HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1928-11-08, Page 7equine Westinghouse
Electric Iron
;Buy Big Ben by
the Vacuum (air-
tight) fin, which
keeps the plugs in
the same perfect
condition as they
were when they
left the factory.
If your wife has always
wanted a genuine West-
inghouse Electric Iron,
here is your opportunity
to obtain a fine one for
her, FREE. A "Poker
Hand" is attached to
every plug of Big 'Ben
Chewing'Tobacco. Enjoy
this rich, full -flavoured
chew --save only ten sets
of "Poker Hands "—and
the Electric Iron is yours.
and Save the "Poker Hands"
°'I t:::ought your wife's name was
"So it is."
"Then why do you call her Peggy°".
"Short for Pegasa."
"What has that to do with it?"
"Why, Pegasa is feminine for Pe-
"Well, Pegasus
"What of that?"
"Not so loud! She's in the next
room. You see, an immortal steed is
an everlasting nag—so there you are."
is an immortal
Teacher: ."Tommy, where is the
Island of Java?"
Tommy • "I dunno,"
Teacher: "Don't you know where
most of the. coffee you drink conies
Tommy: "Sure. We get most of
ours .from ot}r next-door neighbor."
The trouble with most men who
turn over a new leaf is that they use
the loose , leaf system.' 1.
Golfer (to, partner) : "Just look at
that girl dressed like a man. What
are her parents thinking .of, anyway?
I think it's disgraceful." '
Partner: ' "That, sir, is my (laugh-
ter.' • . - .
Golfer: "I beg pardon. I didn't
know you were her father.,"
.Partner: "I'M riot. TM iief mother."
The London Hunt and
Country Club is widely
known for the excellence of
its afternoon teas. For sev-
eral years this progressive
club has used no other tea
but Red Rose Orange Pekoe
—a blend that leads all
others in flavor and full-
bodied richness. Put'up only
in bright, clean aluminum
package. 18EW
We admire a baseball player Who
has the eye and the nerve to wait for
the; right ball. The successful bi:si
nese' man does the . same . thing --he
lets the bad ones go by.
No' Kidding
Caught in the west Miramiehi River
near the mouth of .he Cains River
in New Brunswick in water open to
the public, this 46 pound salmon was
landed by W. E. (.idler of Kalamazoo,.
'Mich., on the last day of the open
Canada's Foreign. Office
Telling the truth is said to shame
the devil. It's also a good way to
rum off your friends,
Crossing the legs in public is not re-
fined, but it puts homely girls on a
par with pretty ones.
The man who keeps the rural high
school lawn looking so pretty de-
serves a civic crown of some sort.
. . It is getting, to be quite a •job
to dump all the . daily campaign dope
into the waste basket.
The following was found pinned on
the door of a deserted shanty in North
Ontario "Fore miles from a nabur;
twenty-five miles from a postoffice;
twenty-five miles from a r. r.; a mile
from water; God bless our home, but
I'm glad I'm leavin'."
If good goods comes in small pack-
ages the female I have in mind is a
Manitoba Free Press. • The right of
Canada to look after her external af-
fairs is as indefeasible as her right
to domestic self-government; and the
widening exercise of this right will
keep pace with the growing need for
representation abroad. Out past sys-
tem . . has been to demand from
the official'. reiiresebtatives' of Great
Britain a service which they are not
equipped to render`at •the cost of •the
British treasury. The sy'::aril is not
creditable to us nor fair to the British
G;overhihent; and the service Canada
receives from it, •--bile better than' we
deserve under the circumstances, is
not 'what this country requires, nor
what its people will demand as Can-
ada grows in international import-
ance as a trading country and in po-
We are a changed people, and even
a redheaded boy can attend school
without having a fight every day.
If the girl says she 'doesn't believe
she cares' fora thin;; to.' eat, that
means 'the bill won't be over $8.70.
• ;Coulee: lass;
' Sees 'lad,
Not bad
In class:
Acts coy;
Eyes brown
Chic gown,
Gets boy.
