HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-13, Page 3U
Three sets of " Poker Hands" will
bring you a highgrade oversize self
filling Fountain Pen. This Pen has
Mkt. gold nib --and conies in four
attractive colours- red,' black,i
mottled or jade. This is one df
many presents procurable in
exchange for " Politer Hands," one
of which is attached,to every plug
of °Big Ben Chewing Tobacco.
Big Ben is_ rich, satisfying and
flavourful. Try it to -day.
Plug Chewing Tobacco
South Pole Flight
by Wilkins's Party
Told by Wireless
Message to Pilot's Father Re-
ports Success. in the
New York.—Radio - messages sent
from the antarctic by Capt. Sir
Hubert Wilkins told of the first air -
flight made over that region.
One message, addressed to Ole
Eielson of Hatton, N.D., father of
Lieut. 'Ben Eielson, pilot of the expe-
dition, read:
"Ben made first antarctic flight to-
day. Regards. Wilkins."
A second message was received by
the Wright Aeronautical Corporation. Bridge station on the Jibuti-Acldis
The Wilkins expedition, the object Ababa Railway, on March 13, :zip
of which is to study weather condi- zagged along the -course of the Hawash
e tions and locate suitable places in the River to the Sultanate of Aussa,where
antarctic for meteorological stations,
British Engineer
Crosses Danakil
in Abyssinia
Massage of Upper and Lower
Regions Said to be First
Done by Europeans
. ..
London.—An account of what •is
claimed to be the first crossing by
Europeans of the Upper and Lower
Danakil of Abyssinia is published in
The Times. The journey was accom-
plished by L. M. Nesbitt, a British
milling engineer, accompanied by. two
Italian traders. T. Pastori and G.
Rosina, with a caravan 'of 15 natives,
25 camels and 4 mules.
The party started from Hawash
Floods Cause aVenlie l.ilke Aspect
A street intersection at Neodesha, ''Kansas. Seventeen deaths
are reported from the flood -stricken area in the mid -western states and
Many New Flying
Clubs Are Formed
Eight Applications Now Be-
ing Considered by Pe -
fence Department
Ottawa,—Eight applications for new
flying clubs are being considered 14
the Department of National Defence.
Sixteen clubs : have been formed
throughout the Domtnkne since May 1•
The first club was formed in Toronto
early in that month, and the last li-
cense was granted to the Calgary club
on Sept. 3..
There are 2,227 members in tee Vari-
ous `clubs according :to a erport is-
sued at the civil aviation brancll•
Since Sept. 30, 1.30 nevi anembers have
Two planes have been granted each
organization by the Government free
of charge in order to stimulate inter-
est in aviatiee. An average of 350
flying hours for each club to date is
indicated- in the report.
As a result of the clubs' activities
63 private pilot licenses and 21 com-
mercial pilot licenses have been grant-
ed. Seventeen licenses for private
pilots have been granted' since Sep-
Clubs are at present in operation at
the following points: Halifax, Gran-
by (P.Q.), Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto,
Hamilton, London, Walkerville (Ont.),
Winnipeg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Saska-
toon, Calgary, Edmonton, Victoria and
Applications for licenses have been
received•from clubs at the following
places: Brantford, Ont., Glace Bay,
N.S•, Fort William, Kingston, Peter-
borough Ont St John, N.B., St. Cath-
hundreds of people were forced out ofetheir homes.
to Get Blue Whales
Often Leads to a Decline—En-
rich the Blood by Taking $2,500,000 Research Expedia
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills tion Financed by British
In their early* teens it is quite does for Naught But
common for girls to outgrow their Sad Part is Extermina-
strength, and mothers should -care- tion of Sea Monsters
fully watch the health of their' daugll.- - -
tors at this time, • for it is when Lonclon,—Norway has apparently
strength. sapped by rapid growth ;beaten England in. a fight for the
streng'r is
that anaemia develops. The first '0,2,810,000 whale,oil industry in the
signs may be noticed by peevishness, ,+lAntarCtie; and British disappointment
langour and headaches. The facer over this defeat is so keen that the
grows pale, breathlessness and PalP1- question will probably be raised in
tatio> follow, with low spirits. Parliament during the present ses-
At the first sy mptom of anaemia Sion.
mothers should act at'once. Neglect The public knows and cares little
ed anaemia often leads. to decline, but about a business rivalry so far from
if yon see that your daughter's bleed home, but the business interests in-
isthey were met by an escort from tile' enriched there need be no cause fee volved'
volved are
nt is all the resentful.
