HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-27, Page 6fircrop Japan teas are admittedly the finest needed to make their work as flawless that co Japan leaves. as the black art pf the devil. e.ou of ripe an o#blossoms. 4�JA�,��i/ �� It was long after seven when Blaze peen tea is comprised only of first -crop saw Cash and Bodine ride into sight. The bays rode up at that instant, closely fo'lowed by the heaving wa- gon, Cash jogged over to see it safe- ly across the creek, Decline offered Blaze a cigaret. ' Cash joined them and he and )3e - dine, vent on. Blaze ambled over to where Widget was going through the 'notions that meant breakfast for him. The new hand was looked over by the boys, and, with the free -masonry of the cow -country, was given a nod and a greeting. Having eaten his -till, Blaze crawled under the wa' on to sleep, The sun was Out and riding high by the time the four men headed for h•onie. Half a mile east of ,the creek they met the fencing gang. There was ne lost motion here. Noontime brought Blaze to the Bull's Head. Melody had been silent for an hour, he. tramped upthe stairs the but as they amp , nearness of a comfortable bed awak- ened life within him. In a mournful voice- he bawled one of his saddest numbers: I lost my watch, I lost my ring, I lost my wife BEGIN HERE TODAY Rebel Creek. Melody lay down to And everything; Dick Acklin, big; boss of the Double' drink his fill for the night: Oh, I got bad luck. A ranch calls on Jose Arascada, most: Blaze got out of his saddle. A rock Oh, I . . . . powerful of the Basque gente in Par-1 for a back -rest, he sat in the shelter The agony of his song brought. adise Valley. Jose is owner of the Acklin to the door. He saw his new y td the willows and smoked. man. "That you, Kildare?" he asked. Rancho Buena Vista and is father of Time after time he met Melody in a :Ain -cedes, Esteban and little blind: Step in here a minute."The cut Basilio. Buck Bodine, new owner of the arroyo. Nothing happenedl tot of Kildare's fighting jaw, his poise, tie, old Webster place, is visiting Este- break the monotony of their vigil.' and his calm, unemotional eyes told ban. He meets Acklin and later they The moon rode high. Blaze knew I Acklin plainer than words that here plan to rob the Basques of their water' it was nearing midnight. Innumer-ab?e cigarets had parched his throat: was a buzz -saw when aroused; a man supply. Acklin rides to Bodine's ranch Bthout excuses hard-headed and at Fresh Er m the Gardens W n ji s NG 5A6 MARL" 5INCLAR. DRAGO AND dOSEPN 4 L COPYRIGHT.1423 BY N•E•A SERVICE. INC 1s ' `Para* —New 'Ark.) 6718 Bank of Montreal'Annual Meeting The 111th annual meeting of the Bank of Montreal, held at the head office, was marked by a number of important incidents and developments. Sincere expressions of regret were made at the absence of .Sir Vincent Mere- dith, Chairman of the Board, who had presided at the ,Annual Meeting oP the. Bank for., so many years. Of special importance was the an- nouncement of an increase in the authorized capital from $31,175,000 to $50,000,000'. No intimation was given of the amount that would be issued at the present time. Sir Charles Gordon, president of the Bank, presided for the first time. In. his address to shareholders, he said, in part: -- Widening• ,Basis of Production. "Reviewing the business situation in Canada, one cannot but remark how rapidly the basic sources of our na- tional wealth are widening. The eon currenee of a wide variety of raw m a - torlal with water powers on atru1Y gigantic scale gives Canada extraordi- nary opportunities for all-round de- velopment, and the fact that these opportunities are . no being realized• is resulting in the establishment of prim- ary enterprises involving large invest- ments of capital and contributing in narked degree to the general activity. Call Money Market. "There seems to be a somewhat widespread idea that Canadian banks have transferred largeamount of money to New York for employment in call loans. That notion is wholly erroneous. The policy of the Banlc of Montreal, and I may say i believe this applies to all Canadian .banks, has long been to carry in New York a substan- tial proporition of ready reserves or quick assets. No funds. however, are ever transferred to New York or Lon- don to be loaned on eaIl until every THE SMART BOLERO legitimate need of our own country has been carefully examined and, if at all A becoming new fashion for the lit- possible, complied with. Our loans a have e less