HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-20, Page 4unonsnonfo Only 12 More 4. 4. Shopping Days till Xmas. A visit to Wurm's Store will solve your ese Few Suggestions may basis for y ur Xmas. Shopping Xmas. problems. 4. 4. serve as a +4 4. 444++++44+ 8 «�. e�R.'31'+a•b4'Ii'h°(,.i"$+•4°++F.g, fi.,I'°S +i'*+'ic9"A'41+ !}"+ 4 .k+"::• "'-.; :.,. For Mother, Sister or Sweetheart * SILK`UNDERWEAR, VESTS, BLOOMERS, NIGHTGOWNS, HOSE • GLOVES, NECKLACES, HANDKERCHIEFS, IN FANCY BOXES FANCY CHINA, PARASOLS, LINENS FOR HOME OR HOPE • • CHEST, FLOWERS FOR COATS AND DRESSES. For Father and Brother NECKTIES, GLOVES, SHIRTS, SHAVING SETS, COLLAR BAGS 1• SUSPENDERS, SOX, CUFF LINKS, SCARFS., ETC. For the Kiddies 4 TOYS, BOOKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, MITTS, VANITY SETS, ,'tt,', DOLLS, BRACELETS, ETC. • 4, 'R•.A.SINS, CURRANTS, FIGS, DATES, PEELS, CHERRIES, CAN- ' ia.3IES, NUTS, ORANGES, FOR THE CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. '` GEIS YEAR, INSTEAD OF CALENDARS, 'VJ' E ARE GOING TO •Z1VE TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS, A PIECE OF • FANCY CHINA. e'Y', BE SURE 70 CALL FOR YOURS. PRODUCE WANTED SAVE YOUR COUPONS. ' Phone 1r0 The Store of •Service an.Quality *IOW TO GIVE YOU SOME REAL- ENTERTAINMENT FOR THOSE LONG WINTER NIGHTS. LOOK OVER THIS LIST, PICK FOUR SET AND ASK US FOR A DEMONSTRATION IN 1-DWN HOME, FREE OF CHARGE. SOME REAL BARGAINS INTHIS LIST; 1 ti..".st,' hni,se, Phones Complete .$22.00 1 Kolster Table, 6 -Tube $137.00 1 Westinghouse Batteryless Console at $160.00 1 DeForest Crosley, A Real Buy at ., $245.00 1 Kolster Compact, Batteryless .....tn $185.00 1 Kolster Console, complete $190.00 R King, 6 -Tube Table Model, Musiconsc ..-. $147.00 1 DeForest Crosley, Table Model at $119.00 OUT YOUR tT l' SEE AND HEAR THESE SETS AT HESS RADIO ELECTRIC ran HARRY G. HESS Radio Repairing with real Testing Equipment. teS00* 04g rasa>er. arrasa.x. 4;000 000 0;rie 0000eD•49:'A00000000000 t Ooai. THE COLD DAYS ARE NOW HERE, AND WE ARE JUST .IN • A FINE POSITION TO SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH JUST THE KIND Or• n i•,,:, . r ADOPTED TO THE REQUIREMENTS. 'WE HAVE lW v A u?+^- SUPPLY IN OUR HENSALL COAL SHEDS ' HAITI: AND S r COAL, ADM ALSO CAN ' SUPPLY THE 4:.00AL CUSTOOMi I;:,.; FROM OUR NEW SHEDS IN ZURICH, Let IIs sell Yon thi* 'very best coal obtainable at the lowest prices. .:ave, your or ^" 'witTh tn. wrI I'� ... _ I TRY £bU',. @... „7T..t N'I'.A,L.,STOCi� FOOD FOR HORSES, CAT- • -I`LE, HCrizb, .... r ...i.:' AND POULTk ni , NONE BETTER ON THE MARKET <T -DAY s IIAI•'" """' '"..'*,LLED FOR BRANDS OF CHOICE HOUSE- HOLD rLoup , AND SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. y NAY; Ra.,,,T'16iv INSTALLED A NEW SEED CLEANING 4VACIHN ; ".:.:"trw ": IS ANOTHER LINE ADDED TO OUR -Ep'GROWINC 'I.ISINESS. 1 t 4 . 4 � ill ,. r �lib �l. NOW IN YARDS. EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE. FUEL Scranton Anthracite Minehead Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS .A... Cars.te O3, HENSALL Orli[', Phones—Office lOw, Howse 11,1 The Business Bvilt By Service NOTICE DECLAR.ATTON. OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP County nI Huron We, Henry Yunblut and John Deichert, 'both of the Village of Zur- ich in the County of Huron, Butchers the firm carrying on the business of butchers in the Village of Zurich, County of Huron, under the name of Yungblut & Deichert, do hereby cer- tify 'that the partnership was on the lst day of December, 1928, mutually dissolved. All accounts owing the firm of Yungblut & Deichert are therefor due and payable at once. Witness our hand this 23rd day of November, 1928, at the Village of Zurich. Hy. Yungblut, John Deichert Witness ---A. F. Hess. ,ZURICH.'t »RALU M. and Mrs, Miller .aild family of the 1.4th Con., visited at the home of M. and Mr's. Ted+ Denom,xre on Monday. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements On Lot 18, Con. 12, Hay Township, 11.3 Zurich, southwest of ori' FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21st, Commencing at 1.00 o'clock LIVE STOCK ---G heavy horses, 1 mare 10 years old; 1 mare 7 yrs. old; 1 mare 6 yrs. old in foal; 1 horse 10 yrs. old; 1 aged mare. 2 cows due in March; ti heifers . calves; 5 year- ling steers. 1 hog; a few stocwers 50 hens; 100' bushels of oats; A qu- antity of mixed grain. Hens and grain are cash. • IMPLEMENTS, ETC. ---2 sets sing le harness; 5 collars, single harness,. new single harness, 3 hay forks;' dung fork; logging chain, salt, shov- els; 2000-1b scales; pails, grain bags; 12 sacks, ost hole 'digger; 2 wagons;' wogon box; manure box; wheelbar- row; stone boat; 2 fanning mills, sieves for grain and seed; bag truck,; scbop shovel., hay knife; sling ropes; light wagon with stock rack; hay rack, disc; roller; 4 -section harrow; buggy; Oliver bean scuffler; whipple- trees, doubletrees, extension ladder; sleigh; M, -H. 6 -ft. mower new; M. -H. binder with truck nearly new; M. -H. drill; M. -H. cultivator, 3 walking plows new Fleury No. 21 and Perciv ille; cutter; neckyoke; 11,42 ton lime; 200 lbs. fertilizer, 3 -horse evener; wagon jack; new steel hay rake; gang plow, drain scoop, scuffler; ap- ple butter; meat barrel; scalding bar- rel; oil and gas cans; scythe, eider barrel; iron kettle; grass seeder; in:; -1 ubator, glass cupboard, chairs, I; m- frew cream separator nearly new, and numerous other articles. TERMS -410. and under cash. Ov- er that amount 12 months' credit will be given on•furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. - Charles Hartman, Proprietor. R. F. Stade, Clerk. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Dashwood The Dashwood Hunt Club made a• raid on the Jack Rabbits last week and succeeded in getting 53;, Mr. Gordon Callfas of Sarnia vis- ited his father on Friday. Mr. Leonard Birk . of the 0. A. C., Guelph, has returned home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds entertained a number of their friends on Wed. neday evening. School closed this week -owing to the influenza epidemic. BLAKE. The Store. With The Christman . Spirit) "Now is the time to do your Christ mar Shopping. We have a nice as sortment of Christmas Gifts to suit everybody. We buy right and can sell right. Colne and, be convinced. R. N. Douglas, General Merchant, Blake, Ont, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brown of the Goshen Line, South, called on friends in the village on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, F. W, Hess of Hen - sail, rent Friday night with Mr. acid Mrs. ,l. A. Carne and :family. Rev, Penrose of Varna, called ori friends inthe village last Wed- nesday. ednes lsay. Miss Lydia Ginngr•,rich, E. N., ' penc Sunday at the home of Mr. andi Sox I3echler.'' ri' DRYSDALE. Mr, and Mrs. Remmie Denommo are entertaining a newly born baby boy. We congratulate there Miss Margaret Mousseau .of near Hensel], is at present spending a few days with . her uncle Mr. Ed. Mous- seen during the absence of Miss B. Mousseau, who has one to Detroit for the week -end, Mr. Alvin Rau" was a visitor on the Goshen Line recently. Mr. Gerald Snider is all smiles, a new baby boy has arrived at their home. Mrs, and Miss McGregor of near Parkhil,:•is spending a few' days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Snider. The recent heavy rains have spoil- ed our good roads. Call at Gelinas Store for that suit of Overalls you need and save at least 25 per cent. Sorry to report that 14lr. Regis N. Denoinme is on the sick list. Masters Clarence Bedard and Nap- oleon Dueherthe are home for a month from St. Theressa College, Montreal, hich is closed owing to the