HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-11-29, Page 841110100 "(ow The Store with the Stock Special Display OF New Fall Merchandise We have opened up a shipment of New Fall Goods and invite your inspection. DRESS MATERIALS NEW CALANESE LOCKNIT, A FINE FABRIC OF GOOD WEIGHT, GUARANTEED "NO RUN"' VERY SUITABLE FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR, IN BLACK, MOTHER GOOSE, ALMOND GREEN AND AZURE BLUE. VELVETS IN 27 and 36-incher wide IN NEWEST SHADES. .:ALL WOOL CLOTHS SUCH AS QUEEN'S CLOTH, SANTOYS, FLANNELS, POPLINETTES, IN ALL THE WANTED SHADES. J. GASCHO SONS Pr,rduLt Wanted Phone 59 �•t8 : r++•s s••c •i ? s r r , r �•P •t•+1 k•s••! -•i +4.+3••bd• ••2••�•II••f•3••F•i••fi•4••II••i ++ ,•+•i• + ANNOUNCEMENT • We have been appointed Agents direct for _ • tICH AND VICINITY FOR THE FOLLOWING LINES OF .+g. + WILLYS OVERLAND LTD. + + -cTrPRI- WHIPPET FOUR ARISTOCRAT OF THE LOW PRI - 1` + CED FIELD. SEE IT; DRIVE IT; ;;UMPARE IT WITH ANYTHING AT THE PRICE. A TRIED + AND PROVEN PRODUCT OF QUALITY' .T. to + i• + + + + + + + + + + + + •i• + • TRIED AND PROVEN PRODUCTS GE W }TIPPET ►� I X y .... �.aC THE' MARKET. A CAR WITH A r�� SOUND REPUTATION VeT�lls IL��ll.t TWO MODELS, PROVIDED WITH 1 11 THE FAMOUR SLEEVE VALVE IMOTOR. • IF IN NEED OP A CAR ARRANGE TO SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. A SATISFACTORY DEAL ASSURED, BESIDES: "WE GIVE :,;,YOU SERVICE" .I. Mousseau Zurich Fa• d .;..; 444-: -1?••i•+++•l •I•• +4- A4- :•}4.444.44•1444'•i•4444•444.i•44+44++.9 ago* IIMMNISIM 0110111NBN,HNlNNSNNSN• II • D 40 Degrees ANTI -FREEZE • A .SCIENTIFICALLY COMPOUNDED ANTIFREEZE FOR THE ALOMOBILE, MANUFACTURED FROM PURE GLYCERINE, DENATURED ALCOHOL, PARAFFINE OIL AND WATER, WITH THE GUARANTEE OF THE COMPANY BEHIND EVERY 1 ;GALLON SOLD. EN -AR -CO GLYCEROL has been worked out in the Labor- 1 atory of the oil refinery of the Canadian Oil Companies, Limited, • for the purpose of securing an Anti -Freeze with a high boiling point for the purpose of securing an Anti -Freeze with a high boiling, point and an extremely low freezing point Under ordinary conditions it will not evaporate and it will withstand the coldest weather of our Canadian winters ---40 degrees. EN -AR -CO GLYCEROL is recommended as the highest grade .of Anti:Freeze on the market if an extremely low freezing point is desired • EN -AR -CO GLYCEROL can be obtained from dealers or at any of the filling stations or warehouses of the Company, and with your • auto radiator filled with EN -AR -00 GLYCEROL under the super- vision of the En-ar-co Service, all worries regarding a frozen rad- iator or a cracked jacket is at an end.. Courteous Dealers and Ser- vice Station Attendants will be glad to test the solution in your. • radiator and will advise you monthly, if desired, of the freezing I +point of the solution. 1 If in need of new furniture, don forget; we hive it! 1S1ADE 84, WE. ID� ZURICH - ONT. +wN�w�r�+MMr�t.«��wsr�rwrwrr� - ONT. 400.4 HAAT 1.060000 ON 1b siospN 1.wlli lr 0M IN4 • -VE .IC:H wHE*Atm C)ur Sacrifice Sale Of General Merchandise Is meeting with Remarkable Success EVERY DAY WE SEE NEW CUSTOMERS COMING IN TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS WE ARE OFFER- ING. AND WHILE THE DAYS ARE GLIDING BY, WE WOULD INVITE SUCH WHO HAVE NOT VISITED OUR STORE DURING THIS CAMPAIGN TO "'ACT QUICK" AND COME AT ONCE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITIES REMEMBER, OUR LAST DAY OF THESE SENSATIONAL PRICES IS Saturday, December 15th WE ARE CONTINUALLY GETTING IN NEW BARGAINS, WHICH WE ARE GIVING TO OUR CUSTOMERS. VISIT OUR STORE OF- TEN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEM. DON'T FORGET! J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE PHONE NO. 145 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and da- ughter Mae, were week -end visitors at New Hamburg, where they attend- ed the funeral of the former's uncle, the