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Zurich Herald, 1928-12-13, Page 6
Ate \VMflhtS IP RV sAGE.: egre to see old man Webster go. ler .ten .enough to irrigate .the enure upper mapper. p ,CHAPTER 1. alio thumb is slipped. filler hand, is BoDIND Burs A nAl` all. years the Double A had taken both end of the valley. Now, if you're then I rally tri ip d. hot pan far alk turkey, you cosec to its e awn and his share of water from willing tat dreining the vegetables. When tip The h" the xroondaY Rebel Creelw my. place in the morning'. Think it N d t 11' 1 t 1' ,e Ping the poll t0 paur' ori L1aer boilil#g' ! t e l beudsn 1>odtne, usual po,,It2on a I3 HARISy`,,INCt,AIR DRAG() ANF Joetee N FL te,NT, Ilea BY N•6•A SERVICE, INC t� Acs{lot's patience was running out., Hoictex fair : ng. hose Basques have. got the \v ler thtit bolonea to nee by rights. Yoe Vegetables know that, Aeklin." "Why don't you go after it, then?" "1.'m going after it. Don't let that To prevent steam from rushing on worry .you. And if, you are half as case's 10,114 when draining vegetables,. wise as 1 drink you are, Acklin, Pel a special hind of holster is now on sale in some of the shops, and can ge"Yoga and I can get every mala ee easily be 'made. One career of the water there is in this creek. Aad o1c1•f=t,alti0ned square }folder is folded v,e'l1 make the law help us. I'll get Over to the middle and fastened down the water I need, and you'll get"to the centro of the .holder .with a a) er Through the folded corner scorching. rays 0 over. a: nae telling you what i sun beat down upon the Nevada des -I 'stood it as long as . he could; evat':er, the thumb, althotigb. in its -o• ,r got on my mind, if you're not inter-� it alio edge iI its ort, and :trace, instead of 'r F3 terra Vista to ested:. I'm ; ing to serine a ot2' Across the waste two tiny specku he rode to the 1•anchr t hole Adios." pan, IS protected troth the rising <• Act.liit 1';741e. all, 'WI he reaclaedi steam by the' folded C(rnor of .ill'3 the Ball's head he retired .to the art-; t'e room thht served him as an °fru:e i moved. Savo for them all life seem- see the Senor Arrascada. Soso wa ed dead. Bath horsee and men were the most powerful •of the Basque. gray with dust. The men's throats gent,e, were bricky dry; and . yet the taller . The quiet, hal+-darkenedhouse awns green trees beckoned. and smoked many pipefuls es he pan - of the two humnied'a song, Ahead of a relief to Acklin after the noise ande .6,,i, of them glare of the hull's Bead, dose lees tiered aver the 'astuteness of ,:lire Abruptly„they began clinging, the him to the patio, where cool zephyrs Nadine. ! s7.' aril, W i ©�fr+� bench lands..The c0unt•y of the seemed eternally playing. The old In the clean blue and white morn - Little Washoe burst upon them. Par-' man clapped his hands, and the leg .Acklin rode to Webster. Creek. adise Valley spread out in a gigantic melamed, leathery Mariano, his mozo, "All right, Acklin,” Bodine'answeu- horseshoe. A range,the Santa Rosas, came on the run. Jose ed in reply to the other's question. or hoarse -boy, "I'll put lits* cards on the table. Frere banked three sides of it, the never -1 sent hint for refreshments. are. I a going o tern that failing willows marking where Rebel „B the way," and Acklin's bigthey , Creek came tumbling out of the hills. blue eyes contracted until they seem- • water back into the Webster! I've at the apex of the horseshoe. Ied to shade to gray, "have you seen been over the spot where the c' e ks Tired and thirsty as he was, the the fellow who bought the old Web- used to foilk• a hundred times, Nature': tall man stopped for a brief second ster place?" changed that water in one night. I'll .. 1 do it quicker than that. There is no - to appraise that wonderful valley. "Ain't that a sweet country, Shorty?" he murmured to the short, bandy-legged man, hard of face and slow of speech, who rode beside him. Shorty's answer was a grunt. He glanced with a trace of annoyance at the suave, whimsical Buck. The grass was good in the buttes. They camped there. For two' nights they had watched the twinkling lights which marked the little town of Par- adise. The lure was insistent, and on patio, a magpie scolded in raucous, at his feet a rough map of the valley. the third evening they rode into the tones. Basilio knew that particular' 4rlt's almost due east from here to to Inflesh 1 dreg off the right here, just as Webster. Creek "Several times. He's here to-c'ay' thing but sand and small rock there, down at the corral. Esteban and the -wo m days ifter it is done no th on vaqueros are breaking horses." earth can prove that old lady Nature' A little tot of six, unnoticed by them as they talked, $ad felt his way, didn't twist it for the seeoncl• time.; upon the verandah. He was a beau My boys will be here in a day or ,o, tiful child. His brown, staring eyes i they'll do this job. They won't talks made a mute apt•t'�:.'