HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-12-06, Page 5• !Yr Dee u ie, et I & 1111,Faigits ;AM t'' i. DubLEY E.HOLMES !STiI~t, SOLICITOR, NOT • IARY PUBLIC, RTC. + FICEi--"Hareilton Street, d1Yat oft ;OD ggtiw'e, GODERIC1f Ontarii♦. Rpadtat attention to Counsel and Connjar. lioimaa may Wox➢r b• , earmatat3 at CHOICE FILLIES AND GELDINGS •;�odesieb by I ton•, ax ra lmhcsxtrs We will sella carload of Choice Fil- ebsrtt'ea revelverl.lies and Geldings, Clydes and Perch - patens, exons, Three and ..Insure year -014a At e' 1, THE. McMANN FARM. Rout edg Os 7e'e. liVaiilts, For #:100:Lo It, Found. Notice, Etc. Ads TMIN TCOLVI1 •• •+Z tIR1CH HERA.I, AUC'I1ON SALE M Z1 Q;TBOPATIT1 J :. tot 23, 3z -Mile east et Seattoritt MAIN STREET EXETER can Wednesday --2.00 pan; 5..019 pan. 7.00 p,m.; eLoo p.m Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON II't DEITZ BLOCK-•,-ZITRI.CH ,very Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLETB'S BLOCK, LDASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and. Wednesday The Imperial Life Assurance Co. of Canada. HEAD OFFICE -- TORDN'TO E. E Wuerth—Agent ZURICH Phone 31-81 Sstarantee and Accident Insurance: Oldest and Strongest Co. in Canada A-U-CT-I-®-N-E-EA OSCAR 13LOPI? s, Nat - M. Jona f}raduate Carey M. � imed Schoouetio�eer ,ive y __ for Registered Torras in keeping' w M Dpreeds). rices. Chorea with prevailing p 1,io i g, ' for rile. Will 'soil anYt I tanyVihere, • ate. "i'It�ve 18--33 or Ziia'ie a, Licensed Auctioneer WOR HURON i MIDDLESEX mad IN 9. POSITION TO CON- eaatt limy auction Sale, re,gar'dlaai .sis— to pine or article to well. It nolleit your baseness, and it not ler yeil<saied< will make no charri^ Ilarviease Dashwor , Arthur Weber -- Times t$--57 , M011•OOM OMNNOOOO Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, ete lint Costs Price for Wood GASH FOR SAMS.& BUDS S Tunigblut Deichert OOSMOOSHOOOfbOOONMOMPDOSOOO LIVE POU LT -12Y WANTE D Wake *',er'y day till S o'clodc,p m' tyy, a t load Fowl aams mooing mikes bought b. Sighed Cask Prices -caw FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien. R IOlio Zurich dquarters FOR TINES TUBES AND •, u Mims Baftevies :�► S. WEIN, . Prop .,ilovia*44,4 yarn SIRVIrT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th At 1.30 p.m. This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase choke colts for the highest Dollar TERMS --CASH Dow, Proprietor,. Brown, Auctioneer. Gib. Tos. rioncE DECLARATION OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNE'RSI3IP ;County of Moroni We, Iilerg Yunblut and,John ;Deichert, Both of the Tillage r Zur- ich in the County. of Huron, Butchers the firm: carrying on the business of butchers: in the 'Village of Zurich, Cotueliy of Huron,. under the name of Yungblut & 1)e•ichert,,do hereby cer- ;411 y that elee partnership was on the hist day cE December, 1928, mutually zlissoltiredl All accounts owing the firm of Yungblut & Deichert are therefor due and payable at once. Witness our hand this 23rd day of ;November, 1928, at the Village of ;G aria. Hy. Yungblut, John .Dei -chert Witness ---A. F_ .Hess. FOR SALE PENINSULAR KITCHEN RANGE V.lood or Coal. in A. 1. Condition. Bess Radio Electric STRAYED. lf.rito my premises•Lot 1.1, Con. 3 Hay Townehip, a year-old heifer. Owner can have salve by proving property and paying expenses. Ed. Munn, Hensall STRAYED There strayed unto Lot 7, Con. 5, Hay Townships. about Oct- 18th, a two-year-old heifer. Owner can have same by paying expenses and prov- ing property. Asa J. Penhai+e, Lot 20, Con. 2, Stephen, Exeter, R, R. No. 1, Phone Crediton,. 1T--34. - FARM FOR SALE Consisting. of 100 acres of choice land being Lot 3, Con. 16 Grey Tee Buildings: and land are all in first class sontiition Good terms, and immediate possession can be given. Apply to Andrew Sloan, Phone 27-12 R. R. No, 2', Brussels, Ont. NOTICE On and after December 1st, Chop - ;ping and Rollin; will be done on Tuesday,, Thursday and Saturday all day of each week. Zurich Flour Mills, FOR SALE DEEENTURES FOR 'SALE The unsold: balance of the Deben- tures issued under Black Creek By- law are offered :for sale... Term is ten year at 5 ?per cent interest. A. F. HESS, Treasurer Tp. of Hay. FOUND Oka the Bronson Line between the Zurich Road and :Blake ai bag of chop Owner can have smzie by paying for this advertisement bona'' Mr Christ. Erb, Bromeore Marie, Nal. COAD 1928 War .