than they were er U en tie miss .of S 10 12 and 14 years, is there for instructions. !When he reached the creek again; ' NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY ,his best when unbossed. the new bolero costume with circular he got down to drink; but the water, "Kildare," �� ' which had been so clear and cold,l Kildare, he began, Cash says he Skirt. It is simple enough for class- Kildare s horse had not moved from fancies you. I've rarely ever found room, yet dressy for more formal Aust i Seeks the slot where Blaze had dropped `t.as muddy to taste. He struck a him mistaken. We're going to have wear. Style No. 334 copies the grown- c the rein. He held his head erect, ears 1 snatch. He could see that his tongue trouble in the valley from now on. I up mode, both in cut and fabric. It'Exl�urnation of e p: etant. ,1•ad not deceived him. Some one had , want you to know where I stand. 1 chooses sheer tweed in beige and '-3leze whistled so low that Mar-' crossed the stream above him. Ten ceder: barely heard it. ' Instantly the .econds later man and .horse picked' ask nog man to do for me what I brown with sheer beige woolen bodice bo,'.e came to him and allowed the. their way upstream. , wouldn't do myself. Its the rule on and collar. Brown velveteen is used toBlaze figured which this ranee is run. My father for girdle, to pipe edges of bolero and girl stroke his head. Blaze lifted I g red he had come half a , mw,' said to me: `I hate orders and for pert tie. Navy blue velveteen with C white silk crepe bodice isletching and a year ago." Pae lie into the empty saddle. mile or more when My Man stumbled. "He's upAny but a Western horse woul : ., 1 the giving of them, but sometimes e s safe there,"he assured e havel they are necessary. And the man can be made at a swing well worth her. "My Man likes children." been dawn. He slid to the ground,, who can't take them without asking while. Bottle green homespun, plaid Tl;e hoof -beat of a horse being, rifle in hand, and went on,, kno\vii:g, why is no fit man to have.' I've never woolen in red tones, navy blue wool driven at furious speed Interrupted 1 his ht . I would be waiting there ill found anything but wisdom in those repps, and patterned wool jersey in them. Mercedes got to her feet and he returned. Another hundred yards words." combination with plain• jersey are tc ?t Basilio out of the saddle. "Y guess I understand you, sir," lovely ideas for its development. The "This will be my brether Eetebar,.." — circular skirt is joined to "I'm glad 7011 do," Acklin replied. bodice, that is cut from The oncarring horse splashed throui°h the water, covering them with a ni 't of sliver spray. On Us back pat Esteban, a thin, wiry narrow - hipped youth. He leaned to the g'rnund and, staring inimically at F V,17', launched into a triade of ex citable Spanish. The girl saw that he was upset and tried to restrain him. "Cellar!" she cried. "Hush! Have you gone mad?" Blare had a fair smattering of Srarieh and of the univcrsally under- stood Mexican idioms which the Bas- ques had adopted, but he was unable to fallow the rapid words Esteban continued to shower upon his sister. He did catch the reiterated elagua (water), and 'cequia madre (mother - ditch). It meant only one thing. The Fle rii's did suspect their danger. When her brother had finished, Mo'"e'rlos tried to tell him that Blaze vele a stranger and to explain how 1' hid helped Basilic, and her. Este - bar. thanked Blaze with some show d • creek to find the cause. They had not during that period, his tenure of the ence he wished, to reveal the truth Este - gratitude. He swene into his saddle and he stopped. Was it the fallacious gone far before they ran into the Governorship of Madras having been before he died. ard caught the child up beside him.reath of the night wind or his own, Double A wire. Brother Jones had extended by a year with that object : ARCHDUKE ACCUSED M d got C 't ' back With rs that had deceived him int-) near- been waiting on the other side of it.