• to friend and foe. either. I'll tip you off the night, 1 For close to ft'ke years, Jose had' intents to do it. You be there, or send been •both father and mother to the i eyour don't standoananeJust so I'll know I little blind Basilio. Bodine bent over and Ticked up a From the fence at the end of the (Stich With it be drew ,in the sand town and to Benavides' bar. magpie. a es he the,It old forks of these creeks. But Buck and Shorty edged to the bar steps and ran down the graveled and waited. One -eyed Manuel, the Mexican bartender, was busy else- where. The delay irked Bodine. Catching the butt of his glowing eig- aret between thumb and forefinger, he shot it straight as a bullet into Man- uel's face. Manuel's hand trembled as he set out the glasses for the two strangers. He smiled evilly. The incident had passed quite un- noticed by the crowd. Wash Taylor, a ragged old mule -skinner, had been one of the very few to observe it. He laughed immoderately. When Buck bade hila drink, he acquiesced with alacrity. Bodine drew from the old skinner the complete history of the valley. "I'm sort of lookin' round for a place," Buck was saying. "If I could find a small ranch hereabouts at the right price, I might be interested." "The only place for sale in this hull valley is the old Webster ranch. No water there at all now. Used to be plenty in the old days." Wash drained his glass. "Used to be some place then. Hank owners due west from where Rebel Creek forked into the Webster. He. had all the water. A cloudburst changed that in one Light. When it "was all over, Hank found the mouth of the Webster damned up like a ma- son job. Rebel el Ciee done the SOIL had has been some stream ever ;ince." "What happened to Hank?"Buck demanded. "Oh, Hank gave up the ship. He's runnin' a store down in Golconda, ac- cordin' to last reports." Shorty and Buck came down from the hills and camped at the deserted ranch. On the morning of the second day Buck called Shorty to his side. , am "I'm going into Winnemucca and ent came all the way from the city." have a look at the county records. If «,City" in that country meant' San forty million rubies for various meas- 20 -inch contrasting and :e yards o old Webster made a filing on his lures to check the suffering resulting binding. Price 20c in stamps or coin I>; tncisco• ifrom famine and to allot late the .sit- (coin is preferred). Wrap tort care water rights, I'm going to buy him l From the .tissue -paper, Mercedes full , nation effeetfr•,d y walk of the patio. When he had almost reached the fastnesses of the vine -covered fence, a .black- head bobbed up beyond it, and calling again, dashed up a side -path of the garden, with the boy in keen t Itthe Senorita Mer - neared the other one, it terned north: For almost half a mile they paralleled each other before they met. Your lips follows this creek across the valley, only it keeps straight on right into pursuit, was those foothills. That means that Wet - cedes. ster Creek flowed through your pia; In answer to her father's call she perty for that half -mile. That's right cane up the steps truculently, the boy ain't it?" (To be continued.) hanging on to the ribbons of her dress. and said goodby to his guest, pleading ' 1 j 1S All Russia The old Basque caught up Basilio . . . • Denied in askow City Situation Bad, But 'No. .Unrest; Famine is Eased. Moscow Reports appearing in the 1 American press of revolts ferment ing in the Ukraine were categorically :1 denied here following receipt of the stabled reports from New York. The rumors that the Soviet Gov``- ' S1\IART.MORNING DRESS ernrnent was in danger because of the - Deep French V at front combines unrest were termed absolutely -tin- with inverted plaits 'of skirt, sugges- fotnlclecl and having no justification tive of a front panel to accentuate in fact. •slender line in a simple home frock Finds Tigress