HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-06, Page 7&molt& for Sick CNisdren IRIIEUMATIC VICTIMS
117 CuUege St. TQroilto 3, Ont.
Can .Find Relief—
December192$. Through Build -
Dear, INIT. Editor:—
For some years pact the work that
this kiospital has been able to do
for the children of Ontario ba a been
seriously cramped threugb, lack of
space. A point was reached where
• the Trustees had to decide whether
• Ito Ber dee sio1d be restricted IA'
the uttnoet member of "Sick Kid&.
shorn it could provide with cots or
whether it should add to its room.
There are many youngsters suffer.
Ing from afflictions of the spine and
joints, whom only many long months
Ing Up the Blood
Pain is the symptom of rheumatism
that every victim recognizes, and be
generally attributes • the teoublo to
cold, damp or changeable weather,
But doctors knew that thin blood is a
marked characteristio of the trouble,
Trying to cure rheunianism while the
blood remains thin' and poor is an im-
possible task because there is nothing
to build on, .A. tonic like Dr. Williams'
can restore to health and strength. iPink Pills that enriches the blood and
Medical care will help; but what frees it 'from poisonous impuritieS
they Principally need is freeh air I soon banishes rheumatism froni the
and sunshine. Hitherto the Hospital systern. So long as the blood is Main -
for Sick Children has looked after
such children in an institution close tainecl in a healthy condition the
by a city playground, where more trouble will not return. This is not
fortunate boys and girls enjoy their theory. It bas, been proved in hull -
sports. Imagine their plight, lying dreds of cases; here is one:• -•-Mr.
month after month listening to the. J. W. Rose, R.R. 2, Albany, PEI.,
shouts and laughter of other children.
In October last, the Hospital for
Sick Children opened its country
annex devoted to youngsters whose
one chance to have their limbs
straightened or their bodies built up
have sunshine and fresh air plus lin my shoulders, and at tithes was se an opportunity to view the Rockies under their white mantle and, at the
must be ill some p
nursing care' and medical attention, bad that my right arm was almost same tune enjoy the whole slate of organized sport activities.
over, out of breath and dignity, and
found the. owner of the bull contem-
plating the operation.
"What do. you mean, sir," asked the
irate politician, "by having an infuri-
ated animal like that roaming about
the field?"
"Well, I suppose the bull has some
right in the field," said the farmer.
"Right? Do you know who I am?"
gasped the pelitician.
The farmer shook his head.,
"I am the Right Honorable Sir—"
"Then why on earth didn't you tell
the bull?" said the farmer.
A wealthy lady was calling on a
Minister's wife, whom she found busy
with the family mending. The weal-
thy lady remarked that she never did
mending, but would gladly help sew
on buttons. In the midst of her work
she exclaimed, "Why, that's a button
off my husband's coat!"
"Very likely," the minister's wife
replied. "We found it in the t °nee -
tion box last Sunday."
lace where they
• -• .tligh„Su'nbatb •
This photograph was taken during last season's Carnival at Banff and
shows guide Feuz and a fair member of a party which skiijored to Lake
says: --•"For some years I was a great
Louise, for a day. The lady did not wear her abbreviated costume
though I tried a, great niany remediesfol
sufferer from rheumatism and al -
entire run, nor would She advocate' the general adoption of. the outfit for
I did not get any permanent relief ,
winter sports wear, but she demonstrates that, at times, it can be done and
until after I took Dr. 'WilliamsPink that the Canadian Rockies are not the "frozen fastnesses" one Might imagine
P•11 • rri trouble was located mostly theta to be. The Banff Carnival to be held February 2 to 9 will give many
On a height of land near Weston, useless. Of course I suffered much
away from the murk of the city, pain and great inconvenience. My
attention was directed to Dr. Williams'
Fink Pills through an advertisement
in our newspaper, and I decided to
try them. I took the pills according
to directions with the result that the
rheumatism has left me, and I have
never had a twinge -of it since. if this
meets the eye of any rheumatic suf-
ferer my advice Is try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills .at once." -
You tan get these pills from any
medicine dealer 'or by mail at 50 cents
a box from 'The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Out.
children are winning,their, way back
to health in an environment of sun-
shine. pure breezes and quiet.
