HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1929-01-17, Page 2PP And its flavour is the. finest in the world. 'Fresh front the gardens' Avy P EIR11 .NG HARR?, .SINCLA R DRAGo iiWM al a.p ' J09t;PH oat.: CoayRIGNI, IR23 BY N•EA OE .VICE, INC BEGIN IiERL' TODAY Dick Acklin, lig boss of the double A ranch, plots with Buck Bodine, mw owner of the old Webster place, to rob the Basques of Paradise Valley of their water supply. Joee Arrascada, tsner o the Rancho Buena Vista, is father of Mercedes, Esteban and little blind Basilio. Esteban is caught spy- ing by Blaze Kildare of the Double A. Esteban shoots Blaze in the arm. Bo- dine attends a Basques meeting as an uninvited guest. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY "My rights have priority over all other water rights in this valley, ex= ceptin' Acklin's!" Buck tried to drop had passed the word to those appar- ently dissatisfied with the way the meeting was fining to be at Cesar's place at midnight. They did not im- pertune Esteban to join them. He felt the rebuff and immediately re- eeived to go, He had brought his recta to his room, and when be had opened his window he quickly noosed the rope ever a bed -post and slid noiselessly to the ground. It took him some time to reach Ferri's house. "We have our guns with us; Cesar has tools enough to io around," Ro- hired warriors eraehed into -vrldered Basques, '1`.o get .away as quickly as eeented to b4 the one ambition of the men from the valley. Little Selvator, and four or five others, however, fought their wayto Veteblln's side and tried to return the fire of Ac•klin's riders, 13ut every ,time the Double A. guns roared and ripped wide the darkness, some .oil 'deserted, The firing continued, rSalyator looked for his companions. Only Esteban, Romero, end he were -left. Then, seeing -the battle was :topeless, he followed his friends. Romero end Estel,an had about enough of it, too. The bank of the creek offered thein fair protection. Around the bend the ground fattened out. It meant a -wild dash as the Double A. men closed in, Ten seconcle •brought them to the flat country -vhere they were an easy target. The Double .A. guns flashed. One of the boys shrieked and toppled out of his saddle. • A second volley; folic -wed, but the other Basque was out of sight, "Who is he?" Cash cried, as Mel- ody and Blaze rode down into the bottom. The boy Iay on his face, Melody turned him over., "Ain't that too bad?", he groaned,' Then to Cash: tilt's > Old Ironsides' kid!" And as they carried Esteban. to. the Bull's head. Mercedes wondered why little Basilio sobbed as he tossed in his tiny bed. Long desert miles. stretched between the Rancho Buena Vista and the spot where Esteban fell, And yet, with an intuition rare even among the blind, the little lad' knew that something terrible had hap -1 pelted. ' • Mercedes awakened her brother and { the be. had ridden hint so leng -Vere glazed in death, Old Ironsides would never i'ide the of 1not trails again! (To he -continued.) possible tried to comfort him. "What is the: Absent `raring Mary Starck Kerr Mrs. Blank was the mother of one boy. She bad a really good system of child training and, had followed it for several years, The boy. seethed an Ideal child, so rifles, Blank felt safe, now, in taking a position outside of lief' home, It was not absolutely nec- m=eeeee— me - --.se -". the money would ehable the family to essary for' her to go out to work, but a,,, e�f Tires longed, rare Factor But with .the duties of the new pori- In Riding Ease 'not found. A cheap and convenient. tion, there was not much time for home life left. Before Teddy's school — shower bath can be easily made and time, his motile. was gone, leaving used in the kitchen or on the back Car Owner Must Do His Part porch. The shower bath is especially use- ful in homes where there are children. A hole is cut in the bottomof a 4 gallon huc'.;et and a piece of pipe 2 lollies Tong soldered in the opening, the neighbors' children had been Rubber tubing 4 to, 6 feet long is at- h.aching inany n•rong and injurious Occasional Check of Minor tacked to the , pipe and a nozzle ie habits: She slid not know that, nova Damages Found .Pro. , fitted on the end of the rubber tubing. Teddy bras also learning these same , frtaljle A sprinkler from a watering can may , be used instead of the nozzle. The raiein system, and as