i Ge.otge Imbersky, Chief Agrono- that is so comfortably a aril, for it 1 mist of the grojviit , chooses fashionable patterned wool blue tones. Vestee Teas of fi ner� quality are ,nnthatiged iii' Ice0: An e of the cbeaperr Vides has made possible avalanche slight reduction in that class of #say . Tewl e Finer Quality They Did Nett Look In view of the widespread attention that has been directed to the matter of motor accidents -during the past season, it is interesting to note that' out of 864 deaths so caused dating the year 1.927, only a total of eighty, t or nine per cent. occurred'at railway crossings. While the number is de- plored, as being too many, there is reason for encouragement in the fact that government reports recently is- sued note a marked tendency towards, a decrease in this percentage of cross- ing fatalities. The ,year's total of 864 motor acci- dents compares with 606 during 1926, the increase largely reflecting the tre- mendous increase in the number of� motor cars travelling on Canadian roads. Despite this fact, railroad disregard safety. Motor accidents are crossing fatalities for the two years becoming more frequent. Every sane were -exactly the same, numbering .motorist deplores this. If accidents eighty. Thus, while the percentage are to be lessened, the sans motorist of such fatalities in 1927 was nine, 4 must educate the culpably negligent in 1926 it was over thirteen per cent.' motorists...." It is interesting to note that the I In co-operating in the elimination total death rate in Canada from of grade crossings, in supplementing motor accidents in 1927 was 9.1 Per recognized and standard warnings hundred thousand of population, and with .wig -wags and other devices the for 1926 it was 6.5. In the United -railways are doing a great work to - States during 1926,. the latest year for wards the still further reduction of which figures are available, the rate was 18.2, or nearly three tines our own. This fact, and also the diminish- ing percentage of crossing accidents in Canada may he set down to the various safety campaigns that have been. carried on, and to the efforts that have been put forward both in the way of crossing protection and by the publicity in which latter direc- tion" they have been greatly aided by the public-spirited attitude of the press, towards the matter. ' The report of the Board of Railway Commissioners shows that forty-five accidents occurred at protected cross- ings, and also that during 1927 there deaths. Toronto's ' co11tributions in were seventy-four accidents as a result Ontario was only about twenty-three of motor vehicles running into the per cent. of the total. It is to be sideS of • trains, and twelve unfortun• noted, however, that in the case of fatalaties occurring outside the city limits, the injured are frequently hur- ried to city hospitals and thus unwar- rantably increase, the city death rate. MOs crossing accidents, but they cannot do the work alone, as is demonstrated by the report which shows that day by day the automobile driver "ignored warning; broke through the gates"; "Did not 'look for the approach of train, father and daughter killed"; "Crashed into side of train. Fined: $10 in court". These actual quotations from the list df "dangerous practises" are from the report of the Board of Railway Commissioners. A report issued by Dominion Bureau of Statistics states that in the Prov- ince of Quebec, Montreal is respon- ible for one-half of all automobile , ate !attempts to beat the train. In the preamble the report states: "Notwith- stancling safety devices and caution- ary aution-ary signals, people take chances' and Under His Table �a closed and the party crept round to another door, pushing it cautiously open, but could not see the tigress, t \'bo returned _+ lentil one of them spotted her tail. She !tram an inspection in the Ukraine, Jersey ni lovely ' hats- evidently been hit and was She felt his fingers- pressing her � told the New York World corres- } supplies contrasting color these in , crouching behind the door. g i the lis: beige jersey with blue buttons. Style Forest Officer in India Relates:crouching , Securing a ladder the party climbed an Exciting Experi- to the roof and made a hole in the ow n. In a flash she jerked pendent 1 t tt he vis away. her hand pen en, lore ..t ikec - tricts most _afforded by the crop fail- N. 150 is attractive made of printed