& OL AORNTS FOR. :'+IlIM1''111) Scranton Coal ALSO CARRT. Coke Pocahontas aria Soft ioati, GOOD 110141Lf Olt SAND Tlii.11aPNONT YOUR ORDRRe I whiz`s"' TO 1 Case & son Mr. W. JS. Merner was on a bus. iness trip to London, on Friday.. Reeve E. F. Klopp, is attending the County Council meting at Goder- ich this week. Mr. Ed Bossenberry of Bayfield was in the village on business , one day last week. I have. a couple sets of VX 20 1-A second hand radio tubes, at real bar- gains. ---E. Oesch. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hansel of :Buf- falo, were visitors at the home of 1-Iau c 1',s parents, Rev. and Mrs. W, Y. Dreier. Pleaeed t t report that Mrs. A. lis Cowen, who underwent an operation at London • Hospital for removal of appendix, is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz, arid son. Ward, Miss Pearl Wirtz, and Mrs. J: Kellerman from Dashwood, motored to` London on Sunday, paying a visit to Mrs. H. It. Cowen, who is conval- escing at the Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Howald and family of Elmwood, were week -end visitors in Zurich. IVIt. Howald be- ing one of the speakers in the anniv- ersary on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs, E. Oesch entertained a number of their friends to a fowl dinner on Wednesday evening, and those present very much enjoyed all the good things to cat. Wednesday Morning ushered in an other tast of winter weather, and as theeground is covered with snow, and, frost is pravelent, we would much sooner have it this way than so much mud as was the past week. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is not ' only a money maker but a money sayer to the farmers of Canada, while the farmer's family circle, in the accom- panying magazine, gets what is ad- mitted to be the best of all. Did you see the Eclipse? Those who sat up or wol.e up Tnesday,more ning last had the opportunity of see- ing the eclipse of they moon. At 1.24 a.m. the moon began. to enter earth's shadow; and was entirely, submerged al 2.39. The moon appeared to. be of dark color. Rev. lrather, A. M. Stroeder left on Wednesday, for Maidstone, his uety field of labor, and we wish hien every success. Miss Margaret Reg- ier, of Zurich, who has been his faith ful boueekeeper :for a number of ye- ars, accompanied ,I ov. Stroeder- and will serve in this capacity in the new parish. VVe eongratulate Mr. Gordon Turn- bull, of Patichili and formerly of the Blur Water Highway, Hay, for hav- Bing received the Mayor seat of Parkhill by acclamation. Mr. Turn- bull has been .r+'ave of Parkhill for a number of years, and when he step- ped • up to mayor, this year, he was given the chair without opposition. A business deal of some import- ance was transacted last week, when Mr. Harry Yungblut purchased the interests from Mr. John Deichert of the butchering firm known as Yung- Witt & Deichert; Mr. Yungblut is now the sole proprietor, and will be assisted by his son Mr. Ivan, who has had some experience along this line. The firm of Yungblut . Deieh- ert have carried on this -business for about twenty-four years, and have established a very reputable business. .An Unusual Day at Emenuel Evang- elical Church, next Sabbath. The Pastor, Rev. W. Y. Dreier, is sincere in calling for 225 men, wom- en and children to join him at the morning worship, on December 9th, on the occasion of "Everybody go on the occasion of "Everybody go to Church and S. School Day" and he is confident that you will not disap- point him. It would be nothing short of wicked to not hear his morning sermon on "God's Univer- se Originated according to a pat• tern of divine perfection". Standing room will be at a premium at the "Musical Oratorio" at the evening Service when the choir, assisted 1.