late John Zimmerman, who died in his 84th year. The Family Herald and weekly Star of Montreal with its. wonderful improvements has no peer as an agri- cultural paper on this continent. The best Canadian farmers know that. A spell of real winter weather gre- eted this section over the week -end, and this week one can see almost ev- ery kind of vehicle on the streets, as some are using the sleighs with good success as a result of the rather he- avy fall of snow on Sunday night. It looks very much as if winter was come to stay, as there is considerable frost as well as snow. The Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran church are holding a baz- aar and sale of homemade baking in the Town Hall, Zurich; on Saturday, December 8th, in the afternoon and evening, a lunch will also be served in addition to the bazaar, and we all know the splendid things that these ladies always set before us, so we do not hesitate in saying "We'll all Go". Guns, Rifles, Phonographs, Sewing Machines and Umbrella Repairing a Specialty with prompt service. At W. G. Hess & Son All municipal clerks are repuired under revised Act this year to send by registered mail to the clerk of the county, six days previous to mun- icipal nominations, a certificate as to the number of voters that may be legally counted as pualified to vote to determine representation of each municipality to the County Council. The recent announcement • of the Family Herald and Weekly Star to give a year free with a two year sub- scription appears to us a move in the right direction. Not that the Fam- ily Herald needs to reduce its price; it is recognized that at one dollar per year it is the greatest value in Canada to -day. The "year free'' fer, therefore, means this --the sub- scription is still one dollar for one year, but for two dollars you rcccive a subscription for three years instead of two years. Hundreds will liter- ally leap at this big offer and well they niay. When one considers that for a two dollar bill you can have a paper of the calibre of the Family Herald and Weekly Star coming to your home for three full years --it go- es without saying that it is a some- what tempting offer . December Rod and Gun. In view of the increasing interest in the farming of muskrats an art- icle in the December issue of Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News on a new muskrat ranching venture on a large scale is of special note. In addition to this the latest issue national sporting magazine car- ries its customary acceptable' collec- tion of hunting, ' fishing and outdoor yarns by well 17nown authors. A- mong the contents are a narrative of moose hunting by N. I -I. Roberts, a prominent shooting expert and one on fish hatchery work by Jack Doyle, and many others timely articles on deer and duck hunting, trapping, an- gling, guns and ammunition, dogs, and the silver fox industry by thoro- ,ughly capable writers. Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver. Fox News is pu- blished by' W. J. Taylor Limited, Woodstock, Ont, The local Postoffice advises us that Christmas •mail for overseas, should be•postecl within a week or vo and at the latest to c.c.inect with S: a. Mont clove Wither. Dec. 7th. Z"'ctr the con. v'enience of the public the post office LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Live Hogs cwt.._._ Butter, lb- .,- ; 40c Eggs ...:�,.... .22-24-28 Dried apples Lb, -- -- --_ 9 Oats.__._- -� —►-- ' !8 Barley ... . .. .. ..1.90 Buckwheat - - -, --. .1.00 Shorts per ton -.- - .. ..45.00 Bran per ton .. ...�, ..,. .-... 