HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-27, Page 8NEW Store with the Stock To Our st niers And Fri:s s! In spite of the March of Progrss and the Influence of a Materialistic Age. The Spirit of Christmas again fills out- hearts, just as it filled those of the Shepherds on the Jordan hills almost two thousand Years ago.. We would repeat the Angel's Message of Peace and Goodwill and with it, ext- end our heartiest wishes for a Joyous CHRISMASTIDE, and a PROSPER- OUS NEW YEAR PruLt Wa a Led Phone 5 �„t.,;.n...I.•3°.I..;..I... q. �•.,> ,••r•r•rr>r.r.t•.,,.,: r•rt;,.i• Hoc•i••F•3••t•M•�•€+d••I'•i••I••g•3^ £••F•>§>dr r .••i••I> � t t I-:.4 ; J..L. 4.M.l.4.4.4..4.i.sc..i. 4.; ._> 4-4 i44.4.4.4'4"j'4I'+j.'"¢4'4'°$"g'4'i•i'4.'g'.; + .,r ANNOUNCEMENT $ 4* We have been appointed Agents direct for Zi; _i,ICFI AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF s. TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS OF, ,'F , WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. WHIPPET ®� ARISTOCRAT OAF iTHE LOW PRI- + L1 CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; •r COMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED + - AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY + THE LOWEST PRICED SIX ON 3• WHIPPET b 1 X TIIE MARKET. A CAR WIiTH A a• g SOUND REPUTATION T. Willys Kniaht THEO FAMOUR PSLEEVE VALDE MOTOR. IF IN NEED OF A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US + BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY : DEAL' fi ASSURED, BESIDES: + "WE GIVE YOU SERVICE" + H. Moasseau Zurich 4.4 + 4 1• 110 o110000000000000000000008800000000000000060•111000000 TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR CON. T1NUE WITH OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS G • • • •' s i • 1 1 If in need of new furniture, don't I forget; we have it! 1 NT tWEIDO•I 1 t�U e 44 RS Irl �� � ONT. w STA co 0044400 60!".„000144400000 f ,ZURICH 'HERALD et And gni your Xmas. Candies and Nuts WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY, AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT THERE ARE ONLY A FEW MORE DAYS. DON'T LEAVE IT TILL THE LAST MINUTES. WE WISH OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS A mae. AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEY YEAR dERI%JFR 1ti } ti YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 WE EXTEND TO ONE AND ALL • OUR BEST WISHES FOR A ristmas AND A. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Public school will re -open again on Thursday, January' 3rd. Mr. Wm. Lamont made a business trip to Crediton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston and two sons, . Harold and Jimof Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner and son Grant, of Goderich, and Mr. • Jacob Weiod and . son Percy were Sunday visitors t:t the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido. g The Family Herald and Weekly* Star have just announced a special offer of a three year's subscription for $2. Splendid value at the former price, this radical reduction should now place the Family Herald on ev- ery library table in Canada. Mr. J. Hey Jr. was at Toronto the past week attending the large Wiliys Overland Convention, and Mr. Hey, who is a salesman forthis popular make of car, advises us that the new models. now on display are practically the last word in motor cars, and will excell almost everything on the mar- ket to -day, taking price into consider- ation. Mr. High things the Whippet fours and sixes i11 have a most wond- erful season ahead of them. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Room I Christmas Examinations. Jr. II: Honours 380; Pass 300. Vera Decher 467, Elgin Snider 431; Mary Merner 431; Alice Beaver 878; Marjorie Gallman 358; Lawrence Voisin 343; Mildred'Kipfer 302; An- thony Voisin 270. Sr. I --Hon. 350; Pass 246-- Archie MacKinnon 371; Mildred Haberer 367; Doris Meyers 357; Allan Gascho 341; Marie Bedard 340; Lewis Thiel 279; Doreen O"Dwyer and Dolores Mittleholtz absent. Jr. I --Hon. 250; Pass 180—Gertr- ude Turkheim 283; Calvin Thiel 282; Dorothy Voisin 282; Wilfred Smith 256; Wellan ,Smith 240;Laird Thiel 211; Alphonse Grenier 195; Ahneda Deichert 191, absent. Sr. Pr. --Edith Uttley; Kathleen Kochems; Audrey Foster; Ray Schw- alm; Fred Hess; Doreen Ducharme; Elgin Kiefer; Florence Mittleholtz; Earl Deichert. Jr. Pr. --Gerald Regier; Dorothy Weido; Greta Flaxbard; Aides Gren- ier; Leroy Thiel; Karl Heideman. .. 