Flu which hat hit that institution. Get Gelinas' prices on workink shirts. H.ov,* abaut a bag of sugar?? Miss Lorine Ducharme is spending a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs_ Remmie Denomme, Mr. Harvey Gielnas of the Goshen Line was a Sunday .visitor with Mr. Lloyd Denomiine of the Town Line. Give Gelinas' Store a call before you do your Christmas shopping, STEPHEN COUNCIL Minuetes of the f Council of Ste- phen held on Monday, December 3rd, 1928 at 1 p. m. All the members were present, Minutes of previous meetings were read and adopted. The various Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks were appoin- ted in case of an.eleetion. A large number of accounts were then passed which will appear in the Treasurer's financial statement that will be printed in the near future. The Counci adjourned to meet a- gain at the Town Hall, Crediton on Saturday, December 15th at 1 pan. Henry Eilber, Clerk. Stephen Counci met on Dec. 15th, with alll members present. The Cle- rk was instructed to write the depart men't of Indian Affairs as to the lia- bility of the Township in providing .relief, medical and burial expenses :for Indians when temporary off res- erves and living in the Municipality. An 'account front Dr. Browning for medical expenses was read and ordered to be filed. That By-law No. 391 to provide Polling Places and ap- point ,Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Cllerks for holding Elections during 192B9 and By-law No. 392 for the purpose of entering into a Contract for the purpose of constr- ucting a portion of the Ryan Mun- icipal Drain having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk. That Freeman W. Morlock, collector of Taxes for the year 1928 having returned the collector's roll pursuant to the Act. and having failed to collect all the taxes for the year 1928, is hereby appointed and authorized to contin- ue the levy and collection of the un- paid taxes in the manner and with the, power provided by law for, the general levy and collection of taxes; and the said Freeman W. Morloca shall finally return the roll to the Tonshp Treasurer not later than the 1st day of February, 1929. A • large number of orders were passed -.which will be printed in the financial statement to be published in a few days. Henry Eilber, Clerk. -COUNTY NEWS. Chas. Creech, the Huron township farmer charged' with wounding two young men who visited his place on Hallowe'en, was before the Magistr- ate at Kincardine the other day and was' sent up for trial at the Decem- ber session at Walkerton. The. Sunday School of the Hills - green United hurch are holding their. Christmas concert on Friday evening, December 21, at eight o'clock. They are also having lantern .slides of the Wiseman after` the concert. Hugh,` Hawkins, of Clinton, the ot- her day pleaded guilty before Judge Lewis, to a charge of a serious off- ence against a young girl, and was. sentenced by his Honor to two ye- ars in Portsmouth Penitentiary at Kingston. At the anniversary services, Bruce 'field the sum of over $900.00 was re- ceived .from the congregation and their friends, this sum being applied to wipe out the balance still standing against the shed. This leaves the congregation in the happy position of having now no debt whatever on the- ir splendid' church property. Howick Township boasts a remark able cow, Arthur .Cowan of Orange Hillis the owner ,of a four-year-old Holstein which has already produced seven calves. Can any other town- ship beat that? The cow's first con- tribution was a single calf, but on the last two occasions she has given. .r birth to triplets. Slit. . has had sire calves inside' of a period of fourteen . bursday, December, 2otb; 192Et' Rogers "Four Hundred" Highboy ,fD; ircloped this year as Fie result of a definite demand for u Rogers Highboy Model. Automatic Voltage Control, 'Rogers Output Fitter and Phonograph "Plug-in'f Jack. Genuine WeInnt 'Cabinet. Priv; complete........,.