HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-20, Page 54fellidtsday, Detertifier, Qiltlh, 192a I$.....'' CARDS SUSIROS DUDLEY E.11o aMT+ S *,y, inierE'B, SOLICITOR, NOT IARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, JONI off U's Square, 4 ODERiCD,tared ;$pedal attention to Couw -Court World flat .els may be consulted at flioderieh by Phone, and P'ho'ne chargees reversed, C1..,HERALD N. W. R®u61ed a uS ort ..OE OSTEOPATH ?MAIN STREET - EXETER Wedixesday--2.00 p.m; "s>il>IB+.dn• 7.00 p.m.; B.00 p.m Dr. 11. II. COWEN L. D. S. D. D,'�, DENTAL SURGEON At DEIT BLOCK—ZUR I`Crdas .yery Thursday, Friday, At '3•ARTLEIB' S BLOCK, ;DASI3W OOD Every Monday, Tuesday an'd Wednesday The imperial' Life Assurance Co. of Canada BAD OFFICE -- TORONTO O E. E. auerth—Ag811it ZURICH Phone 11-S3 itkaaraintee and Accident Insrar,au'e:e' Co. in Canada �aldei�t wad Strongest OSCAR I LOPI' Graduate Carey Ma tongs Nat Real School of Auetio'nesring Try van for Registered Live Stook, Terms in keegiirl5 M��l Breeds). Terms earith prevailing prices,Wall roll �dnyilrin,e Warms for sale. Anywhere, • ^Phone 18-93 or write. paa3ie 3. Licensed Aligtielleer WOE HURON & MIDDLESEF. All IN A POSITION TOeCON- 11.n.ct any auction. Sale, reoarcliese cam :to Size or article to 'sell. I >oalicit your business, and it not 9ratsefied will make no charges for r cos. Dashwood. Arthur Weber — Rhone 13-57 imoosos000000000s0000000so 41 Zurich Mat 1 MARKET a Fresh and Salt Meats Bp]pgIIa Sausages, etc • 34 • ghest Cash Price for wool •I OASg FOB. SKINS & BIDES T13334131u1 &e D81Chert woosN1•pssMSNosssoo LIVE V f'OUL�`T WANTED Vahan every day till 3 o'cicrak, m De -not feed Fowl aanle roskruing when brought in. Highest Cash Prices CASH FOR— ,• Crean' and Eggs W. O'Brien r 'None 9.4 Zurich RUT TO' Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, etc. Ads IN THIS COX+11KI FOR SALE Nine small pigs, ready to goe• Ap- ply to Simon Greb, :Babylon Line, Hay Township. AUCTION SALE OF HOTEL PROPERTY Known as DOMINION 16HOTEL, ZURICH If not previously sold, Ineluding all the Furnishings, etc, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1929 Alex. Voisin, Proprietor. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. FOR SALE About two acres of standing poplar timber for sale. Apply to James Mc- Allister, R. R. 1, Zurich. FOR SALE PENINSULAR KITCHEN RANGE Wood or Coal, in A. 1. Condition. Hess Radio Electric STRAYED. llnto my premises Lot 11, Con- 3 Ilay Township, a year-old heifer. O wrier can have same by proving property and paying expenses. Ed. Munn, I-lensall STRAYED - There strayed unto Lot 7, Con. 5, Flay Township, about Oct. 18th, a two-year-old heifer. Owner scan have same by paying expenses. and prov- ing property. .Elsa J. Penhale, Lot 20, Con. 2, Stephen, Exeter, R, R. No. 1, Phone Crediton, 17--34. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of • 1.00 acres of choice land being Lot 8, Con. 16 Grey Tp. Buildings and land are all in first class condition Good terms, and immediate possession can be given. Apply to Andrew Sloan, Phone 27-12 R. R. No. 2, Brussels, Ont, FOR SALE DEBENTURES FOR SALE The unsold balance of the Deben- tures issued under Black •Creek By - Law are offered for sale. Term is tela' years at 5 per cent interest. A. F. HESS, Treasurer Tp. of Hay. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres good' farm ing land, 15acres bush, all well dra- ined, bank barn with cement stables, comfortable frame 'dwelling. Run- ning water fed by spring in stables. Convenient to school town and ch- urch. About two miles from Zurich. Easy Terms. For particulars apply te' A. F. Hess, Zurich. FOR SALE DRESSED GEESE FOR XMAS,— We solocit orders for Xmas, geese, Prices. right and quality good. Order now and make sure of getting your's. Thomas Meyers, Zurich. LOCAL NEWS Mr. Ed. Finkbeiner of Crediton, gave the Herald Office a friendly call one day last week. NOTICE --The Bronson Line School Concert will be held on Thursday ev- ening Dec. 20th, and the public is in- vited to attend, S. S. No. 4, Hay,, Mr. and Mrs. John Hartman of Sea forth called in the village oxi Thars- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beaver, ac- companied by Mrs. Sangster, of Hen-. sall, called on Zurich friends one day last week. Built 'in the confidence of its subscribers, the Family Herald ancl. Weekly Star Montreal, stands ' su- preme today annong farm papers while its Magazine Section is easily at the head of the list. • Mr. Harold' E. Walker, teller of the Zurich Branch of the 13ank of Mon - treat 'has been a week -end visitor at his home at Walkerton, and reports the roads as being very heavy' over the week -end .in that direction. On Saturday last :December lath, was the . last official sitting of 'the Hay Council for 1928, and as usual, they had a heavy clay of it to wind up the year's activities. There were a large number of accounts passed which will appear in thetreasurer's financial printed in the near future. The wild geese hunters who were on a hunt to Canlache, for wild ge- ese, the past week, have returned to their hoines, and are sorriewhat dis appionted as -they did :not get a sing- le gpose. While there were a goodly number to be seen, yet they were in no mood to take chances on coming in contact with the high powered. shotguns that thee: men were equip - ed with. Mr. Bruce J. Klopp, who has 'been for the past few months principal of a Continuation Sdhool at Gari BaY, , on Manitulin island, arrived home the past week, 'and we are sorry to re- port that owing to ill health, Mr. Klopp has been obliged to resign as teacher of said school, and will reeun erate for a time at home here before taking up further work, Mr. Lloyd 0 lroln and family on Tuesday moved -their effects into the hoarse owned by Mr. Chas. Weber and recently vacaend by Me. Lennis O,'Brein. The hou vacated by Mo Lloyd O'Brein will likely he at one be occupied by its owners, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Ayotte, who have recent- ly moved their erects from Kinde, Mich., to the 14th, con., Hay., and who have been waiting for this.oppor tunity. The Christmas Program at Ethane uel Evangelical Church is binger.and better each succeeding year. Exten- sive preparations are now being made by Sunday School pupils asi ,ted b1 the Choir, for this joyous festivity. The date is Chrismas 1)ay, Tuesday, December 25th, at 7.45 p. m. A mit, celleaneons program consisting of re- citation:;, exercises, choruses, drills, etc., will be given by the Juniors and Intermediate scholars, Follow- ing this The Hallelujah Chorus, from Handel's Messiah will be rendered. by the Chior„ under the 1{• i !ership of Miss E. Rnnie. L. L. C. M. This is one of the musical slassics of tide ages, and we urge you net to miss this rare treat. Last. but not least, a very fine Pageant, "'Lille (.1...at Messiah" will 'be rendered loi.eging the occasion to a glorioti', climax. Don't miss. it. FADA pecial Six Headnuarters FOR TIRES TUBE"1.�; Storage Whiles es &. WE) Prop 4403111w9,04 ...RR VICE RATTERYLESSett. D OR WITH BATTERIE-S Nobody is Lonely in FADA- Homes! WIIAT do you like? - Jazz or grand opera? Fiddlers or Philadelphia Orchestra? Funny Recitations or Politic- al Speeches? Stock and Market Reports, News Everything? Yes, all Radios da offer tlxis variety, but PADA gets them! There' the difference! For good, sound, enyin- Bering reasons F.ADAnlono can give you unlimited choice. FADA alone is years ahead in all your radio essentials -- true selectivity that brooks no 'interference from over- lapping stations ----superb,; ringing tone quality long range. --clear and loud, Reliability that does not help our repair business, but wee are glad of that! We make it up in extra sales of FADA See our beautiful table and console models. .Hear FADA prove itself the finest radio afar offered. ... .. ..... a!ery ries LOCAL NEWS Sorry to report that Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aubin's eight-year-old. daught- er is • seriously i11 with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs, Theo. McAdams and sof, Willie attended the funeral last Thursday of Mr. McAdams' brother, Robert McAdams at 'fhame„vill. -Mrs. Cornelius Jorcien, of Niagara Falls, is at present visiting with her mother, Mrs. Ben. Charrette of the Blue Water Highway, who has been very ill, but v.e are glad to report is on the mond. Our mailing list; has been correct- ed up to December 15th, and we wo- uld ask all our sufv.efibers to look at their label •and make sure that cred- it has been given if you have paid your subscription, We have hund- reds of labels to look after and you have only one namely your own, so be courteous about it and tell us if .you think it is not reading just right Our stores and windows around town are deco.