Her date
All wet;
Won't pet;—
Gets. gate.
How do you explain the fact that
some men grow generous when they
have a little Scotch in them?
Women are beginning to ride in air-
planes, and their first complaint
that they can't hear themselves talk.
For Triiddble9
due to Acid
,r,;cib stogy►+
Excess acid is the common cause of
indigestion. 'It results in pain and
,sourness about tw^ hours after eating.
The quick corrective is an alkali
Which n'eutr'alizes acl& The best cor-
rective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia.
It has reiriainevd standard with 1900 -
clans in the •50 years since Its inven-
nue epoorittil •of Phillips` Milk lot
;bi l,r;i:e�fa neativalizes instantly )1aauy
'Canada ,a Nation"
Leo Naxse in the National Review
(London). Canada is steadily drift"
away from the Mother Country in
the economic sense as Mr. Joseph
Chamberlain feared It would without
a conscious concerted effort to coup,
tercet centrifugal forces. The optim-
ists of Ottawa imagine that their,
country can beeoine a' commercial an-
nex of their mighty neiglibor, while
retaining her political independence,
This is what "Canada a nation"
means in tl?err eyes, but all ,history
is there to .refute, them, They must
make up their minds as to whether
they wish to become effective mem-
bers of the British Empire, or so many
States in the American Union. Our
Statesmen must do likewise and 'de-
tide, whether they wish to see Canada
outside or inside the Empire.
One of the greatest puzzles to the
careful parent is to know just what
medicine to give the little ones.
When the child fails ill with gripping
pains; is seized with cold or fever,
refuses food or vomits what he has
taken, when he cries a great deal and
cannot get the sleep so necessary to
the growing child, the parent is in a
quandry. What is to be done on such
occasions . As often as .not there is
not a suitable medicine in the house.
The puzzle is what to give him to 'set
him right quickly.
It is to•.meet such emergencies the;
!Baby's,- Own Tablets were designed.
These pleasant little Tablets quickly
reduce, fever, break up .colds, relieve
constipation' and indigestion and allay
teething pains. They quiet the nerves
and: promote restful health -restoring
sleep. They are guaranteed abso-
lutely harmless and safe for even. the
youngest and most delicate baby.
Baby's Own Tablets • are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a • box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,
litical Dom er.
If Your Daughter Shows Signs
of Anaemia a Tonic is Needed.
Anaemia is simply a lack of blood.
It is one of the most common and at
the same time most dangerous trou-
bles from, which growing girls suffer.
It is common because the blood so
often becomes impoverished during
development, when girls often over-
work and'overstudy. Itis dangerous
because of the stealthiness of its
approach and because of its tendency
to grow steadily worse. Every grow-
ing girl , should occasionally take a
tonic to ward tiff this insidious trouble.
It is because of their powerful action
in rebuilding the blood that Dr.
Williams', Pink,Pills have .made a
world-wide repuation. The case of
'Miss Cla:ite Sullivan, Pincher' :Creek;
Alta., aniply proves the value. of this
medicine; i Miss Sullivan says. "Dur-
ing my sdhool days I suffered a great
de^' from} thin and •watery blood. I
was continually , weak. ai;d tired;, my;
appetite ,was poor, my sleep unrefresh
ing and ii was troubled with �iackaches.
• To make•matters worse I was attacked
times its voltinie in acid. It is harnir
less and tasteless and its eaten is
quick. You Will never rely on crude
methods, never continue tb suffer,
when you learn how quickly, how
pleasantly this premier method acts. tr
Please let it show you—now..e the
of Unt ec
sure to get.the genuine Phillips pother at the church parlors oiFr - outathe one year's production of Magnesia prescribed by physi- day evening. A light lunch willb
clans for 40 years in :correcting ex- served .fterwardsr--:owa paper. i was worth nearly $1,000,000,000:"
cess •acids. Each bottle contains full .;.
dir'ectiolt•5-'--a,imy drugstore, Minard's Liniment for Backache;
Barefoot Tropics
Earliest Footgear, However,
is Traced in Warm
• Lands, Such .as
Egypt and Irak
Washington.—Failing to wear shoes
has been against the law in Portugal
since October 1. Because of the many
adults who have, been in the habit of
going barefoot, in the cities as well as
in the country districts, the authori-
ties, according to dispatches, see diffi-
culties in enforcing the new statute.
