HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-20, Page 1,ZURICH HERALD Vol. XX,iX No 25 ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIORII,ING, DECEMBER 20 1928.tus a Vora la 41.511406 Chester Ii B xtttb, Iia 01,50 INARREARS,$2MA11'J FIH.AR.OU, Only 4 more Shopping Days till Christmas, so do it NOW! Here it is- new Kolster There's nothing finer in appearance or performance than the new Bolster All -Electric Radio -table or con., sole mallets. Tohear itis to be charmed by its amazingly true reproduction. To see it, is to be captivated by the beautyofits design.. Come in, well be gladtodemonstrate., Elmer Oesch ZURICH. ONT. MIIELECTIIIC "AR that you seek in Radia"' SCHOOL REPORT Report of S, S. No, 6, Hay for the month of November: Sr. III --Alvin Gingerich 872; Dor- is Grob 857; Martha Foster 825; 01- ve Witmer 792; Louis Farwell 634; Kenneth Gfeb 563. Jr. III--Winnifred Battler 969; Gladys Gingerich 943; Orlando Bat- tler 825. Sr. II --Lorne Gingerich • 577; Joe Hoffman 471. Jr. 1I --Grace Wein 627; Anthony Hoffman 454; Irene Foster 374. Sr First -Rose Hoffman 400; Fred Farwell 309. Sr. Primer --Ruth Witmer 340; Neil' Gingerich 301. Jr. Primer--Lennis Gingerich 301; Leonard Hoffman 234; Albert Hoff- man 28. No. on Rol 21; Average attend- ance 20.10 G. Pepper, Teacher. 00000000090000000000 00000000000000000 aesglease•0l SL1P'ERS The Thoughtful Family ift HERE WE HAVE. EVERY KIND OF SLIPPER FOR EVERYBODY SLIPPERS FOR TINY FOLKS, TO THOSE IN W'H'ICH 'FATHER READS HIS 'EVENING PAPER, ETC.. Women's Felt Juliet t, a splendid Felt Comfy and: Leather Boudoir Overshoes is the Iatest Styles. Romeos. Felt Boudoir doir and. Choc. Assortment of Colors- Womens Slippers. See acus' New Women's Mme's Black and Chocolate Kid Slippers.. Childrers's, Felt 51Vrppers All theses Make EXceIlent Xmas. Gifts. WHERE GOOD SHOES COST LESS Brown's SEE OUR l Shoe WINDOW TIMPLAIT os•0 , 0 0.AW ZQ tS4 ataatiDe0tteasSr ► i i 400••*0**fie f9 • z • • • • • • • • • •1 e • 0 • 0 • !tJ • • 0 • 3 • 0 0 0 seeeesseseese M ang+ `. C. �.. ur New - Ties,ti Shirts, Sox, Sweaters„, Suits, and Overcoats ALSO OUR a� 4:: ANCY BOXED TIES FA2V'C'Y BOXED BELTS DOTE SUSPENDERS :FANCY BOXED STARTS ALL SUITABLE GIFTS. -40 GASCRO'S 011:4 Di! �» 146,1,00, JANUARY ROD AND GUN The national .sporting magazine, Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, commences. another year, with its January, 1929, issue, con- taining a splendid collection of out- door, hunting and fishing yarns. Notable in a very interesting table of contents is an article from the pen of the well known naturilist, Jack Miner, strongly condemning the wolf as a destroyer of deer.' Among the other features are a fine western moose hunting story by Roy F. Rubel a sound rticle on wolf trapping by Raymond Thompson, a well known trapping authority, in addition to' - many other splendid stories and artic les on canoe •trips, shooting and fish- ing. The Silver Fox News section contains among other things, a tull report of the silver fox show at the Royal Winter Fair. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News, is publsihed monthly by W. J. Taylor, Limited, Woodstock, Ont. nY 11T .•and Mrs. E. Oesch motored to London on Monday. 14 Ir. Ward Fritz is away on a bus- iness trip to Windsor and Detroit. •Mr.- and Mrs. W. H. Pfile of Hen- saTh were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. L. Pfile. Rev, C. Schrag has been conduct- ing services at Pigeon, Mich., for the past week. Mx. and Mrs. Ezra Brenner of Gr- and Bend called on friends in the vil- lage. on Tuesday. Much sympathy is expressed to Mr. and: Mrs. Edward Erb of the Bron- soiiLine in the loss through death of the year-old son. Mrs. Cowen and daughter of Fer- gus were week -end visitors at the i home of the former's son, Dr. and. Mrs.. H. H. Cowen. Miss Edith Greb, who has been for soine time at Stratford, has returned to JJer home on the Babylon Line for the -holiday season. 