it had worked The fact that the modern motorist bucket can be raised or lowered to t >; , out beautifully so far, she trusted it to , rides on cushions has nntcb to do with' suit .the convenience of the .person go on working in )ler absence. his or her satisfaction in operating the; taking the bath by a rope fastened to ;STANDARD OF Q JALiTY= FQR OVER 50 YEARS EAP 15 •et buy many things for which they had The Shower \ Bath Better bathing facilities are often needed in homes where bathrooms are •dfrectious for him to follow when he or the Best PrddtlCt Will arrived at home. But there was no one to see that the directions were Fail, Says H, C. Brokaw carried out. .Teddy played with the • ------- neighbors' children, amt Mrs. Blank Proper. Inflation Is- Vital had no -vav of knowing that some of habits. She had. fallow ed her chile e. Mrs Blank had forgotten that a automobile. Not only does the occu- the handle of the bucket 'anti run system of child training is at lresfepant of a car ride on comfortable, up- through a pulley which is fastene only a tool, and cannot work without holstered cushions, which are found in' with a staple to a• jo et -in the ceiling. the owner's hand back of it. One can- the interior of every automobile these The end of the rope is looped over a not' press a button to start the ma- days, but also the car itself rides on', hook, which is driven. securely Into chinerr running in the morning, and four cushions which are comprised of the window or door facing, or into then expect it to go on running the tires on the four essential wheels.: the studding in the wail, smoothly all day. 'The advancement which has been A clothespin closed over the rubber The right kind of a tool will work made in recent years, due to the tech- tubing serves as a stopcock to cut off -venders --lien someone is present to vital skill which liar been brought to the -eater as desired. The shower can use it skillfully", bat it accoinpl4shes bear on tires, has made touring a de- be better regulated by using a crevice this statement like a bombshell. He utero was saying as Esteban arrived. matter?".•she implored. f nothing when it lies at home without .light, has practically eliminated fat-; asyfollows: The end of a piece of No. gazed about the room to watch its "We'll go up Rebel Creek as far as ==Esteban l" he cried . "sometllin •'tate trained ilaud to employ it. It -vas gue from motor trips; in fact, has re , 12or 14. wire is fastened to a disk of effect• the wire. We can cut it before we ,r g a terx•fble elle I- to Mrs. Blank when volutionized motor transportation `leather 0' tin, or a cap of a tin Can, bad has conte, xltadiecita. i by making.a hole in the material used, Jose shook :.is head judicially, are discovered. Once inside, you can The little pet name --rent unheard she ltearcl of some things her sou had from the standpoint of comfort. ` unni th wir leg and looping "Agr.in I say, the law will decide! If Acklin builds a fence on his own property to keen us out, that is his right. If we destroy it, or trespass on his land, and resort to our guns, then we are outside the law. We want to go into court with clean hands!" "You bet," it_scarore, chivied in. "In a week we will find out where we're at. We all know Tom Brand. He's been on the square wieh us every time. P11 run down and see him." Tire little pian stopped short, His eyes singled out Bodine: "Now, suppose you beat it out of here, big fellow. The going may be rough if you wait until this meeting breaks up." • "Don't come back• either!" some one yelled. Bodine's eyebrows flattened but. "I'll go," he muttered, "But not because any one here Iooks bad to- me, I can9e to talk peace; but ail I've heard is a lot of mouthing about the law." He had reached the end of the verandah and was about to open the patio gate when he almost stumbled over Basilio. Mercedes had found the boy awake when she had left the room where the meeting was held, so she had dressed him, and the two of them had wandered about in the moonlight. She heard the child cry, and saw Bodine raise his foot and brush hint aside. In a second she was up with them, and took the little fellow into her arms. Basilio ceased crying and Mere cedes started him into the patio; but •hold off their amen while sone of us Mercedes only knew her throat was' been doing Iter eyes were opened to However much the manufacturer