•ated wonderfully nice eXon.ssing the Chri i,uas spirit, and they are offer ieg some o,'' the finest assortment oc appropriate goods that can he had. anywhere. There is ab- solutely no reasen of going to the city to do your shopping, or sending away to the mail order houses for your eupplies. when one can get the articles right at home, and just as cheap, quality considered. The springlike wca'ther the past week was brought to a rather ab- rubt close on M.oriday night when the weather changed to a little more sea- sonable, and the terribly muddy ro- ads are again all dried up with the frost. We experienced very unusual ly heavy rains over the week -end, and it looks as 1f we might have suffieicnt snow on the ground by next week to make it app,iar like real Canadian Christmas weather. Before our next publication will reach you we will all be called upon to observe the sacred day of Christ- mes. And in sO doing let It he one of mach rejoie.iug, 'not for tier many bis sings received the 1 rel year, or for die pro, 7iii enjoyed, or the nwny good thing; to •:it, or friends we TAM, )' l u eive o'' e time ,t leaet a "'a''. what t'hx-stn s nee' means an :n it cif, whet at means in our lives, Red tle,n we will apaare- eiate it all the mon. 111ay the clay be a bleselag to tee. and ail iu thi entr_a community, i.a oar meet sin- cere wishes. •.•••••..••.•,••••.••,a 9* ••••••+•*•o•••,►•••'*•••*• • •• • •41 •e 4 ♦ 4 e a ♦ 9 ♦ ♦ 4 4 0 0 4, Y4, ♦ 0 a ♦ ♦ Farm Implements WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, ANA WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OE MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST.. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS; PIPING AND F1TTINGSG AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL • We have the Agency for this District. G-ARAGF SUPPLIES WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUaPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAM: DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tulles, Gas, Oils argil Greases L. A. Fran Zurich 04404444010464®•b40Q4444.w:S� 40.+b049004Pr461i�04+04,e 44644 4 0 4 • 2 i +lr rwr 51 THE HAPPY FAMILY • • "` They do have such good times together"! Little Mrs. Turner's eyes -followed with wistfully the „isappear ing figures of the MacDougall's, .her neighbors across the way. Lunch - anrd camera - and sweater -laden, with the clog bounding joyously before them, they were off --father, mother, and the three young McDonald's for a Saturday tramp in the woods. "I was asking Mrs. Mac). only yester- day," little Mrs. , Turner wont on, how it is that although they all have special friends and hobbies of their own, they still manage to work and play and plan together so many go- od times. And do you know what Mrs. MacD. answered. She laughed and said; Well I really think more than anything it's The Youth's Com- panion! In fact, I'm so sure of it that I should like to order it for a year as a present from our family to yours. Six manths from now you can, tell me if it wasn't right. The MacDougall's are just ones of thous- ands of householders where The Youth's ompanion is bringing not on- ly entertainment in its fine book-len- geh novels, serials, and short stories, but fresh interests, new ambitions, and deeper understadings through its featuring articles and many special departments. Every page offers hap- piness to young and old alike. Don't let your family be without the treat of thi greatly monthly magazine ! Just • send your subscription order to the .address below and you will receive: ' f `ttomadittOD mauve e OtIJ I. • big monthly numbers, and 2. Two .extra numbers to new subscribers or- dering within 30 days and 8. A copy of "WE" in 12 colors, framing size 18x24 inches. All for $2, THe YOUTH'S COMPANION. S. N. Dep Boston, Moss. Subscriptions receiv- ed at Herald office. COAL 1928 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS WOR 'GENUINE Scranton Coal ALSO, CARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS R AIII.�ai TO .1 rase & Son 1' 4. , 3. 4. + Auto Tops, Buggy Toips Wagoii Repairing Painting Eta' Second. Handed Buggies HESS ZtFRICt;. 4-1-e4.4.+4.4444+44+++++44.4.+4:44 USE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and old Roofs AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF WITHOUT ANY PAINTINGOR REPAIRING AND WILL OUT • LAST ANY OTHER KIND OF ROOF. SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF— n 5X Red Cedar $1.50 Per Bunch 3X Red Cedar $1.35 Per Bunch WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OF 8 -FT, CEDAR POSTS AND 9 FT. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. 1 CALL FOR YOUR SUPPLY. C. KAL PHONE 69 YL1ISC r s.l ZURICH t4+++++ 4++++++F++++++4•+d»>.+34444-it++4..?.+++ ! '+++E.Ce!H, riwwumwwwivammumivAivviwAywdm Zurich Drug Store Christmas Gifts We have many beautiful Articles in our store suitable for Christmas Gifts 00.000404000444444+4000000 Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Military Brush Sets, Articles in French Ivory 4ateet 9i3e o$04.4.440000440.0000 PERFUMIZERS 'Fancy Stationery, Books, Picture Books and Fountain Pens Christmas Cards and; Booklets KODAKS AND FIL.IMS me mr or aN` . ,.. ,'p( MaoKintton,Zurich Dra �N i7 a ,s r�y� „ M w ���yyy ��7 was r �. iHx•� �y w. ''�{.� j`w..� � t>< r, �; M a k4.'�� f^�,��N.2 , . „h5`'�..