43.00 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in-Ontario- Amountof Insurance at Risk on Dee. 81, 1927, $22,385,785. total Cash in Bank and Bods $150,579,38 Rates—$4.50 per `1,000 for s years. E. F. KIopp—Zurich Agent, Also Dealer is Lightaind Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance . Falb MiIIinery Fine Display WE ARE SHOWING A FINE DISPLAY OF FALL MILLINERY IN ALL TI -IE NEWEST AND LEAD INS STYLES CHILDREN'S HATS IN FELTS AND VELOUR. WOMEN'S HATS IN VELOURS ;AND FELTS WE. HAVE ALSO A FINE AS- SORTMENT OF DRESS ORNA- MENTS FLOWERS FOR DRESSES AND COATS. See Us about Your Fancy Goods Requirements COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE jA Cali is always appreciated T SHOPPE THE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND THE QUALITY GOOD `] V. w . SIEBERT department bas ,issued a postal note, of ten cent denomination. The com- mission for Baine bean', one 'Y ttl, So that now very small amounts eau be sent to any place in C:tt,ada, thus doing away 'with the s rt l-: t r of st- amps• for small amounts. The ten - dollar postal nete will be discontin- ued as soon as the iY .i; nt ,to, k is expired. As in for ayes• yelrs the public is asked by the tlep:ttrncnn to mal early and thus a>+fi<I tTt:l.Lp, slit de'lvery as well as heliAng out the utmost at Christmas season. Thursdaty, Noveacr,, Mk. 1 +41..4•++++$ ++. 4 .+.s ....4+ •1444 ..><.•,+4.4.4014 ...++ 4, + Seasonable Hardware I Fall is here and we can supply 1: the Public with Seasonable Hard- t • .,a ware at moderate prices • . A NUMBER OF GOOD ' SECOND uaND STUVES VERY CHEAP, FENCING : A CARLOAD ON LUNDYS'LUCKY -TIE WEE JUSTT, AR - 10, * RIVED INCLUDING WOVEN COIL, HARRB, BRACE AND A STEEL POSTS. + TIRES .AND TUBES t A FULL LINE OP GUTTA PERCHA TIRES. NONE Barren +i + 4. PAINTS AND VARNISHES •[ ®0011) SUPPLY OF MARTIN +SENOUR 100% PURE PAINT, ili t A FULL' LINE OP CHINAMEL VARNISHES, ENAMELS ,. •>i• ALSO FULL LINE OP MURESCO, 10110,‘ • FURNITURE4. • FIE Line of Furniture in Living Room Stvta, Dining Rana t s .t. Suits, Bed Rooms Suits„ Kitchen Cabinets. Reed Rechere and *2 Chairs. A number of Rockers at Greatly ReducedPrices. ' Good Supply of famous SIMMONS BEDS, SPRINGS AND it • MATTRESS. BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES. +4. BRING US YOUR HORSEHAIR, RAGS, OLD IRON WD '1I, PAY HIGiHEST MARKET PRICES. .4. i i i • 14. PULL SUPPLY OF KRAUSER SMOKE CURB • ' Johnston Sc Kalbflejsch I Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 t +•I+++t^y.•g'd•+i-•%•t••i^t•b t••F:14•01•,•E••6d"i*•Z:d'd••f•+++4414&•i i.•t.+•E•>:•tt•E!_t;E , it Safe and -Dependabie WHEN YOUR INVESTMENTS CONSIST. OF VICTORY BONDS, HURON AND ERIE DEBENTURES, .OR CANADA TRUST GUARANTEED MORTGAGE CERTIEICATES, YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DEPEND UPON THAT YOUR INTEREST... - WILL BE PAID TWICE A YEAR ON A CERTAIN DATE, AND THAT YOUR PRINCIPAL IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. - PLAY SAFE AND PROVIDE FOR A REGULAR INCOME Any Sean over $100 will be accepted oma II. & Erie Dehentur` ora Canada Trust G.M.C. for one to Five years. :INTEREST ..TWICE A YEAR .AT 4Y.4. Per Cent. ,PER ANNUM WILL BE PAID REGULARLY FULL INFORMATION GLADLY GIVEN APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED AT ANY TIME Before you Invest ---INVESTIGATE! Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Ch , MY MOTTO;—SHRVICH AND eAli7TY . Have You MADE YOUR .WILL? The Best Thing Out! Mrs. Sybilla Spahr's Tonsilitis for' Bronchitis, Cough, Bronchial Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Catarrh, ail; Sore Throat and Tonsil troubles. Good results or money back. - - Sold at W. C. Wagner's Grocery. JOIE' WARD Drugless .Traction.-. eer and Optician MAST OFFICE Exeter SUITS SUITS . iTo the man who regards' a well dressecj appearance, we recommendY ou too 'corne;and look over our fine range o NEW ,FALL PITINGS G •• WIC GIJARANTE'E SATISFACTION OIt IMONET 0LAALIC RDPUN.DED. ,. ALL OUB SUITS ARE MAID$ AND TRIMMED,. WITS MI *.. B1'ST OF LININGS' AND TRIMMINGS CALLED ;1` GRADE • HEAD AGENT FOIL THE Wl L KNOWN'MADE TO MEAS•' DRE CIA'iPHES—(.`dlifrNEm,, r u HOFFMAN 11+IJSRCnANT TAILOR. W. 'R. MOFFI AN. Std 80374 MOAN N ;AND *'UNERAI ,DiiancerQRs Dtay and Night now.No. 11 *'ir !11- ..