Tbe country hospital at Thistle.
town is a.God-send for children
whom it will take a long time to
cure. It also liberates • a hundred
cots in the parent institution foe
youngsters who can be set right in
a short time If quickly given con.
gent attention. So the Hospital for
Sick Children has now two doors to
keep open day and night to every
class, color and creed.
For more than half a century the
Hospital bas depended for its very
existence upon the public response
to its annual appeal which, being in
behalf of children, is appropriately
made at Christmas time. For over
fifty years the H.F.S.C. has been
enabled to Make both ends meet by
the donations of its friends, whether
such be a dollar or an endowment.
But the end of 1928 finds It with
many large bills to pay for its new
To its old friends the Hospital for
Sick Children once more appeals. It
Is because so many of your readers
are included in that ever-growing
circle, that trespass upon your
space to remind thein that it was
their generosity in the past that:em-
boldened the Hospital's Trustees to
build for the future. With an extra
effort stimulated by a new need,
cannot the income of the "Sick
Rids" be put once more abreast •of
• Rs urgent needs?
Faithfully yours,
Chairman Appeal Committee.
• Training Children
In placing young children with „fos-
ter parents, says I. J. Kelso, we im-
press on them the im,portance of train-
ing the child in three •cardinal vir-
tues-ehonesty, truthfulness nd obedi-
ence. It children are thoroughly
•groanded in these essential principles
then there need••be little doubt about
;their futu,re.
•• New Thoughts
New words .to s_peak, new thoughts
to hear,
New love to give and take:
'Perchance new -burdens may bear
or love's own eweetest sake.
F, R. Havengal.
When your
Children Cry Chicago Tribune: Censorship, in the
The Airplane
in Far Alaska.
Their Coming Means End of
Salmon -Drying Trade—
in Texas and
• Medco Aided
Airplane travel is affecting • the
fish trade. In Alaska it has nearly
destroyed a flourishing industry, in
Southern United States and Mexico
it has added great impetus to the fish
ing business.
In the Far North dog teams have
long been the accepted carriers. To.
supply the huskies with food the sal-
mon -drying industry arose along the•
rivers of Alaska where the fish make
their yearly runs to spawn. This
business reached 'large proportions.
Then came :tbe airsilane, and dis-
tances that had been days away could
be reached within 'a few hours. Dog
teams lost in favor, and in the past
three years there bas 'been little de-
mand Pis -dried salmon. • The indus-
try is rapidly nlying out. se
Several aerial transportation com-
panies now offer regular service be-
tween Alaskan points throughout the
year and more than forty landing
fields tot this terrltony. The le.gular
dog service between Nome and Fair-
banks .has been diecontinued. Regu-
lar flying •service is maintained be-
tween these two points, while other
planes fly between' Fairbanks, Idita-
red, McGrath and Tacotna, routes
formerly traversed only by dogs.
But In the southern part of the
lInited :States the airplane is :building
the fishegies trade, and is expected
to add thotts'ands1 of clellare to the I
value 01 the industry- From Browns-
ville, Texas, 'comes a report that regu-
lar plane service for transporting
fish is being -conducted this winter.
Several large fishing: compaiales op-
erate fleets of trawlers in the Gulf of
Mexico. Hitherto they have been.1
handicapped in getting their fresh fish
to market because of the time, re-
quired to bring in their 'catcbes from
the fleets. Now one of them has con-
tracted with an airplane transporta-
tion company to furnish a number a
If Alice were only a boy we might
buy her some toys for us, to play
Great mintleruti in the same paths
—so tie little pigs.
Life, •observed the turkey who had
escaped Thanksgiving and saw Christ-
mas coming, is, as you say, just one
holiday after another.
A financial genius is a man who can
spend a pleasant evening with a gold-
Pessimism keeps optimism from
running away with the economic cart.
Sweet Young Thing {after breaking
glasses): "Tve broken my glasses;
do I have to be examined all over
Optometrist (sighing): "No, just
your eyes."
A man may be clever, capable and
agreeable, but if you cannot depend
upon him you do not want him around.
