HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-13, Page 1Vol XXIX No 24 11 RA ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNiiNG, DECEMBER 13 1928, aleeter talont PULilk 1.25 Yvid jairakillk $1,50 IN ltS, $2 MAI BJ4 OITABOXID Let the Ads. in the Herald be your guide in your Fall Purchases the new Kolster There's nothing liner in appearance or perfortuance than the new Roister Radio—table or con. sole models.- To hear it is to be charmed. byits am 27ingly true reproduction. To see it, is to be captivated by the beauty of its design. Come in, we'll be glad to demonstrate. Elmer Oesch ZURICH, ONT. ALL-ET.ECTRIC that you seek in Rad:waramode magitaRismr 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••0•00$0014.0•4044.0060•00• • • SLIPPERS The Thoughtful Family Gift HERE WE HAVE EVERY KIND OF SLIPPER FOR EVERYBODY SLIPPERS FOR TINY FOLKS:, TO THOSE IN WHICH FATHER READS EIS EVENING PAPER, ETC.. Women'* Fat .splendia Assortment .of Colors. Women's Felt Comfy an& Leaguer Boudoir Slippers. See our New Women's Overshoes in the Iatest Styles. Men's Black an& Chocolate Kid Romeos. Feb: Bandnir. and Choc. :Slippers. . Children's Felt Slippers Ail these Make Excellent Xvnas. Gifts. WHERE GOOD SHOES COST LESS Brown's Boot Shop e: • • • • s • 1 0 • • • • • 11 • SER OUR • WINDOW DISPLAY e • . 1100•0000000•0•0•00.0••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 4.4440444044.414.41444044.4. • • • 444+0,4* ******** **** 1 ‘010, READY FOR KUM and C. Our New Ties, Shirts, Sox, Sweaters, and Overcoats ALSO. OUR FANCY ,BOXED ORS FANCY BONED BELTS FANCY BOXED SUSPEN1EN4 FAN'pY BOXED SHIRTS • • • • • • • • , • • • NOTICE A Christmas Entertainment con- sisting of Dialogues, Monologues, Pantomines, Choruses, Violin Selec- tions, Etc., will be given in School House No. 12, 14th Con. Hay, on Wednesday evening, December 19th, beginning at 8 o'clock. Everybody is invited. Admission 15c and 20c. BLAKE. The Store With The Christmas Spirit "Now is the time to•do your Christ mas ,Shopping. We have a nice as- sortment of -Christmas Gifts to suit everybody. We buy right and,,,can sell right. Come and be. convinced. R. N. Douglas, General Merchant, Blake, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and dau- ghter Mae of Zurich, called on fri- ends in the village last Thursday. Mrs. Jake Schwartzentruber spent a few days last week with friends on the Goshen Line. .Miss Alberta Finley is spending a few weeks with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido and dau- ghter Dorothy of Zurich, accompan- ied by Mrs. Fred Turner, of Goder- ich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ross Johnston. Quite a number from this -vicin- ity attended the Song Service in the Evangelical Church, on Sunday even- ing. Mr. Wm. Oesch spent a few days with his uncle, Mr. Sam Oesch on the Babylon Line. Butchering is the order of the day A Christmas Concert will be giVen on Wednesday evening, December 19 at 8 o'clock, at S. S. No. 4, South Stanley, Admission 20c and 10c. AJ NOW IN YARDS • EIGHT CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE FUEL Scranton Anthracite Minehead Alberta Solvay Coke MILLER CREEK SOFT COAL ALSO POCAHONTAS Cantelon HENSALL ONT, Phones—Office• 10w, House ILI The Business Built By Service Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH — ONT. 