tfu . Tpeirbecause
r Sept. 22. They were Sultan, who, after a period of mrs anxiety. The finest bloods e r r nl,. spoin m,000 has been spent in ruing to
loft New York,
bound for Deception Island, a desert- trust, gave the travelers safe conduct ;ills.ver d Tloe pure, created, US''establish a, Profitable industry for
ed bit of land 60 miles off the coast to the borders of his dominions. I
Graham land due south of Cape' Thence they marched no+•th to the these pips will quickly banish all England in the Antarctic. An elab-
Horn, of ,
southern extremity of South Biru Sultanate, where water hale••> are signs of anaemia, 'T!11Ye sure ;;cella forte] amillo,equipped
vas sent research the expedition,
America. - --� ( four or even sin clays apart and file � you>. -girl's health and
Graham Laud heat is extreme owing to the ;realer • robust girlhood. Give your clattgi ler .as' Pink Pills bbe rd ehe tiles and habits. vThe
FromDa] base Islandeled on they h
o -r Deception hoped to part of the land Being several hundred! nocourse
au Melte >pr strong ;liceitousands Discovery returned with a mass of
make Graham
amgLandf nd westaon east rl0ng feet below sea level. t
and . to the Ross I Ultimately they arrived at Afisa;le- I of girls who flare been resiwued from scientific information, yet the exam -
, Dolor, on the boilers of the Italian; the clutches of anaemia by Dr. Wil- ' dition must be called a failure from
exp: The latter flights would carry
expedition. The messages from Wii-� colony of Eritrea, reaching the coast f Hams' 1'�iiss Pills.
ZTaryll b'enditti, 17Catiti th0 British uDritishsiness lloint of companiesview. are
Fins were sent via Port Stanley in the village e Mersa Fatima a few days proof.
Falkland Islands, later oneJuly 1. -• ;'mount, N.B., says:—".Three Years ago now* operating in the Antarctic, as
Wilkins and Eie'-on, Mn. Nesbitt is expeelecl to ].:ctuxe 1 while attending a convent, Ies tidied compared
Norwegian arewith thirteen
tr eenie there. he addition sto fbefore the Royal Geographical Society < very hard to graduate.
members si the expeditionlot,'William
are -at an ear i nervous and got than 10,000 whales are killed each
Joe Crosson, assistant pilot, William
Gaston and Orval Porter, mechanics.
Self -Expression
Ont., and Brockville, Ont.
Smilixi BLUE
Flashing BLACK
Steady GRAY
Emotional BROWN
What Color are
YOUR Eyes?
The coloi and shape of the eyes
tell your disposition .they also
tell of tarp condition of your
health. You may be marring
the beauty and sparkle of your
eyes by improper diet. Im-
poverished condition of your
blood, sluggish • liver, constipa-
tion, etc., soon show their effects
in the eyes:
If they are dull with a yellow tinge to
the whites—that's a signal of intestinal
sluggishness. Yoit need to rid the sys-
tem of accumulated poisons. You need
a laxative. You need Beecham's Pills.
etteAovEYEi.t6WTINGt %vim
Try a regular duly
course for a short
period. Your eyes
will soon tell the t1 Vegetable
story of improved Product
Readuture Bt eechen; Aharacterdvertisements. s. SI S
The great business of a man is to
improve his mind, therefore consider
how he does this. As for all other
things, whether in our power to com-
pass or not, they are no better than
lifeless ashes and smoke.—Marcus
Here's a way to soothe crying, Aurelius.
wakeful babies to sleep quickly and
easily. It's the way doctors endorse, ,•
and millions of mothers have proved Classified Advertisements
1a" safe and harmless. A few drops L TIBT8' BIIP�'L7iEfi.
of purely -vegetable, pleasant -tasting ITIST BRUSHES, COLORS. PA-
A Castoria, has the most ,� Ras, canvas. Complete line artist
fretful, restless baby or child asleep ntateriais, write for catalogue christ-
1• mos cards for hand colorLlg. c. R
in a Yew, minutes! And for colic,
Crowley Limited, 1386 St. Catherine
constipation, colds and upset spells, West, Montreal.
there's nothing like Castoria. The'
Chas. H. Fletcher signature is the PER POUND VP T1tiL�:TY-
mark of genuine Castoria. Aro �1 i �, one a p
early date. was I became very
----an ---- _ so thin and pd.le my teachers thought year aird the value of whale' oil -pro -
Sauce for the Goose they would have to fiend me home.