� in view. While in London Lord Irwin 1 gat on all fours he crawled to the mesa's rim. Cautiously he peered over it. Blaze stated. two-piece Crown Prince General Menager'e Address. Sir Frederick Williams-TaYlor, gen- eral -manager of Bank of Montreal, re-. viewing the business of the Bank, said. in part:. "Canada as a whole has enjoyed more prosperity than ever before; At the commencement of 1928 a suacesslon of good harvests had already placed the country on a prosperous acting, and the position has been further improved this year by good average yields of the staple crops in all the older provinces. while the Prairie Provinces have far surpassed their previous :records. In industrial activity an extraordinary en- largement has shown itself in construc- tion works, many being of a most im- nressive character, These include the further exploitation of those great na- tural assets, water powers, minerals and forests. Also, Wo have seen a fur- ther increase in revenue from the tour- ist trade, now ranking high among Canada's business activities. "These factors have put large sums of money into general circulation; they have increased the demands upon many of our industries, and have created the highest i' mploymnthe \Var. Partiescalealarly0eIn the 'tentwo sicidecef dustriai provinces, Quebec and Ontario xnanufaoturing has been on an unpre- cedented scale, despite Exceptions in a few lines owing to outside competition. Tourist Trade of High Imnportartee. "The tourist trade, already re.erred to, has risen so fast from the compar- ative unimportance of a few years ago that according to Government statistics tourists from abroad spent over $276.- 000,000 276.000,000 in Canada in 1927. As every province reports an even larger number of tourists this year, the spending also has no doubt been greater during 1908. "Compare this tourist trade of $275,- 000,000 with some other sources of the country's revenue. Thus, the value of iCanada's wheat exports in 1927 was $348,000,000; of our mineral production, $245,000,000; of the output of our pulp and paper mills, $220,000,000. 0videntlY the tourist trade has become a Canadian business interest of high importance." farmer under an assumed name in a South American republic. At present it seems possible that the Public Prosecutor will take up the case. However, difficult problems have to be solved first, since there are doubts whether the authorities have lew in Death of Rudolf, Son the right to demand the exhumation of Emperor Josef, Hints of Crown Prince Rudol's body, which at Assassination — Tragedy of 1889 Linked to johann's Loss of Titles centre -front D "You get some sleep now. I'll call neck and finished for opening with Vienna.—The bones of the Aus- you about five. I want yen- to go into piping. The bolero is sewed to arm- trian Crown Prince Rudolf,eldest son Paradise tonight, just to hear the holes and neck edges. It's so simple! of the late Emperor Francis Josef, news.You're a stranger; you'll be Pattern price 20c in stamps or coin who died in 1c,n, in the Mayexling er th Laid to Archduke is now kept with those of the other deceased Hapsburgc for centuries back in the famous traditional vault in the Capucin Church in Vienna. CI AIMS NEVER PROVED. The death of Crown Prince Rudolf and Baroness Vetsera is one of the traditional mysteries of the European royal houses, and dozens of solutions of it have been attempted. Most of the figures in the case have died. safe. I want to know what the talk, (coin is preferred). hunting lode under mysterious cir- Since the departure of "Johann is. I'll have a message for Bodine, g g y too. No trouble finding the place." CHAPTER VII. TUSCARORA PROPHESIES. Blaze reined up in front of Chase's store. The postoffice was located there HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. l a:instances, may be exhumed and ex- Orth," the former Arc la, Write your name and address plain -1 amined owing to a suspicion, now be- and second cousin of the late Emperor ly, giving number and size of such come strong, that be was assassinat- Francis Josef, from Austria, more patterns' as, you want. Enclose 20c in ed.' The official version circulated than 100 men in different parts of stamps or coin (coin preferred; WraP after his death *as that he and.Bar- the world have claimed to be him,, it carefully) for each number and oness Marie Vetsera ended their -lives but n° claim has ever been proved. address your order to Wilson. Pattern t Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. Benavids's peace was down the Patterns sent by return mail. street several doors. A small crowd — -- stood before it. Half an hour ago these Basques, excitable like all y f India Although many doubted the truth of In li rue t.OAmrs this story, no defiliite proofs against Leo Maxse in the National Review. it could be raised, all persons initial- (London) : Foreign statesmen have ed -into the secret having 'pledged on little knowledge, and less understand- ing of American politics and Ameri- cans, the most ignorant being perhaps our noble selves, who are hypnotized by the legend of "the English -speak - oath to preserve the strictest silence. Southern, races, had been noisy t� �����.