Zurich Herald, 1928-11-29, Page 7k �, ra,-.'` a f••.ri'4i Chas 4 tessf LAE ice,. Vile NW Mit'1111EfaiklIC Will Ile _ 7 $ Neal Ira {riot others snb •set to VfrroatIrritation wtllfndgrate d rel{ef in. LIGHTNING FAMILY sat, 754 PER Children Love VF ft . SSyrup FRIN..SIZE35 BOTTLE Four Deazl:I. Ships' Adrift TWO Fears ,ti ' the RyoeiMaru. The ship was towed into Puget Sound by the steamer Max -I gar :t Dollar. An examination here i quarantine offieers revealed the fact . that, in a desperate effort,to live, some I I Pacific rs lig l�L of the crew had turned cannibal. A few days later another of the wandering fishing craft was sighted off the coast. Bu'tt the freighter that discovered the hulk k her drift, not Hulks, With Victims , knowing her tragic story. Four of the vessels, stoutly built to resist the Port Townsend, Wash. -'Tie water- Paeific storms, still drift somewhere logged huks of four Japanese "death between the Pacific coast and Japan, ships," missing almost two years from shipping men believe: home ports, are drifting somewhere Charts of. the United StateseHydro - gazethe north Pacific, and mariners graphic Office here indicate that these gaze daily across the gray wastes, ex- ships may drift for years in one of two petting the lost craft to turn up. Ac- them great 1,000 -mile current circles of the cording to r� aphic records it is north Pacific. One ,,of these circles now time for them to escape the ocean flows southward down the west coast eddies. of North America, the nswings out Fye fishing vessels, each manned + into mid -ocean and finally turns north by about twelve men, were blown out along the coast of the Orient. Hydro - to sea in a typhoon which raged off graphersa estimated that the g2,yoei the Japanese islands in December, Maru drifted 20,000 miles in endless 1926. Almost a year later, in l:dovera- zigzags and circles to reach the Wash- ber, 1927, one of the ships, with its tragic freight of bodies, bme drift- ing up the Washington coas . It was Shipping Men Expect to Find Waterlogged Japanese Assam teas are known by experts as the finest teas grown—a fact which explains why Red Rose Orange Pekoe has become so deservedly popular in Canada. For Red Rose Orange Pekoe is chiefly composed of Assam teas, which accounts for its 'dis- tinctive quality and value. Every package guaranteed. 3-E ASK YOIIR LOCAL DEALS$ •FOIL Canadian Artist's Series Christmas Cards Beautiful Hand -Coloured Christmas Cards designed by Canada's Leading Artists. Twelve especially attractive Cards with charming. and appropriate sentiments may be purchased at a considerable saving in boxed assort- ments at Sec. $1.60, and $1.60. Published by ROUS 8z MAN, LIMITED 172 B;MCOE ST., ''4 OBONTO Trade With the B.W.I, .. Saskatoon Star -Phoenix (Lib.) pe• spite the fact that the commercial' t;'eatY,.between Canada and the Brit-, lsil West Indies has been in force since 1925, trade. between the two countries has by no means reached its fullest .capacity. , . Canada ap- parently is not yet importing from the West Indies they volume of -harm- ; Das, oranges and grapefruit which this country can absorb, nor are 1 Canadian manufactured articles be - Coming popular in the West Indies as rapidly as expected.. 14larketing coaditions,.e;how$Ver, are being im- proved and organizations created which will tend tet popularize the products of the two countries with. each Other. , . , It is worthy of note that already Canadian butter is . dis- placing the United States product there. BABY'S OWN TABLETS Likes 'em Wild 11 m P„abY is caretaker at the Banff. ALWAYS I THE HOME Ji Oncei.a mother has used Baby's Zoo. He claims that as a 'dancing . O�vn Tablets fol' her little ones she partner a timber wolf is "Pal' -,sate!- always keeps a supply on hand, for as to be in sum almost meaningless, !sate:' - He does not recommend it , the first trial convinces her there is are quoted exhaustively. as being pLofioient in ballroom et1 pre - nothing to equal them in keeping One of England's most popular pre- guette, but he does say, "After watch -1 children well. The Tablets are a I cern law citizens is Michael Comper- ing many dances I am sure .that a' mild but thoro�igh laxative which ford, 105 years old, who looks en life's wolf would be nothing new in a ball- regulate the bowels and sweeten the evening star from the austere secur- room except in appearance. Jim is stomach, thus driving out constipa- I the Ids �, a wise-crabker. Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the best tea you can buy In clean, bright Aluminum 11 Long Life ! Briti Classified Advertisements ,s-riT:5Ts' $itTFPLEES. h Centenarian Advises AI;115T 131-tUS als, COLORS, PA- J'EIRS camas Complete line artist 2 -Pint Nightcap as materials Write for catalogue Christ- man cards for liana coloring. C. 8. Preserver cr owlet' Limited, 1355 St. Catherine West, Montreal. like Canada, treasures ,its centenarians and care- fully records their birthdays in the press. Their views on the causes of longevity, though differing so wider tion and indigestion, colds and simple (Photo by Canadian Pacific.) severs and making teething easier. W E YOUNG uGIRLS coast. GROW PALE A There are two such eddies in the ity of Engl a eh • 7 i'Lli ,1'VUNI) UP. wi7NTY . .1 i one samples free.Jtocking Turn Mails, Dept. 1, Orillia, Ont. "It is true that personalities and partisanship are out of place in the pulpit, but that is not because it is the pulpit—but because they are out of place anywhere among gentle- folks."—The,, Rev. Charles Francis Potter. Hill Poor Hous . An Fewer accidents are caused by ish ``poor law institution" is not traffic jams than by pickled drivers• eery place for most people, but _Norfolk Virginian -Pilot. Concerning them, Mrs. Saluste Pelle-' Michael, as the oldest inhabitant, has tier, St. Dumas, Que., writes:—"I have privileges. used Baby's Own Tablets for the past The rheumatism which has attacked I' ten years and am never without them 1 his lower members has entitled him to in in the house. They have always given sit all day in a chair in the sun. Mean - north upper Pacific. One lies to the west of I gladly recommend them to all mothers still to talk fluently, gesture eloquent - Hawaii, the other to the north. Both l i of little ones." The Tablets are sold ly and light his pipe every two min are off the main steamer lanes. A vas- Dr. Williams'. Pink, Pills Should by medicine dealers or direct by mail urea. sal, whirling into either might drift at 25 cents Also, he has prescription for there for years without being sighted, li O t longevity. Here hisit is: but it is estimated two years ought to "Two pintsH of hot special ale every bring a floating. object. close to the. night at bedtime." west coast of the United States or thin, parents should Canada. d °� ° Break Colds with Minard's Liniment. be Taken to Enrich the Blood When girls grow weak, pale and �" not neglect these Secrecy Increases symptoms; to do so means anger. Divorces IIS ri am The girl in her teens cannot develop • .1 �' The into robust womanhood without an ing an airplane record is to shatter abundant supply of rich, red blood in Law Prohibiting Newspapers a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. most t essential factor in break - nothing but the record—Weston I her veins. It is the lack of this that Publishing Court Details (Ore.) Leader. greattroublewith nine girls S its $U ou o ten. p have achieved world-wide fame for porters The biggest business of this gen-: their remarkable blood -making prop - oration is to nail .down peace before erties. In these pills there is vigor- London.--DivoIce has proved so Or be too "wise"' and "knowing, the race f is what war is.—Bos- health, with glowing cheeks and popular under the law forbidding the And put your heart in what you start, ton Herald. is the -" • t' f t n Dr. Williams.' Pink Pills Dismays DO YOUD STUFF Just "do your stuff"—don't run a bluff, Or let of hardship "stall" you, Or. play your hand with too much "sand," Or life will surely "call" you! Just forge ahead, and don't go dead 1 orge ous ea , d. sparkling eyes for every weak, pale newspapers to publish court details And gamely keep on going. __ girl. The value of the pills; in cases ; that the President of the High Court --J• i, Hungerford. at man who has invent- of this kind is shown by the state -has been compelled to appoint two Personallywe crave luxuries, but INow will that merit of Mrs. Winnifred Rutty, Bar- assistants for the Michaelmas term. ed a device to tell when. peaches are I ton street west, Hamilton, Ont., who I This country, which was once one we have never seen a $5,000 funeral ipe enough to pick get busy on some says: --"About two years ago my of the hardest nations in the world in that we wanted.