thecng e end. This disk is acecl over the make short work of that bank. A dry with sudden agony. She had had the fact that she was needed at home. has.done to produce an autotnobile'tire . p yher own misgivings about Esteban. ° i hole in the bottom of the bucket and stick of dynamite will blow it into The money she was earning at the which has riding comfort, the owner: Idaho. We wont wait nor any law! gi olliee was buying useful and beautiful' of a modern motor vehicle mist .the attached- wire extends through the Once we r I Hastily throwing on a t -rap, she i l rubber tubing and the nozzle. The get the water turned where started for Jose's xoom. The 1MIL ray thiegs for the home, and helping to necessarily do his or her part to ;shower can be regulated by the disk it belongs. Acklin and Bodine will made a sharp angle as it turned to 1 pay off the mortgage, but Mrs. Blank secure the greatest possible satisfac- being raisednnand lowered by means of never get it back. If von are -willing lead into the -ting where he slept. decided dt i llat rt ther�xlatixxbe better n'nitubia ion. One of the most important' the wire. The weight eofd the avatar in to try it, raise your hand.. ri ways in which the automobile owner A small -window opened on the frond the bucket on the disk will form a One by aone the hands -vent up, ward from the angle: and take longer to pay for the home. tan supplement the manufacturer's, sufficient seal when no Bow is desired. until Romero waved his followers to Without thinking, Mercedes stopped It took some time to undo the harm good work is to see to it that the car's }} their horses. and looked down. Esteban's whitlow that liad resulted from neglect, but tires are properly inflated. By far the! A large _ tub is placed under the And as they moved through the the first step -vas a heart to heart talk major number of inconvenieuces' shower, in which the bather stands. -vas liltlinly visible; .e; and hanging, the tub and bucket are more attrac- velvety night the man whom they : trom it she saw the dangling Beata. I with tate boy. ire had imbibed a caused by tire trouble probably grow five if given two coats of white paint hoped to catch off his guard sipped, eleladre de incl" she as ed ='thea -wrong idea. of the value of money as out of a lack of proper inflation. 1 g p , and one coat of white enamel. coffee with a dozen of his riders in; child is right!" compared with other things. by seeing If there is too much air in auto - the dimly lighted dining -room at.the� With swift feet she ran for iter>his mother so eager to secure it, mobile tires the ridin g discomfort is Bull's Head. Kildare, his arm ban -i father. Through the closed door she I When he saw her give up her salary increased. If automobile tires are ;told him what she had discpvered for the .sake of doing her duty at under -inflated they are likely. to be Jose bade her go Mick to Basil dressed hurriedly and folio to the littlt fellowes bedside.. - to -spend money on "flue clothes," I Then Mercedes and her .rather tip causes the fabric of the 'tire to be- i toed downstairs, The old Basque cosmetics, and tobacco, then the buy come heated and to begin to -- break pulled the bell -cord for lVlariano.' begalr to see something azi-finer ansa down. This sort of deterioration of When theappeared,better than a quest for lnt,ney to rnozo lite fabz ic, together with rile cuts, • at being called at this unusual hour,' s1)end for toys and cantly. The tool constitute a tire situation -which is - orked again when its owner came ;Jose ordered him to get his horse. hard to Combat. Borne and tools i,, an her own hand. ; Tears filled Mercedes' eyes aa` "she: let to combat. ai . home, it: dict him more good than any more easily bruised or rim cut. Also, I. her,amount of lecturing could have done. the continuous flattening out of the 1 eerhen his mother and father ceased casing of a tire not properly inflated If a mother is obliged to be awaySince tires have become HAD NOT HAD ANOTHER saw her father take, down his rine: standard equipment, the number of, Dad: I hope you .and your wife an•d fill his long -unused belt with Bait -I from .home, some other conxpetl.nt ponncls pressure Itis been consider- ' person should be left 10 care for her haven't had another fight. ridges. I3! set face and sparing' child. She mutt not expert hie kno--•1- ably reduced. The old four