°��� But recently the former Court Cham- enaugh. They were glum now and silent only because they had talked.beelain Count Arthur themselves out. The loss of the water had been dis- covered before noon. Several of them, Esteban included, had ridden up the ' published new evidence, which isnow Calcutta.—Lord Irwin, Viceroy of supplemented by the story of another ing nations." This beguiles us into India, will go home next year for four court official, Josef Maly, who told conceiving a totally different United months, and Viscount Goschen, Gov- the editor of the "Neues Werner Jour- States to that which actually exists. ernor of Madras, will act as Viceroy nal" that after thirty-nine years' sit- The reader need only compare the - Pres es on ape an s Est'hen leading the burro, they ing the sound of shod steel grating on He was hardly hospitable. \will hold conversations with the Home I According to Maly's depoition, his started off. b (To be continued.) policy. brother met Court Chaplain Mayer on ed ... a p 1 It has been frequently Pressed on the morning after the Mayerling tra- CHAPTER VI. the Government of India's attention gedy, and the chaplain informed him THE NEW RAND. that the future relations between the with consternation that Archduke Jo - Stretched out around the tiny fire ruling Princes and British, India pool had slain the Crown Prince it the willows, heaths pillowed on should not be subjected merely to dis- after a quarrel. Johann had called their saddles, the four men waited. Year to Be M k d cussion between the Butler Commit- at Mayerling, making impassionate representatives of Indian reproaches to Rudolf over rock and gravel? Intently he listen- ed . . and then,clear and unmistakable, it came again. Unique Flat on all fours he crouched as he crawled to the mesa's rim. He was twenty feet above the water. Cautiously he peered over. His breath stopped. Right below him seven men toiled in the water. Rebel Creek was being dammed! The vagrant night ' wind eddying on the hands or, his sombrero oon aland sent itl laid sailingorated in bronze and marble as that lmnand of the ez flian Plollcesng down upon the heads of the men be- of Joan of Arc. It has required coni_,---.__ low. The weight of the little gun siderable ' ingenunity to devise an' Diner (to conductor of orchestra)— irside the hat made it drop like a shot. original means of celebrating upon "Do you ever play r re - A surprised voice retreated from its 500th anniversary of her entry p "Do Conductor—"With play anythingtpl by re - blow. Kildare knew he was discover- the scene. I quest?".. The Paris Committee has solved sir," Diner—"Would you mind play- ed. Cries of rage and anger came up ing dominoes whilst I have my to him. His rifle crawled out beyond the problem. In the months from Feb-' ��� din - the crest, black and ominous to those rtiary to December, 1929, a series of nor. below. - stones will be placed in the various "Freeze where you are," he cried. localities through wbioh jean of Arc With his left hand he drew his six- marched, or fought, or with which gun and fired three shots that would her name is associated. Joan of Arc Path in 500th Marked in tee andthe litter's France States or their rulers, but that the liaison with Baroness Vetsera. The phase of Anglo-American relations. It Paris—No other figure in French Viceroy of India should take his due Archduke is said to have seized a bot- is vital that a serious competition in historyhas been so often commem- share in apprising the British Govern- tle aced smashed the Crown Prince's naval armaments should not begin. o and de- skull. Matters cannot be allowed tit The long twilight was over. Skip yawned and got to his feet. "Late enough," he sighed. "The moon's up. Let':: go!" In Indian file they left the shelter of the trees. Half an hour later they forded the Little Washoe and held north for the dry wash of the Web- ster. Skip held up his hand. "That fringe of dead willows marks the wash, Kildare. Melody, you side him east aways. Better let him stick around Rebel, Creek, It's the least likely place for any one to. come through. Chet will trail nae. I'll hang out around the Winnemucca road. If we have any trouble, it'll be there—freighter or s.omebhin'. drop Chet about half -way over." He turned to Chet. "You and Melody keep in touch with