lure, inn the vicinity of Cherson, Mell- sateen, plain jersey, striped washable topol. Odessa and Nikolsiev. radium silk, plain gingham, printed the need of his presence elsewhere.' Pique, linen and cottwl broadcloth in Jose knew that extreme youth and! "The situation I founts was ,good., 1 q , age are not handmaidens to love. Satisfactory whiter and spring erops geometric patterns. The front waist old g : shen to be certain, causing a more sections are_ underfaecd, straight col- to adorest officer in the Nallamalals through fighting,. and possibly had Acklin held up a dials package. t l mood among the. peasants• .lar attached and rolled forming rev- (Kurnoll) district of Madras, is de- been driven to attempt man-eating. He waved it in front of her eyes, as ehesrfu scribed in the current issue of .the for a child. Mer- The condition in the towns is bad ers. It is very easily made as seen Mrs. Wimbush (the conservator's one does with a toy but not alarmiirg.• I saw no signs of in small views. Pattern can be hats. Indian Forest Ranger. wife) was strolling recently .,in the cedes clapped her hands joyfully. 1 • , , While on a tour in the jungle, A. Ganjam district of Macil as, accop- "You like me so much mister?" she unrest anywhere," he declared. - !h s st3�d 4fi in .hr saga>i t�measure . The Soviet atttliorfiies, lir. I.ubax Wimbush, Conservator of Forests for l panied by an ayah, a dug and two said. 1 sk. added, tool- efficient action to T11e 3(i -inch size requires 3is yards tiq.idr is Presidency "You know I do. This little ores• Y 6 ! J° t once thatch, through which the tigress was ad. • of de sal An extraordinary encounter with a • •gess` was o The tag ld and in poor 1 i vs d unofficial use ns ca 'da�und .. � aro ave 5 which111 t ' e \aV r 1 p � 0 t g� condition, g along with an-, children. at e , 7` 1 legate eondlti011s, having spent of 40 -inch material with 4 yard of out. If I go to Golconda to see Web= tier, I may be gone a week. You wait a week. If I don't crime back by then, you find Gloomy and go over into the j Acklin reached out his hand to help i 1 ' ivnlg nrnmber an stye o s Malheur Lake country. 'her. She felt cis fingers pressing her; sea, when interviewed stated that b, g b In a flash she' jerked her hand there was no *danger of famine, as patterns as you Want Enclose `20c in Five days later Bodine returned• , own staimps or Coin (coin pl ef'era cd; wrap Behind hint lumbered a freighter, . I the Government has dishabiltecl` en- it carefully) for each eered;r trap away. ough seed and food. bringing the tools and necessaries of ,away. foxy, huh, like the Senor address your order to Wilson Pattern life. Shorty shook his head. No need Bodine?" she cried. was all old girl of Uganda, nervier, 73 ,'est Adelaide St., Toronto. e es he had There to aGk; Bodine had cion Renowned for her coolness and maada, Patterns sent byeiteturn mail. When, aurin;; abuse, drew forth a tiny vanity -case. ]Dr, Joseph A. Rosen, head of the 'HOW TO ORD16I PATTERNS. She tried to release the small tom- A rojoint. the agency in charge' of pertinent that held the powder puff. g h settlement wok in Rus Write your name and add• ees plain- ` the Jewish se e f uch said he would. CHAPTER II. .C'} LIN BUYS A RANCH. In a thinly settled country, where "Oh, damn' Bodine," Acklin rasped out. "Eavesdroppers hear no good of themselves," a voice answered in unctuous sweetness. Mercedes and Acklin turned. Bo 'every man's movements are marked, dint lounged against a pillar at the news• al Iter spouse yelled, "You goose?" Silver loxes She promptly retorted, "Uganda!" Sherbrooke Tribune (I "):): 1'ho knocked over the furniture and the development r7f silver lox farming i; lamp, which, fortunately, went cut, e of rho f .the tont t a\ as star rigidly Cher conservator and two district. A panther carne out o the 'fores , • forest officers, was staying in the Iit- 'seized the dog, and dashed off into the ale forest. rest house. i jungle. Mrs, "Wimbush shouted, wav- One evening, miter sundown, when ! ed her parasol -having .no more for; some of the party were enjoying their i midable weapons—and the panther baths, Mr. Wimbush was unformed by chopped the dog and bleared off. a villager that "a large striped ani-{ "I'll ilial had just jumped on tv the ver- I'iusbande (fiercely) Ill ahoy you andali." i who's ` running this house. Wife: Thinking that it could be nothing) "You can't. It's