs CEDAR 'POSTS AND 9FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS, • CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY.. F. C. KALBFLEIS PHONE 69 +S ZURICH +++++++3444+++++++++++3E+++++++++.44++.+4.+44++++++31148 yummimmimmewiwihwhemmvsmww,of Zurich Drug Store 1 To our many Customers and Friends We Extend: 1 Season's Greetings uryt • 1C rill 1r aa. K{.ODAKS AND FILIMS Dr1 Ai Ji MacKinnon, Znrioh a