and one-. Son: Of course not—We're not -words did not 'serve to lessen her half inch tire used to require about through with the first ono yet. dread. edge of child 1111111 , to be effective ninety pounds pressure. The present When Jose had cx•assed the creek; durf,"g her continued absence. balloon type tires, running • from seven' Minard's Liniment is good for colds. l lie held to the north until he carne for —e•inches in diameter on up, require•;•— the entrance of Smoky Canon. j r l Womenmuch less pressure, the average for at Lucky Coincidence I He turned his horse into the longer? �� medium-sized car beitxg arotutd thirty] !trail that led to the fence and tt to' Motorist (held up for speeding)—"I P pounds. It is always best, however, was hurrying up to town to see my the Chimney. As he did so, a- gun African Tribes Give World to consult the manufacturer's book solicitor." flashed froth the eirnsrocks above himiartd follow the instructions leen , His horse ttxn ted, and Jose lurched i New Fashions in Hair- g Traffic Co' <writing his ticket)— j I there as to tire inflation. leranufac- ` and fall head fnT -annct to fair.. ground. dressing teen know ,.n,et• 15 likely to he the. 1 "Well, you -vial have some more news for him now." Bending his head ate kissed her He railed over on his side in a brief' C Town, South Africa.—New f the she stood her ground and laughed I alta n --n u 1 t c e most satisfactory pressure or e _ gr g passionately. Her finger nails ripped convulsion attd then lay :still, No . steles of bobbing' the hair have reach- particular automobiles they ntalntfae-i Thex;e is so much more to the em� contemptuously at her enemy, his face. moan or sigh of pain escaped him: ed civilization 210111 the heart of tore. ploye than two arms and two legs.— : creel mouth held its clic- I Jose's horse stai•ed at his fallen Africa where hairdressing is an It is important to look over the auto-. H, Cordon Seifriilge, helical grin as he got into his saddle. , Once seated, 'he wheeled his horse on °aged, lounged across the table front master: He carte close aftd'nudged ancient and coml,Iex art. mobile tires occasionally, to check up I - its hind legs and, reachingil down, Morrow. Somebody yawned, Cash him with his nese. But the nide-; Among the native -women of Angola' an possible cuts, bruises and other ` — l led t his vetch It • I t e • s f th h 1' i t 1 caught the surprised girl around the 1Oo ee 1 )` x v -vas a mos open, uns ad -waist and lifted her beside hint. She -1 a a'c oC bit and scratched him, but he was Melody, Brother Jones, Patterson, too strongfor her. Bendinghis head,' and the rest of the men got to their feet and began buckling on their guns. he kissed her passionately on her un- protected lips. Her finger nails rip- ped his face as he put her down, CHAPTER XII. THE LAST TRAIL. Esteban's ignominious retreat smarted hint to the heart. He sulked Rands stopped. moving. Some one and fumed for a long time before he dropped a guts. With one accord they found the courage to face Romero turned and regarded him expectant- and the caustic Salvator. While he had been outside, venting "The fence is fifty yards inside our iris wrath on the desert night, they line," he went on. "We built it acre made plans of their own. Romero so as to be safe without checking up. W&1: go down: through the Chimney, and rtill-hunt from the little coulee that Hes halfway to the creek. If we have any trouble, we'll be on our own lend," The foreman's eyes rested on Blaze. He , had picked up his gun along with the others. "You ain't goin', are yon, Kildare; not with that arm?" Cash asked, a note of gruff admiration for the man's pluck creeping into his voice. "My business arm is all right," Blaze grinned. "Ifni ai1gin' to see this thing through." i Dark screening clouds hid the 1110011 as' they made the coulee. Strother Jones started for the reek-}aottont.. Sie went a. hundred yards when he turned to sena 'them a low cautious' -whistle, . "They're coming now," Brother Jcnes whispered, "About twd dozen!; • They'll be up to the wire in three ori four minutes, I caught 'eta jumping ,'crest -that bare spot round the bend.) i'vtfYw th6rc ll be hell to pay.," I One minute, .. two minutes, i - A CABLE AIR RAILWAY few seconds and the creak bot - Cash scratched his head unconscious- ly. . "Wish the Big Boss was here," he said aloud. "Boys," he went on slow- ly', in a tone that said lie made his decision as he went along, "we're going into the valley below oar wire!" ly. Cash caught the tension. Used Pianos Sale PANGS. lic?1,11l halt & Company lJpi'ight, thorougely overhauled, 1lrst-class °edition ; 1-3 octaves, lice tone, t egitlnr price $500. special at $275, 0 th ' terms. This is jtist a sanmp e zf the atony Ilal.