HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-27, Page 444+++++4•144+++++++++4++++44++++++++++,+444.44++++++Atil4.4 4 • ,444#4.1'44+f"Vii4444,0++44. 4 4 4 4 84. 4. 4 4- .44.41 -4444.44+4.4 -4-4-+++++++4.9•°+-1.+4.-:-++++4-++++++++++++++.1-4. TO OUR MANY Cukorters & Fiel* WE WISH THROUGH THIS MED UM TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS AN) APPRECIATION FOR THE PAST YEAR'S BUrlINESS RELATI ONS, AND TRUST THAT THIS MAY AGAIN. CONTINUE. THRO. UGHOUT 1929. WISHING YOU ALL A Hppy TMa Year GIVE. TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS ANDFRIENDS, A PIECE OF FANCY CHINA. BE SURE TO CALL FOR YOURS. PRODUCE WANTED SAVE YOUR COUPC'NS. 4.4 Phone 140 The Store of Service and Quality'4. + + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .1. 1+ 4' 4. 9 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. THS YEAR, INSTEAD OF CALENDARS. WE ARE .GOING TO4. + NOW TO GIVE YOU SOME REAL ENTERTAINMENT FOR THOSE SONG WINTER NIGHTS. LOOK OVER THIS LIST, PICK OUT TOUR SET AND ASK US FOR A DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR OWN HOME, FREE OF CHARGE. SOME REAL BARGAINS INTHIS LIST: r 1 WestinghoVse, Phones Complete $22.00 1 Kolster Table, 6 -Tube $137.00 1 Westinghouse Batteryless Console at $160.00 1 DeForest Crosley, A Real Buy at $245.00 1 Kolster Compact, Batteryless $185.00 1 Kolster Console, complete '• $190.00 1 King, 6 -Tube Table Model, Musiconsc $147.00 1 DeForest Crosley, Table Model at $119.00 SEE AND HEAR THESE SETS AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC HARRY G. HESS Radio Repairing with real Testing Equipment. .6061016000-511400ettemOCCD*0*aem•sest•eumoo*oesseel Coal THE COLD DAYS ARE 'NOW HERE, AND WE ARE JUST AN A FINE POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH JUST THE II KIND OF FUEL BEST ADOPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS. WE HAVE A LARGE SUPPLY IN OUR HENSALL COAL SHEDS OF HARD AND SOFT COAL, AND ALSO CAN SUPPLY THE 1 LOCAL .CUSTOMERS FROM OUR NEW SHEDS IN ZURICH. i Let Us sell You the very best 'coal obtainable at the lowest prices. I Leave your order with us. to ' 4,1 TRY OUR CONTINENTAL STOCK FOOD FOR HORSES, CAT- til ir TLE, HOGS, SHEEP AND POULTRY, NONE BETTER ON THE 1 MARKET TO -DAY WE I-IAVE MOST CALLED FOR BRANDS OF CHOICE HOUSE- HOLD FLOUR, AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. :HAVE RECENTLY INSTALLED A NEW SEED CLEANING i EVERGROWING BUSINES& MACHINE WHICH IS ANOTHER LANE ADDED TO OUR Coal L a hil e SQ.V.X(11034,4010148 g00900$43410346gDSEr 6640064$9, veZURICI1, HER.ALD ,` • .• Membera of the family of Mr and Mrs, W. L. Siebert were all Janne for Christmas Day, and enjoyed a most splendid even't. Miss Ida Brill has been confined to her bed with .art attack of nenritis, but is .able to be up again some thie each day, .• Se ninny doctors have been -telling us theclangers of kissing that there issome talk, of putting antiseptie lipstick on the Market. Mr. and Mrs Eldon Schnell and ;family of.:Detrolt, are spending the holidays With the former's mother, Mrs. J. Schnell, and, also with relati- ves at Hayfield. • • Mr. Louis Prang is ali smiles these days, and has good reasons to be, for hetreated himself and family to: a fine •new Chevrolette coach, which we know they will take lunch pleas - ere from the Same. The influenza epedernie which is a gain playing hovaewith the publicin general's health, is also becoming quite prominent in and around Zor- ich, and over the Christmas holidays there are almost countless numbers who are stricken to their beds with this uncomfortabe epedemic, and pub lie gatherings is a great place for it to sprdad among -the people Nonct NOMINATION .POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH.. Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Police Village of Zurich will be held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1928 At the hour from 7.00 to'S.00; o'clock in the Evening. I' For the purpose of nominating Can- didates for Police Trustees for the year 1929, and if a poll is demanded a Poll will be poled on Monday, the 7th day of January, 1929 At the Clerk's Office, Zurich Saicl Poll „be opened at 9 o'clock a. m. until 5 o'clock, A. ess, Returning Officer. Dated :at Zurich, this 8th day of Dec- ember, i.928.' NOTICE NOMINATION PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the electors of the Municipality of the Township of Hay will be held in the ... TOWNSHIP ,HALL In The VILLAGE OF ZURICH On MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st 1928, at the hour from one to two o'clock p. m., for