'A number from taking advantage of Evangelistic meting Line United Church, evenings. Miss Donella Ruby, who has --been at Kitchener the past season engaged as. milliner, has returned to her hoin.e here' for the holiday season. • A. Westminster Chime Cir,ck ‘.01 rriake an i.deal Xmas. Gift for • the, •We. have thein from $53,00 up*ards.--Hess the Jeweller. The auction sale of the householc effects of Mr. Lennis O'Brein on Sat- urday in the village brought out a large number of people, and as a con sequence there was a good sale. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONT, • The Captivating, Christfilled Christmas Today the whole Christian world bows in adoration around the crib of Bethlehem, rivelling in a love which preceeded all time and will endure thruout eternity. In this meaningful holy festival season there wells up in our spiritual nature a wealth of en- thusiastic joy and religious blessed- ness that challenges the power of human expression. Christ the ador- able Lord and Saviour of all is born and at the thought of it we are in- spired, lifted up into newness of life. Jesus makes life gloriously worth- while. The Christmas season puls- ates with sentiment of a divinely wrought and world enveloping good will, love, tolerance, kindness, forgiv eness, merry and joy in the hearts of .mankind. When the true signific- ance and spiritual power of Christbe- gotten Christmas fills our lives, all hatreds, meanness, smallness,- jeolo- susy and greed must die out and from its ashes their conies forth a newborn heaven kindled life radiant with the sunshine of Him jivho said "I am the light of the W\.rld." A Christmas program will be ren- dered on Christmas Day, Tuesday, December 25th at 7.45 p.m. The opening part will be given by Junior and Intermediate scholors, followed by Hallelugah Chorus rendered by the Choir, and •the Pageant "'The Great McSs.i::h" by Sunday School and Choir. Colne and bring others with ,you. Tuesday, 7.15 p. m. --Jr. League. Thursday' 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.30 p.m, -Senior League Friday 8,30 p.m. -Choir Practice SUNDAY SERVICES, Worship 10 A. M. ,ohject-Part III: God's blue print yf ilivine perfection. You can't at ford to miss this gospel message. 11 ta,n,- libla 'School, J., E. Gaucho, Superintendent: forship: 7.30 P. M. Subject --A Christmas message. Revs W, Y. Dreier, PakttOfi the village are attending the in the Goshen Stanley, these Mr. Caries Hartman of the Bron- son Line, Hay, has disposed of his farm to his father, Mr. John Hart- man of Seaforth. Mr. Charles Hart- man is having an auction sale of his Farm Stock and Impements, on Fri- day afternoon of this week. Mr. Milton Iley, and lady friend of Detroit, were week -end visitors at the hoe of the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey, jr. Mr. Milton Hey is another of our Zurich boys in the busy city of Detroit who is making good progress. He has just recently treated himself to anew Victory Six Dodge auto. •;Dr. A. J: MacKinnon motored to London on Monday night, the reason being to take the eight-year old dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Aubin, of the Blue Water Highway to that city to be operated on for appendic- itic in the hospital. And we are ple- ased to report that the ittle girl is getting along as well as can be ex- pected. On Monday evening next, Decem- ber 24th will be the date of the an- nual Christmas entertainment of the S School scholars of St. Peter's Luth- eran. church. This