Probably nothing in quite so fleeting
as a permanent wave.
"What is your finger wrapped up
"It's not wrapped up. That's my
wife's -dress I'm taking to the clean-
ers." .
- Men who never take a day off have
off clays..
Yon •ean unsay it with flowers, too.
'Slim Girl: "Hang up your stocking
:anti get a wash -tub."
"Big GM: 'Hang up bOth of yours
and get a pair of shoe laces."
Sometimes a quartet is nothing but
"Boy, out in Gin Gulch, we're so
tough we eat baling wire for spaghet-
"Nothin't Where I come from we
know what it is, and eat it just the
Tact sometimes prevents attack.
Our Trade Balance
• Ottawas—The excess a exports over
imports in tile Month ef October was
$29,476,593; much of whicn was due. to
grain snipments,• This improved Can-
ada's favorable "visible" balance of
trade showing very materially as com-
pared with the .year before when the
excess of exports over imports in Oc-
tober was less than $10,000,000, Hbvs.
ever; the favorable balance for the 12
months ending with the past month
was still under the corresponding 12
months of the year before. The figure
for the 12 months just concluded was
$156,198,651. The favorable balance
for the 12 - months ending Ontober.
1927, was $165,913,688. For the corre-
sponding Months ending October, 1926,
it was $316,765,602 and for the 12
months before that $345,514;223.
These figure's were contained in sta-
tistics issued by the Dominion Bureau
of Statistics to -day.
• Industrial Alcohol .
There is considerable interest in
what Canadian Industrial sancohol is
likely; to show for the past year: Theo
figures are now being prepared for
the fiscal year to September 30th, and
advance information would indicate
the report will likely shOw between
$2,30 and $3 per share earned on the
SS -par value •commina stock. This
compares with a dividend of $1.S0
per share being paid.
It is known that the company has
earned considerably in excess of this
amount, but it is desired to be es-
pecially conservative in making up the
statement, and in some quarters it is
claimed that if under $3 is shown as
earned it will be only around 50 per
cent. of actual results.
Manitoba Mines—Flin Flon
Winnipeg.—Although steady prog-
ress is being made in the preparation.
of plans for the construction of the
In spite of all precautions little ones
will take colds—especially during the
changeable days of our Fall season.
When the first symptoms appear—
. . .
Color and shape of the eyes indicate
disposition, temperament and ances-
try. Blue eyes come from NorthernAncestry.
Ancestry, In the Celtic Races, eyes of
• hazel gray predominate. People of
Southern • Ancestry are invariably
dark - eyed and of brunette corn,
plexion. What color are your eyes?
Whatever be their color or natural
sparkle, their beauty is marred if they
are dulled by poor condition of liver
•Or headaches, er biliousness arising
from constipation,
The whites of the eyes should be clear
and slightly bluish. If they show a
yellow tinge you need a laxative.
But sometimes a diet of fruit and
vegetables is too slow in its action—
you need prompt relief, Then take
Beecham's Pills. They are vegetable
in composition and contain in concen-
trated form the equivalent laxative
value of fruits and vegetables—safe
and certain.
itteenea VELLOW TiNce
• .
Take e regular
daily course of
Beecham's Pills 4 Vegetable Product
kr a short period. 8-6
Your eyes will soon reflect improved health.'
Wisdom •
It is a wise man who ,Itnows his
own business; and a wiser one who
thoroughly atends to it.—H. L. Way-
copper smelter and zinc concentra- Flaming autumnal hues make anY
tor in. the north, local' officials of the fires.
beholder prefer forests afire to forest
Flin Flon are unable to give any spe-
cial reason for the recent rise in the
value of Hudson Bay Mining and
Smelting stock; .R. E. Phelan, vice-
president, said he knew nothing about
rumors that Sherritt-Gordon eoncen-
trates would be handled by Flin Flan
Mines on a customs basis, although
he added that his company would wel-
come business from other sources be- een
Shipments, of freight and machinery ne• suuND T i\VB\
. I. .1%.
are going on steadily in' the north, . une samples free. Stoci,14
, Dept. 1, Orillia. Ont.
sides its own big ore body. Z.0
Classified Advertisements
AnzeisTe. sis.PlaaMS.