$2 50.00 Say wit "Rogers" If you're irlanning to say «Merry Christmas" to yourfamily with a Radio—say it with a Rogers and be sure. Years before any other electric radio was successfully marketed anywhere on this Continent there were thousands of Rogers- Battery>less Radios in every day use right across Canada. The Rogers has been tried,: tested, perfected and more Rogers_ ,k Batteayless Radios are sold than all other electric sets combined. Just ask the owner of a four-year-old Rogers-Batteryless how he Ekes it and what service he has had! Ti;cere is nothing, hi all the world of gifts, that will bring the spirit cd Christmas into your home like a Radio. And tha pro,grnlms that will flood the air during the holiday season will aor,e than compensate you for the small cost of a Rogers. "Four Twenty" Table Model. Same radio equipment as the "Four "ztt Hundred" Highboy, without Speaker. kdtC.r3 .Genuine Walnut cabinet by Mal- colm. Price complete (except Loud Speaker)... $165.00 • , Corne•iru, choose the nev 1929 Model you want, and insure get-. ting it for Christmas by remaking a small deposit now. The balance can be arranged on terms to snit your convenience,. �m 9 n rhe all 3"14,04+•m1r,004+raa6.o••4'044),404's c....•A0.41:74-4•414• 441114Q ,' 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARGAINS BARGAINS Received ,a shipment of waterproof Robes whicbb I am retailing far be- low Catalogue prices get your's at: Special Price $12.50 large size 0 • FRED THIEL ZURICH 1+1��!!!A•lO��►...'o....•dl !!!!!r1•!!!!!!!!•!!!e !l4/reil, Clearing OF Sale General Merchandise, & Groceries, Beginning December 17th TO THE END OF THE MONTH, WE HAVE DECIDED TO CLEAR. OUT OUR E'NTI'RE STOCK, AND WOULD ADVISE THE PUB- ILC TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE MANY BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING. COME OFTEN, BRING YOUR NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS„ WITH YOU AND REAP THE BENEFITS OF THIS GIGANTIC' MONEY SAVING EVENT. BE SURE AND DON'T MISS IT. NEW SPECIALS EVERY DAY TERMS ---CAS) Jos. S. Bedard - Drysdale PHONE 1---98. cow three times a day for sonnae time after the freshening.. Representatives of a Canadian syn dicate were in Wingham recently and stated that they hada s9 -year lease on the salt well, and purposed erecting a salt block in Wingham as soon as conditions are favorablle for building: The new concern will have a daily output of one hundred tone, and will give employment to some thirty or fcurty hands. It is stated that the machinery laid down in Wingham will cost around $100,000. There was a blind Irian in town the other day with a young ;girl lead- ing him around to the stores for do- nations, nut he motored into town, and, This s had .. a driver withhn"n? mode al hogging does not look good The death occured of an old Ireo - sident of Clinton in the person of Mrs. Clara Montan, widow of Wil - limzn. J. Sioman, who had reached the great age of nearly ninety-four years Up to within a few days of her death she had been going about and hex-• death was due, not so much to dim, nese as to a general breakdown. A peculiar accident happened • n the Goderich harbor the other day* when:Wm. 111cDonald's Gar, whicla had been standing alongside the God* erieh elevator. backed into. the link*. probably under the' influence' of 'kb* stiff wind that was blows '0. Them .were no persons near the cat at thy, time, and thot,' who saw it go coves" ntito re save L u, v «c..il. the wharf i nr :Mr. W. L. Four. „ s dor ick scow um* months, 01' . , six she. has raised { to the "intone nt"' nu:blic,•-Brusselsused in brhtging the ear to the a roar, Mr, ' milk, this �, Post+. 'face ht ; .,;, w4.1 :,. A40vra«.. taS to 6 .1