' 1 L medicine �rhich "�a30 (100,000. The Norwegians, using
Calgary Herald (Ind. ('.07.15.) : (The
took different 'kinds
I eluted annually has risen to more than
0 m .+
• )trrents sent me; but my condition ffoatfvg whale -oil "factories" built in
l ing pardonable ir- xny i
unchanged,At last one of England, ]late p
Nationalist in the Glasgow Herald ritation at the United States` prohibi-
(Cons•) : The mere machinery of Ove tariff wall policy.) Canada is :1Ci111antS' .Yinlc 1'i11:s, and I batt hart Y
local government will Mean nothing in a position to sympathize with the
revival of national culture. outh American Republic. This conn- i,nieh'ed it when I could feel an ine 1 Still more diseouraginn to t ose
without S pruvexuent in my condition, 1 con-I�vadunig the ;ftuation here is the
i1 city that throngs to see barbarous tx'y bas endured the tlnrerleaa con tinuecl ilia 1150 of the pills for some raduo ` haeeterhicll Amerimination can; areas
and crude American concoctions ception of friendly commercial rela-;
which tivouid not be allowed to dis- tions for many years. Cauacti�lls' time lonl;er, sire; 1 cmt haI gni e d ail bl
house of a, __, . i the guotl they diel me, 7 gtiinecl in once killed in small nutnbels but
nd _ e. _. ' which the Norwegians are stow kill-
' " by thousands License., for whal-
grace .,.a,c opera .,..,.., grin --- bear -l5L1'4'uSt.0-.c weight,
Argentine is s row
bed ahead until they
orellldirtell ve < -
• Illy teachers gave me a box of Dr, haye almost a monopoly of the Indus-
il try
i s m les free. ,Stockinet Ss
imitations and be safe. 'earn, 11ttla. Dept. 1. Orillia, Ont.
G•o West, Young Manufac-
rate Continental town, but form the though they buy lime front the Ilei-; ttuned to •mti cliec its,' and at the enol ing
habitual diet of London, is yet a long ted States than from any other na- of the furies 1 graduated, , 1 never fail ing were once issued for small British
vvay removed in civilization from nor- tion, The moment any Canadian to reeulnnWlld lar, \Villiala.5' Plilk 1'alis • stations
1 tnds; on thbue
the shores
NOrw the F Falkland mal European cities. We, have no commodity finds a read;: market 1O, my, friends a.nd acquaintances u
thing to lose but everything to gain across tbe border, the tariff is raised wen 11 toufc is needed.." ; made licenses unnecessary by their
against it. The remedy for 1111 -floating whaling stations, which are Prosperity is the common concern o
by severing our connection with Eng- You can get these pills from your
land, and a collapse of the London equal treatment lies within the pow- ; arctic blue whale', which grows to 100 every citizen in the land. Towns and
res in Glasgow, as in Dundee, ell ugh 1st, or liy xnail at 50 cents a C . utterly 'unrel;ul e, The great Alit cities are keenly alive to the expan t
er of Canada as it dans in first of the from The Dr, n ill erns' `le( kine Co•, i foot in length, multiplies slowly, and ire our municipality an op- South American republics, It ctrl.- Bre( file, Ont. 1 •r the danger that the sign of commerce and industry, ans
' If the British oil xntereet had their try
4 This valuable boort was com-
Z'1Cf011C6 Tinl•3S ti�ib.): This piled to advertise CARIIAILTT OVERALLS
change in the Australian tariff will —tile best farmer's overalls in the world, One
farmer 'Quote that he would not take ten
bays little effect anon the prOdlC,S dollars for his book. Write for yours to -day.
which the Commonwealth imports liamiltonCarhartr Co AM Mins Ltd., Toronto
from British Columbia—our pulp and . Over'wenty Thousa+td Agonciea
paper, lumber, fish, and Won; it will
effect, however,
which tile industrial East has been do
ssf€ Request
selling to the southern Dominion., Tells cause of cancer and what to
But there is no reason why the auto-' for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Write
mobile or piano manufacturer of On- for it to -day, mentioning this paper.
tario should allow himself to suffer Indianapolis, Indianapolis Cancer Hospital,
under the handicap for very long.;
Thee remedy lies in his own hands. l
He now will have an incentive to 1
come out to the Paci,3c Coast and° es-
tablish his branch factory eitheri
here or at some point on the coast of
the Mainlen 1. By so doing he not!
only would t ounter tbe effect of the
new tariff'=chedule, but he also
would put himself in a better posi-
tion to compete in the Antipodean
market with the United States ex-,
porter. He would be at the front
door 'of the Paciflo and ready for all
the developments which are bound
soon to take place in many coun-
tries whose shores it washes.
Minard's Liniment for Grippe.
Mother Earth
Vancouver Sun (Lib.) : Agricul-
ture is our basic industry, and its
a,"3 Quickly la e' s..ses
I� �' Irritated Thats
Slowly swallow a sip of 'Bnckiey'e'".
You'll be astonished by the inimediata
to a sore, inflamed
it Singers,brings
speakers and smokers
should never be without it. The first
dose clears and soothes the throat and
bronchial tubes—and there are 40
doses in a 75 -cent bottle 1 At all
druggists and guaranteed ESC
W. F. Buckley, Limited,
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
would g I i -- 5 g d
portunity on extending its present sists of retaliation in kind. - ethos
work in music, etc..