IA_ PERS, canvas. Ounipie.e ,,ne artist
materials. Write for eatnit.gu.e. Carist-
mas cards 'for handcolort,16. J. R.
Crowley Limited, 1388 St. Catherine
West, Montreal..
2,500 tons having gone in this autumn,
while 200,000 gallons of gasoline for
use on the hauling of freight this win-
ter by tractor to the Ashland Falls
power site will move north soon.
Seasonable Car
Few drivers seem to realize that
there is such a thing as a front -
sneezing, redness of the eyes, running wheel skid. . It,happens when the
1 nose—Baby's Own Tablets should be wheels are cut for a turn and the car
l given at once. They will rapidly break
goes sliding straight ahead.
i up the cold and prevent more serious
. If you fill the• radiator so fun, that
complications. some of the solution goes out the over -
Mothers who keep a box of Baby's flow you must add anti -freeze wben-
Own Tablets in the home always feel I ever adding water, otherwise pro -
safe. In fact they are like having! tectien against freezing will not be
a doctor in the 1
Any blown -up sucker can float louse. They are a
doten stream. • It takes a real live gentle but thorough laxative that I d t
Never shift into i'everse until the
fish to buck the current.
Yon may be wrong sometimes, but
You're prbbably the last person in the
world to admit IL
The safest way is to tell the wife
everything that you think she is liable
to find out. • ••
A -pessimist is„a man. who puts out
a light to show how dark it really is.
, medicine dealers or will be sent byssnr.
. . ..
mg greasing in winter than in
A story is told of a certain English mail at 25 cents a box from The iDr. '
summer, Prevention of rust fibm '
politician who thought everybody Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, •snow and wet prolongs the' life and
sweeten the stomach and regulate the .
bowels, ,thus driving out constipation I,
: car has fully stopped going forward,
and indigestion and relieving the baby •
.. or into a forward speed while tie
of the many childhood ailments which car is still gping nackwards slightly.
are the direct result of a clogged cons Often what appears to be the end
clition of the bowels or sour stomach. of' the white, line en a curve may he
They are absolutely safe—being guar- just a break in the line. Don't be too i
anteed to 'contain no drug at all harm -
eager to pass other cars.
ful to even the youngest babe. They
cannot possibly do harm—they alwayS
do good.
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by all
List of "Wanted Invent!, ns"
and Full Information Set, cve
on Request
CO., Dept. W.
273 Bank Et., Ottawa, Ont.
Children Like It—
So Will You
At the first sign of a
Cold, buy "Bucicley's", The
first dose does two things—
relleves the cough instantly and
delights the taste. Different from
all other remedies for Coughs,
Colds,Bronchitis. Prevents "Flu",
Pneumonia and all Throat and
Lung troubles.. Sold everywhere
under money -refunded guarantee. •
142 Mutual St., Toronto 2
Keep your spying controls in pool
gondition. The car will sway badly I
on curves if a neglected shock ab -1
sorber or stabilizer fails to .bold..
Cars need more attention paid to
planes for delivery service. He 'will knew or oughtto know him. One day Ont.
ship an his Ash to market bY air. h.e was walking through a field when •
• Fresh fillets will be loaded into the a bull addressed him in an undertone Smart People
• pieties from Soto. la 'Marina, Mexico,
which is just adjacent tp the fishing
grounds. They will fly the 150 miles
Brownsville in two, hours, where
the fish will be' loaded into refriger-
ator cars' fon Northern and Eastern
markets. Thus more than a day will
'be saved—a big consideration' with
a commodity as perishable as .fiah. •
for It
Baby has little upsets at time8.`AU
yam care cannot prevent them. But!
you can be prepared. Then you eau I
do .what any experienced nurse would
do ---what most physicians would tell
you to do—give a few drops of plain
Castoria. • No sooner done tban Baby
Is soothed; relief is just a, mattv of
moments. Xet you have eased arour
Child without use of a single doubtful,
drug; Castoria is vegetable. So it's
safe to use as often as an infant has
anyelittle pain you Cannot pat away.