1Irs. G. Koehler, LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Live Hogs cwt. Butter, lbs. a ..;a..., 40c Dried apples Ib, ... — _ _... 9 Eggs .. .... .......... -.30-40-50 Flour......... .... 3.50-4.15 Wheat .:.... ..... 1.25 Barley 70c Buckwheat .., .. 80 Shorts per ton ....... .. 35.00 Bran per ton.... 34.00 Geese dressed ......... .. 22c Chicks live ......... 22-18 Ducks dressed 23 Turkeys .. .... 38 Western Farmers' E lana Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- Amount of Insurance at Risk on Deo. 81, 1927, $22,365,785. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $150,579,88 Rags—$14.50 per $1',000 for 3 years. E. F. Klapp --Zurich -tided, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance dig Reduction In Fall and Winter Millinery NEVER BEFORE HAS THERE BEEN SUCH WONDERFUL BARG- AINS OFFERED THE PUBLIC OF Room II ZURICH .. Sr. III --Marks required to pass 60 per cent of the total 435.. Honours, AND 540 --Paul Hess 600; Ross Johnston 443; Ralph Uttley 440; Albert Lei bold 439; Stewart Thiel 409; Arta. and Grenier .394 Jr. III --Marks requirer to pass 60 per cent of total 400; Honors 500; -- Fred Brown 546; Margaret Schwalm 544; Edith Deichert 544; Willie Br own 501; Grace Moyers 500; Leeland Schwalm 493; Beatrice Meidinl;er 453; Beatrice Thiel 438; Blanche Grenier 437; Jake Merner 417; Ruth Foster 395; Rota .Pleischauer 3.0; Honer Salmon 287, Bertrand Deieh- ert absent. Sr. II --Marks required to pass 60 per cent of Total :375; Honours 465 Theresa Zettel 531., Patricia Duchar- me 474; Ruby Schrag 469; Laura Deichert 452; Edna Kochems 428; Lewis Schrag 410; Veola,,Klopp 409; Mae Smith 386; Albert C.lausius 842 Peter Voisin 342; . Herbert Smith 334; Karl' Steinbach 331; Eileen Beaver 801; Lawrence Bedard 265. Pupils having perfect attendance for the year are Fred Brown and Rota lleischawir, i `ei'age attendance for was 341, 0. M. VIIrtin Teacher. AND VICINITY IN FALL WINTER MILLINERY. Christmas Presents WE ALSO CARRY IN STOCK A FINE LINE OP EMBROIDERY WORK, WILL MAKE IDEAL CHR- ISTMAS .PRESENTS. SOME REAL NICE BOXED FLOW- ERS FOR DRESSES AND COATS, WILL ALSO MAKE NICE XMAS. PRESENTS A FINE LINE OF FULL FASHION• ED SILK HOSE, AT VERY REAS- ONABLE PRICES. COME EARLY AND. GET FIRST CallCHOICE k JA.always appreciated HAT SHOPPE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND THE QUALITY GOOD V. V. S EBERT s f Johnston ct a1 fieiseh Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 +.i,4.44•S^>t 4.++++$• +-I•+4.4.4t4(444.: •e•3..d.•F•+++' ++++•I^+•II••I'•I••,I +414! i 1: +6 4 afe k nd .-� �able WHEN YOUR INVESTMENTS ~CONSIST OF VICTORY BONDS, HURON AND ERIE DEBENTURES, OR CANADA 'TRUST GUARANTEED MORTGAGE CERTIFICATES, YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON THAT YOUR INTEREST WILL BE PAID TWICE A YEAR ON ACERTAIN DATE, AND THAT YOUR PRINCIPAL IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. PLAY SAFE AND PROVIDE FOR A REGULAR INCOME Any Sum over $100 will be accepted on a H. & Erie Debent ure or. a Canada Trust G.M.C. for one to Five years. • INTEREST TWICE A YEAR AT 4>34. Per Cent. PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID REGULARLY FULL INFORMATION GIADLY GIVEN APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME Before you Invest ---INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, Zurich MY MOTTO;—SRRVICH AND :'AP rY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? And Here It is The greatest Throat, Cough and Tonsil remedy known. It v,rorks won ders and is guaranteed. (3oa,i re- sults or money back. Try it. Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis. Sold at W. C. Wagner's 'Grocery. MIN WARD Drugless Praetion- eer and Optician - MAIN OFFICE Exeter. Phone 70 SIJITS = SWTS To the main who regards a well dresse f ppearance, we recommend you to come and look over our fine range of NEW FALL SUITINGS WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION' OR MONEY REFUNDED. ' ALL OUR SUITS ARE MADE AND TRIMMED WITS rraa BEST OF HEAD AGENTNGS 1i'OIi AT D TRIMMINGS .CALLED GRADE THE WELL KNOWN MADE TO MEAS.. U1IE CLOTHES—CORNELL., GLADLY /W. H. H MERCHANT TAILOR( W. Vii, M�iOF?MAN' M 00o, 1 11�kBA'3 1tI AND FUNIIIIA/V DIRE+'i T R% Diiy ozid NigP$) Mao klati eft 4<