—Dallas News. •eldest girl got into very bad -health. which to obtain a divorce, has ob- I took her to a doctor who advised served a steadily increasing number The whole problem is how to trim having her tonsils removed, saying of applicants since the new' law the war debts without trimming the ' this was the teat of the trouble, We shrouded the cases in secrecy. There war creditors. -Dallas News. had them removed, but it did not help are. 800 divorce actions filed for hear - her, and she seemed to have absorbed i ing during the two-month Michaelmas so much poison from the trouble that term, an increase of 300 over the last she did not pick up at all. She could' term. neither eat nor sleep, and what food] Church people, who supported the she did t9:ce did not digest. Then she new law on the theory that publica- ' developed a dough that kept her tion of details of broken -up family awake at night, and went down in life could serve no useful purpose, are 1 weight to 95 pounds. A neighbor' coming to believe that they have I said to me, 'You have tried so many :helped to create a Frankenstein mon- things why not try Dr. Williams' Pink 'ster which may do more to encourage IPills?' I got 'some and before she' divorce than to hinder it. finished the second box she began tot A further complication in the di - show improvement. She continued 1 vorce situation is seen in the an - the use of the pills for some time and ' nouncement that shortly there will be is now in the pink of condition, able' launched an agitation for the right to to work and play, and eat and sleep ' divorce on such grounds as separa- with all her old-time vigor. These ' tion owing to penal servitude, chronic statements can be verified by neigh- alcoholism and temperamental differ -1 bots who watched her restored • from' euce. The only grounds upon which 1 ill health to perfect health." I divorce can now be 'obtained in Eng -1 1 If your medicine dealer does not' land is adultery. keep these pills you can get them by 1 Some strange and unusual matri-1 mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil- monial tangles will worry the judges • Basis' Medicine 'Co Brockville Ont. this season. The secrecy law has en- 1 thing that will tell us when a melon is ripe enough to buy. ii E MI Xli FOR THE FARMER FARM BOYS WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS FOR THE FUTURE ? Do you intend to run your own farm; to practice the est fam m methods; to raise better crops and better stock; to keep your in the highest state of fertility; to make the farm pay? Unless you do, what satisfaction is there in farming? Now is the time to lay the foundation of your life's work; to learn something of soils; fertili- zers; drainage; plant and animal diseases; insect pests; varieties of grains, roots, and fruits; breeds and types of animals; marketing 'of farm produce; .carpentry; blacksmithing; dairying, etc. Get an in- sight into the innumerable problems that every farmer has to face and should know about. By Taking Some of the Winter Courses at TI -IE ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, GUELPH — — ONTARIO These Courses are designed to meet 'the requirements of boys • who cannot spend a longer period at the College. REDUCED, RAILWAY RATES Send for the Short Course Calendar outlining the various courses. B.S,A. D.Sc.,A. M. PORTER, B.S.A.; G. I. CHRIS PresidentIE,Registrar. AVOID "WINTER ILLS ' AND DISCOMFORTS X a SPEND WINTER. IN THE WARM CLIMATE OF SOUTH The Gulf Coast Rich in legend and history. Lux- urious hotels, apartments and cottages. TheTan-americans alt- Pullman lt Pullman train, leaves Cincinnati 10:20 A. M. daily and arrives at Gulf Coast points next morning. *Yew Orleans' Every. day is "holiday" --every nigght is "carnival" in New Cirleaas. All sports. Historic shrines. Ex- cellent hotels, World famous restaurants. Reached in less than 24 hours from Cincinnati on The r.fl-vineries!`. Alit ;A 1•ht. Coupon Florida Splendid through train service from Detroit, . Cleveland, Indian- apolis, Cincinnati and Louisville daily on The Flamingo and The Southland Diverse route includes Gulf Coast one way. Same cost. California The most fascinating way to go "abroad at home" is to follow the sun to the Pacific Coast. The "Pan- ,.4rnerican • connects with finest western trains at New Orleans. Liberal stopovers allowed. No extra fares. ' FREE INFORMAII10N AND SERVICE 13 .y Forret T. P. d I. 3c N. It. R•, 1' OF2&2N 6o5�tanspottaaon $ldg..l7etro,t, g Michi an. Send me,llusttatedlitertureaboutg0/1wik El Gulf 0 New ()titans. 0 California. Nddress A LOUISVILLE & NASE[VILLE R. 'R. w.. • _ Co., couraged so much collusion in getting OCEAN F E TO CANADA for the Wives and Families of British Subjects Children under 17 years—FREE Apply at once to .: CANADIAN SERVICE :. Cunard and Anchor - Donaldson Lines Cor. Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto. —or nearest agent CANCER FREE BOOK Sent on Renuest Tells cause of cancer and what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, ite for it to -day, mentioning this paper. Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital. Indianapolis, Ind. divorces that it has been announced Unemployed Who Want to ' that the judges will not accept as ab - Work solute corroborating testimony a con - Toronto Hail and Empire (Cons.): fession of a husband..-_._- . There are many workers in Britain MI/lard's Liniment for Backache. who have been suffering from lack of steady employment. These are not Advertisement says" that the secret people who do t not want , to work. of poise is money in the bank. At The experiment of bringing unem- least, it's the secret of balance.— ployed men from Great Britain to r Arkansas Gazette. Canada to assist in harvesting the Western grain crop that was made 1 paradox: The can this year showed there were thou president either gets the job and !las sands of British workers willing to nothing to do, or loses the job and try their hands at a kind of work of goes to work.—Detroit News. which they had had little or no e:t their perience. A large proportion of1 Women m but of In cestainly keel) fi these men, too, proved capable of do- agreements, ing that work and a substantial P":their compacts: Adl.ansas Gazette. , _- M tentage of their number has remain- - -- ed in Canada. Unquestionably. - �— — -` there are among the unemployed .in Great Britain many people who would make excellent settlers in Canada, who draw unemployment in- surance but who could hardly be ex- pected to save out of that insurance sufficient money to pay their own fares and the fares of other members of their families to Canada. didate for Vice - Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes Downcast Eyes Eyes tell Your Character or lisp The prettiest of or a sigh, Neer charm of the eyeitlz the Brown eyes for strength --glue for generosity—Gray eyes for jealousy—Sparkling eyes indi- cate beauty, yes, and good health, toot Do your eyes sparkle? Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow indicating an out- of • sorts condition - -due to aced constipa- tion? If so, you IsomVE440w 71Nt:[ wnTM sEec Try n regular daily Course for • short period. Your eyes will soon tell the story of improved health. Read about Character Iron the Eyes in future Beecham Advertisements. 9-11 And there are 40 doses in e 76 -cent bottle! Pleasant to take and instant in action in every kind of Cold. Relieves Bronchitis. Croup and Whooping Cough. Prevents Flu" and Pneumonia. Eases iris- tatedthroats. Buy"Buckley's". Sold by all druggists and guaranteed. W. R. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual Bt., Toronto 2 UCS. Acta like a flasft \\����`��� a single sip proves it 5i7 1. For Every Pam For cuts, bruises, sprains, stiff joints, and other pains, use MInerd's. Relieves, soothes. A Vegetable Product LONG SLEEP MAKES BABY HAPPY AGAIN "Our baby kept waking us several times a night, until we started giving him a little Castoria after his last nurs- ing," says an Iowa mother. "He slept soundlyfrom the first night and it made him look and feel worlds better." Baby specialists endorse Fletcher's Castoria; and millions of troth les know how this purely -vegetable', harmless preparation helps babies and children, with colic, constipation, colds, diarrhea, etc. The Fletcher signature iS alwaya on the wrapper of genuine Castoria.. Avoid imitations. t ftutryF Je+PrLLWS 0 ',moat For R'o Acid duos INDIGESTACID ION x.. HEArer9URN. NEACIACME GASF3'rlptlS_ EA What most people call indigestion is usually excess acid in . the stoni ch. The food has soured. The instant remedy is r • alkali which neutralizes acids. But don't use crude helps. Use what your doctor would advise. The best help is Phillips Milk of 14Lagnesia. For the 50 years since its invention it has remained Standard. with physicians. You will find nothing elect so quick In its effect, So harmless, to 'efficient. A Friend to Women r- �• lel ,i l One' tasteless ;.pcenfatl iu v.:-�� s many times its volulno in acid. tralize 111 The results are immediate; with 110 1 bad after-effects, Once you learn this fact, you will never deal with excess acid in the crude ways. Co learn— new--why this method is supreme,. Be sure to get the gcntiine Phillips- I Milk of Magnesia prescribed bY physi- clans for 50 years in correcting ex- cess acids. Each bottle contains full directions—any drugstore, a t c La E. Pa s ! d tCompound LYDIA E. PyINSfHM2 U.S.A.MEDICINE CO. Ly andCobour5, Ont., Canada. ISSUE No. 47—'28