• a.lns in Lined I'ianoe on band. Write for Selected l=ist Bali TZMAN' & Co.,' trema blteeet, 'Forel No, 2- eye 0 . e xnan -- o and ether i zstrlets the ales a aborato minor ailments which may be develop- and eecentxic. desitus are ween. The tag. principal styles among the Chokwe; ,. and kindled tribes are the Chokwe Bost ncei who go to court don't go sir wale, the Aztec bob and the permit- to get .iitsttce, but to get Even. Hent toque. I Tlie C,ho-eke shingle is almost an' A young bachelor, bored by a sew - Eton crop. The hair is lest fuzzed' . 'out like rz golliwog, ;, then plaited into . me machine agent, said that tate =- lout ('11111° -would not answer hie purpose. tight little ribs that prndni c the c.fec t said the agent, "it is the best ' of a lumpy Eton crop. This is very .art tlltz ernar1te`, cn every respect" chic. "That may be," replied the bachelor, rPhis .17toc ere is fatvort ci .n -vouiNn „but. the sewing machine I ant look- with. I'wnnc111 no�ts5, I'lre hair is cc-xltb- lug, for must have flaxen hair and. ed steai;•h1 bads anti cut 'silent aho--e „ the sbonleler1. The efff>et 15 plot 'hie • • blue • tees. beeattse tits.• hair is black rind crinkly. j Bit most popular of all is the p"i'ma- went toque. eft. plastic mixture of clay and caet2n' all ie rubbed. into the hair, I which i:; therm a1•r'tngt:r] anti allowed to. dry in a forxll x r�xxlbling a tr+Elul+ boxtne't, • Thc, =.raker ed East Spectator 1 .: nr'ou}: The fineoi over Eothen wet bring new things with it., For font- i t•ars we looked. 012 Tinto' o' as tIn stet',r11;i'.1 of 1'11x1 o11f:. NOV'12. lxisty y uullg 101.10n 11215 0118=3n. So -virh Pu-.ia .Kind : 1 '111111 1 111 .+iiia , i11 Egypt, •I'ileetine, Iraq and India taxer€ are 1n0re• important nlolcittt'nl'4 than thu lialltfcal manoeuvres, •of' i-vliicll XI) hn^,r, '1l2 1latir ut• atrc1 con -t templtttive Rost seems dissolving be. fora our eyes. Movie fans, novelotto- 1 d'.;voilrev's, eigarett#.-conemenrs of both sexes have appeared. 1811111 ceras front 111 shock IL lifts roccxl ed a.t Tar- kisit hands. The (151.e. 11sa„ F,s or the } Meths cannot; compete with tramcars 1 alicl railwa: tx -tl � i e If t.hr•p c tz not settle the, l:irnlntt. ,,, strike prod- 5211 10=1!'. will be Mori, l . At Bregellz, 111 Austria, ;i. r o : icy 't i1 truth than poetry in yea, \\ e neve 'tont swarmed 'with men, 1rlorrow's� lased event are 'T'he old battle city azi' -way runs .from the '-1101 r•r+ OA. 1.,11 w*: li.,x,.rii': u � " the Double A rail .' out and,lake the Oonetanee to .1117 ..lilt 21212.20, �'. V•t' "frcrti+'t•b'ite es.e'M 11,2111 s E l..it'lirt')istr ift»Iilert demons of the Andes, �.cldixl's x'aixllclixxg the t.rywu, • Local Agent Wanted An old established Toronto Invest- ment House wishes to add to its organization a full or part time local representative of gold standing but not necessarily with previous cruor-. lento. He will have exclusive terri- tory, leads, literature and every assistance, permanent connection and anexcellent income from energetic effort, ISSUE,:—A preferred security now paying a substantial monthly dividend, All 'replies treated confi- dentially and should bo addressed 'to aopt. B, 11, d. DINGMAN & COm3.'ANY,. investment Bankers, C'entrai Building, 'TorOnto IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD IN THE SPRING.., NOW IS THE TIME TO HAUL YOUR. 11 AT A LOW COST OVER WiNi ER ROADS. Ail kinds of Textures in all colors and shadesefor all purposes. Send for -free Colored Catalogue and Samples The eacksunle Coompany5. d 26 Queen St. 22„ T0lt,tlw71' ?, 01)181 1174 Phillips Place;p r3iP 5,L,, 1'.Q. Agin 6171 wo i'ra; nancastor 7690 Cool sville, Hilton, Cheltenham, .ixelso11, • Cross -cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10% more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other mado„_This guarantee jigs clever been challenged., $CMON1 S.t ANAbA SAW CO., LIMITED, 16T. itt fill :7fpu"grAND ACORN AVE NUC, MONtROA4, Gluts. V.4N," 12":t4, F .G. 1-01 61"gte); 01,1T, S'1'- JOHN, N.B. 8,284