her day out." more than a pie -dor, lie was amazed Portably in to find a tigress seater, 0011 one of the rooms uncles the table. on tallith a petrol lamp Was burotugt Retreating for .his rifle, he raised the alarm, and a • shot was •fired tlll•otlgh the open door. Pande11 11 22 followed. The -tigress The revenue for Canada for the first half of the current fiscal year t d September 0, 1928,.totalled $235,'792,712, an increase somewhat seism ty mc. utse lack of knowledge of the treatment The door o STOMACH TROUBLE 4nr,. relief or Money Back. Ston ;oat Tnrljgestion, Gas, Ulcer, Dysprip- , iii. Complete treatment sent post- , pool for $3,00, or, ii' you want proof first, send 50 tents for trla1. treat meats to cover cost mai.ilinr;. Haw- thorn!, obemi.0nl Company, Suite 293, 2 Collet;•(' St., Toronto, Canada. Check Colds with Minard's Liniment. spreads quickly. 'People talked end of the verandah. d wondered about Bodine, C "I sure didn't know I was intrad- enc e P deemed 111 'aptly i Of all those who watched and won- ing on any party, Senorita. I lixst responding six nlnrithsof trio Iu'evtous sty. Until this ns known, rearing the, se over (he Cor- Shiest 'illl'er foxes -reran ( tiered, no one was more interested: came trip to say goodby. roe thatyear of more than e ride new." r Every other kind of domes- Acklin got to his feet, paying off in c'tslr of. a per cent. bonds Cie cilli' 1 has been studied with care "Well, I guess I'll 'get my hat and maturing on that date. and on a otitic basis for cotult:le ss run along," he said, in that tired way generation, yet Coen ir1 theso condi- "Which was common with slier. - - pions succuss is more certain when it _ is possible to let them find their own I feces. Irl the case of the silver fax I broke ,000,000. The foxes will 10150 t]S4Hs.ultle,r Whitt do tltalr Dick Acklin, the Big Boss of the ,bad gray for Esteban That caballoll debt of Canada was reduced on Oc- not e'xis't in Lite- Caste of any other Double A. He had been quite content be gentle enough for you to i tuber 15th by $ )3 no0 Uo'1 filo vu; h rho animals. 1 \ HEIN'TZMAN, & CO. PIANO When in Toronto, gall at our Ware - rooms, to see these Wonderful Instruments Uuright * Player` w-- and Or and Pianos —• or write for Ilius#rated Catalogue acid Pelee List ..' eintzr ,n Hall 195 Yonge St., Toronto 1SSUE No. 49 '28 asked. "Back to the Bull's Head." 1 bi•oeiglrt up in captivity, they are gelid- STORM SASH "I'1I side you as far as the Webster, orally reared ail tiny enclosures, and if 'you have no that, son." - � - their•foods is often eneegh confined to `-`No harp in. that,' Acklin answer- that awhicll is chosen for them by their ed. "Cope along." ;;� breeder, no chance being given to i them. to. get for themselves what they -,..CHAPTER TTI. engirt prefer. TWO SCHEMERS MEET. Bucks was the first to break the silence. Gratitude These foreigners seem to be damn- That Possession which we gain by TlY g ",,r the sevord' is not lasting; gratitude here,don't •-*_ .. et glial,-'-Rufni,us Crux. th prosperous around for benefit le e they? I<'rofn your nest at the Bull's rias Rufus,. :r'^.. Ileacs, these ranches dawn here mast __., _.....r.-_ i eet. 'What a place this 1t nations signed' the I'eaae <olc' pretty sw xlsf SASH I`ift8e. LET T STORM SAVE FUEL _ WE AEE SPE X4LIZING XN SToit song fol gree. Volde awe Comp ere Yr Ob st Aridi would be to fatten cattle in' Treaty, and one thing all have in nom- Ana to think that you could have had 1 i Li neon is the conviction that fourteen: i+ for a song," ad Bolire chucked his tongue at the sxelt't to be trusted. ed pity of it, TORON .'1'o, Pannill Door Co. Ltd. 132 i<r0>it St. ]Plast CANALA . '• ` - meet for' Asthma, `•l'�ell??' i(Vlnard s Liniment 4g this winter �+UNNY land of 0 fruit and flowers,' wvhere living is a joy the whole year' 'round. 'Varietyandbeauty! " Mile-highnountans �+,is : —smooth beaches orange groves, pepper trees and palms: World cities ---quiet retreats. -Every spot every day.1 ',California Mid -Winter Escorted Tours ---21 days—air , expense, Ort the ruay--Indian-detour,, Grand Canyon, • Phoenix ,'Calit ornict and Yosemite. Return through Feather Itit'er Canyon, RoGorge, Coloradp and Denver. Leave Chicagoyat Saturdays, JanuaryoS5rings 19, Fcbriiary ::,,Iv05,,trIViekiae1rc(> 2.16, 1929. Ask }or details." Ib C;err. -Agent, Santo a 1ty-. 1104 Transportation )81dg„ Detroit, lifieh. propel elandolph SUS