'Daily Thoughts Tbe discontent that works, gets what it wants, namely success. The discontent that only wrings its hands loses what it has. To pray and still stick to sin is not Jesus' way for us. Jesus aims to give all sin s knockout blow. Twice blessed is he who con- demneth not himself by tolerating wickedness in his heart. When you t• I go to church service, or Bible school don't park yourself just outside the door. Revenge is the instinct of the savage.. None ever found happiness in getting even. There is no surer index to a man's character than his giving It is life's highest iinpres- sion and mission. It's richest privil- ege and finest luxury to give time strength, Jove and blessing to oth- ers. • i• Tuesday„ '7.15 p. m.--jr. League. • 4 • • • 4, I 9 •• ' • •C• •1 4 4 0 Ir SW TAME GIFTS. • ; • ' 411 EOPPMAITOACG 94? .11 • ,trrit.101) reat*Te igt . 9' '44,*,A0.010••••••!•q.44,..**0.-,•6 • 40.61144:10#0.641' Thursda„y 7.30 --Prayer and Praise. Friday 7.30 p.m.—Senior League Friday 8.30 p.m.—Choir Practice SUND.AY SERVICES Worship 10 A. M. ,Sabject—Part II God's Universal blueprint of Divine Perfection. IL a.m.—Bible School, J. E. Gascho, Superintendent, Worship: 7.30 P. M. Subject—Behold the Lamb of God. Rev. W. Y. Dreier, Paator tamsowar......101,1*....stenammermakveamommwara.nemagnormarsamenowaser• Mr. Wm. Lamont made a business trip to Crediton on Wednesday. M. and Mrs. Albert Hess were bus inesS visitors at London on Monday. 11/1r..4„.',.s. Wild of Dashwood purch- ased in C. Fritz & Son a good Ford-cOupe. 1VIrs. F. Turner, of Goderich, vis- ited with. her sister Mrs. E. E. Weido the past week. Mr. D. Schwartzentruber, and Mr. E. Walker spent Sunday with friends in Watford. Mrs. W. L. Siebert is visiting her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maj- or of .Toronto. Miss.Yera Siebert and Miss Martha Walter were visitors to London on WedneSday last. Mr. jek beichert, Miss lnez Yung blut,.'a Miss Elizabeth Rennie, we- re visi rs to London on Monday. Mre rid Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest, spent the week -end with .relatives in the village. Messrs. Wm. Consitt and David Cantelon, of Hensall called on Zur- ich friends one day recently. Messrs. Herb. Mousseau, Gid. Ko- ehleKtand Well. Johnston, are .away on a.40,. d goose hunt to Camlache, at presenL, Mr..Ezra Brenner, and his mother, Mrs. Jos. Brenner, of Grand Bend, were visitors in town one day recen- Mr. Wm. Lamont motored to For- est on Tuesday where he visited with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Win. F. Braun. lir. James Johnston, a former re= sident of this section, and now of Alberta, called on Zurich friends la3t week. Mr. E. E. Weido was to Goderich, on Sunday. Mrs. Weido having. be- en visiting there for a few days but returned with him. Messrs. Edwin Gascho and Ivan Yungblut were Sunday visitors to Kitchener. . Pleased to report that Mrs. H. H. Cowen, who has been at London Hospital undergoing an operation for appendicitis, has improved suffi- cient to be returned to her home in Zurich, on Sunday last. • Miss Lorinda Schoch of the 14th. Con., Hay, is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. S. Livingood, at Bridgeport. Mrs. Livingood, has not been enjoying the best of health the last while, but we are pleased to re- port is improved lately. Considerably complaint is being made in regard to the condition of a certain portion of the much adver- tised Blue Water Highway, a few miles south of St. Joseph. The other day a resident of Zurich travelled in that direction for about forty miles, and was obliged to go over this part of this Highway, and advises us that at every other place where the roads are rough and in bad condition they are receiving attention with a load of gravel, but this particluar stretch of raod looks i as if it were entirely de- serted, or as if it depended