Mid it's always ready for the crueler
pangs of colic, br constipation, or diar-
rhea,: effective, too, for Older children.
Tweni million bottles Were
4 bought last Year.
sense of the power to suppress in ad-
vance of publication, is a powei' so
easily abused that it should be very
strictly and definitely limited, if re-
sorted to at all. The wiser plan is to
rely upon definite laws for the punish-
ment of improper publieations
phrased. in terms applicable by nor-
mal men in a fair trial cf the fact. But
the real protection of society from the
infection 01111 evil is h. the enlighten -
1 Ment. and nspiration ihse
dividual conosrcaiel nice, and this
church and the school
function of -0
The poiicelnlaen, the official im
arectes bilountdheii ing and ineffectuttle-:
harm than s fleld, likely to do age114
• Slipping Down
There's no slipping up bill again
and no etanding still, when one
you've begun to slip doWn.---George
Minard'a Liniment for Chapped Pantit.
and made for him with his head
The politician was a man of dignity
n1 olitical power But he ran. He
ran surprisingly well and reached the
fence before the bull. 1 -le clambered
for the
• Wives and Families
of British Subjects
Children under
• 17 years—FREE
Apply at once to
. Cunard and
Anchor - Donaldioit
Cor. Bay and 'Wellington
Sts., Toronto.
—or nearest agent
ISSUE No, 48—'28
These Afghans
. .
How King Amanullah of Afghan-
istan made a personal profit of $22,-
425,060 by a short pleasure visit to
London, Paris and Berlin is told as
follows in "Time," the new magazine:
j Recently carping, scandal -monger-
• ing Afghans have been conducting a
whispering campaign against their
• Europeanized King Amanullah,
They whispered that the King's re-
cent European trip had been a min-
, ous, reckless extravagance, and that
the Treasury,„s coffers are nigh to
I ti
amp 'less,
Last week King Amanullah put
sbrupt end to such rumors. Pridefully
he pointed out that his.European trip
had cost $75,000, but that the gifts he
received were worth 22,50,000.
• Observers recalled that in Paris,
London and Berlin King Amanullah
purchased lavishly on his Royal cre-
dit and then sent the bills to the
Governments whose guest he was.
Since Afghanistan is a land of prom-
ising Markets for European goods, the
bills were paid.
A baker in the 'United States 15
searching the Skies for something
that lies at his feet. Ile seeks a bet-
ter covering for the 'hot clog" than
the conventional roll. What better
could he possibly find than a hungry
small boy?
Millard's Liniment for Grippe.
'Usefulness of the car. • ' '
.. •• Steadfastness
You pictore to. yourself the beauty
of bravery and steadfastness. And
then some- little disagreeable duty
conies, which is your martyrdom, the
lamp for your oil, and if you do not
do it. how your oil is spilt!
• —Phillips Brooks.
W. Buckley, Limited,
ler-r term
By a Acts like a 'lash—
, a single sip proves it
75c and 40c
Delightfully fragrant, highly deceloRed_
toilet accessories—a most retiable method of
cleansing and beautifying the skin and hal!.
25e. each everywhere—Samples free of
"Guliecro."2616, Montreal Qum's,.
. . 00,0..
Winter Sports
Winter sportsmen find Min-
, ard's ideal for taking the
soreness out of bruised
muscles. Try a bottle.
V) •
For Troubles
due to Acid
Re -Lice
the Acid
Sick stomachs, sour stomachs and
indigestion usually mean excess acid.
The stomach nerves are over-stinau-
lined. Too Much acid makes the stom-
ach and Intestines sour.
Alkalikills acid instantly. The best
form is Phillins' Milk of Magnesia,
because one harmless, tasteless dose
neutralizes many times its volume in
add. Since its invention, 50 years ago,
it has remained the standard with
phyeichtes everywhere.
Take a spoonful in 'water and youie
unhappy condition will probably end
In five 1111111.1teS. Then you will always
know what to 'do. Crude and harmfui
methods will never appeal to yon. Go
prove this for your ostrn sake. It May
save a great Many disagreeable 'hours.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians for 60 years in eorrecting excess
acids. Each bottle contains foil, diree-
tiona---any anigstor0.