"This unusual law draws attention
to the great number of people in the
world wh' still go unshod," says a
bulletin from the headquarters of the
National Geographic Society, "and to
the varied kinds of footwear in use
from the polar regions to the tropics.
The tropical countries are the strong-
holds of the great unshod, In Africa,
parts of Central America, the north-
ern portion of South America and in
southern Asia, the majority of the
human feet are devoid of covering
The Orange Pekoe, at a little
extra cost, is extra good
is In dean, bright Alurninurrnri
"A vain girl considers herself com-
plimented when a young doctor tells
her she has acute neuritis." 1
Break Colds with Minard's Liniment.
We have in England the ridiculous
situation of' more and more 'writers
determined to write books and more
and more people not very anxious to
read them.—Hugh Walpole.
ht /ill
Classified Advertisements
el + PER Por.7ND ur. TWJ NT•y-
s' L' .1 t°•) one samples free. Stocking 8a
darn uis, Dept. 1, Ori lila Ont.
Detour Makes Difference
She—"Men are ell alike --whatever
you say to them goes In one ear and
out the other:"
He—"And what is said to a woman
goes in one ear and out at the
mouth."---Buen Humo. (Madrid).
You cannot learn to be a comic;
f't is a gift from God.—Sir Harry
Canadian Artist's Series
Christmas Cards
J3ea.utiful Hand -Coloured. Christmas
Cards designed by Canada's Leading
.A.rtists. Twvelve especially attractive
Cards with charming and appropriate
sentiments may be purchased at a
considerable saving in boxed assort-
ments at 50c, $1.O0, and $1.50.
Published by
172 SirncoE ST., TOUONTO
List of "Wanted Inventions
and FuII Information Sent Free
on Request.
THE 13,41ra'SAY CO., Dept. W.
273 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont.
Fragrant, Antiseptic
Cleansing and Seaulifyi nn
A Preventive
For preventing stiffness and
further pain from sprains
and hurts of any kind use
hen your
for It
There is hardly a household that
through the seasons and from the , hasn't heard of Castoria ! At least five
cradle to the grave. In the cooler !million homes are never without it. If
parts of the earth, both rigorous wea-(there are children in your family,
ther and the greater activity of the there's almost daily need of its cam -
people have made foot -coverings nec-' fort. And any night may find you
essary during the winter months at !very thankful th.ere's a bottle, in the
house. Just a few drops, and that
lean is in the warm regions just out -1 colic or , constipation is relieved; or
diarrhoea checked. A vegetable pro-(
side the tropics, such as Egypt and duct; a baby remedy meant for young 1
Mesopotamia, that we can trace civil- folks..Castoria is about the only thing
ization fartsavs hest into the past. There you have ever heard doctors ,advise
the,1 ' e and lower classes could go giving to infants. -Stranger medicines
are dangerous to a tiny baby, however
conmiortabiy throughout the year with Harmless they may be to grown-ups.
out protecting' their feet, but the use Good old Castoria! Remember the
of shoes for the upper classes develop- name, and remember to buy it. It may
with acute appendicitis and.the oiler- ed at an early date. The primary spare you a sleepless, anxious night.
consideration was to protect the bot- It is always ,ready, always safe to
ation left me in a very weakened
toms of the feet. Therefore, the sen- use; in emergencies, or for everyday
dal was the first type of shoe to be night that Baby becomes fretful„ or
invented. It was merely a flat piece nightrestless. Castoriaaby was never moreo
of some protective material bound
state. My Mother, learning of the
value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pi11s, had'
me take them and after using them
for seine time I can say the result
was simply wonderful, as they corn -
difficult to obtain both in the Nile
! pletely restored my health, and now and in the Tigris Euphrates Valleys,
when opportunity occurs I always sandals of crudely plaited straw and
reeds were first used. Later the Egyp-
tians made sandals and light shoes of
beautiful workmanship from leather
and kid.