the purpoSe of nominating candidates for Reeve and Chncillors for the Township of Hay, for the year 1929, and in case a poll is demanded, polls will be op- ened on: Monday, January 7th, 1929 In the several Polling Sub -Divisions of the Township a follows: Poll No. 1, Polling Place, School House No. 2, E. Campbell C. Prouty Poll Clerk; Poll No. 2, School House No. 14, D. Burns, D.R.O; W. Alexander Poll Cleric.; Poll No. 3, Town Hall, W. O'l3rein Surerus Poll Clerk; Poll No. 4 A. G. Hess' Shop, W. G. Hess D.R.O., D. Oswald; Poll No, 5, School House No 12, U. Pfilt D.R.O.. Herb Krueger Poll Clerk; Poll No. 6, Hartleib's Hall, C. Pfile D.R.O., A. Weber Poll Clerk; Poll No. 7, School House Ne. 3, J. B. Forrest D.R.O., Jas. .MeAr s ter Poli Clerk; Poll No. 8, C. 0. Smith's Shop, F. Ducharme, D.R.O., Jos. Corriveau, Jr. Poll Clerk. Said Polls will be kept open from 9' o'clock, a. m. until 5 o'clock pria and no longer. ANDREW F. HESS, Itetu rn • rer !neer. Dated at Zurich, this 8th day of Dec- ember, 1928. • FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 150 acres of land, in two parcels, one of 100 acres being Lot 10, S. B. con, Hay Township, and 50 acres in N. B, E1-1 Lot 7 St- anley Township. The farm , is in good state of cultivation, well fenced and drained 11/2 story brick; house' with hard and soft water, also Turn - ace,, bank barn 40x60, straw shed $2x40 on the 100 acre farm parcel, 18 acres of wheat, 25 acres plowed. For further particulars apply on the premises. Ross Love, Proprietor, R. R. 2, Hensel]. A Soldier Builds Ships Joe spends a good deal of time making 'model ships." Ali, an old tar, you say, Wrong. Joe was a sol- dier, and he isn't very old at all— about H. But there is something rather serious the matter with hith5. When he was, at the front lie was wounded twice seriously too. "Often a fellow seems' to get ovor a wound, but later on in lite it seems to loonier back on him," says Joe. His experi- ence was that when he took a Job he becaam too weak to hold it, seemed to get worse and had pains in the chest. After a w141s the doctor said It wns consumption. Jos Is now at the Toronto Hospitaifa'. Consump- tives, where the kindly dootors and nurses are cloth., their beat to patch up the worn forme and put new life in the wasted lunws, They may suc- ceed, Um, for jou ts worth saving, and, a big kght is lying waged to saVo "Vyould von like le,ht..1:1 In s1 2, frton you wottlti besilltntIchmanpvprbe;.14: to 1:141.1.,n4 A. emit -Iwo ur k aast,,..if 2-4 Street, Toronto 8, Oatarie. • • Thursaay. Decenther 27th, 192 192 )' 10. Another year is passing and stili Rogers stands supreme . . . the first batteryless radio in the world - . conceived, developed, per- fected right here in Canada — . now entering its fifth year of proven perforrnance . . more sold than all other electric sets combined! What better way to invest that Christmas cheque than in a Rogers-Batteryless Radio ! 1;p114; Mth.1114, ,!,!144111111i Rogers "Four -Twenty" Table Model A development of the famous Rogers Model "Two -Twenty". Single Tuning Knob operates Illuminated Drum Dial. Auto- matic Voltage Control, Rogers Output Filter, Phonograph "Plug- in" Jack. Genuine Walnut cabinet by Malcolm. Price complete (ex- cept Loud Speaker)..$ 165.00 Rogers "Four Hundred" Highboy Same radio equipment as the .Roger :s' "Four -Twenty" shown above, combined with Magnetic Speaker in a genuine Walnut cabinet. Price .... . .. —$250.06 LL To those who have yet to own their first radio, Rogers offers proven performakce—as against expensive ex- periment=at less than the cost of any other compar- able electric radio. Years before any other electric radio was successfully marketed there were thousands of Rogers-Batteryless Radios in every day use right across Canada. To those who still own battery-operated radios,. Rogers offers all the convenience 'and reliability of radio without batteries, chemicals or attachments at less than the original cost. of your old battery set. Greet the New Year at the dial of a new and better radio—a Rogers-Batteryless! All the lading Itations will be "on the air" New Year's Eve with special gala programs . • . and throughout 1929 scores of notable events will be'broadcast that will more than compen- sate you for the small cost of a Rogers. A Small Cash Payment Will Place a Rogers in Your Home for New Year's Ask us to install one of these new 1929 Rogers-Batteryless Modelsin your home for New Year's. If it does not perform to your entire satisfaction, return it FREE of all cost. If it does, a small udown" payment makes you the owner and the balance may be arranged on convenient terms. WU m, aid FOR SALE About two acres of standing poplar timber for sale. Apply fo James Mc- Allister, R. R. 1, Zurich. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the results of the Christmas Examinations of Union S. S. No. 9, Hay and Stanley: Those marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more examinations. Na- mes are in order of merit. ,Sr. IV--Gertic Bechler, Rose Fos- ter, Jr. IV --Lloyd Jeffrey, Gordon Erb, Mary Clarke*, Mabel Gerber' 7 David. Meyers, Lee Oesch* Sr. III--Ephriam Gingerich, Susie Oesch, Gus Clarke, Grace Gelinas, Clarence Gesell°, William Heckler. Jr. III—Beatrice Manson, Mildred Hey, CIA Thiel, Louise Hartman, Wallace Gingerich, Mabel Schwartz-. entruber*. Sr. II--Clemence Jeffrey and Leo- nard Heckler equal, Bernice Thiel, Allen Sehwartzentruber and Francis Foster equal, Ruben Gingerieh, Moz- art Gelinas*. Sr. I --Beatrice Gerber., Violet Oes- ch, Anthony Hartman. Jr. I--Reta Foster. Kathleen Hey, Inane Jeffrey, Joan Gelinas, Austin. Hartman, Lee Roy Erb. Primer --Margaret Gingerich, John Kelp, Dorothy Earbo Curtis Ginger- ich, Emery Bechler, Varda Becitler*, Average attendance-- 40. Jessie MacDonald, Teacher. 0 R. N Masse --At Bronson Line, Hay Town- ship; on Deem -libel. 23rd, td Mr., and Mrs. Paul Masse a daughter. Denomme--At Hay Township, on Dec- ember 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rem- ieDenomme, Mittleholtz--At Zurich, on December 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ted, Mittle- Holtz, a son. Taylor --At Parr Line, Hay Town- . ship, to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Tay- lor, a daughter. Lafthantboise--At Blue Water High- -way, Hay Township, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lafromboise, ori Dec-. ember 18th, a daughter, BLAKE. Me, and Mrs. Earl Weide and Zurteh, and Mr. and Mrs 10 Tumor and son .Grant, of Cod - ! rich, spent Christmas day at the !wine of Mr. and Mrs, Ross John A ..4..•40•0+,40.4.000+••tetee.glittitri: 0 0 0 0 0 0 09 • • * 0 •4? • BARGAINS BARGAINS Received a shipment of waterproof Robes which 1 am retailing far be- low Catalogue prices get your's at Special Price $12.50 large size FRED THIEL - ZURICH ..•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••00,••••••ao.....00..a.siNk. ston. Mr. and Mrs. John Bechler and 1411 and Mrs. H. Brenner spent Christ- mas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe I3ecider, Miss Alberta Finlay returned he - me on Saturday after spending a few weeks with friends in Landon. ding this week at her home here Miss Theda Hayter of .Windsor spending her holidays with har • parents. Miss Myrta Hoffman and friend ot Kitchener spent Christmas with her parents. A very interesting and most 11m Mr. arid Mrs. J. A. Carnie and da- neual event took place at the home ughtere spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker on of Mr. and Me. C. Haugh at Brute- Monday evening, December 24th5. lield.lt.. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield and when a number of their friends an& neighbors gathered together and daughter of London, spent Sunday at Thos. celebrated with them the 25th anee nt the homer Mr. t ersary of their marriage. Daring the* Johnston. evening Mr. and Mrs. 13alcer were tb.* recipients of many beautiful gifts, Dashwood and congratulations expressing the ea, teem of their numerous friends. Mr. Percy Kieinstiver of Chieago, Miss Gladys Guenther of Prestonl, spent Christmas withhis parents here. Springs, spent Christmas holidays bra Dashwood and Zurich. Mr. Bruer of New Hamburg spent. the holidays in town, Miss Rose Guenther of Windsor, visiting her parents this week. Mr. Geo. Maier of Detroit is spen • Miss Cunningham of Kitchener sp- ding Christmas and New Years -with', ent Christmas with her sisterMrs. L. his parents. Morena. The Christmas entertainment in Miss Flossie Kleinstiver and friend Evangelical church was postpone& of Stratford, spent Christmas at her Owitg to so many being sick with that home liere. Iiu. Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto, lVfiss Thelma Elsie of Sarnia is 40,4- v.,,sperttling her holidays with her par- ending the holidays with her 01:110 pare- :Miss Florence Guenther spent Chr- Mr..Lous Rader had the rtisrov4 AtitieS in Windsor, tune to fal through a hole in ;UM: MPS Illide.Kuit a London is Oen Darn dielocatine; 1111 Mr. and Mrs. George Koch are ..„.me- iting their daughter near London week.. Miss Nelda lassold of London sp- ent the week -end with her parents.