Mr. Facing -Both -Ways
Ottawa Citizen (Lib.) : Plain sense
Insists that if you formally agree to
renounce war and settle disputes by
pacific means, there 18 no reason for What can give' more joy in ,the
the existence of a navy, let alone for home than a laugbing, happy baby.
the ncreaso of a navy, But plain The well child makes everyone happy
sense does not always carry the day with. bis tuneful gurgle and bright
to the discussion of navies and peace. laughing eyes. It is nllm.y the siclIly
Statesmen and political leaders live baby who is not a laughing- baby, for
In a world wbinh is full of awkward it is the little one's uatnre to be
obstacles in the way ,: accepting happy -when well.
words to mean what they say.' - So, Mothers, if your baby is cross, if
as in President Collfdge's case, we lie cries a greatt,deal and no amount
ire sometimes presented with the,. of attention seems to make him
ironic spectacle of a leader asking happy, give him a dose of 13aby's
his followers to ratify'a treaty out- Own Tablets and he will soon be well
;awing war on the one hand, and to and ready to radiate that happiness
vote vast sums , for the increase of through the home again.
bile navy on the other.
thus el e 1.
species will some dzly ;income extinct. rightly
in a poor eway without'
The ,discussion at the literary club
was about the power of conscience.
Boswell --"Sir, my conscience won't
let me do wrong." Dr, Johnson
"•Why; sir, neither will mine. Still it's
poor conscience that won't meet you
half -way."
"Well," said the purveyor of plati-
tudes, "there are always just as,good
fish in the sea as ever came out of
it," "You're right," responded the dis-
gruntled angler. "i'na the man' who
;eft 'eni there''
Minard's Liniment for Chapped Hand
Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative. They regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach and
thus banish constipation and indiges-
tion; break up colds and simple fevers
and correct those troubles which ac-
company the cutting of teeth and in
doing those things--an:n doing them
well—they make baby happy and keep
him happy. The Tablets are sold by
Medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine 'Co., Brockville, Ont. •
"You're looping bad, Scotty." ,
"Ay. Ah'm suffering. free an aw fn.
sore throat " "Gosh! Anybody treat-
ing you for it?" "No—that's the
tr-r-ouble t" .
way they would 'acquire the Norwe- agricultural prosperity.
.,tau S hall'n g'statiOus '1"1111 elicouage
Ie A lot• of people
are setting out
I110111. LT0111 the Colonial Office ;fere, .dazzle the world, and many of them,
and would then press for international do it by the glaring headlights mil
1111.ttion l to govern the
whaling their automobiles.—The Muncie Stara
trade.ytansy in this way, it is argued bein8 causictered:'
here, will it be possible for British
interests to reap the benefits of ex• -see-- - - -
peditions like the Discovery's and '
make England once more a factor in
the 0013' industry of importance In the
New 'York
C(Ytl-ills01.1 Owen 111 the London
Daily Telegraph (Cons.) : An incredi-
ble city: A city with its swarming
populations of Russian Jews, Ital-
ians, Slays, and every other kind of
people; with its flourishing criminals,
its Chinese quarter, its town of col-
ored people at Harlem, and its alarm-
ing -looking taxicab drivers; and on
the other hand the chaste majesty
a a 000 a
' Occasionally a good love story
nets its author a fortune." .
Father: ~"There ';vas something
funny about you last night, daughter."
Offspring; "I know, but I scut him
home as early its 1 could,"
"How ayour
.re you getting on with y I
husband, dears' Oh, splendidly.
never find him at hone,t!'ed he never
finds nye out,"
of Park Avenue. T`1 is t £10
year—and policemen who walk up
and down twirling their very formid-
able -looking clubs, Never has there
been such a city of contrasts, such a
mixture of East Side and West Side.
Nen?' York is one long, everlasting
\To"'mail is 'justified in clothe; evil on
the ground of exp0dtency,•--Tlieoclore
Acts like a flash—,a single sip proves it
75c and 40c
Sneezing ?
At the first sneeze inhale
Minard's. Prevents colds.
Also good for bruises and
For 'Trot,4 led
flue to
About two hours after eating many
people suffer from sour stomachs.
They call it indigestion. It means
that the stomach nerves have been
over -stimulated. There is excess acid.
The way to correct it is with an alka
which neutralizes many times ins
•1 'Volume in acid. milk of
ri lit way is Phillips
I The g
ISSUE, No, 49—'28 iwater. it ie -pleasant. efficient and
lti0aseve t. _ , Magnesia --just a tasteless does in
en Foo
harmless. It has remained the stat*
and with physicians in the 60 yeatil
since its invention.
It is the quick method. Besultal
name almost i ailtaiatly. It is 04
approved method. You 'will never
another when you knO'w'.
Be sure to get the genuine
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by p
clans for 60 years in corroding a ce$
acids.. Each bottle contains tail dire&
j' tions -ally drugdtere.