HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-27, Page 51 tre'aday, IJi eent1 r 27tty 11�a ..ZURICH..HERALD 1019SINKS3 CARDS DUDLEY E.HoLmEs IBAE11R1STER, SOLICITOE, NOT IARY P'UBLIC, ETC. 'Ir'ICE- Hamniton Street, Jtat ofd he 'Square, GODERICII, Ontario. Spacial attention to Comical and Court W 4rk lib. Holmes may be eoueuLte at rleri+ch by Phone, and Phone chargeS reversed. N. W. !White, ., .i l). OSTEOPATH IVIIAIN STREET EXETER 'Wednesday --2,00 p.m; 5.00 p.raa, 7.00 p.m.; S.00 pan Dr. 11. 11 COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DLITZ 13LOCR—ZURICH , yety Thursday, I'ri41aY, Saturday At H, RTLEIB'S BLOCH, rDASHWOOD Every Monday, Tueedt>,y and Wednesday The I .periai Life Assurance Co. of Canada BEAD OFFICE TORONTO L E. Walerth--Agent. ZURICH. Phone 11-81 Ilruarantee sued . criderlt Insurance. 'Oldest and. Strongest Co, in Canada OSCAR E.LOPP 'Graduate Carey M. J,0320® Nat- korai Tat may School of Auctioneering. ry also for Registered Live Stock, Vail 'Breeds). Terms its keeping "with prevailing prices. Choice Ill'arate for sale. Will Bell anything yeiheee. write. Zurich Phone 18-93 or Licensed balancer FOR HURON S MIDDLESEX IN A POSITION TO CON - auction Sale, realardiese ten S°1 your and or .article to •ae11. I if not �oolicit yyour business, chargers for ilatisl"led will make no rvicea. Dashwood. ,krttlur Weber — $hone• 13--57 h K. E. . Fr'esti and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etC �. Highest Cash Pa -ice Woulr 0 CASH -FOR S1UN S &. T11DYS Beichert 0 e I..$eesese flames eeeeeeesBietttam • Szt LIV1 .fir POU LT WANTED Taken every day till 3 deloeleerene. D mot feed iFowl ammo morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices -CAS I FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien e nape 04 rw Zurich Head r. rters FOR TIRES Ili"ES AND - � tera BY o 'des A.1. S. WEIN, Prop 1. 0, .K.C1013. Sl VISCk *UT tors Wants, ForSale, Lout, Fund, Notice, Etc. Ads .IN TImS COLTINNI AUCTION SALE OF HOTEL PROPERTY Known as DOMINION HOTEL, ZURICH' If not previously sold, Including all the Furnishings, etc, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1929 Alex. Voisin, Proprietor. .Arthur Weber, Auctioneer; FOR SALE PENINSULAR KITCHEN RANGE Wood or Coal, in A. 1. Condition. Hess Radio Electric STRAYED. Unto my premises Lot 11, Con. 3 'I -lay Township, a year-old heifer. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Ed. Munn, Hensall STRAYED There strayed unto Lot 7, Con. 5, Hay Township, about Oct. 18th, a two-year-old heifer, Owner can have same by paying expenses and Prov- ing property. Asa. 3. Pennate, Lot 20, Con. 2, Stephen, Exeter, E, R. No. 1, Phone Crediton, 174-34. FARM` FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres of choice land being'Lot 3, Con. 16 Grey Tp. Buildings and land are all in first class sondition Good terms, and immediate possession can be given. Apply to Andrew Sloan, Phone 27-12 R. R. No. 2, Brussels, Ont. FOR SAL.. DEBENTURES FOR SALE The unsold balance of the Deben- tures issued under Black Creek By - Law are offered for sale. Term is ten years at 5 per cent interest. A. F. HESS, Treasurer Tp. of Hay. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres good farm ing land, 15acres bush, all well dra- ined, bank barn with cement stables, comfortable frame dwelling. Run- ning water fed by spring in stables. Convenient to school town and ch- urch. About two miles from Zurich. Easy Tenais. For particulars apply to A. F Hess, Zurich.' Ten Years In lhfospitada How would ycu 'like to spend ten years of your life in hospitals? Per- haps you would be glad to if youad Tao other home. most of the time and the hospital offered the only chance or staying alive. Mrs. Patrick has been living this way for years. Her trouble? Common enough—consump- tion. and she is poor and almost friendless. Her present stay at tele Toronto Hospital for Consumptives has done her so much good, however, that she believes she will stay out for good when she leaves. She is anxious to get away to a quiet life In same small town, perhaps to open a small millinery shop. The excellent treatment she has been getting has Put new life and new hope in Mrs. Patrick' but, of course, she and so many spent their last cent in the search for health must he helped by warm- hearted friends. A contribution from you would be greatly appreciated. SCharlton or A. D. e Ames, 223 college Street., Toronto 2. Ontario. FADA pecial Six LOCAL NEWS Miss Jessie MacDonald of the Town Line, is spending the vacation. her at home near Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs, Lennie Callfas and family of Kitchener, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 1Vlelia, Miss Cathern Monier, who is at- tending High School at EJ.uiira, is sp ending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Merrier„ Sorry to report. that IVIr, Hilton Truemncr of the 14t1i con., has been for the past week confined to his bed with an attack of appendicitis, but pleased to report that he is impr- oving. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Brown and two sons of Forest, are pleasantly sp- ending the holidays with relatives and friends in the village and Cred- iton, where Mr. Braun's parents are living. A meeting of the Officials of the Hay Township Farmers' Fire Insur- ance Company held a business meet- ing in the Dominion hotel,,Zurich on Friday afternoon of last week, when considerable business was transcted and discussed In our issue of last week we made mention of a local dealer, having made a number -of sales of new pian- os, this was however not just worded rightly as the article should have st- ated that this sale was transacted be the Mason & Risch Co. of Stratford. Among the many surprizes of the mild winter we .are enjoying, is in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of the east end of the village, while a neighbor was passing the ot- her day he noticed in their garden a most beautiful matured, as wen as pansle in full bloom. What makes the incident even more remarkable is the fact that at this particular part of town the early frosts are always more prominent, but sceminggly this flower plant has withstood all the frosts of the winter and still keeps on blossoming away. A rather: disagreeable snowstorm visited there parts on Thursday even- ing last, which greatly inconvenienc- ed any one who happened to be out. Mr. George Thiel, the local stage dr- iver from here to Hensall, met with a very pleasant experience while re- turning from l-lensall, when he be- came somewhat blinded in the storm one before he realized what was„do- ing, his car took to the ditch with the result that it toppled over, and as the car was loaded with people at the time, but .luckily they were travelling slowly, and no one was injured nor was any damage done to the car. The various school concerts'during the past week have created a great deal of inte>_est and enthusiasm: awl were well attended by the r,e oplc of the sections as well as many visitors. We had the pleasure of attending the one on the 14th con. No. 12, on Wed- nesday last and cannot help but make remarks of the fine and mannerly way everything was conducted, and how the achollars and teacher must have used endless patience in getting up so many popular numbers. It certainly is a rare opportunity for the children to get up , before the public and do something worthwhile. With these opportunities and this training we cannot help but think of seeing a bright and intelligent future for our fair Dominion. j BATTERYLES S OR WITH BATTERIES Nobody is Lonely in FADA Homes! WHAT do you like? Jazz or grand opera? Fiddlers or Philadelphia Orchestra? Funny Recitations or Politic- al Speeches? Stock and Market Reports, News Everything? Yes,' all. Radios do offer this variety, but PADA gets them! There' the difference! For good, sound, enyin- eeritig reasons f'A1 Aafone can give you unlimited choice. FADA alone is years ahead in all your radio essentials... true selectivity that brooks no interference from over• lapping stations ----superb,. ringing tone quality long range ---clear and loud. Reliability that does not help our repair business, bat we are glad of that! We make It up in extra sales of 'ADA! Sao our beautiful table and console models. .fear FADA prove itself the finest radio efer offered, LOCAL NEWS Mr. Orilla Ehnes of Detroit was a week -end visitor with friends in the village. K Wes Callfas of Kitchener, is sp- ending the holidays with :friends in tows;, Miss Meda Sure l us of the Toronto public school teaching stair is spend- ing the holhi aye with her.mother oat the BroIiseon Line, Are you th]nging about iniiiei•arc' Let the Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, help you. Mite to the Farm Buildings 1)epartnlent, Mr. Nesbit Woods, who is on the public echool teaching , staff of the city of Toronto, is spending his holi- days at the home'. of Mr. and Mrs, T. L. 'Warm,. The Christmas holiday on Tuesday, passed off very quietly in town, as there was no special attractions, we notice not quite Flo mann vieitors es usual, tiffs is probably clue owing to the fiu epedemic.. Owing to the large amount of sick - bees the Christmas program of the Evangelical ehurch has been indefin- itely ] oetponed, and will probably be held at some future date in the near future. The .Christmas program of St. Pet- er's atru ran cinirch, which was sch- eduled f'nr Monday evening of this week, was postponed on account of illness, and will he held on Sunday evening, December 300, to which the public is heartily invited to attend. We are at present enjoying what we would consider the best winter weather that we could wish for,, as the road; are frozen hard and with practically no snow, ate auto runs along fiery nicely, yet a little rough at some placee. In fact we would not mind to have just such a