+y Mr. Robert Bechtel of New Hamburg a very accomplished 'pion°.,t, will in- spire and edify the awlien 'e to a point of rapture. This inusieal pre - gram should be broadk:asecd, try all means, but it is available to you for a liberal free will offering, .+o there! The rebuilding of the business sec- tion of the local Hhdro System, will soon be commenced, as the extra transformer has arrived, aver operat- ions will soon commence. The Dep- artment at Toronto, have for some time been in communication with Mr. Harry G. Hess of the village, regard- ing this matter and have received from Mr. Hess the necessary blue prints, and information to lay out the rebuilding of this part of the system, which it is claimed was over- loaded two hundred per cent. Un- der the new plan, a new and larger transformer will be put at Mr. F. LOCAL NEWS ' Mr, and Mrs. George Fee of Hen- san called on Zurich friends on Sat- urday. Mrs. H, Lipphardt is spending the winter . months with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Fee of Hensall, Me, George Eisonbach of Brew- ster was in the village on Wednes- day. Mr. I d, Johnson and son George of Goderich, called in the village on 1 riday Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson and fam- ily and Mrs. F. Hess Sr., of Central- ia, were Sunday visitors at .the home of Mr, and 1V rs. A. F, Hess, Priv.and Mrs. T. T'revethick and babe, of Brinsley, were Sunday vis- itors with Mrs. Trevethiek's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. John Hey Jr. attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair at Toron- to last week, and report it as a most wonderful event. Prov. Constable Whitesides, Police Magistrate Reid, and Crown Attor- ney Holmes of Goderich held a co- urt in the town hall, Zurich one day' last week. Last Friday evening the F, L. C. E. met for their regular meeting. 1Vliss Ethc1 Gabel led an interesting discussion. The monthly business was then transacted. Mr. and 1VIrs. Oliver Surerus gave a truly, bountiful duck dinner -on Friday for the Grossman and Surerus families from Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Grossman and daughters Mary and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Surerus and Eugene Kalbfleisch, all of Detroit, spene the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Surerus, 14th con., Hay. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch of Elmira were Sunday visitors with re- latives in town. Rev. Mr. Kalbflei- sch being one of the evening speak- ers at the anniversary. Messrs. W. L. Siebert, Well. John- ston, E. Oesch, L. W. Hoffman and J. Haberer motored to Detroit to wit- ness a hockey game between that city and the fast Montreal Maroon teams, of which "Babe" Siebert is a prominent player. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at East Jefferson Avenue Evan. Lutheran Church, Detroit, at 5 p. m., Thursday, November 29th, when the Rev. E. Huenergard united 1 in Holy Bonds of Matrimony, Miss Beatrice E. Klopp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp of Zurich, and Mr. Leonard F. Heist, son of Mrs. and the late 'Ezra Heist 'of Crediton. The young couple will reside in De- troit, Mich. The Junior League of the Evangel ical Church met in the class room on Tuesday evening with a splendid at- tendance. Miss Margaret Robinson took charge of the meeting. While Mr. Neil Witmer read the topic "`Others First", Miss Greta Koehler rendered a solo. A few suitable re- marks were then made by the pastor Rev. Dreier. After the meeting they all journeyed to the basement, where the children were nicely entertained and also a delicious lunch was serv- ed to their hearts content. The Zurich Branch of the Wom- ens' Institute met in the Council Chamber on Monday evening Dec. 3, The chair was occupied by the presi- dent, Mrs. C. L. Smith, in absence of Mrs. J. E. Gaseho and Mrs. H. Cow- en. Rev. Tuerkheim explained the Christmas spirit in a very able man- ner and new pointers were gained thereby, by the lodies. Mrs. E. F. Klopp gave the report of the Con- vention held in London. It was dec- ided that the Institute send a box of goodies to the Goderich Children's Shelter for Christmas. This box is to be packed at the home of Mrs. J. Hey, Jr., on Wednesday, Decem- ber 12th. Anyone in the community wishing to donate anything in the line of candies, fruit, oranges, cook- kies, etc., are requested to leave par- cels at the home of Mrs. J. Hey, no latter that Wednesday, evening, Dec- ember 12th. DRYSDALE. Mr. Attanse Denomme has ed Detroit after spending with his parents, here. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rau of De- troit, have returned home after sp- ending the week -end with their many friends and relatives. Mr. Wilfred Denomme of Detroit, is spending a few weeks with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. George Denomme. Mr. Morris Durand was a week- end visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Durand. A very sucessful card party took place last -a; eek in the church School House for the benefit of the church. Another cne will be held in the same place, for the same purpose on Thursday evening, December 6th. Come and enjoy the evening with bu- shels of fun, and be a prize winner. Miss B. 1':Iousseau and nephew, Mr. Wilfred Mousseau were guests with Thiel'g GQr11erslid that tren5fQrrder the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, wilt be raked iioith and 'replace the lPrank lb o,.sseau near Hensall. one near Mr. P. Koehler's residence, and the one now in use at Mr. ICoeh- ler's wilt be also taken further north and erected at Mr. It. Stades home. This will greatly relieve the heavy day visitor vith Mr. and Mrs. Sever - overloads that these lines have been else Duche...ie of the 14th eon, last 04 last while. Sunday'. to return - a week Mr Wien Bedard who spent the summer ar .;t the Misses Snowden, has returne, ' ltoit'ie, Mr. re ,, Corriveau was a 'Sun- • • 1 • • • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w�+►�ri�s�+r�►�►�*sw�►�r.�♦i��s� ♦����+��+w�s��4!���r�►*��r�11 Farm- Irnplements WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM IMPLEMENTS, AND WILL BE GLAD TO SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE KIND OF MACHINERY THAT YOU NEED THE MOST, AND THAT WILL GIVE YOU MOST VALUE PER DOLLAR OF COST. CARRY A FULL LINE OF PUMPS, PIPING AND EITTINGSs AND BESIDES WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS. LET YOUR NEXT CREAM SEPARATOR BE A DE LAVAL We have the Agency for this District, GARAGE STJPPLIES •• WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF GARAGE SUPPLIES, AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF , AUTO j PARTS, AND BESIDES CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON SAMi. j DO EXPERT BATTERY WORK ON REPAIRING AND RE. • BUILDING BATTERIES YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Tires, Tubes, Gas, Oils and Greases L. A. Prang - Zurich •6+••••••••••••e•+•+•♦+•••••••••••••••••••A••••••••4d 1 Auto Tops, Buggy Taps Wagon Repairing Painting Eto* Second Handed Buggies HESS - ZURICH i +'t•++i•++++A4,44+b+••4+ ++++++++44 + + TJSE CEDAR SHINGLES For new and old Roofs AS THEY MAKE THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST ROOF WITiFIOUT ANY PAINTINGOR. REPAIRING AND WILL OUT • LAST ANY OTHER KIND OF ROOM. SHINGLES ARE NOW SELLING AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF— 6X (Red Cedar $1.50 Per Bunch 3X Red Cedar $.1.35 Per Bunch WE WILL RECEIVE IN A FEW DAYS A CARLOAD OP a -PT. CEDAR 'POSTS AND 910T. LARGE ANCHOR POSTS. CALL FOP. YOUR SUPPLY, 1 .• C. £ LBF'LEISCH PHONE .69 - F - ZURICH i+fitel+4+ ++F elel ieletteM+MNeHee++p+ l ++ leleieMelelti +F+.4441w1+♦43t0.1. rwwwiaumwwwwmaiwwahmiwawwi 1 Zurich Drug Store 1 Christmas Gifts 1 PERFUMIZERS Fancy Stationery, Books, Picture Books and Fountain Pens I Christmas Cards and Booklets KODAKS AND FI IMMMS rs IDr, A,MacKinnon, Zurich! rodrammilmwriwAmmommwm04, We have many beautiful Articles in our store suitable for Christmas ! Gifts ••••+••••••••••+•••♦•••••• Manicure Sets, Toilet Sets, Military Brush Sets, Articles in French Ivory. •+++••••+•♦•••♦++•••••••••