on the elements of Providence, or probably as Elija of old, depending entirely on the ravens, from Heaven to give assistance. The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid ond Women's Missionary Society of the Evangelical church, Zurich, was held in the school room of the church, on Thursday afternoon, Dec- ember Gth, the president, Mrs. W. Y. Dreier presiding. The following offi- cers were elected for the coming ye- ar: President, Mrs. W. Y. Dreier, lst Vise -Pres. Mrs. C. Fritz; 2nd Vic - Pres., Miss L. Faust; Rec, Secy., Mrs T. L. Williams; Corr. Secy., Mrs. L. W. Hoffman; Treas. of Lad. Aid, Mrs. J. Geiger; Treas. of W. M. S., Msr S. Zimmerman; Organist, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman; Asst. Organist, Mrs. C. L. Smith; Librarians, Mrs. 0. Sur- erus and Mrs. 0. Fisher; Auditors, Mrs. A. Weber and Mrs. Wm. O'Bri- en; Librarians for Circulating Libr- ary, Miss L. Faust. The various Corn inittees then gave their reports for the year, The reports from alt the departments were most encouraging indicating a very successful year. JAt Christm (11 tvezhA 1 iamon ••;' •1- .t.„, Will Thrill her Heart Diamond Specials GREEN OR WHITE GOLD BASKET MOUNTINGS. SET WITIK.• PERFECT DIAMOND NEATLY BO XED FROM $25.00 UPWARDS, Let us Suggest FOR. HIM Pocket and Wrist Watches, Signet and Emblem Rings, Waldemar Chain.% Cuff Links, Fountain Pens.. FOR HER Fancy Rings, Wrist Watches, Ivory Sets, Compacts, Pearl Strings., SEE THE NEW LINE OF CUCKOO AND KIENZLE CHIME CLOCKS HESS, THE JEWELLER ...i: + .1. + + . LATEST STYL. . In Fall Footwear 5.. -1. WE -•.• -a- ARE SHOWING MANY LINES. 0.F WOMEN'S, MISSES + AND _CHILDREN'S UP TO DATE FOOTWEAR AT MODERATE 144 PRICES, RANGING FROM $3.50 TO $4.50 A PAIR, MOLUD.- 5,7 ING PAT. STRAPS, PUMPS, OXFORDS, BUCKLE SLIPPER'S. .t 4. AND CUSHION SOLES. MISSES PRICES FROM $2.00 TO 4. $2.95. MEN'S AND BOY'S WORK SHOES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WITH OUTSIDE COUNTERS. + • • + REPAIRING DONE WITH THE BEST MATERIALS LAST THE a-• LONGEST: -14 ;I. Men's Shoes 'soled, pr. $1.00 Women's Shoes soled, pr. 75c„ 8.5c. g .1. 4. .Rubber heels, pr. 35c to 50c pair. t * .•!...1.+++++++++++++++++++4.++++++÷.: -.1-4.++4.4,.:“:.+./.4.÷-.:-.:•K. 4, 4* + 4 1924 Chevrolet Touring $125.00, Motor just overhauled, Tires and t• + upholstering good. + .T. 1927 Ford Coupe paint and upholstering like new. This car has had Z + + the best of care and is equipped with speedometer, ar.-0)•be.1-s„ •lit,,, 4. front and rear bumpers and automatic wiper. , 4" 1925 Ford Coupe, a re -possessed car at what is owing against the t + Xr; same, paint and tires good- .T• ' .g. j1927 Chevrolet Coach, like new and 1927 Ford Coach, these cars i can't be beaten for the price we are asking for them asci i + both have original tires on- ; + 3 BUGGIES FOR SALE CHEAP. 4. SECOND ,BLAND FORD PARTS AT HALF PRIOR FRITZ & SON FORD DEALERS AGENTS FOR THE NEW FORD CAR. PHONE FOR A DEA& Z Att- ONSTRATI ON! • WINTER GOOD We have a full Line of Winter Goods in Stock. Come and see them. LADIES AND CHILDRENS" UNDERWEAR, HOSE, SWEATER.Sv SWEATER COATS, PULLOVERS, WINDBREAKERS„ CAPS MITTS, ETC, ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' WOOL AND FLEECE LINDERWASLE, SWEATER. COATS,. WINDBREAKERS,.. LEAREY. FLANNEL AND FLEECE LINED TOP SHIRTS„ CAPS, MITTS, GLOVES HEAVY RUBBERS, AND SOCKS OF ALL KINDS.. ALSO HALTERS AND HARNESS REPAIRS FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS or HAND, ALSO NE. PEELS AND FRUITS. DRIED APPLES WANTED R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL INIERCHAAIT PHONE 11 97 EILAIC