each other. You can see a long ways in this light. Come on!" He wheeled his horse and loped off niter the receding Chet. Blaze and Melody jogged on. They rode into a little arroyo. Blaze snapped a match with his thumb. "Take a squint at this picture, Melody. Is that Bodine?" Melody shook his head. He took the photograph in his own hands. "Nope," he repeated. "Natttre didn't spare him any either, did she?" he chuckled. "No! This fellow Bo- dine is tall and wiry. About the size of the Big Boss." Ten minutes later, they calve to attitude of Responsible Statesmen on this side of the Atlantic towards the Great Republic with the tone of Prac- tical Politicians in and around. Wash- ington. towards Europe in general and England in particular in order to ap- preciate the lack of mutuality. Anglo-Arnerican Relations Nation and Athenaeum (London) . The present is the really critical TORONTO HOTELS Elliott avid Victoria Church & Shutor Sts, 56 Vonge St, In the Shopping District bring Melody and Chet rushing to The first stone will be laid Febru- his side. In an incredibly short time Melody dashed across the mesa. He saw Kil- dare with rifle to his shoulder. "What is it?" he said huskily. "Come here and see." "That's prettiy, ain't it?" Melody growled. "Say, who in hell are you fellows?" There was no mistaking the voice that rolled up in answer to the red- haired one's question. It was Mot row's. He was thoroughly angry. "Melody," he roared, "who's that feel a5$UE No, 41,w..'28. Five days afterwards the newspa- drift, as they are nowdrifting, indeti- pers published a short official cone nteiy—or indeed for very long. Pub- munique announcing that the Emp_ lic opinion must insist that the first eror had divested Archduke Johann favorable opportunity is seized for a of all his offices and titles; the Arch- new attempt, conceived in the spirit duke then assumed the name of Jo- hann Orth, while the public all the time received the impression that his renunciation of his prerogatives was If we deduct 600• years from the voluntary. Years afterward the common calculation of our early his world heard that Johann Orth had. torians, the ascension of our first been drowned on the ship Santa Mar - Emperor Jimmu-Tenno was in about • ghcrita, which sank ,en route to South 60 B.C.—approximately the time America, ary 23 outside the Port tie France at when Julius Caesar held sway in Vaucouleurs. It was throught that gate that the shepherdess of Lorraine IRome. K. ii, Kawakami. •� left Vaucouleurs on February 23, Minard's Liniment for Asthma. 1429, to begin her battles. The following day another stone will be Placed at the Abbey of Saint Urbain, where she passed the night after her first day's journey. From the. Abbey she went to the village of Ceffonds, where her father was born. A commemorative tablet, also will be placed there February 24.." During the remainder of the year up there with the gun?" I stones will he placed at Auxerre, Blaze and Melody exchanged Glen, "Chinon, Poitiers, Tours, Or- glances. "It's me, Kildare," the former shot back. "I didn't know I was nlakfng you, sit so nice and pretty." The two men rode away together. Melody shook his head. "I had it sized up about right, I guess," "Did you recognize' the others?" "Sure! Bodine's crowd. The big fellow was Bodine, The batalla gv'ande is about to begin." The weary: -eyed Kildare waited out the hours: A drop of rain splashed against his face. Acklin, Bodine, and the solenna-eyed Cash. laughed aloud. Every drop of rain was as ental. leans, Rheims and other tarns with which her name is associated. A 'noted writer says that theatres would be better without music be- tween acts. We know of some that would have done better between the intervals! Wife --"Did you find out there was anything wrong with it when you had it to pieces?"' Husband--" 'os! And, new I'm trying to fi nd out if . there's anything right • with it sinde : T''ye jut t together again!" from heaven. It Wits the last touch, Gheck Golds with Minard's L!nifiiewit' Lately rumors have been .circulated that the reports of Orth's death were false, and that he was still alive, a of Lord Lee's speech, to place Anglo- American relations on a really cordial footing. WHEN IN TORONTO Eat and Sleep at SCHOLES HOTEL Cafeteria and Short Order Service YONGE ST., Opposite Eaton's Hotel Rates; $1 Per Day and Up. WATER. ICE ;WAFERS are always in good taste whenl. ever you entertain ... delight fully fres74 crisp and tempting. in the store or on the 'phone, always ash for