always promises to be an interesting event, and the public can rest assured that the pro - grain put on this year will prove to be one of the very best. The public is heartily invited to attend this ap- propriate and sacred hour in this way. Mr. Fred. Thiel, the local dealer of the famous Mason & Risch piano, has enjoyed a nice amount of business the past few weeks, besides the used instruments sold, he has put in new instruments into the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Battler, Babylon line, Miss E. Rennie and Mrs. L. Geiger of Zurich, with very good prospects for considerable more in view. An auction sale of some interest, is being advertised in this week's is- sue, namely that of Mr. Alex. Voisin, who will put up by auction on Satur- day January 19th, 1929, what is known as the Dominion Motel, to- gether with all the furniture and fixtures that go with it. Mr. Voisin has decided to dis-continue this business, having bought a very attra- ctive farm in the Kitchener district, and will move from Zurich to that place early in the new year. We trust that Mr. Voisin will be able to find a suitable buyer for hia hotel as a place of this kind is t:woys Deeded in Zurich. t Chri turas ti.: mond Will Thrill her Heart Diamond Specials GREEN OR WHITE GOLD BASKET MOUNTINGS. SET '?"l:TH. PERFECT DIAMOND NEATLY BOXED FROM $25.00 UPWARD''•..: Let us Suggest FOR. HIM Pocket and Wrist Watches, Signet and Emblem Rings, Waldemar Clam's Cuff Links, Fountain Pens.. FOR HER Fancy Rings, Wrist Watches, Ivory Sets, Compacts, Pearl S€rars ,,_ SEE THE NEW LINE OF CUCKOO AND KIENZLE CHIME CLOCKS. HESS, THE JEWELLER -AK 'H'+++++++3 * F•++++ M.+++++4.+ " •'rfi-+++•: ++++++ ++*.t. 1. a 0 FdiI iotwear WE ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. OF AND CHII.iDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE tt PRICES, RANGING FROM $3,$0 TO $4.50 A PAIR, INCLUD- ING PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPERS;, AND CUSHION SOLES. MISSES PRICES FROM $2.O T* $2.95. MEN'S AND BOY'S WORK SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. -ice WOMEN'S, MISSES `t�`1' REPAIRING DONE WITH THE BEST MATERIALS LAST THE LONGEST: .}s Men's Shoes soled, pr. 81.00 Women's Shoes soled, pr. 75e. SS•c. Rubber heels, pr. 35c to 50c pairs,, "•'s"'k"'i h l 'yL "y x � Y `i" <y�,h' 1924 Chevrolet Touring $125.00, Motor just overhauled, Tires and ;;I. Upholstering good 1927 Ford Coupe paint and upholstering like new. This car has haw 2, the best of care and is equipped with speedometer, snubbers, front and rear bumpers and automatic wiper. 1925 Ford Coupe, a re -possessed car at what is owing against the dr.. ame, paint and tires. goc *.: J 192 7 Chevrolet Coach, Iike new and 1927 Ford Coach, these ears can't be beaten for the price we are asking for them. and.. . both have original tires twit, 3 BUGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. FFA/TZ & SON FORD DEALERS AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A. DEI I- ONSTRATI ON! SECOND HAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRIM +++4,4,44+++++++++++++++01.1.+++++++++++++++++4+++++++ i 4 4 -- WINTER G We have a full Lille of Winter Goods in Stock. Copse and see they LADIES AND CHILDRENS' UNDERWEAR, HOSE, SWEATER.% SWEATER COATS, PULLOVERS, WINDBR.EAKERS, m CAPS. MITTS, ETC, ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' WOOL AND FLEECE UNDERWABE SWEATER. COATS,. WINDBREAKER.S,. LEAREY. FLANNEL AND FLEECE LINED TOP SHIRTS, CAPS, MITTS, GLOVEss„ HEAVY RUBBERS, AND SOCKS 'OF ALL KINDS., ALSO HALTERS AND HARNESS REPAIRS FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, ALSO NE PEELS AND FRUITS. DRIED APPLES WANTED UGL R. N. GENERAL MEROHANT PHONE 11 97 r• G.