winter and weather till March, as it would be a great convenience to get aro- und, and would take away tiie mon- otony of being snow bound. The copy of the financial statem- ent of the Township a! Hay, is now in the hands of the printer, and wl;1 be in print in a few days, we notice that things are going along about the same as rn previous years, with the exception of the various drainage schemes which were put through ti•!,7. past year, and \Ve notice that the Township of 'lay shows- a very happy surplus of hand, considerable larger than in pravious years, this is prob- ably due to the large amount oaf:' drain debentures which have been solei and as the season was not long enough to complete this work, hence this money is on hand. EMB "Remember it? I should say f do:” man's The big face beamed with hap- py recollection. Someone had, in snore or less of business way, spo- ken of The Youth's Companion. And jut the mention of its naive ---so far as business was concerned --broke vp that meeting. But what fun those busy men had swapped recollections of the days when thearrival of the Youth's Companion was the high spot of the whole week. Rare, indeed are the pleasures that we remember so warmly over half a century of years. But the Youth's Companion is still a- mong them. Isn't there some'boy or girl whom you would- like. to make happy with a gift subscription? Ii its new enlarged and improved form as a monthly magazine. The Com- panion has more to offer its young readers than ever before ---a full bo- ok -length novel complete in each is- sue; • shore stories and serials so thrilling they will never even suspect them of being i "good influence"- or he "'right kind of reacting" --articles y .outstanding men and women thatll fire their young ambition---coln- nents on current affairs --puzzles, po- vis, guides to the best in books and moving pictures --special departments or both boys end girls covering their own foseirite activities.. The many You may give some boy or girl a ray fine gift by accepting the fol - owing offer. • 1 The Youth's Companion, 12 ig monthly numbers, and 2. Two extra numbers to new subscribers or- ering within 30 days and 3. A opy of "WE" in 12 colors, framing ize 18x24 inches. All for $2. THe OUTH'S COMPANION. S. N. Dep oston, Moss. Subscriptions receiv-. d at Herald office. THE REM ERED GIFT COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS fFOR YsIEND INE Scranton Coat ALSO; CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON LAND, TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO e �11����A#���,►�A`6f1r41►,�t��►4tP��Md01P�. e i Farm implemelits „.4 4 4 t a ARE Y3]AD UARTERS WEI~ , Q OR FARM IMPLFii/IENTS, AND ` WILL BE .CLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUS;:' THE KIND OE MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST " AND TI-iAT ViTYLI„ GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLL.A , OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPYNG.", AND FITTINGSa ' AND BESIDES WE lf,TSTALL OUR POWS, ILET YOUR NEXT. CREAM SEPARATOR BE .11.'"DE LAVAL • We have the Agency for this District. 't • GARAGE SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND 4 CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND O. ' AU'Y'O e PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAMI • DO EXPERT BA T TRRY WORK ON REPAIRING AND REe +9 BUILDING .BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED • Tires, T d es Gas, Ns and ryes 0 • L. A. F rai nt g 444,444444,044444006,44,440,01:1-t,' -443104,0,404 4,4644,100,0 �c•bQ •' Zurich • 2 e 44 Illianr3r•eenesne -.cn-lfomn�2,.-4aarc,r7,4" • 4' ,!! Auto Tops 3 Buggy TF3 Repairing Ws on P Eto. Secund Handed Buggies HESS ® ZURIOJJ "DnESSIM US 1-0.4 CEDAR S INQLES 4. For new and old Roofs s AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF WITfHOUT ANY PAINTINGOI;. REPAIRING AND W1LL OUT LAST ANY OTHER KIND OP itOOP, 1 SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW ' • - PRICE OF - 5K Red Cedar $1.50 Per Bunch + 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch a WE WILL RECEIVE IN A PEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF $-Ft' a,. CEDAR POSTS AND 9 FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. .CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. M 1 PHONE 69 cs 1 FLEIS ( ) ZURICH eti y i .l. i"t,'t.+ ++ .i4 }"'1 s is+++4.-14, :44“31”1..;.,F. 4.4 3-€.+4, + 8'•"h+li E ++ l'+ Y ++4 efiRil -244 Zurich Drug tore C}risu. We have many beautiful Artied.es in our store suitable for Christmas Gifts 4P4 444 4 9+DG4 +04 0444aAe44 4,44,04 Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Military Brush Sets, Articles in French Ivory o4Agaa44aa©$4.4 4444d4css4-144,44 PERFUMIZERS Fancy Stationery, _�3- ;. oks, Picture Books and Fountain Pens Christmas Cards and ` ookkets KODAKS AND FILMS sic INCaPC� re s9C. wer et lsrG stG Drd A. .MacKth.non, Zurioh �'� �i�iS���i'"I�SSii�S�V'�"i�i1f��`>,r } �'• �