"In Palestine the ancient Hebrews
wore sandals made of a heavy piece
of leather, of cloth, or, less frequently,
of wood. A few of the latter, for
rough use, were shod with iron. The
Greeks and Romans, starting with a
simple sandal, improved on it in time
by adding edges which turned up along
the thongs passed over the top of the
foot and around the ankle, foreshadow-
ine the closed shoe The thongs be -
ailments. Any hour of the day cr
popular with mothers than it is today,
loosely to the foot Since wood was Every druggist has it,
recommend these pills to weak, pale
girls suffering as I did."
You can get the pills from your
druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Britain Building 20 Times
As Many Ships as America
London—American competition
shipbuilding; the greatest menace to
British supremacy between 1916 and
1920, has now ceased to exist, in the
opinion of British investors.
With a general depression, which carne sheets -of leather a:nd shoes and.
makes it a real trial of competitive boots were born in Europe,
strength, England is building, twenty "In central and northern Europe the
times a smany oceanzgoing vessels as cold winters made it necessary, of
the United States and 50 per cent
More.,. than all Contire.ntai countries
put together.
Within the last few Weeks British Grass was stuffed in under the soles
shipbuilders have obtained contracts of the feet and around them to acid
from the United States, Norway, warmth. Later, well•made boots of '
Sweden, France, Spain, Canada, leather replaced this crude footwear.
Argentina and Chili. :One firm on the "The greatest single factor in the
Tyne has booked the biggest order development' of modern shoes was the
on record,, that of ten ships for invention of shoenaaking machinery.
Canada.•American inventors were first in this.,
.;. field and, as a result, the United
Appetizer States leads the world in shoe produc-
'T'he young people, of the p'hst ;Bap tion.: In 1926 more than 324,000,000
ill have a little net -tow 'pairs of boots and ,in
st Church w shoes were turned
course, to cover the feet and legs
when oat -of -doors. In early times,
crude seeks of skins were made.
Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Grainland, Sask.---"I am glad that
• I heard of that good Lydia E. Pink-
s medicine and
I will not be with-
out it again. I was
so sick that I could
not work at all and
could not sew on
the machine. Mir
aunt told me of
Lydia E. Fink -
ham's Vegetable
I am telling all of
gofriends how
d it is and I will
,answer all letters I get from women."
—MEs.11MAny SclIULTIEES, Grainland,
ISSUE No. 44—'28
K 14 L
Improves Hearing, . Relieves Head Noises
Nine out of ten cases of DEAFNESS and HEAD NOISES are
caused by catarrhal mucus (matter) in the Eustachian Tubes, which
connects the nose and the ears. Leonard Ear Oil removes the MUCUS,
THE HEAD, and the result is improved Hearing and relief from Head
Noises: It is not put the ears, but is ".INSERTED IN THE NOS-
TRILS" and "RUBBED in BACK OF THE EARS" and special in-
structions by a noted Ear Specialist in each package for different
kinds of Deafness and Head Noises tell you exactly how to take care
of your own case. Leonard Ear Oil is not an experiment but has had
a very large and constantly growing sale since 1007, and every year it
has relieved thousands of people of their Ear Troubles. No matter
how long you have been deaf, nor how deaf you are, or what caused
your deafness, or how many things you have already tried which have
failed to relieve ;yen, Leonard Eat Oil has relieved. many such as
as your own. Why not you? The price is $1.25. Leonard Ear Oil is
for sale at Druggists, or direct postpaid upon receipt of price.
interesting Maw. sent on request
A. Q. Leonard, Inc., 70 Fifth Ave" New York